人教版(2019)Unit1 Teenage life Period 1 Listening and Speaking 教学设计


名称 人教版(2019)Unit1 Teenage life Period 1 Listening and Speaking 教学设计
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2020-08-25 16:47:41



课题 Listening, Speaking and Pronunciation 单元 Unit1
TEENAGE LIFE 学科 English 年级 Senior One
学习目标 与
核心素养 Pronunciation:to review” al、ay、ai、are、ar、er、ir、or、ur、ee、ea、ear、oa、ow、ou、ore “, and then use these rules to accurately identify sounds and memorize words effectively.
2. Be able to describe the plan and what will happen.
3. Be able to predict what will be heard by reading questions and options before listening.
重点 To understand the content of the listening text, master the pre-listening prediction skills, and express their preferences and the choice of clubs.
难点 to discuss how to choose the right club for them in pair.
教学环节 教师活动 答案
导入新课 Step 1 Reviewing the pronunciation
Review and differentiate the pronunciation of common vowels and vowel-consonant combinations used in English.
Task1 Listen to and repeat the proverbs. Notice the pronunciation of the letters in bold.
1 The early bird catches the worm.
2 Always prepare for a rainy day.
3 Actions speak louder than words.
4 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
5 Distance tests a horse's strength. Time reveals a person's character.
Task2 Have students brainstorm comparable proverbs in Chinese. Note that some proverbs have already entered into the Chinese language. Ask students if they know such kind of Chinese versions.
Step2 Leading-in
Task1 (Free-talk) Listen to the song Teenage Life by Daz Sampson,and then tell your partner what you think of your teenage life.
Task2 Introduce the topic of school clubs, along with related vocabulary and grammar, and serve as a arm-up for the activities which follow.
Match the photos with the names of the clubs. What do you think students do in this clubs.

Step2 Answers:
1 Debate Club
2 Ballet Club
3 Volunteer Club
4 Nature Club
讲授新课 Step3 Predicting and listening
Practise predicting and listening for gist through natural conversations in English about clubs and club activities.
Task1 Listen to the first two conversations and choose the correct answers.
1). What are they learning about in Conversation 1?
A Hearing. B Sounds. C Dogs.
2). The students are discussing________ in Conversation 2.
A schoolwork B relationships C dating
Task2 Have students listen again to answer these questions. They may have to listen to the recording multiple times.
1) What can dogs hear that people can’t hear?
2) What can teenagers hear that most older people can’t hear?
3) Why is that?
4) What does Team A think about teenagers dating?
5) Why is that?
6) What does Team B think?
7) Why is that?
Step4 Listening for details
Practise listening for more detailed information.
Listen to Conversation 3. Then help Adam choose a club.
1. Adam says that he likes________ but is not so interested in_________ .
A stories, cartoons B animals, plants C making friends, cleaning up
2.Listen to the conversations again and answer the question.
1).What does Julie dream to be?
A.A dancer.
B.A teacher.
C.A gardener.
2).What club may Adam join in at last?
A.The Nature Club.
B.The Cartoon Club.
C.The Volunteer Club.
Step5 Post-listening
Role-play the conversation
The audio script could be used for conversation practice. Have students read the conversation chorally. Deal with any comprehension or pronunciation problems.
Then, break the class into pairs and have students role-play the conversation.
Step6 Homework
Work in pairs. Help each other choose a school club.
Step3 Answers:
1) A??2) C?
1) High sounds.
2)The second sound.
3) People’s ears change when they get older.
4) They think it’s wrong.
5)Because teenagers are too young, and should think about schoolwork and spend more time studying.
6) Teenagers can date if they want.
7) It’s natural for teenagers to have such feelings at that age. They can date and study at the same time.
Step4 Answers:
1. B
2. 1)A 2)C