Unit 5 Working the Land
Reading and Thinking: A Pioneer for All People教案
本文是一篇人物介绍。全文六个段落呈现了人物介绍类文本常见的内容结构:身份简介(第一段)——核心事件(第二、三段)——影响力(第四段)——人物评价(第五、六段)。本文以标题“A Pioneer for All People”为统领,以袁隆平研发杂交水稻这个事件为核心,描述了他从事农业研究的初衷、为消除饥饿问题所做的努力、贡献及影响,赞扬了这位“全人类的先驱”的悲悯之心、使命感、创新能力、淳朴品质和追梦精神。
理解全文,明确文本的内容结构;细读前三段,以“pioneer”和“pioneering work”为主线梳理文本,完成关于杂交水稻研发的“袁隆平自述”。
1. 速读全文,归纳段落大意,提取文本的内容框架。
2. 通过细读前三段,了解袁隆平的身份和研发杂交水稻的相关信息,并学习相关语言,如:be known as, consider…as…, boost yields, attain a higher yield, expand their output, a cross between two or more varieties of a species, characteristic, conventional crops, self-pollinating plants。
3. 通过分析对比这一写作手法的作用,提升学生运用写作技巧表达意图的意识和能力。
4. 通过角色代入式复述,巩固内容和语言。
Activity 1: Introducing the topic
1. Discuss the hunger problem and what Yuan Longping has done to tackle this crisis.
Ask the students to read Yuan Longping’s quote “My lifelong pursuit is to keep all the people away from hunger” on the opening page of the unit.
Q1: What information can you get from the quote?
Q2: What do you know about the hunger problem in China and the world today? (Provide Hunger Map 2019 and ask the students to read the map to find relevant information.)
Q3: Do you know what Yuan Longping has done to relieve (alleviate) the hunger problem?
Activity 2. Making predictions
1. Understand the title.
Q1: What is a pioneer?
Q2: How do you understand the title “a pioneer for all people”?
2. Predict the contents of the text.
Ask the students to predict the contents of the text based on Yuan Longping’s quote and the title of the text.
【设计意图】本文的标题是全文的统领,对标题的解读有助于学生把握全文的内容要点。再则,本课时以“pioneer”和“pioneering work”为主线梳理文本,因此有必要理解标题中关键词的内涵。让学生依据标题和袁隆平的名言推断文本内容,能激活学生对于人物介绍类文本的背景图式,促使学生主动获取文本信息。
Activity 3: Getting the content structure of the text
1. Skim the text and check their predictions.
2. pide the passage into several meaningful parts and pair-check the pision (based on the main idea of each paragraph and the aspects they discuss about Yuan Longping).
Suggested pision:
Activity 4: Analyzing the key information in Paragraphs 1—3.
1. Read Paragraph 1 carefully and try to find out the link between Paragraph 1 and the title.
Q: What does Paragraph 1 tell us about Yuan Longping as a “pioneer for all people” directly and indirectly (at least 3 points)?
Possible answers: 1. Yuan is known as “father of hybrid rice”. Father means the first person to do something, or a pioneer. 2. His method of doing the pioneering work is mainly field research. 3. Yuan has devoted all his life to pioneering agricultural research.
2. Read Paragraphs 2—3 and draw a mind-map in pairs about Yuan Longping’s pioneering work. Then make a presentation of the mind-map. The mind-map should include a title, the key information and the logic between the information.
The following can be an example of the mind-map:
Activity 5. Commenting on Yuan’s qualities and evaluating the writing technique
Talk about what special qualities of Yuan Longping are exhibited in Paragraphs 1—3 and how the writer manages to make these qualities stand out.
Q1: What special qualities of Yuan Longping are exhibited in Paragraphs 1—3? Use three adjectives to describe him and give supporting evidence.
Q2: What technique does the writer use to make these qualities stand out? Find out all the examples in these paragraphs.
The following examples are for reference:
【设计意图】该活动旨在突出袁隆平作为农业先驱的品格,如:compassionate, devoted, innovative等,让学生用三个关键词来形容袁隆平,能让学生聚焦人物最突出的品质;让学生提供证据,能培养其求证思维。同时,该活动要求学生在分析人物品格时把内容与写作技巧结合在一起考虑,能提升其运用写作技巧描述与表达的意识和能力。
Activity 6. Consolidating the content and language
Suppose you were Yuan Longping—talk about your pioneering work concerning hybrid rice. You can include the motivation, process, challenges, results, etc.
Produce a language bank related to Yuan Longping’s status and his research into hybrid rice.
1. 通过细读、分析文本,理解作者称袁隆平为“梦想家”的事实依据,培养举证思维,同时学习特别是与“梦想”有关的词汇,如:fulfill one’s dream, envision…as, vision, become a reality, dream up
2. 通过分析、评价写作手法,探讨文本的优缺点,培养评判性阅读能力。
3. 通过深入理解袁隆平的梦想与成就,探讨缓解世界饥饿问题的途径。
4. 通过运用文本的语言和内容进行创意表达,受到人物德行的启发。
Activity 1: Checking homework and reviewing the contents
1. Present students’ own “Language Bank”. Talk about words and expressions that impressed them most.
【设计意图】通过分享个性化的“Language Bank”,学生之间可以相互学习,取长补短,同时再一次复习、巩固语言。
2. Review the contents of the text students learned in the previous lesson.
Q1: Do you still remember the content structure of the whole text and which aspects of Yuan Longping we discussed in the previous lesson?
Q2: Can you recall Yuan Longping’s quote on the opening page?
(Let’s find out how much his innovative hybrid rice has helped to alleviate the hunger problem.)
Activity 2: Analyzing and evaluating Paragraph 4
Q1: How much has Yuan Longping’s innovation helped to alleviate the hunger problem? What language and writing technique does the writer employ to emphasize such influence?
Q2: Suppose one person consumes 150 kg of rice per year. How many people can hybrid rice feed?
Suggested answer: It can feed about 1.3 billion people—approximately the whole population of China.
Q3: To make the abstract number concrete and give the readers a vivid impression, can you add some words to the sentence “…his strains have allowed China’s farmers to produce around 200 million tons of rice per year”?
Possible answer: …his strains have allowed China’s farmers to produce around 200 million tons of rice per year, enough to feed the whole of China.
(By making abstract things concrete, the writing will be more vivid and readers will have a better understanding of the content.)
【设计意图】问题1的设计针对第4段落的核心内容和语言,列数据、举例子是作者强调杂交水稻影响力时所用的主要写作手法,另外,表达因果关系的语言也特别典型,如allow…to do, because of…但是,教师可能会发现,作者使用的数据比较抽象,读者无法形成一个具体的、形象生动的印象,让学生自己去发现会有一定难度,因此设计了问题2、3,用以帮助学生感知、评价写作手法的优缺点。
Activity 3: Analyzing and evaluating Paragraphs 5&6
(Yuan Longping’s innovation has not only relieved the hunger problem but also earned himself numerous awards and a big fortune. If you were Yuan Longping, would you retire to a life of leisure?)
1. Read Paragraphs 5 & 6 closely to find out what Yuan Longping did after his great success.
Suggested answer: He didn’t retire to a life of leisure. Rather, he continued to do research on rice, such as seawater rice. Also, he made large donations to support agriculture research.
2. In the writer’s eyes, what kind of person is Yuan Longping? (Opinion) Why does he/she think so? (Supporting evidence) Is the writer’s idea well conveyed?
【设计意图】该活动围绕袁隆平的品格设计,关注语言和段落的内部结构。任务1需综合两段文字的内容来回答,而且,需要一定的推断能力。任务2中的提示性问题帮助学生理解段落的内容和语言架构。在整个解读过程中,学习相关语言,特别是有关梦想的表达,回顾“对比”写作手法的运用(Paragraph 5),学习段落结构(Topic Sentence + Supporting Details)。
Activity 4: Exploring ideas
1. Discuss Yuan Longping’s dreams.
Examine Yuan’s dream of sorghum-like rice and find out how far this dream has been realized.
(The teacher shows pictures of sorghum and super-yield rice on PPT.)
Translate Yuan Longping’s dream from Chinese to English.
Possible version:“I dreamed that our super high-yield hybrid rice grew taller than sorghum, with each ear as long as a broom and each grain as big as a peanut. How delighted I was! I went up, sitting underneath the crops to enjoy the cool.”
2. Suppose you were an official from FAO—comment on the significance of Yuan Longping’s lifelong pursuit in terms of alleviating world hunger.
Activity 5. Consolidating and transferring the knowledge.
Suppose you were Dr. Yuan again. Please make a short speech about dreams to inspire students to pursue their dreams.
1. 完成文本主要信息填空(斜体字部分设空):
As a witness to farmers’ poor harvests and even a severe shortage of food, Yuan Longping was determined to devote his life to tackling this crisis. After graduation, he realized that what farmers needed most was to boost yields in the fields. Yuan was convinced that the answer lay in the creation of hybrid rice, one characteristic of which is that it usually achieve higher output than conventional crops. However, it was no easy job. The first difficulty he needed to overcome was scientists’ general assumption that this could not be done. Through trial and error, Yuan managed to generate this incredible crop. It is estimated that about 60 percent of domestic rice consumption in China was comprised of crops generated from Yuan’s hybrid strains. His innovation has enabled Chinese farmers to considerably expand their output and helped feed the world. Unwilling to retire early to a life of leisure and unconcerned about celebrity or fortune, Yuan continues to turn one vision after another into realities.
2. 模仿写作:Do some research via the Internet and introduce another agricultural scientist, Chen Risheng(陈日胜), using the structure, expressions and writing techniques you have learnt from the text “A Pioneer for All People”.