(共23张PPT)
译林版英语
三年级上
Unit
Would
you
like
a
pie?
第一课时
Story
time
Let's
guess
Would
you
like
?
an
egg
猜一猜,包里有什么呢?
Yes,
please.
No,
thank
you.
猜一猜,包里有什么呢?
Would
you
like
?
a
hot
dog
Yes,
please.
No,
thank
you.
Let's
guess
猜一猜,包里有什么呢?
Would
you
like
?
Yes,
please.
No,
thank
you.
a
cake
Let's
guess
猜一猜,包里有什么呢?
Would
you
like
?
a
sweet
Yes,
please.
No,
thank
you.
Let's
guess
猜一猜,包里有什么呢?
Would
you
like
?
an
ice
cream
Yes,
please.
No,
thank
you.
Let's
guess
猜一猜,包里有什么呢?
Would
you
like
?
a
pie
Yes,
please.
No,
thank
you.
Let's
guess
an
ice
cream
a
pie
an
egg
a
sweet
a
cake
a
hot
dog
Let's
read
This
is
my
sister,
Helen.
Look
and
say
What
can
you
see?
(你能看见什么?)
Who
can
you
see?
(你能看见谁?)
你能跟新朋友Helen打招呼吗?
Nice
to
meet
you,
Helen!
很高兴见到你,海伦!
Tip:
Nice
to
meet
you.
用于第一次见面,
一般的场合都可以,比较正式。
回答:Nice
to
meet
you,
too.
What
would
like?
Watch
and
choose
What
would
like?
Watch
and
choose
What
would
like?
Watch
and
choose
How
do
you
know
Helen
would
like
a
cake?
自读课文,划出你是怎么知道Helen喜欢蛋糕的?
What
about
a
cake?
Would
you
like
a
pie?
Read
and
find
一个蛋糕怎么样?
No,
thank
you.
Yes,
please.
Read
and
follow
注意模仿录音的语音语调!
小组合作,每个小组选择其中一种方式来快乐阅读。
Reading
阅读
Read
together
齐读
Read
after
the
leader
跟读
Read
one
by
one
一人一句朗读
Let's
read
Let's
act
四人一小组,分角色表演对话!
A:
Would
you
like
…?
B:
Yes,
please.
/
No,
thank
you.
A:
What
about
…?
B:
Yes,
please.
/
No,
thank
you.
用这些句子来和你的同桌分享吧。
Ask
and
answer
(3)征求别人意见时可以说:
(1)今天我们学了一些食品类词汇:
a
cake,
a
pie,
a
hot
dog,
a
sweet
...
(2)和别人第一次见面时,可以说:
Nice
to
meet
you.
你可以回答:
Nice
to
meet
you,
too.
Would
you
like
…?
What
about
…?
Let's
summarize
Homework
1.听录音,跟读
Story
time。
2.试着和同学们表演课文。
3.完成练习。
翻译下列词组。1.
这个热狗_________________
2.
my
sister_________________3.
一个红蛋_________________
4.
this
sweet_________________5.
一个冰激凌_________________
6.
Would
you
like
a
pie?_________________
7.
我的蛋糕_________________
8.
What
about...?
_________________
9.
Nice
to
meet
you._________________
this
hot
dog
我的姐姐(妹妹)
a
red
egg
这个糖果
an
ice
cream
你想要个馅饼吗?
my
cake
……怎么样?
见到你很高兴。
谢谢
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