Earth Song
——By Michael Jackson
Saving the Antelopes!
Learning Aims
A.The reason for the sharp fall in antelopes.
B.Progress made in protecting the antelope.
C.To save the antelopes many people gave their lives.
Find the main idea and match
How to find the main idea
Focus on the first or the last sentence of
a paragraph.
Sometimes we need collect information
from the whole paragraph.
1. ____a 2.________(freeze)cold day , Jiesang found a group of poachers 3._____(kill) the 4.__________(endanger)
Tibetan antelope. He asked them to put down their guns. 5.___the poachers had an advantage-- there were more of them. As a result, Jiesang was 6. ____(shoot) and killed. He had 7. _____(give) his life to save the Tibetan antelope.
1. ____a 2.________(freeze)cold day , Jiesang found a group of poachers 3._____(kill) the 4.__________(endanger)
Tibetan antelope. He asked them to put down their guns. 5.___the poachers had an advantage-- there were more of them. As a result, Jiesang was 6. ____(shoot) and killed. He had 7. _____(give) his life to save the antelope.
at the beginning of 20th
millions of antelopes
by the 1990s
1.The wool of the antelope is ________________
2. The profits ____________ for poachers because _________________________________
the ideal coat for human beings
a shawl made from the wool can sell for $5,000
can be huge
soft, light and warm
reasons for the sharp drop of the antelope
1.Often working at night, the poachers shoot whole herds of antelopes at a time, leaving only the babies, whose wool is not worth so much.
2.The animals are skinned on the spot and the wool taken to India, where it is made into the shawls.
Analyze and translate
While ________(build) a much higher ground, I saw my teacher, a young pretty lady, _______ skirt was already wet with mud and trash, try to remove all the flood water from the room ______ (use) a bucket and throw it outside.
in the 1990s
3,000; 300
since 1997
In the 1990s the Chinese government began to take an active part in protecting the antelopes.
Para.4&5 Progress made in protecting the antelope
Over the next ten years about 3,000 poachers were caught and 300 vehicles confiscated.
Since 1997 the antelope population has slowly begun to grow again.
There used to be_________(数百万)antelopes on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. But __________
(到20世纪90年代)the number had _______ (减至) about 50,000.The reason is that many poachers killed them and skinned them __________ (当场) for their wool, which is ________________(值很多钱). In the fights with poachers, some people have _____________ (献出了生命) .
millions of
fallen to
on the spot
worth much money
given their lives
by the 1990s
In the 1990s the Chinese government began to _________________ (积极参与) protecting the antelopes and today it seems to be _______________(赢得这场战争).Police are________________(严厉打击) the dealers. As a result, the antelope population has slowly begun to grow again.
take an active part in
winning the battle
getting tough with
1.At the beginning of the twentieth century there were thousands of antelopes on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.
2.The antelopes are killed and skinned
in India.
3. About 2 percent of the world’s antelopes had been killed to make shawls.
4.There has been a ban on the trade since 1975.
on the spot
5.The shawls made from the wool are exported to rich countries in Africa.
6.The government seems to be winning the battle.
7.Volunteers from all over the country help to save the antelopes.
8. The antelope is the symbol of the World Wide Fund for Nature(世界自然基金会).
North America
and Europe
Suppose you are a reporter and now you are having an interview about the topic “Animals in Danger”.
Every tree and creature has a name,
has a life,
has a spirit!
Think more and write more about
“Animals in Danger”
Thank you for your attention!
A: Excuse me, I’m a reporter from CCTV-1, may I ask you some questions (about…)/ Excuse me, can you spare a little while for me?
BCDEF:Sure/Of course. (可齐答)
A:Have you ever read or heard of the Tibetan antelopes? /What do you feel after you read the passage?
B: Yes… But unfortunately they are in danger now.
/I feel extremely angry, the poachers are so cruel, they want only money but not the balance of nature...
A:Of all the reasons why they are becoming extinct, which do you think is the most important?
A:Do you think what we can do to help the endangered animals?
A: Hey, what about you?(turn to E)
A:Would you like to be a volunteer to protect the endangered animals if possible?
A:What do you want to say to human beings?
reasons why some animals are becoming extinct
1.They are killed for body parts , food or fur.
2. Elephants are killed for their tusks.
3. Parts of the body of many animals, for example tigers, are used in medicine.
4. Humans are the most dangerous enemy of animals.
5.People have moved into their natural habitat and they are forced to leave.
6.Many of the places where these animals used to live have been destroyed.
7.Natural habitat is increasingly being used by industry and farms.
8.Thousands of animals are made homeless when a rainforest is cut down.
9.Polluted rivers and lakes have also been a cause of their death.
10.They are killed by pollution and climate change.
11.The climate is also a problem for me. It’s hard for me to get used to it!
What should we do?
1. Don’t buy any products made from endangered animals.
2. protect the environment to let them have enough food and good living conditions .
3. make the law to ban killing
4. call on international co-operation
5.Don’t cut down too many trees and grass, don’t destroy our habitat/home!
6.Poachers face a fine of up to one million yuan(1,000,000)
7.Put poachers in prison for 50 years.
8. Don’t be so selfish and so cruel to us!
9.We need each other and we should be friends.
10.We are all connected to each other in a circle in a hoop that never ends.
When the buying stop,
the killing can too.
What about sunrise 日出呢?
What about rain 甘雨呢?
What about all the things 你说的那些
That you said we were to gain...我们往日的奋斗目标呢?
What about killing fields 迷人的原野呢?
Is there a time 还会再有吗?
What about all the things 你说的那些
That you said was yours and mine.. 属于你我的万物呢?
Did you ever stop to notice 你可曾停下脚步
All the blood we've shed before 反思我们过去的流血牺牲?
Did you ever stop to notice 你是否曾停下脚步注意这
The crying Earth the weeping shores?
What have we done to the world 我们对这个世界做过些什么?
Look what we've done 看看我们做了些什么?
What about all the peace 所有的和平呢?
That you pledge your only son...
What about flowering fields 百花争艳的大地呢?
Is there a time 还会再有吗?
What about all the dreams 你承诺的那些
That you said was yours and mine... 本是属于你我的梦想呢?
Did you ever stop to notice 你可曾停下脚步
All the children dead from war 想想战火中罹难的孩童?
Did you ever stop to notice 你是否曾停下脚步注意这
The crying Earth, the weeping shores
I used to dream 曾经有过梦想
I used to glance beyond the stars 曾经星辰遥望
Now I don't know where we are 但如今不知身在何方
Although I know we've drifted far 只知道我们已漂得太远Hey, what about yesterday 昨日呢?
(What about us) (我们怎么办?)
What about the seas 大海呢?
(What about us) (我们怎么办?)
The heavens are falling down 极乐天地在沦陷
(What about us) (我们怎么办?)
I can't even breathe 我快要窒息
(What about us) (我们怎么办?)
What about the bleeding Earth 流血的大地呢?
(What about us) (我们怎么办?)
Can't we feel its wounds 我们切身体会不到伤痛吗?
(What about us) (我们怎么办?)
What about nature's worth 自然的价值呢?
It's our planet's womb 那可是万物之灵
(What about us) (我们怎么办?)
What about animals 动物们呢?
(What about us) (我们怎么办?)
We've turned kingdoms to dust 我们已将乐土化为尘灰
(What about us) (我们怎么办?)
What about elephants 大象们呢?
(What about us) (我们怎么办?)
Have we lost their trust 我们已失去了它们的信任?
(What about us) (我们怎么办?)
What about crying whales 痛哭的鲸鱼呢?
(What about us) (我们怎么办?)
We're ravaging the seas 我们正在蹂躏海洋
(What about us) (我们怎么办?)
What about forest trails 森林的踪迹呢?
(ooo, ooo) (喔,喔……)
Burnt despite our pleas 在邪恶借口上焚烧
(What about us) (我们怎么办?)
What about the holy land 圣洁的大地呢?
(What about us) (我们怎么办?)
Torn apart by creed 被宗派四分五裂
(What about us) (我们怎么办?)
What about the common man 老百姓呢?
(What about us) (我们怎么办?)
Can't we set him free 我们能放过他们吗?
(What about us) (我们怎么办?)
What about children dying 垂死的儿童呢?
(What about us) (我们怎么办?)
Can't you hear them cry 难道你听不见他们的哭喊?
(What about us) (我们怎么办?)
Where did we go wrong 我们这是怎么了?
Someone tell me why 谁能告诉我因缘?
(What about us) (我们怎么办?)
What about babies 婴孩呢?
(What about us) (我们怎么办?)
What about the days 生活呢?
(What about us) (我们怎么办?)
What about all their joy 他们所有的欢乐呢?
(What about us) (我们怎么办?)
What about the man 人类呢?
(What about us) (我们怎么办?)
What about the crying man 悲泣的人类呢?
(What about us) (我们怎么办?)
What about Abraham 亚伯拉罕先知呢?
(What about us) (我们怎么办?)
What about death again 想再次灭亡吗?
(ooo, ooo) (喔,喔……)
Do we give a damn 我们真的不在乎吗?
Aaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah 啊啊啊……
Giant panda
Red wolf
Many protectors died for protecting the Tibetan antelopes
Siberia tiger
Tibetan antelope
Often _______ (work) at night, the poachers shoot whole herds of antelopes at a time,
_______ (leave) only the babies,______ wool is not worth so much.
The animals are skinned on the spot and the wool taken to India, ______it is made into the shawls.