Unit 1 How can I get there Part C story time 表格式教案


名称 Unit 1 How can I get there Part C story time 表格式教案
格式 docx
文件大小 3.1MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2020-08-10 09:03:34



课题:A Trip in London——PEP Unit 1 Part C story time
本课是六年级上册第一单元的故事课,故事内容生动有趣,通过Zoom在伦敦被fish and chips诱惑, 进而问路寻食展开故事。故事的知识主要围绕第一单元所学内容进行展开。本课利用Zoom与路人的问答,将文本与图片进行了转换,使故事文本变成了一张地图,直观、清晰地可供学生进行演绎、表达。另外,从文化角度出发,从美食、建筑、娱乐活动等方方面面向学生传达本故事里的英国文化背景知识,激发学生兴趣,并以一张模拟真实的简易英国伦敦地图,为学生留足语言发挥空间,发散学生思维。
4. 学习策略目标:能够通过文段,获取主旨大意,通过相关细节猜测词义。
能够理解故事大意,初步认识英国文化,综合运用本单元核心语言,在图片帮助下理解“London Eye, fish and chips, the Thames”.
Warming up &Revision
Enjoy some pictures of London
T: Zoom and Zip are searching some interesting pictures on line. What are these pictures about?
Ss enjoy the pictures and answer : London.
T: How do you know? What do you see in the pictures?
Ss: I see…
T: London is the capital city of the UK.
Do you like London?
What do you think of London?
Ss: I think London is …. Because…
Let’s chant.
T: Zoom and Zip want to travel to London. But they need to go to the airport first. Do they know how to get to the airport?
Ss: No.
T: We can use GPS to help them.
Ss chant.
Ss listen and chant.学生听GPS语音指令,跟老师一起边做动作边chant前两个路口。
Ss make a new chant 学生观看GPS指引,按节奏和同桌进行编创chant.
Ss look and then make a new chant with desk mates.
③ Ss think and guess
T: There are some other ways to the airport. Why do they choose this way to the airport?
Ss observe and then guess: Maybe he is a foodie. / Maybe he likes Chinese food…
T: Hooray! Finally, they arrive in the airport. They’re going to fly to have a nice trip.
Today’s story is about Zoom and Zip’s trip in London. Let’s go and have a look!(贴课题板书)
用视频欣赏伦敦,在课前就给学生大量的伦敦信息介绍,例如Fish and chips, London eye等等,为学生提供不同方面的伦敦文化,使学生能够对本课话题从一开始就有所了解,并未后方活动做好文化与思维铺垫。
Look and guess
T: Now, they have arrived in London. Look, where are they?
Ss: They are in a park.
T: They meet a boy in the park. Look at Zoom and the boy. What’s happening between them?
Ss: Zoom is hungry. He wants to eat the food in the boy’s hand.
T: What’s that food?
Ss guess.
T: Fish and chips. Does he eat the food at last? How does he get the food at last?
Ss guess.
Watch and answer
Ss watch and answer: He buys fish and chips in a shop. (贴板书)
Think and guess
T: Does he know the way to the fish and chip shop?
Ss: No.
T: He asks some people for help. How many people does he ask?
Ss: Three.
T: If you were Zoom, how would you ask ?
Ss think and guess: How can I get to…/ Where is…
Read quickly and find
Ss read and find out what Zoom say. 学生读前五幅图片,快速浏览找答案。
S1: Excuse me. Where can I buy one?
S2: Excuse me. Where is the London eye.
S3: Excuse me. Is the Thames far from here? (学生说完后跟读,教师贴板书)
Read, underline and circle
T: What do the men say?
Ss read it again, underline what they say and circle the places they mentioned.
T checks the answer: What do the men say?
Ss: Near the London Eye. Go that way.
It’s next to the film museum near the Thames.
No. Go straight and turn left.
T: What places are mentioned?
Ss: London Eye. Film museum. The Thames. (学生说,教师贴板书并带读)
学生通过板书初步了解London Eye. the Thames.
Look and match.
Ss match the pictures with the sentences of what the three men say.
Enjoy and learn.
T introduces the London Eye and the Thames to Ss.
Discuss and choose
T:Do you know the correct place of London now?
Ss discuss with desk mate and choose the correct place of the shop.
T places the pictures with students to check the answer.
Listen and act
T:Finally, Zoom and Zip find the shop. How do they feel?
Ss think and answer.
T: What does Zoom say?
Ss look and read: Zip, look!
T: What does Zoom say?
Ss listen and follow: Finally!
T:Finally means at last. Because it’s not easy to find the shop. So they are very happy, but also a little tired.
S1 acts as Zoom: Zip, look!
Ss act as Zip: Finally!
通过路人的描述,合作让学生选一选fish and chips的位置,使文本可视化,能进一步让学生直观理解三幅图的文本内涵,同时在过程中也能发展学生一定的合作能力。
Listen, repeat and act.
Ss read after the tape.
Let’s act
Ss work in four and choose one level to act the story.学生可根据自己的能力,选择看完整对话表演,也可以挑战看板书上的对话框架表演。

level1 level 2
Look and act
T: Finally, they find the shop. How do they feel?
Ss: They are so happy.
T: What does Zoom say?
Ss look and say: Zip, look!
T: How about Zip?
Ss listen and answer: Finally!
T:Finally means “at last”. Is it easy to find the shop?
Ss: No.
T: Maybe he feels very happy but a little...?
Ss think and say: tired.
S1 act as Zoom.
Ss act as Zip.
Listen and guess.
T: Now, they enter the shop. They are tired and hungry. So how much will they order?
Ss listen and answer: Three large portions and one small one.
Ss follow to read “portion”
T: What does it mean? Ss look and choose.
T:Do you think how many portions are for Zoom?
Ss guess and share their opinions and tell the reasons.
Read along with the audio
T: After eating so much Fish and chips, what happens?
S1: He feels stomach hurts.
Ss acts like stomachache: Oh, my stomach hurts. I miss my tanghulu.
T: Can you act as Zip?
One student acts as Zoom. The other students act as Zip.
Ss read along with the audio to enjoy the whole story again.
T: Why does Zoom feels stomachache but still says “ I want to eat my tanghulu”?
Ss guess: Maybe he misses Chinese food./ Maybe tanghulu can make his stomach better./
Maybe tanghulu is his favourite food….
Ss act as Zoom and share the reasons: Because I miss Chinese food/ Because I love tanghulu…
Work in four: Making up a nice ending
T: If you were Zip, would you agree to eat tanghulu?
Ss share their opinions and tell reasons.
T: If you want to have a nice trip, you should eat tasty food, but also should go to see some beautiful places and do some fun activities.
T introduces different places of London and shows a map to students.
Ss work in four to make up a better ending for this story.
S1: Oh, my stomach hurts. I miss my tanghulu.
S2: You still want to eat?
S1: Because…
S2: Yes./ No. Let’s … I/ can want to…
S2: OK./ Sure…
S1: Excuse me. How can I get to…?/ Where is…?/ Is… far from here?/ Where can I buy…?
S3: Go…/ Turn…
S4: Go…/ Turn…
S1/ S2: Thank you.
S1:Zip, look!
S2: Finally!...
通过对nice trip的阐述,让学生了解旅游可以从不同方面进行欣赏、游览。
Read after the audio 3 times.
Google to know more about London.