(共30张PPT)
Unit
Seeing
a
film
(2)
牛津深圳版
六年级上
Game
time
shall
boring
brave
policeman
weekend
next
time
police
exciting
princess
孔雀开屏
点击孔雀,出现第一根羽毛,读上面的单词。
并点击一下出现下一根羽毛。以此类推。
Let’s
review
Let’s
review
Jill,
Kitty
and
Peter
are
going
to
________
this
weekend.
What
would
Kitty
like
to
see?
She’d
like
to
see
__________.
What
about
Peter?
He’d
like
to
see
a
film
about
_____.
He
thinks
it’s
________.
see
a
film
Snow
White
police
exciting
Lead-in
Click
here
What
story
is
the
song
about?
Do
you
know
the
story
about
Snow
White
and
the
seven
dwarfs?
Let’s
watch
Click
here
Let’s
learn
Once
upon
a
time,
there
was
a
queen.
She
had
a
magic
mirror.
从前,讲故事常用语
mirror
镜子
queen
王后
Let’s
learn
Who’s
the
fairest
of
all?
Snow
White.
fairy
形容词,美丽的
fairiest
最美丽的
Let’s
learn
The
queen
was
very
angry.
She
wanted
to
kill
Snow
White.
生气的
杀死
Let’s
learn
Snow
White
was
afraid
and
ran
away.
be
afraid
(of)
害怕……
am
afraid
of
dogs.
我怕狗。
run
away
逃跑,跑掉
The
thief
ran
away
at
last.
小偷最后逃跑了。
Let’s
learn
Snow
White
met
seven
little
friends
in
the
forest.
She
stayed
with
them.
seven
dwarfs
七个小矮人
遇见
和……呆(住)在一起
stayed
with
my
grandma
last
summer
holiday.
去年暑假我和奶奶一起住。
Let’s
learn
The
next
day,
the
queen
asked
the
mirror
again.
又一次,再
Who’s
the
fairest
of
all?
Snow
White
in
the
forest.
Let’s
learn
The
queen
was
angry.
She
came
to
the
forest
and
gave
Snow
White
an
apple.
Here’s
an
apple.
Let’s
learn
Snow
White
tasted
the
apple
and
then
fell
asleep.
fall
asleep
睡着
fell
asleep
late
last
night.
我昨晚很晚才睡着。
Magic
eyes
run
away
kill
fairest
magic
mirror
once
upon
a
time
Game
time
queen
stay
with
fall
asleep
Practice
Listen
and
repeat
要求:
1.注意自己的语音语调,单词发音准确。
2.一小组朗读时,其他小组认真听并评分。
朗读基本流利,声音比较洪亮。
朗读较为流利,声音很洪亮。
朗读特别流利,声音十分洪亮。
Let’s
learn
Answer
the
questions
1.What
could
the
magic
mirror
do?
2.Who
did
Snow
White
meet
in
the
forest?
3.What
did
the
queen
give
to
Snow
White?
4.Did
Snow
White
die?
It
could
talk.
She
met
seven
little
friends.
She
gave
her
an
apple.
No.
She
fell
asleep.
Retell
the
story
Practice
once
upon
a
time,
queen,
magic
mirror
asked,
fairest,
Snow
White
Practice
Retell
the
story
angry,
kill
afraid,
ran
away
Practice
Retell
the
story
met,
stayed
with
Practice
Retell
the
story
asked
again,
fairest,
Snow
White
in
the
forest
angry,
came
to
the
forest,
gave,
an
apple
Practice
Retell
the
story
tasted,
fell
asleep
Role
play
Show
time
Can
you
tell
the
story?
Think
and
say
What
happened
next?
Did
Snow
White
die?
翻译下列短语
1.
从前__________________
2.
逃跑___________________
3.和……住在一起_______________
4.在森林里__________________
5.睡着______________
run
away
once
upon
a
time
stay
with...
in
the
forest
Exercise
fall
asleep
Exercise
根据故事内容填空
Once
upon
a
time,
there
was
a
_____
in
the
forest.
She
had
a
magic
_____.
It
could
_____.
One
day,
the
queen
asked
the
mirror
who
was
the
_____,
the
mirror
told
her
it
was
Snow
White.
The
queen
was
_____,
she
wanted
to
_____
her.
Snow
White
was
_____
and
ran
into
the
forest.
She
_____
seven
little
friends
there.
queen
mirror
talk
fairest
angry
kill
afraid
met
Summary
1.重点词汇:
queen,
mirror,
fairest,
kill,
asleep,
once
upon
a
time,
fall
asleep
2.重点句型:
用一般过去时态讲述白雪公主的故事
Blackboard
design
1.词汇:
queen,
mirror,
fairest,
kill,
asleep,
once
upon
a
time,
fall
asleep
2.句子:
Once
upon
a
time,
there
was
a
queen.
Who’s
the
fairest
of
all?
She
wanted
to
kill
Snow
White.
Snow
White
was
afraid
and
ran
away.
She
stayed
with
them.
Snow
White
tasted
the
apple
and
then
fell
asleep.
Homework
1.重点单词抄写5遍
2.完成练习册练习
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Unit7
Seeing
a
film第二课时导学案
模块
Module
3Out
and
about
单元
Unit
7Seeing
a
film
年级
学习目标
1.能听懂、会说、会读单词queen,
mirror,
fairest,
kill,
asleep,
once
upon
a
time,
fall
asleep2.能读懂故事《白雪公主》,理解故事大意3.通过故事,让学生领悟不要轻易相信陌生人,生活中要与人为善
学习重难点
理解故事内容,掌握核心词汇和重点句型能运用所学词汇和句型,复述故事内容
学法指导
尝试模仿
小组合作交流
练习法
课前准备
多媒体
单词卡片
【新知预习】或【复习回顾】
1.复习下列词汇和句型shall,
princess,
police,
exciting,
brave,
policeman,
boringShall
we
go
and
see
a
film
this
weekend?
What
would
you
like
to
see?2.新词预习听录音,感知新知识,熟悉所学新单词的发音,并尝试理解下列短语的意思
once
upon
a
time,
fall
asleep,
run
away,
stay
with
3.故事理解阅读故事,理解故事内容
【课堂探究】
1.听录音,读课文,圈出生词和不理解的句子___________
___________
___________
____________2.观察每幅图,预测所要讲述的内容。3.带着问题阅读课文,解决问题。Why
the
mirror
is
a
magic
mirror?How
was
the
queen
feel
after
hearing
what
the
mirror
said?Did
Snow
White
run
away?Who
did
Snow
White
meet
in
the
forest?What
did
the
queen
give
Snow
White?4.小组探讨交流,讨论故事的结尾:What
happened
next?
Did
Snow
White
die?5.小组讨论,各抒己见:你认为王后是个什么样的人,你喜欢她吗?
6.展开想象:白雪公主和七个小矮人在森林里过了一段什么样的时光?7.
交流探讨:fall
a
sleep与以前学过的go
to
bed有什么不同?
【展示交流】或【巩固训练活动】
1.游戏
Magic
eyes巩固新单词,学生以最快的速度,读出单词,说出汉语意思;当出现炸弹时,学生大声说“bomb”2.大声朗读课文,教师给予指点(齐读,分组读,分角色读,个人读……)3.角色扮演在朗读熟悉课文内容的基础上,两人一组,进行角色扮演4.
Think
and
sayWhat
happened
next?
Did
Snow
White
die?
【当堂检测】
一、根据课文内容和所给首字母,完成句子1.
The
queen
had
a
magic
m_______.2.
Snow
White
is
the
f______
in
the
forest.3.The
queen
was
angry
and
wanted
to
k_______
Snow
White.4.Snow
White
met
seven
little
f______
in
the
forest.5.Snow
White
ate
the
apple
and
f______
asleep.二、句型转换1.There
was
a
queen
in
the
forest.
(变一般疑问句)
_________________________________________2.
The
magic
mirror
could
talk.
(对画线部分提问)_________________________________________3.
Snow
White
was
afraid.
(变一般疑问句)_________________________________________4.
Was
the
queen
angry?
(作肯定回答)_________________________________________5.The
queen
gave
Snow
White
an
apple.
(对画线部分提间)_________________________________________
三、根据课文内容判断正(T)误(F)(
)1.The
queen
was
kind
to
Snow
White.
(
)2.The
man
was
failed(失败)
to
kill
Snow
White.(
)3.
The
seven
little
men
helped
Snow
White.(
)4.The
next
day,
the
queen
asked
someone
to
kill
Snow
White
again.(
)5.Snow
White
fell
asleep
after
eating
the
apple.
参考答案:一、1.mirror
2.
fairest
3.
kill
4.
friends
5.
fell
二、1.
Was
there
a
queen
in
the
forest?2.
What
could
the
magic
mirror
do?
3.
Was
Snow
White
afraid?
4.
Yes,
she
was.5.
What
did
the
queen
give
Snow
White?三、1.
2.
3.
4.
5.T
课后反思
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牛津深圳版英语六年级上册第二课时教学设计
课题
Seeing
a
film
单元
Unit
学科
英语
年级
六年级上
学习目标
1.能听懂、会说、会读queen,
mirror,
fairest,
kill,
asleep,
once
upon
a
time,
fall
asleep2.能读懂故事《白雪公主》,理解故事大意3.通过故事,让学生领悟不要轻易相信陌生人,生活中要与人为善
重点
理解故事内容,掌握核心词汇和重点句型
难点
能运用所学词汇和句型,复述故事内容
教学过程
教学环节
教师活动
学生活动
设计意图
导入新课
1.出示PPT2复习上节课重点单词2.出示PPT3通过完成填空练习,继续复习上节课出现的重点单词和句型3.出示PPT4,欣赏关于白雪公主的歌曲,引入新课题
复习重点词汇句型,欣赏歌曲,回答问题
复习上节课重点内容,温故而知新
;视频歌曲引入新的故事
讲授新课
新知讲解1.让学生打开课本第48页,让学生观察图片,阅读课文,初步理解故事内容。2.出示PPT5播放课文视频,帮助学生进一步理解故事内容3.讲解重点词汇老师出示PPT6-13,展示图片和动画,学习重点词汇和句子,同时用单词卡片进行操练PPT6
学习单词queen,
mirror,
短语
once
upon
a
time,从前,讲故事常用语PPT7
学习Who’s
the
fairest
of
all?fairy
形容词,美丽的,fairiest
最美丽的PPT8
The
queen
was
very
angry.
She
wanted
to
kill
Snow
White.angry生气的,kill杀死PPT9
Snow
White
was
afraid
and
ran
away.be
afraid
(of)
害怕……I
am
afraid
of
dogs.
我怕狗。run
away
逃跑,跑掉The
thief
ran
away
at
last.
小偷最后逃跑了。PPT10
Snow
White
met
seven
little
friends
in
the
forest.
She
stayed
with
them.stayed
with和……呆(住)在一起I
stayed
with
my
grandma
last
summer
holiday.
去年暑假我和奶奶一起住。PPT11
The
next
day,
the
queen
asked
the
mirror
again.again又一次,再PPT12
The
queen
was
angry.
She
came
to
the
forest
and
gave
Snow
White
an
apple.PPT13
Snow
White
tasted
the
apple
and
then
fell
asleep.fall
asleep
睡着I
fell
asleep
late
last
night.
我昨晚很晚才睡着。4.出示
PPT14,Magic
eyes带领同学在游戏中巩固新单词,学生以最快的速度,读出单词,说出汉语意思;当出现炸弹时,学生大声说“bomb”5.
PPT15播放课文录音,学生听并跟读6.学生朗读课文,教师给予指点(齐读,分组读,分角色读,个人读……)课堂练习1.
Answer
the
questions.在学习完成课文的基础上,回答问题2.
17-22根据所给的提示词,结合图片,讲述故事,最后在全班同学面前讲述整个故事,老师及时给予恰当评价,以鼓励为主3.
Think
and
sayWhat
happened
next?
Did
Snow
White
die?拓展提高(PPT
22-23)1.把下列短语译成英语2.根据故事内容填空
学生仔细观察图片,初识故事内容;观看视频,进一步理解故事内容;学习重点词汇,对重点词汇和句型进行操练;学习重点句型,听、读、理解、造句,明确本节课重点在游戏中学习;配合老师完成朗读任务回答问题完成复述和表演任务思考并讨论故事的结局配合老师完成笔头练习任务
通过视频的方式,直观,视觉冲击力强,能让学生更快地进入对故事内容的理解;对重点词汇和句型进行多种形式的操练,打好基础,为下面的学习做好铺垫;讲授法可以让学生明确本节课的重点;游戏可活跃课堂气氛,提高学习效果;进一步理解故事充分理解课文内容,提高朗读基本功;加深对故事的理解,为下一步复述课文做准备在理解课文的基础上,运用重点词汇和句型发散思维,展开想象巩固本节课重点知识
课堂小结
24-25
1.重点词汇queen,
mirror,
fairest,
kill,
asleep,
once
upon
a
time,
fall
asleep2.重点句型用一般过去时态讲述鹰和兔子的故事
在老师的帮助下梳理本节课重点
巩固本节课重点内容
板书设计
1.词汇:queen,
mirror,
fairest,
kill,
asleep,
once
upon
a
time,
fall
asleep2.句子:
Once
upon
a
time,
there
was
a
queen.
Who’s
the
fairest
of
all?She
wanted
to
kill
Snow
White.Snow
White
was
afraid
and
ran
away.She
stayed
with
them.Snow
White
tasted
the
apple
and
then
fell
asleep.But
the
owl
did
not
listen.
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