教学目标:
1.
学会怎样把握文章大意以及文章的结构。
2.
学会怎样把握文章的细节
3.
培养合作能力。
4.
培养猜测生词的能力以及学习定语从句的一些知识。
Teaching
procedures(教学过程):
Step1.
Leading
in(导入)
:
濒临灭绝的动物是学生感兴趣的话题,教师播放提前录制好的一段视频,教师结合音乐进行朗诵,导入新课,使学生意识到藏羚羊等珍稀动物在濒临灭绝这一严峻现实,激发学生的兴趣和求知欲,迅速导入新课saving
the
antelopes。
【设计说明】本环节主要是课文导入和热身环节,利用多媒体播放和本课主题相关的直观、生动的图片和音乐,创设轻松和谐的课堂气氛,激发学生兴趣,自然进入本课话题,教师联系生活实际展开教学。
Step
2.
Read
for
the
main
structure(快速阅读阶段)
教师设计问题:Match
the
main
ideas
and
the
paragraphs
根据文章内容,教师提前总结出每段的段落大意,让学生采取连线的形式,把握文章的主旨大意和结构。
A.
Government’
measures
Para.
B.
Progress
in
protecting
the
antelopes
Para.
C.
The
death
of
Jiesang
Para.
D.
The
illegal
business
of
antelope’s
wool
Para.
E.
The
reason
why
antelopes
were
killed
Para.5
【设计说明】快速限时阅读把阅读课文作为整体来处理,掌握主旨大意,这一任务过程中为了降低难度采取连线的形式,学生比较容易接受。在对课文表层理解的基础上,要求学生根据每段大意把文章进行划分部分。本环节难度不高,学生都能很好地完成任务,不仅训练和提高了学生略读、查读的阅读技能。而且,提高了学生阅读的积极性。
Step
3.
Read
for
details(仔细阅读阶段)
Task
1.
Careful
reading
of
Para1
(段落1的处理---快速阅读):
教师设计问题:1.
Read
paragraph
and
find
the
information.
关于主人公杰桑被害的事情作为线索,提问关于时间、原因以及所发生的事情,让学生采取填空的形式来完成,以此来了解文章具体的细节。
_______________________________,Jiesang
had
given
his
life
to____________________.
Task
2.
Careful
reading
of
Para2-3(段落2-3的处理---快速阅读):
教师设计问题:find
out
the
meaning
of
the
numbers
and
dates.
1.
50,000
2.
2%
3.
4.
5.
$5,000
学生通过这些鲜明的数字,从中可以看出藏羚羊的数目在20世纪初到20世纪90年代严重减少(在此过程中处理了生词shawl)进而提出以下问题:
Why
had
the
number
of
antelopes
fallen
by
the
1990s?
然后采取图片的形式处理词汇skin,
on
the
spot以及关系代词where的用法。
The
animals
are
skinned
on
the
spot
and
the
wool
is
taken
to
Indian,
where
it
is
made
into
the
shawls.
Task
3.
Careful
reading
of
Para4-5(段落4-5的处理---快速阅读):
教师设计问题:choose
the
topics
mentioned:
government
police
doctors
volunteers
International
co-operation
然后让学生仔细阅读文章,找出相关的人员为了保护藏羚羊所处的努力。
【设计说明】这一阶段的主要任务是信息输入,通过细读,了解细节,深化对文章句意和结构的理解。学生为了完成任务,在教师的指导下,综合运用各种阅读策略,通过略读、查读、细读等阅读策略,在无形之中培养了学生的阅读技能和技巧。这一阶段又为下面的语言输出奠定了基础。同时通过练习阅读中识别新学词汇、短语并根据语境突出其意义;正确理解介绍藏羚羊。
Step
4:Consolidation(巩固提高)
教师设计问题:让学生结合本堂课所学内容,采用填空的形式加深对文章的了解。
At
the
beginning
of
the
twentieth
century,
there
were
millions
of
antelopes.
By
the
1990s,
the
number
____
____
to
about
50,000.In
the
1990s
the
shawls
_________________among
rich
people.
About2%
of
the
world’s
population-
___
___
_____to
make
them.
The
Chinese
government
began
to
___
__
_____
_____in
protecting
the
antelopes
.The
officials
who
work
in
the
reserve
are
also
_____
by
volunteers
who
__________for
the
difficult
conditions
of
life
at
5,000
meters.
Since
the
antelope
population
has
slowly
begun
to
_______again.
【设计说明】这一阶段通过填空的形式来检查和总结对课文的理解,基本上是对课文的一个高度概括与总结。
Step5:Practice(小组活动-学以致用)
教师设计问题两个话题:
1.
Make
a
dialogue
with
an
antelope
about
their
experience.
2.
Interview
a
government
official
about
the
measures
we
have
taken.
教师给予一定的提示:
Interviewer:
How
many
members
are
there
in
your
family
now?
Tom
(the
antelope):
Only
Interviewer:
Only
you?
What
happened?
Interviewer:
what
measures
have
you
taken
in
protecting
the
antelopes?
Government
official:
We
have
taken
an
active
part
in
protecting
them.
interviewer:
what
about
the
police?
【设计说明】这一阶段是信息输出阶段,采取小组合作的形式,以课文为依托,在前面信息输入后,学以致用,联系实际进行输出活动,学生分成两部分进行训练,从中正确明白自然与人的关系,增强保护生态环境的意识并从身边的小事做起,爱护自然,保护自然!
Step6:
Homework(作业):
教师设计作业:Protecting
the
rare
animals
is
the
duty
of
everyone,
as
a
student
what
should
we
do?
Now
write
a
letter
to
the
poachers
to
persuade
them
not
to
kill
the
antelopes
any
more.
【设计说明】这一阶段主要是把课堂中所学到的东西落实到纸面上,使所学到的知识内化为学生自己的知识。通过作业,使学生所获得的知识进一步系统化、条理化,并升华为学生认知结构中的知识点、知识链和知识网络,为学生综合能力的发展做好储备,全面落实素质教育。帮助学生增强“拯救野生动物,保护自然环境”的意识。(共13张PPT)
Learn
how
to
grasp
the
structure
and
main
idea
of
a
passage.
2.Learn
how
to
find
useful
and
specific
information.
3.
Learn
to
cooperate
with
partners.
4.
Learn
how
to
deal
with
new
words
and
the
phrases.
Learning
aims(学习目标):
Saving
the
Antelopes
Read
for
main
ideas
The
illegal
business
of
antelope’s
wool
Progress
in
protecting
the
antelopes
Government’
measures
The
reason
why
antelopes
were
killed
The
death
of
Jiesang
Match
the
main
idea
and
the
paragraphs
When
What
happened
On
a
freezing
cold
day
in
January
Read
for
details
Read
paragraph
and
find
the
information.
__________________________________,
Jiesang
had
given
his
life
to____________________.
save
the
antelopes
why
50,000
%
Ⅰ.
By
the
1990s,the
number
of
antelopes
had
fallen
about
50,000.
Ⅱ.
shawl
made
from
the
antelope
wool
can
sell
$5,000
Ⅲ.
There
has
been
a
ban
on
the
trade
since
1975.
Ⅳ.
police
raid
on
a
shop
in
london
found
shawls.
Ⅴ.
%of
the
antelopes
had
been
killed
to
make
the
shawls.
law
which
stops
people
from
doing
something
Read
paragraph
&
and
find
out
the
meaning
of
the
numbers
and
dates.
$5,000
Further
question:
Because
shawls
came
into
fashion,
poachers
killed
the
antelopes
for
their
expensive
wool
to
make
huge
profits.
Why
had
the
number
of
antelopes
fallen
by
the
1990s?
The
animals
are
skinned
on
the
spot
and
the
wool
is
taken
to
Indian,where
it
is
made
into
the
shawls.
Read
para4&5
and
choose
the
topics
mentioned.
government
protect
police
caught,
got
tough
with
doctors
volunteers
help
International
co-operation
work
At
the
beginning
of
the
twentieth
century,
there
were
millions
of
antelopes.
By
the
1990s,
the
number
____
____
to
about
50,000.In
the
1990s
the
shawls
_________________among
rich
people.
About2%
of
the
world’s
population-
___
___
_____to
make
them.
The
Chinese
government
began
to
___
__
_____
_____in
protecting
the
antelopes
.The
officials
who
work
in
the
reserve
are
also
_____
by
volunteers
who
__________for
the
difficult
conditions
of
life
at
5,000
meters.
Since
the
antelope
population
has
slowly
begun
to
_______again.
had
fallen
came
into
fashion
helped
Consolidation:
Fill
in
the
blanks
had
killed
take
an
active
part
are
ready
grow
been
millions
of
;fall;
wool;
kill……
Task
One
Task
Two
1.Make
a
dialogue
with
an
antelope
about
their
experience.
2.Interview
a
government
official
about
the
measures
we
have
taken.
government;
measures;
police;
volunteer;
grow…
Interviewer:
How
many
members
are
there
in
your
family
now?
Tom
(the
antelope):
Only
Interviewer:
Only
you?
What
happened?
Interviewer:
what
measures
have
you
taken
in
protecting
the
antelopes?
Government
official:
We
have
taken
an
active
part
in
protecting
them.
interviewer:
what
about
the
police?
Protecting
the
wildlife
means
protecting
ourselves!
We
human
beings
can’t
live
on
alone!
Wildlife
needs
our
love!
Let’s
remember
and
Bird
Flu.
We
should
live
in
harmony
with
animals,
plants,
and
nature
to
build
a
harmonious
society!
Teachers’
words
Homework:
Protecting
the
rare
animals
is
the
duty
of
everyone,
as
a
student
what
should
we
do?
Now
write
a
letter
to
the
poachers
to
persuade
them
not
to
kill
the
antelopes
any
more.
Thank
you!Match
the
main
ideas
and
the
paragraphs
2.根据文章内容,教师提前总结出每段的段落大意,让学生采取连线的形式,把握文章的主旨大意和结构。
A.
Government’
measures
Para.
B.
Progress
in
protecting
the
antelopes
Para.
C.
The
death
of
Jiesang
Para.
D.
The
illegal
business
of
antelope’s
wool
Para.
E.
The
reason
why
antelopes
were
killed
Para.5
3.Fill
in
the
blanks.
_______________________________,Jiesang
had
given
his
life
to____________________.
4.
find
out
the
meaning
of
the
numbers
and
dates.
1.
50,000
2.
2%
3.
4.
5.
$5,000
Why
had
the
number
of
antelopes
fallen
by
the
1990s?
6.采取图片的形式处理词汇skin,
on
the
spot以及关系代词where的用法。
The
animals
are
skinned
on
the
spot
and
the
wool
is
taken
to
Indian,
where
it
is
made
into
the
shawls.
7.
choose
the
topics
mentioned:
government
police
doctors
volunteers
International
co-operation
8.
Fill
in
the
blanks.
At
the
beginning
of
the
twentieth
century,
there
were
millions
of
antelopes.
By
the
1990s,
the
number
____
____
to
about
50,000.In
the
1990s
the
shawls
_________________among
rich
people.
About2%
of
the
world’s
population-
___
___
_____to
make
them.
The
Chinese
government
began
to
___
__
_____
_____in
protecting
the
antelopes
.The
officials
who
work
in
the
reserve
are
also
_____
by
volunteers
who
__________for
the
difficult
conditions
of
life
at
5,000
meters.
Since
the
antelope
population
has
slowly
begun
to
_______again.
9..
Make
a
dialogue
with
an
antelope
about
their
experience.
10.
Interview
a
government
official
about
the
measures
we
have
taken.
教师给予一定的提示:
Interviewer:
How
many
members
are
there
in
your
family
now?
Tom
(the
antelope):
Only
Interviewer:
Only
you?
What
happened?
Interviewer:
what
measures
have
you
taken
in
protecting
the
antelopes?
Government
official:
We
have
taken
an
active
part
in
protecting
them.
interviewer:
what
about
the
police?