(共32张PPT)
Unit
What
would
you
like?
Let’s
learn
salad
noodles
bread
……
Cooking?
Let’s
cook
together
today!
快乐做餐!
闯关赢食材
在闯关中,表现出色的小组
可以获得实物卡兑换食材!
Try
your
best
to
win
the
food.
第一关:
Happy
Syllable!
(
快乐节奏!)
Happy
Syllable!(
快乐节奏!)
Follow
me!
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第二关:
Lucky
Box
游戏这“箱”有理
tea
fish
beef
sandwich
ice
cream
hamburger
milk
candy
bread
chicken
salad
tomatoes
vegetables
What‘s
your
favourite
food?
你最喜欢吃什么?选一个,读一读,看看下面有没有礼物,I
like---
共有8个幸运盒,看看你够不够幸运?加油吧!
Lucky
Box!(
这箱有礼!)
fish
Vegetables
Salad
(时尚蔬菜沙拉)
fresh
The
cucumber
is
fresh.
It’s
fresh.
Have
a
taste.品尝一下
sweet
The
tomato
is
sweet.
It’s
sweet.
hot
The
pepper
is
hot.
It’s
hot.
yummy
he
salad
is
delicious.
It’s
delicious.
delicious
The
salad
is
made
of
different
kinds
of
vegetables.
They
are
healthy.
What
does
healthy
mean?
healthy健康的
The
vegetable
salad
is
healthy.
Sarah
tastes
a
lot
of
delicious
food.
Listen
and
imitate!
Happy
imitation!(
快乐跟读!)
Pair
work---Ask
and
answer.
(自由搭档,一问一答!)
A:
What’s
your
favourite
food?
B:
Ice
cream.(------)
It’s
…
Happy
Chant!(
快乐歌谣!)
The
sugers
are
very
sweet
Sweet!
Sweet!
The
cucumbers
are
very
fresh.
Fresh!
Fresh!
The
peppers
are
very
hot.
Hot!
Hot!
Hot!
The
salad
is
healthy.
Healthy!
Fruit
Salad校园水果沙拉DIY大赛
敢赛你就来…
How
to
make
a
Salad?
Prepare
the
fruits.
准备各种水果
2.Cut
it.
切块
3.Add
the
yogurt.加入酸奶
水果沙拉DIY大赛
制作过程小提示
1.请用食材卡换取食材
2.
注意用刀安全!
It’s
your
turn
now…
Make
a
report!---开心大汇报!
亲爱的同学们,你们完成任务了吗,让我们开心的来汇报吧!?
3分钟时间准备,加油!
Hello,
this
is
our
Salad.
The
apples
are
sweet/…..
The
tomatoes
are
fresh.
The…are…
……
They
are
delicious
and
healthy.
Thank
you!
Hello,
this
is
our
Salad.
The
apple
is
sweet/…..
The
tomato
is
fresh.
The…are…
……
They
are
delicious
and
healthy.
Thank
you!
沙拉DIY小专家组
Let’s
check
当堂检测---健康大战:
请把下列食物按健康与否进行分类!
unhealthy
tofu
fish
beef
cabbage
hamburger
sweet
food
healthy
Hamburgers,
hot-dogs,
French
fries
and
chicken
are
delicious
and
tasty,
but
eat
like
this
can
make
us
fat.
Vegetables
and
fruit
are
healthy
food.
They
are
green
food.
They
make
us
strong
but
not
fat,
so
we
should
eat
more.
Stay
away
from
junk
food
and
please
eat
more
healthy
food.
远离垃圾食品,多食健康食物。
Homework
Make
a
Fruit
Salad
for
your
parents
.
课下为父母制作一份水果沙拉
,与父母一起
分享!
Share
is
a
good
habit!
有一种快乐叫分享!
Share
is
a
big
power!
不仅仅是食物,一切美好的事情我们都可以做到分享,Can
you?你能做到与他人分享你的美好的一切吗?
Can
you?
Yes,
we
can.
Share
the
love
and
Positive
Energy
to
make
our
life
beautiful!
Yes,
we
can
share.