Teaching
Design
Title
Unit
Grammar
Analysis
on
teaching
materials
本节课是Grammar有关定语从句的学习。定语从句在初中阶段虽然是作为初步掌握,但对于初中生来说还是有一定的难度的。由于本课里面所举的例子还是和Reading部分的侦破故事有关。因此在设计本课教案的时候,我仍从回顾Reading部分的内容导入本课的学习。
Analysis
on
learners
由于本课是语法课,本来就是比较枯燥的。再加上学的是定语从句,学生可能有一点点的畏惧心理。为了减轻难度,也为了激发了学生学习英语的兴趣,因此在各个环节都安排学生自主学习、探究合作。并且加以归纳总结、反复练习充分体现学生自主学习的精神。
Teaching
objectives
By
the
end
of
the
lesson,
students
should
be
able
to:
1.
understand
what
is
relative
clauses;
2.
learn
to
use
relative
pronouns
that,
which
and
who
correctly.
Teaching
strategies
Task-based
approach
Teaching
aids
Multi-media
Teaching
Procedures
Steps
Time
Teacher’s
activities
Students’
activities
Purpose
Step1
Lead-in
1.
T:
Free
talk—What
do
you
usually
do
to
relax
yourself?
2.
T:
like
reading
novels.
My
favourite
novel
is
Harry
Potter.
Have
you
ever
read
them?
What
do
you
think
of
them?
3.
T:
They
are
popular
among
teenagers.
They
are
popular
novels.
They
are
novels
which/that
are
popular
among
teenagers.
1.
Have
a
free
talk.
从学生生活发掘素材,以Harry
Potter为切入点引入定语与定语从句的概念,通过比较,使学生一目了然。同时,为接下来进一步使用which/that讨论喜爱的小说类型提供范本
Step2
Presentation
Harry
Potter
is
a
science
fiction.
What
is
your
favourite
kind
of
novel?
Why
do
you
like
it
so
much?
2.
T:
Can
you
express
your
idea
in
the
sentence
like
this?
3.
Free-talk
.
Do
you
know
any
famous
detectives
in
the
novels?
4.
T:
Conan
is
a
detective
in
a
cartoon
series.
He
is
famous
all
over
the
world.
Conan
is
a
detective
in
a
cartoon
series
who/that
is
famous
all
over
the
world.
5.
T:
Can
you
say
something
more
about
Conan
and
Holmes
by
using
who/that?
Work
out
the
rules:
Who,
which
and
that
can
be
used
as
relative
pronouns.
That
and
which
refer
to
things.
That
and
who
refer
to
people.
以小说为导线,讨论学生所熟悉的两大侦探,通过brainstorming呈现信息使学生学会使用who/that进行表达。
Step3
Practice
Millie
is
writing
down
some
sentences
about
the
murder
case.
Help
her
decide
whether
they
contain
defining
relative
clauses.
Underline
the
defining
relative
clauses.
Step4:Presentation
1.“Who/which
and
that
“can
be
used
as
relative
pronouns.
We
use
them
to
refer
to
people
and/or
things.
“Who”
refer
to
persons.
But
“that
/which”
refer
to
things.”That”
is
more
usual
than”
which”.
2.Ask
Ss
to
tell
the
different
usages
of
the
three
words
Tell
the
different
usages
of
“who/which/that”
进一步挖掘课文文本信息,使学生更加熟悉如何判定和使用三个引导词。
Step
Homework
1.
Write
a
report
about
the
murder
to
Detective
Lu;
2.
Preview
the
new
lesson.
巩固今天所学的内容。
3A
Teaching
Design
Title
Unit
Reading
(I)
Analysis
on
teaching
materials
本节课Reading部分是reading部分的第一部分,既然是阅读,应该把重点放在阅读方面。通过阅读,不仅使学生能根据上下文理解生词的意思,为下一节课的学习做好充分的准备。而且能提高学生的阅读能力。
Analysis
on
learners
为学生能轻松地阅读成为可能。上课的时候尽量多放些时间让学生去读课文。通过设计了一系列的略读、细读再略读的活动,让学生充分地了解了所学的内容。同时在每个活动中,适当安排了相关的练习。形式多样,充分激发学生的学习兴趣。
Teaching
objectives
By
the
end
of
the
lesson,
students
should
be
able
to:
1.
Understand
key
vocabulary
related
to
crime.
2.Understand
sentences
as
true
or
false
by
reading
3.
Know
about
the
main
meaning
of
the
text.
Teaching
strategies
Task-based
approach
Teaching
aids
Multi-media
Teaching
Procedures
Steps
Time
Teacher’s
activities
Students’
activities
Purpose
Step1
Presentation
1)
Say:
Good
morning,
everyone.
First
of
all,
let’s
watch
a
part
of
a
film.
Say:?Just
now
we
saw
a
young
man
in
the
film.
What
did
he
do?
Yes,
he
murdered
the
woman,
his
wife.
He
was
the
murderer,
the
attacker.
And
his
wife
is
the
victim.
(Write
the
three
words
on
the
Bb.)
Watch
and
feel
the
situation
then
learn
the
new
words.
通过观看影片的方式,引出本课的有关内容,激发学生学习兴趣。
Step2
While-reading
Say
this
film
is
full
of
horror
and
mysteries.
Now
today
we
shall
read
another
murder
story.
Please
open
your
books
and
turn
to
P108.
Here’s
the
article
about
the
murder
from
a
newspaper.
Before
we
read
it,
let’s
deal
with
the
new
words
first.
Complete
part
B1
2.
Skim
and
answer
the
following
questions:
a)
Who
was
murdered?
b)
When
did
the
murder
take
place?
c)
So
far
how
many
suspects
do
the
police
have
?
Scan??
?Say:
Now
please
read
the
article
more
carefully
and
try
to
tell
the
following
sentences
or
F.
If
it
is
false,
please
correct
the
mistake.(PartB2)
Read
the
text
carefully
again
and
learn
more
about
the
text.
Make
sure
the
language
points
they
can’t
understand.
?
略读——寻读——细读,层层深入,引导学生运用不同的阅读技巧完成任务教给学生推断的方法,引导他们关注细节,提高阅读技能。
Step3
Post-reading
Help
Millie
find
out
the
mistakes
about
the
murder.
Further
thinking:
What’s
your
feeling
after
reading
the
surprising
news
from
the
newspaper?
If
you’re
a
policeman,
do
you
have
any
good
advice
to
give
the
citizens
in
your
city?
Have
a
discussion
检查学生本课时的学习效果。
Step
Homework
1.Recite
the
new
words
and
phrases
2.Read
the
text
,try
to
understand
the
text.
巩固今天所学的内容。
1A
Teaching
Design
Title
Unit
Welcome
to
the
unit
Analysis
on
teaching
materials
本节课是9A的最后一个单元的第一个课时。谈论的是有关“detective
stories”,内容比较新颖,学生以前没有接触过相关内容。为了让学生更加容易地进入课堂,因此我先让学生谈论他们的理想。引入到Do
you
want
to
be
a
detective?。
Analysis
on
learners
为了激发学生的学习兴趣,特意以他们所熟知的两个名侦探福尔摩斯和柯南为例从而导入本课内容。然后再让学生扮演侦探的角色去侦破一起凶杀案,这样不知不觉就进入了本课的学习。
Teaching
objectives
By
the
end
of
the
lesson,
students
should
be
able
to:
1.?To
understand
clues
about
a
crime.
2.?To
read
notes
on
four
suspects
and
decide
which
suspect
is
most
likely
to
be
guilty
3.?To
draw
a
picture
of
the
suspect.
Teaching
strategies
Task-based
approach
Teaching
aids
Multi-media
Teaching
Procedures
Steps
Time
Teacher’s
activities
Students’
activities
Purpose
Step1
Warm-up
Ask:
What
do
you
want
to
be
when
you
grow
up?
Why?
Do
you
want
to
be
a
detective
like
Sherlock
Holmes、Conan?
Do
you
know
something
about
the
things
about
detective
stories?
etc.
Talk
about
their
own
dreams
and
give
the
reasons
?
Discuss
something
about
detective
Step2
Presentation
Last
Saturday
night
,a
young
man
was
murdered.
Everyone
wants
to
make
sure
who
the
murder
is
.This
is
a
detective’s
report.so
let
the
Ss
read
the
profiles
of
every
suspect
in
Part
Discuss
in
groups
of
four
and
guess
who
the
murder
is.
Ask
some
students
to
stand
up
to
say
who
the
murder
is
and
give
out
the
reason,
send
the
best
drawer
to
draw
out
the
murder
on
the
blackboard
Compare
which
team
is
the
best
group.
Underline
some
words
and
phrases
about
describing
a
person’s
appearance.
Discuss
and
guess
who
is
the
real
murder
通过游戏的方式让学生对接下来即将要完成的任务充满期待,使其学习兴趣和课堂参与热情大增。
Step3
Ask
and
answer
Give
a
listening
task
Questions:
1.
Why
is
Eddie
dressed
like
that?
2.
What
is
a
detective?
3.What
happened?
Play
the
tape
for
the
Ss
to
catch
the
answers.
Act
the
dialogue
out
in
pairs
Discussion
:
?What
do
you
think
of
Eddie?
Do
you
like
him?
Point
out
the
phrases:
dress
sb
/
dress
up
go
missing
Listen
to
the
tape
and
find
sth
about
Eddie
Act
out
the
dialogue
?
通过设计不同形式的活动来处理文本信息
Step
Homework
1.Talk
about
the
topic
of
this
unit
and
guess
some
vocabulary
2.Learn
about
some
famous
detectives
in
the
world
3.Learn
to
tell
a
detective
story.
巩固今天所学的内容。
1A
Teaching
Design
Title
Unit
Reading
(2)
Analysis
on
teaching
materials
本课Reading的第二部分,侧重于对文章的重要短语和语言点的掌握。内容较多,有一定的难度。为了能减轻这个练习的难度,我设计让学生通过分组讨论探究合作来完成这一任务。通过这两个活动的实施,学生已经充分掌握了课文内容。这样接下来再安排学生来复述课文就轻松多了。
Analysis
on
learners
本课的知识点比较多也比较难,对于基础基础较好的学生来说,当堂课就能基本掌握,但对于基础较弱的学生,仍需花点时间去巩固学习。为了避免过于枯燥,因此在课堂上适当增加了互动的环节,让接受能力好的学生去帮助基础薄弱的学生,使所有学生能更好地掌握那些较难的知识点,从而能更好地实现教学目标。
Teaching
objectives
By
the
end
of
the
lesson,
students
should
be
able
to:
1.
get
further
understanding
of
the
whole
text;
2.
learn
to
use
some
important
phrases
properly;
3.
talk
with
the
classmates
about
the
murder.
Teaching
strategies
Task-based
approach
Teaching
aids
Multi-media
Teaching
Procedures
Steps
Time
Teacher’s
activities
Students’
activities
Purpose
Step1
Revising
time
1.
Watch
the
video
of
the
story.
2.
Do
some
True
of
False
questions.
Watch
the
video
and
do
some
True
of
False
questions.
通过传视频回顾课文,快速导入本课主题。
Step2
Studying
time
1.
Read
paragraphs
1-2.
Try
to
finish
the
table
about
the
victim
and
the
murder.
(language
points:
sb.
be
seen
doing)
2.
Read
paragraph
3.
Finish
the
mind-map.
(language
points:
clue;
wound)
3.
Read
paragraphs
4-5.
Know
more
about
the
victim.
(language
points:
be
guilty
of/be
charged
with)
4.
Read
paragraph
6.
Learn
more
about
the
suspect.
5.
Read
paragraph
7.
Let’s
do
something
for
the
victim’s
parents.
Read
paragraph
by
paragraph.
Know
more
about
the
context
and
pay
attention
to
some
new
words
and
phrases.
结合文本学习语言知识点,并加以巩固。
Step3
Showing
time
Read
the
paragraphs
one
by
one,
learn
the
main
idea,
and
find
out
the
key
words
and
try
to
retell
the
story
one
by
one
Try
to
retell
the
text
with
the
help
of
the
questions
and
the
video.
通过复述,对文章进一步巩固,培养学生表达和运用的能力。
Step
Homework
1.
Retell
the
text;
2.
Finish
the
exercises
in
Period
of
Unit
in
the
workbook.
巩固今天所学的内容。