中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台
Unit
Detective
stories
Comic
Strip
&
Welcome
to
the
unit
设计说明
首先通过谈论职业导入新课,呈现一组侦探照片,学习detective一词。然后通过听来弄明白侦探是做什么的,通过听读练来学习Comic
Strip。由一则警察的报告引出一个谋杀案,让学生学做侦探,根据一系列的任务来了解四个嫌疑人的情况,然后讨论谁可能是凶手,由此展开对话,让学生对本单元所涉及的侦探故事话题产生兴趣。之后重点学习几个知识点,最后通过练习来复习本课时的内容。
教学目标
通过本课时的教学,让学生达成以下目标:
1.知识目标
掌握单词:detective,
clue,
missing,
murder,
suspect,
medium,
untidy,
guilty,
truth,
guess,
lie。
2.能力目标
(1)能够阅读关于四个犯罪嫌疑人的笔录;
(2)能够学会谈论谁有可能是凶手;
(3)能够具备推理能力。
3.情感目标
通过学习,让学生了解犯罪的相关知识,做一个守法公民。
重点难点
重点:掌握本课时的单词和短语,并能灵活使用;谈论有关犯罪嫌疑人的情况。
难点:灵活使用生词和短语。
教学准备
课件;有关侦探的图片;Comic
Strip和活动B的录音。
授课时数
1课时
教学过程
Step
1Lead-in
Talk
about
different
people’s
jobs.
Ask:
What
does…do?
Step
Comic
Strip
1.
Show
them
some
pictures
of
some
detectives.
(1)
Ask:
Who
are
they?
What
do
they
do?
(2)
Present
the
new
word
detective.
2.
Listen
to
Comic
Strip
and
answer
the
question.
What
is
a
detective?
(1)Play
the
recording
and
ask
them
to
write
down
their
answers.
(2)Check
the
answers
together.
Answer:A
detective
is
someone
who
looks
for
clues
to
something
important.
3.
Listen
again
and
answer
the
following
questions:
(1)
Why
is
Eddie
dressed
like
that?
(2)
What
is
Eddie
looking
for?
(3)
Is
Eddie
a
real
detective?
Answers:
(1)
Because
he
thinks
he
is
a
detective.
(2)
He
is
looking
for
his
food.
(3)
No,
he
isn’t.
4.
Practice
the
dialogue
in
pairs.
Step
Welcome
to
the
unit
1.
Show
a
police’s
report
on
a
murder
case.
Ask
them
to
read
and
answer
the
questions.
Police’s
report
Last
Saturday
night
at
p.m.,
a
young
man
was
murdered.
The
murder
happened
in
Sun
Town.We
have
four
suspects.
We
have
made
notes
on
all
of
them.
(1)
What
happened?
(2)
When
and
where
did
it
happen?
(3)
How
many
suspects
did
they
have?
Answers:
(1)
young
man
was
murdered.
(2)
At
p.m.
last
Saturday
night,
in
Sun
Town.
(3)
Four/4.
2.
Show
the
information
about
the
four
suspects
in
Part
A.
Read
and
deal
with
different
problems.
Suspect
1:
Ask
and
answer.
(1)
What’s
Mr
Brown’s
job?
(2)
Where
was
he
when
the
murder
happened?
(3)
What
is
he
like?
Answers:(1)
doctor.
(2)
He
was
working
in
a
hospital
in
Sun
Town.
(3)
He
is
tall,
slim
and
serious.
Suspect
2:
Fill
in
the
blanks.
This
man
is
(1)
____________.
He
is
a
(2)
____________.
He
lives
in
(3)
___________.
He
is
(4)
___________,
(5)
__________and(6)
___________.
Last
Saturday,
he
was
in
(7)
___________.
Answers:
(1)
Jimmy
White
(2)
shopkeeper
(3)
Sun
Town
(4)
tall(5)
strong
(6)
helpful
(7)
New
City
Suspect
3:
Judge
the
sentences
true
(T)
or
false
(F).
(1)
Emily
Smith
works
in
a
restaurant.
(2)
She
lives
in
Moon
Town.
(3)
Last
Sunday
she
was
shopping
in
Sun
Town.
(4)
She
is
small,
fat
and
quiet.
Answers:(1)T
(2)
F(3)
F(4)
Suspect
4:
Choose
the
right
one.
(1)
What
does
Frank
Johnson
do?
A.
cook.
B.
An
office
worker.
C.
shopkeeper.
(2)
Where
was
he
last
Saturday?
A.
At
school.
B.
In
the
shop.
C.
At
home.
(3)
What’s
his
personality?
A.
Helpful.
B.
Friendly.
C.
Nervous.
Answers:(1)
(2)
(3)
3.
Part
Listen
and
answer
the
questions.
(1)
Who
does
Sandy
think
may
be
the
murderer?
(2)
What
does
Daniel
think
of
Jimmy
White?
(3)
Who
does
Daniel
think
may
be
the
murderer?
Answers:(1)
He
thinks
Jimmy
White
may
be
the
murderer.
(2)
He
thinks
Jimmy
White
is
helpful.
(3)
He
thinks
Frank
Johnson
may
have
killed
the
man.
4.
Listen,
read
and
discuss:
Who
may
be
the
murderer?
Ask
them
to
have
their
own
ideas
and
tell
the
reason.
Step
Language
points
1.
Why
are
you
dressed
like
that,
Eddie?
你为什么穿成那样,
埃迪?
(1)
be
dressed
like…意为“打扮成……”。
The
man
is
dressed
like
a
woman
in
the
film.在影片中,那个男的打扮成女的。
(2)
dress动词,意为“给……穿衣”;名词,意为“礼服,长裙”。
The
girl
likes
wearing
dresses.那个女孩喜欢穿长裙。
The
young
mother
is
dressing
her
son.那位年轻的妈妈正在给她儿子穿衣服。
2.
My
food
has
gone
missing.
我的食物不见了。
(1)
go
missing
意为“不见”,是“go
+adj.”结构。
The
fish
has
gone
bad.
Why
not
throw
it
away?
这鱼已经坏了,
为什么不扔掉它?
The
computer
went
wrong
just
now.刚才电脑出故障了。
(2)
missing
形容词,意为“缺少的,丢失的”。
When
got
home,
found
my
wallet
missing.我到家时,发现钱包不见了。
3.
guess
Jimmy
White
is
lying.
我猜吉米·怀特在说谎。
(1)
lie
(lied,
lied,
lying)
动词,意为“说谎”;名词,意为“谎言”。
He
lied
to
me
again
just
now.
Does
he
like
lying?
他刚才又跟我说谎了,他喜欢说谎吗?
We
shouldn’t
tell
lies.
我们不应该说谎。
(2)
lie(lay,
lain,
lying)
动词,还可意为“躺,位于”。
The
dog
is
lying
on
the
ground.小狗正躺在地上。
He
lay
down
on
the
sofa
and
fell
asleep.
他躺在沙发上睡着了。
Step
Homework
1.
Revise
the
content
learnt
in
this
lesson.
2.
Preview
Reading
and
finish
the
exercises
on
Page
and
Page
.
3.
Write
down
a
detective
report
on
the
murder
case.
当堂达标
根据汉语提示完成句子。
1.
Don’t
eat
the
food
because
it
________________
(变质了).
2.
detective
is
someone
who
_______________
(寻找一些重要事情的线索).
3.
Look!
Daniel
_______________
(装扮成)
a
Monkey
King.
4.
Frank
Johnson
is
an
office
worker
_______________
(中等身材).
5.
The
police
have
________________
(做笔录)
all
the
suspects.
6.
My
mother
often
asks
me
________
(说实话)
and
___________
(不说谎).
答案:
1.
has
gone
bad
2.looks
for
clues
to
something
important3.is
dressed
like4.
of
medium
height5.
made
notes
on
6.
to
tell
the
truth,
not
to
lie/tell
lies
板书设计
Unit
Detective
stories
Comic
Strip
&
Welcome
to
the
unitdetective
be
dressed
like
something
important
go
missingA
murder
case
what
when
where
who
suspects:
教学反思
21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)(共30张PPT)
Unit
Detective
stories
Comic
strip
&
Welcome
to
the
unit
2020年秋牛津译林版英语九年级上册精品课件
学
习
目
标
学习单词:
detective,
clue,
missing,
murder,
suspect,
medium,
untidy,
guilty,
truth,
guess,
lie;
通过学习,让学生了解犯罪的相关知识,做一个守法公民。
了解罪行的线索;阅读关于四个犯罪嫌疑人的笔录;学会谈论谁有可能是凶手;培养学生的推理能力;
课
堂
导
入
Talk
about
different
people’s
jobs
What
does…do?
课
堂
学
习
Who
are
they?
What
do
they
do?
They
are
detectives.
What
is
a
detective?
Listen
and
answer.
detective
is
someone
who
looks
for
clues
to
something
important.
Comic
strip
Listen
and
answer.
1.
Why
is
Eddie
dressed
like
that?
Because
he
thinks
he
is
a
detective.
2.
What
is
Eddie
looking
for?
He
is
looking
for
his
food.
3.
Is
Eddie
a
real
detective?
No,
he
isn’t.
Practise
the
dialogue
in
pairs.
Who
is
the
murderer?
Police’s
report
Last
Saturday
night
at
p.m.,
a
young
man
was
murdered.
The
murder
happened
in
Sun
Town.
We
have
four
suspects.
We
have
made
notes
on
all
of
them.
Jimmy
White
Frank
Johnson
young
man
was
murdered.
Emily
Smith
Who
is
the
murderer?
James
Brown
Suspect
Job:
Lives
in:
Last
Saturday:
Appearance:
Personality:
James
Brown
doctor
Moon
Town
working
in
a
hospital
in
Sun
Town
tall
and
slim
serious
Questions
1.
What’s
Mr
Brown’s
job?
doctor.
2.
Where
was
he
when
the
murder
happened?
He
was
working
in
a
hospital
in
Sun
Town.
3.
What
is
he
like?
He
is
tall,
slim
and
serious.
Suspect
Job:
Lives
in:
Last
Saturday:
Appearance:
Personality:
Jimmy
White
helpful
shopkeeper
Sun
Town
in
New
City
tall
and
strong
Fill
in
the
blanks.
This
man
is
______________.
He
is
a
___________.
He
lives
in
_________.
He
is
_____,
_______and_________.
Last
Saturday,
he
was
in
__________.
Jimmy
White
shopkeeper
Sun
Town
tall
helpful
New
City
strong
Suspect
Job:
Lives
in:
Last
Saturday:
Appearance:
Personality:
Emily
Smith
Cook
Star
Town
working
at
a
restaurant
in
Sun
Town
small
and
fat
quiet
Emily
Smith
works
in
a
restaurant.
She
lives
in
Moon
Town.
Last
Sunday
she
was
shopping
in
Sun
Town.
She
is
small,
fat
and
quiet.
True
or
false.
Suspect
Job:
Lives
in:
Last
Saturday:
Appearance:
Personality:
Frank
Johnson
office
worker
Sky
Town
was
at
home
alone
of
medium
height
,
untidy
nervous
中等身高
(
)
1.
What
does
Frank
Johnson
do?
A.
cook.
B.
An
office
worker.
C.
shopkeeper.
(
)
2.Where
was
he
last
night?
A.
At
school.
B.
In
the
shop.
C.
At
home.
(
)
3.
What's
his
personality?
A.
Helpful.
B.
Friendly.
C.
Nervous.
Multiple
choice.
Listen
and
answer.
1.
Who
does
Sandy
think
may
be
the
murderer?
He
thinks
Jimmy
White
may
be
the
murderer.
2.
What
does
Daniel
think
of
Jimmy
White?
He
thinks
Jimmy
White
is
helpful.
3.
Who
does
Daniel
think
may
be
the
murderer?
He
thinks
Frank
Johnson
may
have
killed
the
man.
Listen,
read
and
discuss.
A:
They
all
say
that
they’re
not
guilty.
Who
do
you
think
is
not
telling
the
truth?
B:
guess
Jimmy
White
is
lying.
He
might
be
the
murderer
because
he
lives
in
Sun
Town.
A:
don’t
think
so.
Jimmy
is
helpful,
and
he
was
in
another
place
when
the
murder
happened.
Perhaps
Frank
Johnson
killed
the
young
man.
B:
Who’s
Frank
Johnson?
A:
He’s
an
office
worker
of
medium
height.
He
looks
untidy
and
nervous.
Discussion
The
person
most
likely
to
be
the
murderer
is
________________.
The
reason
is
_______________.
Language
points
1.
Why
are
you
dressed
like
that?
你为什么穿成那样?
be
dressed
like…打扮成……
The
man
is
dressed
like
a
woman
in
the
film.
在影片中,那个男的打扮成女的。
dress
n.
礼服,长裙;vt.
给……穿衣
The
girl
likes
wearing
dresses.
那个女孩喜欢穿长裙。
The
young
mother
is
dressing
her
son.
年轻的妈妈正在给儿子穿衣服。
2.
My
food
has
gone
missing.
我的食物不见了。
(1)
go
missing
不见
go
+adj.
The
fish
has
gone
bad.
Why
not
throw
it
away?
这鱼已经坏了,为什么不扔掉?
The
computer
went
wrong
just
now.
刚才电脑出故障了。
(2)
missing
形容词,缺少的,丢失的
When
got
home,
found
my
wallet
missing.
当我到家时,发现钱包不见了。
3.
guess
Jimmy
White
is
lying.
我猜吉米·怀特在说谎。
1)
lie
(lied,
lied,
lying)
v.
说谎
n.
谎言
He
lied
to
me
again
just
now.
Does
he
like
lying?
他刚才又跟我说谎了,他喜欢说谎吗?
We
shouldn’t
tell
lies
.
我们不应该说谎。
2)
lie(lay,
lain,
lying)
躺,位于
The
dog
is
lying
on
the
ground.小狗正躺在地上。
He
lay
down
on
the
sofa
and
fell
asleep.
他躺在沙发上睡着了。
课
堂
达
标
根据汉语提示完成句子。
1.
Don’t
eat
the
food
because
it
________________
(变质了).
2.
detective
is
someone
who
________________________________
____________
(寻找一些重要事情的线索).
3.
Look!
Daniel
_______________(装扮成)
a
Monkey
King.
4.
Frank
Johnson
is
an
office
worker
___________________
(中等身高).
5.
The
police
have
________________(做笔录)
all
the
suspects.
6.
My
mother
often
asks
me
_______________(说实话)
and
___________________(不说谎).
has
gone
bad
looks
for
clues
to
something
important
is
dressed
like
of
medium
height
made
notes
on
to
tell
the
truth
not
to
lie/tell
lies
1.
Revise
the
content
learnt
in
this
period.
2.
Preview
Reading
and
finish
the
exercises
on
Page
and
Page
.
3.
Write
down
a
detective
report
on
the
murder
case.
Homework
Thank
you
!
谢谢
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