(共31张PPT)
U3L3:
What’s
your
father’s
job?
川教版
五年级上
Unit3:
Lesson
3:
What’s
your
father’s
job?
目标计划:
01:采用先整体再局部的学习方式,学习课文中你不认识的单词与词组。
02:掌握重点句型:Who’s
the
man
next
to
your
uncle?
What’s
your
father’s
job?
He
is
a
doctor.等。
03:
掌握语法:特殊疑问词的选择和应用;关于职业询问的几种英文表达方法,即同义句转换。
04:总结考点和做题方法。
对知识翘首以盼。。
Let’s
talk:
text
速读:
Wow!
This
man
is
so
cool!
Which
man?
The
man
in
blue.
He
is
my
uncle.
He’s
a
football
player.
Oh
,
great!
like
football
very
much.
Who
is
the
man
next
to
your
uncle?
He’s
my
father.
What’s
your
father’s
job?
He’s
a
doctor,
and
my
mother
is
a
dancer.
Good!
This
little
boy
must
be
you.
You
are
right.
张开嘴,大声读
Let’s
talk:
text
精讲:
Which
man?哪个男人?
Which:特殊疑问词,哪一个,对特定范围内对象提问
a
football
player:
足球运动员
穿着蓝色衣服的男人
Let’s
talk:
text
精讲:
金句复习:
挨着你叔叔的男人是谁
What’s
your
father’s
job?你父亲是做什么工作的?
这个小男孩一定是你
must
be表示肯定推测,一定是
Vocabulary:词汇强化
football
player
[?f?tb??l
?ple??(r)]
足球运动员
play-player
doctor
[?d?kt?(r)]
医生
or发/?/
Vocabulary:词汇强化
dancer
[?dɑ?ns?(r)]
舞蹈家
dance-dancer
which
[w?t?]
哪一个
wh发/w/;
ch发/t?/
Let’s
talk:
见微知著
What’s
your
father’s
job?
你父亲是做什么的?
同义句:
What
does
your
father
do?
job:可数名词,工作;
同义词
:work,work作为名词表示工作,是不可数名词
father:名词所有格:father’s.父亲的
你是嘎哈的?
Work
in
pairs:
金句示例:
Who
is
the
woman
beside
you?
She
is
my
mother.
What’s
her
job?
She
is
a
doctor.
注意:主语和代词的对应性,即man/boy等男性对应he
,
his;
woman/girl等女性对应she,
her.
Let’s
learn:
根据对话和所给单词,写两组句子:
Vocabulary:词汇强化
driver
[?dra?v?(r)]
司机
drive-driver
singer
[?s???(r)]
歌手
sing-singer
worker
[?w??k?(r)]
工人
work-worker
Vocabulary:词汇强化
nurse
[n??s]
护士
ur发/??/
cook
[k?k]
厨师
oo发/u/
policeman
[p??li?sm?n]
警察
policewoman:女警
词汇考察
根据句子翻译,在横线处填上合适的职业名词:
1.
My
uncle
dances
very
well.
He
is
a
__________.
2.
He
drives
a
bus.
He
is
a
_______________.
3.
work
in
a
factory.
am
a
_________.
4.
She
teaches
Chinses
in
this
school.
She
is
a
_________.
5.
Daming
likes
football.
And
he
is
a
____________.
小菜一碟
词汇考察
根据句子翻译,在横线处填上合适的职业名词:
1.
My
uncle
dances
very
well.
He
is
a
dancer.
2.
He
drives
a
bus.
He
is
a
driver.
3.
work
in
a
factory.
am
a
worker.
4.
She
teaches
Chinses
in
this
school.
She
is
a
teacher.
5.
Daming
likes
football.
And
he
is
a
player
.
课内练习:
Fill
in
the
blanks
with
what,
where,
why,
who
or
when.
______is
the
woman
in
front
of
Miss
Li?
______
is
in
your
bag?
______
is
my
blue
dress?
______
do
you
get
up
in
the
morning?
______
are
you
here?
这题你是偷着难为我!
课内练习:
Fill
in
the
blanks
with
what,
where,
why,
who
or
when.
Who
is
the
woman
in
front
of
Miss
Li?
What
is
in
your
bag?
Where
is
my
blue
dress?
When
do
you
get
up
in
the
morning?
Why
are
you
here?
根据翻译确定特殊疑问词的选择,who问人,what问做什么或是什么;where问地点,when问时间,why问原因。
趁热打铁:再来一道
选择适当的答语。
⑴What
do
you
do
on
the
weekend?
________
⑵Why
are
you
shopping
today?
________
⑶When
do
you
get
up?
________
⑷Where
is
Tom?
________
A.
often
get
up
at
6:00.
B.
usually
play
ping-pang
with
friends.
C.
He
is
in
the
library.
D.
My
mother
is
ill.
So
I'm
shopping
today.
这题看上去好陌生。。
趁热打铁:再来一道
答案解析(问什么,答什么)
⑴What
do
you
do
on
the
weekend?
⑵Why
are
you
shopping
today?
⑶When
do
you
get
up?
⑷Where
is
Tom?
A.
often
get
up
at
6:00.
B.
usually
play
ping-pang
with
friends.
C.
He
is
in
the
library.
D.
My
mother
is
ill.
So
I‘m
shopping
today.(because与so不能连用)
Read
and
Understand
Read
and
Understand
Writing
like
a
god
Practice
随堂练习:
一、单项选择:
Wow!
This
man
is
so
cool!
-_______man?
Which
What
Whose
2.This
little
boy
must
______you.
are
is
be
3.
She
cooks
well,
and
she
is
a
________.
cooker
cook
cooking
4.
What’s
your
________job?
sister’s
sister
sisters’
随堂练习:
一、单项选择:
Wow!
This
man
is
so
cool!
-_______man?
Which
What
Whose
2.This
little
boy
must
______you.
are
is
be
3.
She
cooks
well,
and
she
is
a
________.
cooker
cook
cooking
4.
What’s
your
________job?
sister’s
sister
sisters’
随堂练习:
二、用所给单词的正确形式填空:
1.________(who)
book
is
this?
2.
You
must
________(be)
successful.
3.
Who’s
the
man
beside
________(he)?
4.
He
likes
singing
and
he
is
a
________(sing).
5.
_____(they)
factories
are
huge.
随堂练习:
二、用所给单词的正确形式填空:
1.
Whose
(who)
book
is
this?
2.
You
must
be
(be)
successful.
3.
Who’s
the
man
beside
him
(he)?
4.
He
likes
singing
and
he
is
a
singer
(sing).
5.
Their
(they)
factories
are
huge.
随堂练习:
三、按要求写句子:
What’s
her
job?(同义句)
____________________________________
2.My
uncle
is
a
dancer.(对划线部分提问)
_____________________________________
3.There
are
four
people
in
the
picture.(对划线部分提问)
_____________________________________
随堂练习:
三、按要求写句子:
What’s
her
job?(同义句)
What
doer
she
do?
2.My
uncle
is
a
dancer.(对划线部分提问)
What’s
your
uncle’s
job?
3.There
are
four
people
in
the
picture.(对划线部分提问)
How
many
people
are
there
in
the
picture?
Summary:总结
特殊疑问词的选择:
问什么,答什么;答什么,问什么
Who:谁,对人提问;
whose
谁的,对所属关系提问;
which,哪一个,对特定范围内的对象提问;
where哪里,对地点提问;
when什么时候,对时间提问;
what什么,对做什么或是什么提问
问职业的几种表达:
What’s
your
job?
What
do
you
do?
Where
do
you
work?
请笑纳。。
Thank
you
谢谢
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