人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit 3 Sports and Fitness (课文课件)同步课件(共37张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit 3 Sports and Fitness (课文课件)同步课件(共37张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 1.8MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2020-09-23 16:34:41



Unit 3 Sports and Fitness

All sports for all people. —— Pierre de Coubertin
语言能力: 主题:运动与健康
Listening and Speaking
足球 soccer 拳击 boxing

马拉松 marathon 滑雪 ski
田径 track and field 健身 gymnastic
羽毛球 badminton 电子竞技 e-sports
(electronic sports)
Which one do you like best?

Invite a friend to a sports event
soccer football rugby
soccer 足球,英式英语中用football表示。在北美地区,尤其是美国,soccer和football是两种不同的运动。美式英语中soccer指的是英式足球,football则是美式足球,即美式橄榄球,是一种运动员必须穿戴规定服装和护具的强对抗性运动。而在英国,人们把橄榄球运动称作 rugby football(简称rugby),把美式橄榄球称作American football。
Wonderful gym, isn't it? (Falling) sure
You didn't go to Beijing, did you? (Rising)not sure
Reading and Thinking
Living Legends
Subject: Choose your favourite athlete.
Figure of speech:
Simile and metaphor (比喻)
Language Point:
重点句式 1:
One of the best players had been injured, and the team captain had to leave because of heart problem. 最优秀的队员中有一人受伤了,而且队长也因为心脏问题离队。
过去完成时的被动语态:主语+谓语(had been done).
过去完成时:表示先于过去某动作发生前完成的动作,即“过去的过去”。 形式:主语+谓语(had done)。
By the time I rushed to the airport, the plane had left.
Before he started to play basketball, he had finished her homework.
He asked me during the summer holiday?
A. where I had been B. where I had gone
C. where have I been D. where have I gone
Even though she to hospital without delay, she would not have been saved.
A. had rushed B. were rushed
C. had been rushed D. rushed
重点句式 2:
When Michael Jordan’s feet left the ground, time seemed to stand still.
stand 是一个系动词。常见的系动词是be动词。
表示变化的动词:get, turn, grow, become等;
感官动词:sound, feel, seem, look, appear, smell, taste等;
表示处于某种状态的动词:keep, stay, remain, lie, stand等;
变化系动词:become, grow, turn, fall, get, go, come, run等。
The valley lay quiet and peaceful in the sun.
She sat motionless, waiting for their discussion.
  He is a teacher. (is与补足语一起说明主语的身份。)
2)持续系动词:用来表示主语继续或保持一种状况或态度,主要有keep, remain, stay, lie, stand, 例如:
  He always keeps silent at meeting.
  This matter remains a mystery.
3)表像系动词:用来表示"看起来像"这一概念,主要有seem, appear, look, 例如: He looks tired.
   He seems (to be) very sad.
4)感官系动词:感官系动词主要有feel, smell, sound, taste, 例如:
  This kind of cloth feels very soft.
  This flower smells very sweet.
5)变化系动词:这些系动词表示主语变成什么样,变化系动词主要有become, grow, turn, fall, get, go, come, run. 例如:
  He became mad after that.
  She grew rich within a short time.   
6)终止系动词:表示主语已终止动作,主要有prove, turn out, 表达"证实","变成"之意。例如:The rumor proved false. / The search proved difficult.
  His plan turned out a success. (turn out表终止性结果)
The Boys and Girls Club which he started in Chicago has been helping young people since 1996. 他在芝加哥所创建的“男孩女孩俱乐部”从1996年至今一直在帮助年轻人。
How long have you been waiting here?
He has been running since 5:00 p.m., but doesn't want to stop at all.
Tom and Mary for their wedding for a whole week but nothing is really done.
A. have prepared B. are prepared
C. have been preparing D. prepared
—I am sure Mike will win the 1st place in the competition.
—I think so. He for it for months.
A. has prepared B. has been preparing
C. had prepared D. prepared
Main idea
Language feature
Lead Paragraph
The definition of living legends of sports
A question to arouse interest
invite readers to get involved
Lang Ping
Summary of Lang Ping's success
Three “as”
Decribing an event: Beginning-Development-Climax-Ending
Michael Jordan
Reasons for being called Air Jordan
His mental strength
Using Jordan's quote
Sharing success
Giving a fact about the Boys and Girls Club
Decide what is stated in the text(S), what can be inferred(I), what you know to be true from experience(E).
LP won several championships before she became a coach.
LP believed that her young players could win. S
Many people in China and the US Love coach Lang.
MJ is loved by basketball fans around the world. E
Before people saw MJ play, they didn’t know that basketball could be played that way.
MJ believes that it is impossible to help others.
Answer these questions
How was Lang Ping's determination tested in the 2015 World Cup?
(Lang Ping's determination was tested because she lost two important players. )
What examples does the writer use to describe Lang Ping?
(Uses examples of Lang Ping’s determination to describe her. When her team had problems at World Cup, she still managed to lead them to become world champions.)
Answer these questions
What does the first sentence in the paragraph introducing Michael Jordan mean?
(It means when MJ jumped in the air, it felt like time had slowed down, because his amazing skills were almost like magic.)
Why does the writer mention “ the final seconds of the game”?
(Because this is an important time where one team could win with a few points at the last moment.)
Discovering Useful Structure
Listening and Talking
附加疑问句 Tag Questions
Reading for Writing
Assessing Your Progress
Video Time
Write a page in wellness book.
第三段: 描述自己现在的行动。(首尾呼应)
Comparison and Contrast
Answer the questions
What problem did Kayla have in the past?
She was worried about her weight and appearance.
What does the sentence “ I almost went banana” mean?
She nearly went crazy because she was worried.
What made her change her thinking?
An article that said instead of asking “Am I fat?” people should be asking “Am I fit?”

{4C3C2611-4C71-4FC5-86AE-919BDF0F9419}The past
The present
worried about my weight and tried every new diet
think about fitness rather than weight
compared myself with actress and models
made a list of things I liked about myself
Write a page for a class wellness book.
To be more confident, I should know what I am good at, and accept what I am not good at.
I can't be good at everything.
If I want to improve at something, I won't let small failures put me off. I will keep trying and will reach my goal, becoming more confident at every step.
Keeping fit also helps!
Language Point
重点句式 1:
I tried no-fat, low-fat, 5:2, only bananas, no bananas—I almost went bananas, too. 我尝试了无脂肪,低脂肪,5:2饮食法,只吃香蕉,不吃香蕉——我也几近疯狂。
5:2 读作:five to two,指the 5:2 diet,即“一周有五天正常饮食,两天(不连续)以减肥为目的的控制饮食”。
go bananas是非正式用法,用来表示“发疯;疯狂”,双关语,一方面比喻作者几乎变成了香蕉,另一方面说明自己被节食疗法搞得几近疯狂。go用作系动词,多表示去向小计意味的“变得,变成“。
My grandma's hair is going grey. The jelly's gone bad.
重点句式 2:
I want to be able to do 30 push-ups.
be able to do sth. 有能力做某事 I am able to speak English.
push-up是由短语动词push up 转化而来的名词。
The rocket lift-off is set for 4:35 p.m..
Our plane is on the runway, ready for take-off.
Learning more:
情态动词:be able to 和 can的区别
I can accept failures; every one fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.
情态动词:be able to 和 can 的区别
(1) be able to 强调通过努力而获得的能力,而can则强调自身已具有的能力。如:
She can sing the song in English.
He will be able to sing this song in English in a few minutes, too.
(2) be able to 强调一种结果,而can只强调一种可能。如:
Luckily, he was able to escape from the big fire in the end.
If he got here a few hours earlier, I could save him.
区分:be able to 和 can的区别
(3) be able to 可以有各种时态;而can只有一般现在和一般过去两种时态。如:
Can you see it there?
He is / was / will be able to help you.
(4) can可用于表示可能性,推测,允许等情况,而be able to通常不这样用。
Exercising alone can be boring.
compete cheating master pretending events failure audience stress
Sports play a very valuable role in children's lives. Children who in a sport will learn how to deal with , because even though they work hard to the skills needed for a sport, it doesn't mean they will always win. Sports also help children see that is foolish. In sports, there is no use to fall down or be hurt, because in the end, the . will see through it. Taking part in sports is fun but not always easy, so it helps children how to deal with , something that everyone must learn to face in life.
2,课本 练习题;
3,课后 练习册。
Thanks for Listening!