(共32张PPT)
Unit
At
the
snack
bar
Story
time
点击此处播放
Me
too
如果你跟我一样,站起来说Me
too!
Cici
找食物
1、看到图片或单词,快速大声喊出单词哦!
2、看到装有食物的礼品盒就大声喊出“Yummy!”
任务一
在游戏中找一找食物吧!
Let’s
play
a
cup
of
coffee
一(茶)杯咖啡
noodles
a
glass
of
milk
一(玻璃)杯牛奶
Coffee,
coffee,
I’d
like
some
coffee.
Milk,
milk,
I’d
like
some
milk.
Noodles,
noodles,
They
are
very
nice!
Chant
我想要
告诉大家你想要的食物并且自由提问一分钟
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自由选择你的好朋友提问哦!
One-min-non-stop
talking
A:
I’d
like…What
would
you
like?
B:
I’d
like
a/
an/
some…
What
would
you
like?
C:
I’d
like…
…
What
would
you
like?
你想要什么?
…
在小吃店里
看卡通,勾出在snack
bar里出现的食物和饮料。
(
)
(
)
(
)
(
)
(
)
(
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(
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(
)
点击此处播放视频
看卡通,勾出在snack
bar里出现的食物和饮料。
(
)
(
)
(
)
(
)
(
)
(
)
(
)
(
)
√
√
√
√
√
a
sandwich
a
hamburger
读课本P38
Story
time,找一找他们各点了什么?
读课本P38
Story
time,找一找他们各点了什么?
Read
and
answer(自己朗读课文,找一找)
How
to
ask?
找一找点餐时我们可以怎么问?
What
would
you
like?
What
about
you
?
Anything
else?
还要其他东西吗?
Learning
tip
:跟读时请注意语气、语调、停顿哦。
What
would
you
like?
I’d
like
a
hamburger
and
a
glass
of
milk.
I’d
like
some
noodles.
Listen
and
imitate
听录音跟读课文,注意模仿语音语调哦!
What
about
you,
Dad?
I’d
like
a
sandwich
and
a
cup
of
coffee.
Listen
and
imitate
听录音跟读课文,注意模仿语音语调哦!
Anything
else?
hamburger,
noodles
and
a
glass
of
milk,
please.
sandwich
and
a
cup
of
coffee.
Listen
and
imitate
听录音跟读课文,注意模仿语音语调哦!
Here
you
are.
Thank
you.
Thank
you.
Listen
and
imitate
听录音跟读课文,注意模仿语音语调哦!
Act
the
dialogue.
分角色表演。
Read
it
in
roles.
小组内分角色朗读。
Read
it
together.
小组齐读。
Work
in
groups
of
(4人小组自选任务合作完成)
Tips:语音准确、声音洪亮、表情可爱、动作丰富。
Work
in
four
Game:Big
balloon(大气球)
如果回答正确,气球上升。当气球碰到白云则获胜。
Mike想要一些面条和一杯牛奶,他可以说:
I’d
like
some
noodles
and
a
glass
of
milk.
Game:Big
balloon
如果回答正确,气球上升。
当气球碰到白云则获胜。
2.服务员想问顾客需要什么,可以说:
What
would
you
like?
Can
help
you?
What
about
you?
Anything
else?
The
snack
bar
我们的明星朋友也来啦!
让我们用找到的食材招待他们吧!
1.用你得到的图片做菜单。
2.四人小组,一人招待其他三位朋友。
3.学习单上的句型可以帮助你哦,尽量用书本上没有的。
Group
work
I’d
like…
Yes,
please.
No,
thanks.
Thank
you.
…
明星朋友
What
would
you
like?
Can
help
you?
What
about…?
Anything
else?
Would
you
like…?
…
主人
Let's
talk
1.a
glass
of
milk
重点短语
一杯牛奶
2.some
noodles
一些面条
3.a
cup
of
coffee
一杯咖啡
4.would
like
想要
5.at
the
snack
bar
在小吃店
6.some
fish
重点短语
一些鱼
7.two
glasses
of
orange
juice
两杯橙汁
8.three
cups
of
tea
三杯茶
9.an
egg
一个鸡蛋
10.some
rice
一些米饭
1.Listen,
read
and
act
the
story.
跟读故事5遍并和朋友一起表演。
2.Find
more
words
about
food.
查找更多关于食物的单词。
3.Share
your
food
with
friends.
试着用今天所学的句型邀请你的小伙伴一起分享食物。
Homework