中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台
PEP四年级下册Unit
What
time
is
it?
Let’s
talk教学设计
教学内容
PEP四年级下册Unit
What
time
is
it?
Let’s
talk
教学目标
一、知识目标:
1、学生能够掌握句型“What
time
is
it
now?以及回答It’s
…+具体的时间。
2、学生能够理解和区分句型“Time
to
go
home.
It’s
time
for
dinner.”表述该做某事的时间到了。
3、能够听说并理解以下词汇:over,
kids,
go
home,
o’clock
二、能力目标:
1、通过课文的学习,能在实际生活中正确使用主句型What
time
is
it?
It’s
…/
It’s
time
to/
for…
。
2、能够结合自身运用语言在真实情景中进行口语交流。
三、情感目标:
教育孩子要有一个正确的时间观念,孩子能合理安排自己的时间,不虚度光阴,珍惜时间。
教学重难点
重点:
掌握句型What
time
is
it?并在真实的语境中回答It’s
…,同时能掌握并正确运用句型It’s
time
to/for…。
难点:
1、能够使用句型“School
is
over.”表述放学了。
2、能够认识并在情境中运用以下词汇:over,
kids,
go
home,
o’clock
3、能够知道p.m.与a.m.所代表的含义。
教学过程
一、Pre-learning
1.Greeting.
2.Sing
a
song.
(What
time
is
it?)
【设计意图】
问候热身,增进了解。歌曲激趣,知识铺垫。
3.Revision
(
Review
the
numbers
and
lead
in
“clock”
.)
【设计意图】
通过数字复习旧知,形成一个时钟,有趣生动,吸引学生的注意力。
二、While-learning
1.Lead
in
“What
time
is
it?
It’s
...o’clock.”句型操练
(1)Sharp
eyes.
(2)Body
clock.Game
over.引出over,
自然突破over这个新词。
【设计意图】
通过视觉和听觉来操练句型,培养学生的视觉素养和听觉素养,从而加深对句型的理解和运用。
Let’s
learn:It’s...o’clock.It’s
time
for/to....
【设计意图】
突破It’s
time
for/to....的用法,并同时突破了本课的新词dinner,go
home,拓展了对a.m/p.m的认识。
3.Think
and
say.
引出两个情景:下课和放学。Think:What
do
you
do?
【设计意图】
在情境中进行头脑风暴,培养学生的思维品质,让学生理解和掌握over,
kids,
go
home,
o’clock进行教学,突破本课的难点。
4.Look
and
say.观察图片获取基本信息。
【设计意图】
培养学生学会通过观察图片获取信息的能力,有效培养学生的视觉素养。
5.Listen
and
answer.
听对话回答问题。
【设计意图】
根据有效的问题,通过对话的听力训练,培养学生在听力的过程中获取问题的关键信息。
Watch
and
read
.观看视频模仿语音。
【设计意图】
由听力的语言转化成图画的语言,使学生进一步地理解对话,并能模仿对话训练,让学生掌握课文的正确发音和标准的语音语调。
Let’s
act
out.演绎对话。
Moral
education:Make
a
timetable
and
manage
your
time
properly.Don’t
waste
time.
【设计意图】
在与同伴或老师的合作下,完成对话的演绎,使对话更加生动灵活。同时渗透情感教育,引导学生合理规划时间。
Post-learning
1.Let’s
create.创编对话。
【设计意图】
通过改编内容,内化提升学生对语言的运用能力,也了解孩子的时间规划,并及时作出指导。
2.Match
and
say.认识城市,认识非整点时间的表达。
【设计意图】
通过世界多个国家的时间差,引导孩子们理解时间差这个概念,拓展和感知科学规律知识。
四、Homework
1.Make
a
cute
clock
and
try
to
tell
the
time
in
practice.
2.Search
online
about
how
to
use
time
difference
to
compute
the
time
in
other
places.
【设计意图】
提升孩子动手能力,结合实际运用知识。
21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台
四年级下册Unit
What
time
is
it?A
Let’s
talk课后习题
1.
Read
the
English
story《What's
the
time,Mr
wolf》with
your
parents.
跟父母一起阅读时间绘本《What's
the
time,Mr
wolf》故事。
2.
Make
a
time
plan.
为自己制定一个时间表。(样板如下)
21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)
at,s
the
e
Mr
anda
Enright
John
s
timetable
6:30
It's
time
to
get
up.
7:00It's
time
for
breakfast
7:
It's
time
to
go
to
school
10:
It's
time
for
Enqlish
class
12:
It's
time
for
lunch
2:
It's
time
for
music
class
3:
It's
tie
for
pe
class
4:
It's
time
to
go
home
9:00
It's
time
to
go
to
bed
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21世纪教育网ww.21cnjy.com(以下简称“本网站”)系属深圳市二一教育
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深圳市二一教育股份有限公司中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台
四年级下册Unit
What
time
is
it?A
Let’s
talk第一课时导学案
(
p.m
)
(
It's
__________
.
)Let’s
try.根据图片,完成句子。
(
It's
time
for
/
to
go
home
.
.
)
(
a
.m
)
(
It's
_________.
)go
home
(
It's
time
for
/
to
lunch.
.
)
lunch
(
Tips
library
图书馆
park
公园
supermarket
超市
swimming
pool
游泳池
playground
操场
breakfast
早餐
lunch
午餐
dinner
晚餐
do
homework
做作业
watch
看电视
water
the
flowers
浇花
play
football
踢足球
read
books
看书
......
)二、Let’s
create.
根据所提供的单词,创设一个新的对话。
(
B:.
)
(
A:Hi!
School
is.
Let
’
s
go
to
the.
)
(
A:What
time
is
it
?
)
(
B:It's.
)
(
C:Time,
.
)
(
A:What
time
is
it?
)
(
B:It's.
It's
time
.
)
(
A:Oh!Let's
go!
)
将时钟和对应的时间用线连起来。
21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)(共33张PPT)
Unit
What
time
is
it?
Let's
talk
四年级
下册
Time
for
class!
Sing
a
song
This
is
a
.
clock
Revision
o’clock
(…点钟)
5:00
9:00
1:00
7:00
3:00
8:00
11:00
clock
Let's
learn
A:What
time
is
it?
B:It's
...
o'clock.
Let's
try.
Body
clock
听指令,用身体表达时间,如左图。
Time
to
play!
Let's
try.
Body
clock
听指令,用身体表达时间,如左图。
A.结束
B.开始
Let's
try.
over
Let's
learn
It's
6:00
p.m.
go
to
school
dinner
Tips
a.m上午
p.m下午
It's
time
for+名词
It's
time
to+动词
It's
time
for
dinner.
It's
7:00
a.m.
It's
time
to
go
to
school
.
p.m
a.m
Let's
say.
go
home
It's
.
It's
time
for
/
to
go
home
.
4:00
p.m
lunch
It's
.
It's
time
for
/
to
lunch.
11:00
a.m
p.m
a.m
Tips
a.m上午
p.m下午
It's
time
for+名词
It's
time
to+动词
Class
is
over.
What
do
you
do,kids?
Think
and
say.
You
can
answer:
read
books/play
games....
School
is
over.
What
do
you
do,kids?
Think
and
say.
You
can
answer:
go
home/play
basketball....
Now
school
is
over.
What
do
John
and
Wu
Yifan
do
?
Look
and
say.
1.Where
do
they
go
after
school?
Listen
and
answer.
2.What
time
do
they
go
home?
3.How
long
do
they
play
basketball?
Listen
and
answer.
Hi!
School
is
over.
Let’s
go
to
the
playground.
All
right.
Great!
Good
idea!
Hi!
School
is
over.
Let’s
go
to
the
playground.
1.Where
do
they
go
after
school?
Listen
and
answer.
2.What
time
do
they
go
home?
3.How
long
do
they
play
basketball?
They
go
to
the
playground.
Listen
and
answer.
What
time
is
it
now?
What
time
is
it?
It’s
o’clock.
It’s
time
for
dinner.
Time
to
go
home,kids.
Oh!
Let’s
go!
It’s
o’clock.
Time
to
go
home,kids.
It’s
o’clock.
It’s
time
for
dinner.
1.Where
do
they
go
after
school?
Listen
and
answer.
2.What
time
do
they
go
home?
3.How
long
do
they
play
basketball?
They
go
to
the
playground.
They
go
home
at
o'clock.
Listen
and
answer.
What
time
is
it
now?
What
time
is
it?
It’s
o’clock.
It’s
time
for
dinner.
Time
to
go
home,kids.
Oh!
Let’s
go!
It’s
o’clock.
Time
to
go
home,kids.
It’s
o’clock.
It’s
time
for
dinner.
It’s
o’clock.
1.Where
do
they
go
after
school?
Listen
and
answer.
2.What
time
do
they
go
home?
3.How
long
do
they
play
basketball?
They
go
to
the
playground.
They
go
home
at
o'clock.
They
play
basketball
for
hour(小时).
Listen
and
answer.
What
time
is
it
now?
What
time
is
it?
It’s
o’clock.
It’s
time
for
dinner.
Time
to
go
home,kids.
Oh!
Let’s
go!
=children小孩
It’s
o’clock.
现在
Watch
and
read.
Let's
act
out.
What
time
is
it?
It’s
o’clock.
It’s
time
for
dinner.
Oh!
Let’s
go!
Hi!
School
is
over.
Let’s
go
to
the
playground.
What
time
is
it
now?
It’s
o’clock.
Time
to
go
home,
kids.
Moral
education.
Make
a
timetable
and
manage
time
properly
合理计划,分配时间
Don't
waste
time!
不浪费时间
2:15
12:00
10:40
6:30
7:00
4:50
7:20
3:00
9:00
It’s
time
for
lunch
.
It’s
time
for
English
class
.
It’s
time
for
breakfast.
It’s
time
for
music
class.
It’s
time
to
go
home.
It’s
time
to
go
to
school
.
It’s
time
for
class.
It’s
time
to
get
up
.
It’s
time
to
go
to
bed.
John's
timetable
Let's
create.
A:Hi!
School
is
.
Let’s
go
to
the
.
B:
.
A:What
time
is
it
?
B:It's
.
C:Time
,
.
A:What
time
is
it?
B:It's
.
It's
time
.
A:Oh!Let's
go!
Tips
library图书馆
park
公园
supermarket超市
swimming
pool
游泳池
playground操场
breakfast早餐
lunch午餐
dinner晚餐
do
homework做作业
watch
TV看电视
water
the
flowers浇花
play
football踢足球
read
books看书......
Let's
play.
Match
and
say.
Let's
play.
Tips
1.时差是因为地球自转引起的两个地区地方时之间的差别。
In
Beijing,it's
8:10
p.m.
In
New
York,it's
7:10
a.m.
......
2.非整点时间的表达:
直接说出时和分的数字。如8:10的表达:eight
ten
1.Make
a
cute
clock
and
try
to
tell
the
time
in
practice.(自制一个可爱的钟表练习时间的表达)
2.Search
online
about
how
to
use
time
difference
to
compute
the
time
in
other
places.(上网搜索如何利用时差计算其他地方的时间。)
Homework.
谢谢观看!
谢谢
21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)
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