Module
Lao
She
Teahouse
Unit2
It
describes
the
changes
in
Chinese
society.
第一课时教学设计
设计教师:
教材分析
本模块讨论的话题是老舍茶馆,属于课标当中的文化话题。而本课是本模块的第二单元,其主要内容是通过阅读习作训练来提炼课文中谈论关于老舍、《茶馆》及老舍茶馆的重点句型和短语,让学生学看懂英文介绍旅游景点的文章,通过第一课时的教学学习有效的阅读方法和技巧,从而为写作扫清语言障碍。
课时类型
读写课
课时教学目标
1.
Language
knowledge语言知识目标:To
be
able
to
describe
a
person’s
life
with
timeline
and
favourite
film
or
book.2.
Language
skills语言技能目标:(1)
To
be
able
to
understand
the
sequence
of
events;(2)
To
be
able
to
understand
the
main
idea
of
a
passage
with
the
help
of
the
paragraphheadings.3.
Culture
awareness
and
emotional
attitude文化意识和情感态度:To
know
more
about
Chinese
literature
and
culture,
as
we
as
cultivating
the
positive
attitude
towards
learning
English,
and
introducing
Chinese
culture.
教学重点与难点
重点:运用阅读策略获取信息,以时间轴的形式记录事件的发生顺序。难点:如果运用所学知识描述和介绍自己所喜爱的戏剧或电影。
教学辅助
Computer,
whiteboard,
video,
multimedia
教学策略
任务型教学法、归纳演绎法
教学内容
教学活动
设计意图
教师活动
学生活动
Step
1Warming-up
and
leading-in
Talk
with
Ss
about
what
they
did
last
night
and
show
them
some
pictures
of
crosstalk
comedians.
Free-talk
about
what
they
did
last
night
and
watch
some
pictures
of
comedians.
由生活情节引导学生快速进入话题,并对课文产生兴趣。
2.
Show
Ss
a
piece
of
video
about
Lao
She
Teahouse
and
do
a
brainstorm:
What
can
people
do
in
Lao
She
Teahouse?
2.
Enjoy
the
video
and
think.
通过欣赏视频思考问题,激活学生的背景知识,通过情景来学习新单词。
Step
2Pre-reading
1.
Ask
Ss
to
show
the
information
they’ve
got
about
Lao
She.2.
Check
and
do
some
supplements.
1.
Search
for
the
information
from
the
Internet
or
books.2.
Show
what
they’ve
got.
1.通过课前收集相关材料增强对课本背景知识的理解,更有利于理解课文。2.在语境中学习新词。
Step
Reading
1.
Task1:
Read
the
passage
and
match.
2.
Task
2:
Listen
and
read,
and
complete
the
timeline.3.
Task
3:
Read
and
check
the
true
sentences.
After
each
task,
check
the
answers
and
give
some
advice
on
reading
skills.4.
Read
the
passage
together.
Finish
the
tasks
one
by
one.Follow
the
tips
and
try
to
apply
them
to
the
reading
practice.
1.通过分层阅读,引导学生逐步掌握阅读技巧,提高阅读能力;2.听读结合,逐步呈现课文内容;3.任务型教学法让学生更乐意接受任务,迎接挑战,个个击破,增添学习乐趣。4.演绎及归纳法帮助学生理解阅读写作技巧,并及时总结,养成良好的学习习惯。
Step
Writing
Write
some
information
about
Teahouse.
Give
Ss
an
example.Ask
Ss
to
discuss
in
groups
and
write
a
passage
about
their
favourite
film.Check
the
passages.
1.
Learn
about
how
to
write
some
information
about
a
book
or
play.2.
Write
a
passage
about
their
favourite
films
with
the
help
of
groups.3.
Show
their
passages.
1.举例阐述如何构思介绍性文字,提高学生写作能力;2.培养学生的小组合作学习能力,让学生积极参与小组讨论,并在互助学习中学会用所学知识表达自己的想法。
Step5Summary
1.
Show
the
reading
and
writing
skills
again.2.
Encourage
Ss
to
read
more
famous
and
important
Chinese
works.
1.Consolidate
the
reading
and
writing
skills
on
the
Ss’
sheet;2.
Enhance
the
cultural
awareness
by
learning
Chinese
culture.
巩固本课所学的知识重点。
Homework
闯关1:Finish
the
reading
tasks
of
pieces
of
expositary
writing(说明文).闯关2:Write
a
passage
about
your
favorite
book
(60
words).
通过阅读及写作作业巩固所学知识。
教学反思
一、导入自然。在和学生们闲聊之中自然地引出“What
did
you
do
last
night?”这个问题,接着和学生互动,并引出学生们耳熟能详的话剧明星,自然地过度到老舍茶馆。在情境中进行教学,让学生们身临其境,构建起对课文背景知识的初步认知。二、注重对阅读篇章的整体把握和时间顺序的写作方法。在阅读课上,不应过分强调单词的认读,或是纠结某个语法的使用,应从整体下手,在最短的时间内提高解决问题。因此,通过设计三种不同的阅读任务,帮助和引导学生们在任务中认知篇章,并解决问题,同时总结经验,举一反三,以期运用到不同的阅读篇章当中。通过本课的学习,让学生们通过阅读语篇的特点——时间顺序来描述人物和事件,学习写作方法,为语言的输出做铺垫。三、师生互动较为真实、活跃。由于学生来自本人的班级,对学情的掌握较好,和学生的配合也十分默契。课堂问题设计得较有层次,由浅到深、深入浅出,激励了不同层次的学生,使得课堂气氛较为活跃。此外,本次阅读课也存在很多的不足。例如在时间把握上有所欠缺,没能把最重要的拓展环节完全展示出来。这说明在整洁课堂的设计中还是有所不足,内容太多,学生们难以消化;同时,本人的教态还不成熟,语言有时过于有力,温柔不足,在今后的教学实践中我会针对性地进行调整和改进。
板书设计:
Module
Lao
She
Teahouse
Unit
It
describes
the
changes
in
Chinese
society.
crosstalk
comedian
magic
show
and,
but,
so,
because…
twenty-twentieth
-first
novel
describe
society