Unit 10 Air
教案 2
Knowledge aims:The students are able to learn the key words and useful expressions about the air.
Ability aims:The students are able to learn some reading strategies. They are expected to find out the key information and to present their point of view.
Emotion aims:
1) The students are able to realize the importance of protecting our environment and heighten their awareness of environmental protection.
2) The students are able to take action to protect our environment with their efforts.
1. The key words and useful expressions about the environment.
2. To analyze the whole text and know about structure and the main idea of the text.
multi-media; work sheets and blackboard
Step 1 warming
1. 师生互相问好,教师说出一个关于空气的谜语让大家猜一猜。教师询问同学是否了解空气?空气由哪些成分组成?有什么重要作用?
2. 教师向学生们说说空气的基本知识,介绍目前严重的大气污染状况。
Step 2 Revision and Presentation
1. 教师告诉学生我们这节课就要学学如何用英语与同学交流空气的重要作用以及如何保护我们被污染的大气。
2. 教师请学生谈谈大气污染主要有哪些原因,有哪些保护措施。
3. 教师出示单词卡片进行新单词教学,带读并配合肢体动作让同学们印象深刻。
4. 教师播放课文内容录音,请同学们认真听一遍,争取做到理解内容。
Step 3 Practice
1. 分小组讨论练习,两人一组,相互交流大气污染的原因及保护措施。
A: What makes the air dirty?
B: … makes the air dirty.
A: What should we do to keep the air clean?
B: We should ….
2. 发挥想象力尝试写一句新颖、有趣的口号呼吁大家一起保护空气,同学们比一比谁的口号更与众不同。
Step 4 Summary
Step 5 Homework
1. 学生抄写本课所学单词,一个五遍。