(共51张PPT)
U2
I'm
Liu
Tao
fun
Time
and
story
time
Review
the
whole
story
!
Beat
the
virus
are
Su
Hai
you
yes
no
Yang
Ling
Liu
tao
Wang
Bing
Beat
the
virus
am
no
not
are
you
good
morning
afternoon
Let's
Guess
!Who
is
he
/she?
Let's
Guess
!Who
is
he
/she?
Let's
Guess
!Who
is
he
/she?
Let's
Try
and
Guess
!
Are
you
?
Yes,I
am.
No,I'm
not
Watch
and
Show
:
Let's
Try
!
Are
you
?
Yes,I
am.
No,I'm
not
What
are
they
doing?
What
are
they
doing?
They
are
playing
hide
and
seek.
What
are
they
saying?
What
are
they
saying?
They
are
saying
“Hi,Bobby!”
Bobby
has
got
one!
Who
is
he?
Bobby
says
?
Are
you
John?
Bobby
says:
Are
you
John?
No,I'm
not.
Bobby
got
anther
one
and
says
:
Are
you
John?
No,I'm
Sam.
Let's
ask
and
answer:
Are
you
?
No,I'm
not.
I'm
Yes,I
am.
What
is
Bobby
saying?
Goodbye,Sam.
Goodbye.
Let's
say:
Goodbye,
.
Goodbye.
Know
these
!
goodbye
再见
和别人结束对话
时使用。
Game
Time:
goodbye
Game1:
Get
it
hi
Get
it
Bobby
Get
it
Sam
Get
it
are
you
Get
it
John
Get
it
am
Get
it
yes
Get
it
not
Get
it
I'm
Sam.
Get
it
Game
2:
Eat
it
goodbye
Eat
it
hi
Eat
it
not
Eat
it
are
Eat
it
I'm
Eat
it
Yes
Eat
it
no
Eat
it
goodbye
Eat
it
Sam
Eat
it
are
you
Eat
it
John
Eat
it
you
Watch
and
say!
Summary
1.单词:
goodbye,John,
2.句型:
Goodbye.
Are
you
?
Yes,I
am;
No,I'n
not.
I'm
Homework
1.
听录音跟读cartoon
time
部分对话
2.
小组成员情景表演故事,
也可自己创编。
3.完成同步练习。
Good
bye
!
谢谢
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牛津译林英语三年级上册Unit
I'm
Liu
Tao
Fun
time
and
Story
time课时教案
课题
fun
time
and
story
time
单元
Unit2
学科
英语
年级
三上
学习目标
1.
能够熟读story
部分对话并能进行故事情境表演。2.
能够熟读cartoon
部分对话并能进行情境表演3.能够在告别时说goodbye4.
能完成review,PK部分并通过看接足球,吃鱼等游戏巩固所学句型以及单词,5.能够完成课堂练习。
重点
能够熟读cartoon部分对话并能进行情景表演。
难点
能够在告别时说goodbye
教学过程
教学环节
教师活动
学生活动
设计意图
Warm-up
Say
hello
to
each
other,复习上节课所学故事从而进行游戏
Say
hello
实际互动进入学习状态。
Presentation
and
practice
游戏打败病毒:
进行上节课学习内容的复习Let's
Guess
!Who
is
he
/she?
:让学生进行互动,根据图片,进行对话Are
youXXX?进行朗读,老师引导完成。(进行fun
time
游戏完成,可多选几组学生进行单人PK,或者小组PK)Let's
Try
and
Guess
!让学生进行fun
time
对话练习并在之后Watch
and
Show
:展示对话What
are
they
doing?
:让学生看并反馈听到的内容,练习句型内容Hi,Bobby.Bobby
has
got
one!:从Bobby抓到人以后进行猜测引出句型Are
you
XXX?以及回答Yes,I
am,No,I
am
not让学生猜出现的人物名字是什么,引出故事cartoon的相关内容从而进行正式课堂的内容教授,并让学生对于不同人物进行提问操练句型
Are
you
XXX?以及回答Yes,I
am,No,I
am
notBobby
says
:正式进入课文内容,看视频并说出Are
you
John?Bobby
got
anther
one
and
says
:再次看视频进行回答并进行跟读,
模仿语音语调,
进一步理解课文并引出问句Are
you
XXX?以及回答No,I‘m
not.What
is
Bobby
saying?最后观看视频说出临别时Bobby说“goodbye”并让学生进行Let's
say:练习goodbyeLanguage
point:Know
these
!goodbye再见和别人结束对话时使用。Get
it,恐龙接足球,学生读出足球上单词,才算过关Eat
it:鳄鱼吃鱼,学生读出鱼上单词,帮助鳄鱼吃东西,算过关点击图片超链接,观看视频,复习跟读纠正读音,同时进行再次的总结复习Tips:I
can
say.Goodbye.Are
you
?Yes,I
am;
No,I'n
not.I'm
引入课程Are
you
XXX?导入cartoon
time话题逐渐引出主要句型PracticeFree
talk
引出新知句型讲解知识点讲解对话练习,
情景表演对话练习,游戏句型巩固复习
介绍并复习句型Are
you
XXX?Free
talk引出相关知识话题导入学习音视频帮助学生理解课补充重点内容,
巩固知识点跟读模仿小组合作更好的掌握新授内容创设情景,
正确运用所学句型巩固练习
Summary
and
Homework
Summarygoodbye,John,Are
you
?Yes,I
am;
No,I'n
not.I'm
XXX.等的用法Homework1.
听录音跟读cartoon
time
部分对话
2.
小组成员情景表演故事,
也可自己创编。3.完成同步练习
积极完成作业
对学习成果的巩固。
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精品试卷·第
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Unit
I'm
Liu
Tao
Fun
time
and
Story
time
同步精练
一、根据图片内容写出句子。
(?Cartoon
time课文动画.swf?)1.
(?Cartoon
time课文动画.swf?)
(?Cartoon
time课文动画.swf?)
(?Cartoon
time课文动画.swf?)
(?Cartoon
time课文动画.swf?)
"动画
Cartoon
time.swf"
(?动画
Cartoon
time.swf?)n·
(?动画
Cartoon
time.swf?)
二、进行对话表演。
A:Goodbye.
B:Goodbye.
参考答案
一、1.Hi,Bobby.
2.Hi,Bobby.
Are
you
John?
4.No,I’m
not.
Are
you
John?
6.No.I’m
Sam.
二、小组式进行模仿对话表演
A:Goodbye.
B:Goodbye.
1.
2.
3.
4.
5.
6.
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精品试卷·第
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