外研社丽声拼读故事会一级
Mum
Bug’s
Bag教学设计
?
教师姓名
单
位
上课年级
课题名称
教学目标
(一)知识目标
1.
巩固CVC单词的拼读。
2.
能自主拼读、朗读故事。(二)能力目标1.
能利用I
can
fit
a
…
in
my
bag
.等句子编一个小故事。2.能根据读音写出CVC结构的单词。(三)情感态度目标为学生创设轻松、愉悦、和谐的英语课堂学习氛围,使学生在学习中敢于开口说英语,并知道自己的东西要学会合理安排和放置。
重点难点
(一)教学重点1.能拼读、朗读故事,并理解文章的大意。2.
能利用所学知识编制小故事。(二)教学难点1.
能用所学句型编制小故事。?
板书设计
Phonics
Park
Mum
Bug’s
Bagfan
pot
Stick
a
red
bagget
bun
Mum
can
fit
a
pen\a
fan\zip
a
bun
and
a
jam
in
her
bag
教学步骤和说明:
教学步骤
教师活动
学生活动
设计意图及说明
Step1:Greetings
?
Good
morning!
Boys
and
girls!How
are
you
?What
day
is
today?What’s
the
weather
like
today?
Good
morning
,teacher!I’m
fine!
How
are
you?It’s
Wednesday.It’s
cloudy.
通过free
talk
来拉近和同学们的距离,让孩子进入英语学习的模式。
Step2:Warming-
up
??
Sing
the
phonic
song
《My
smart
hands》and
do
the
actions.
The
kids
will
sing
and
do
the
actions
together.
通过歌曲,调动孩子的学习兴趣,创设英文的学习氛围,并且复习所学的26个字母的名称音与发音,为后面的CVC单词拼读做好铺垫。
Step3:
Lead
in
1.
Today
we
are
going
to
a
phonics
park
.
Our
old
friends
are
there
,
too.Look,
What
are
they
?Let’s
say
their
sound
tgether.2.
Let’s
make
some
new
words
with
the
flowers,
ok
?Teacher
make
the
new
words
:fan\get\zip\pot\bun
1.They
are
a\e\i\o\u.Say
the
letters
sound
and
do
actions
together.2.
Read
the
new
words
by
themselves.
1.通过和五个元音字母老朋友的复习巩固所学元音字母的自然发音。2.通过摆小花组成新单词的方式,引出新词,并让孩子们根据已学知识拼读出CVC结构词,为后面的故事阅读打下基础。
Step4:Presentation
1.Show
a
red
bag
and
ask
:“Whose
bag
is
it
?”lead
out
the
story.2.
Guess
what
are
in
the
bag
?Let
students
read
the
story
by
themselves.3.Show
pen\key\bun\jam\fan\mobile
and
ask
“Is
there
a
…
”in
the
bag
?Then
stick
the
cards
in
the
bag
.4.
Read
the
sign
words
on
my
bag.
5.Now
let’s
Read
the
pictures
one
by
one
and
check
our
answers
.6.Listen
and
repeat.7.Ask
students
to
read
the
story.8.Ask
students
to
tell
the
story.
1.Guess
whose
bag
it
is.Then
read
the
title
together.2.Maybe
there
is
a
…
in
the
bag.3.
Then
read
the
story
and
answer
questions.4.Read
the
sign
words
by
playing
games.5.Look
at
the
pictures
and
answer
questions.6.
Repeat
the
story.7.Read
the
story
with
the
partner.8.Tell
the
story.
1.通过猜是谁的包引出标题的方法,让孩子对故事充满好奇。2.进步对包里的东西的猜测游戏,引出新单词,既激发孩子们的学习兴趣和主动思考的学习动机。3.
利用所学拼读方法进行阅读,增强了孩子们的学习成就感。4.
通过玩What’s
missing
的游戏复习视觉词,让孩子们在稍微疲惫时又重新调动起了学习兴趣,提高了学习效率。5.通过图片环游的方式进行整篇故事的展示,在分析问题和解决问题的过程中完成了故事学习,孩子们兴趣很高,能更加积极主动地完成学习任务。6.通过模仿跟读进行纠音。7.通过同桌之间的相互练习,互相改进并纠音。8.讲故事的方式增强对故事的理解和语言的运用。
Step5
Drill
and
practice
1.Ask
them
to
mMake
a
new
story.2.Read
the
words
and
ask
students
to
write
the
words.
1.Make
a
new
story
with
their
partner.
2.According
to
the
sound
write
the
words.
1.通过小组编新故事的练习达到对新知识的拓展运用。2.通过现场写单词的方式巩固孩子们对CVC单词拼读的意识,并达到听音写词的目标。
Step6:
Summary
Ask
them
to
read
the
blackboard.
Recall
we
learned
today
together.
通过孩子们看板书读板书的方式回忆和巩固本节课所学的重点内容。
Step7.
Homework
1.Practise
the
phonics
of
letters.2.Retell
the
story
to
your
parents.
?
?(共21张PPT)
Phonics
Park
Mum
Bug’s
bag
Welcome
our
class
!
What
are
in
Mum’s
Bag
?
What
colour
does
Mum
Bug
like
?
pen
What
do
they
buy(买)
?
Where
can
she
fit(放)
the
pen
?
Who
is
the
pen
for(给谁)
?
fan
What
will
Mum
Bug
buy
?
Where
can
she
fit(放)
the
fan
?
What
else(其他的)
does
she
buy
?
bun
Where
can
she
fit
the
bun
?
bun
jam
What
will
she
buy
next?
Where
can
she
fit
the
jam
?
What
happened
(发生)?
What
will
Mum
Bug
do
?
What
are
in
her
new
bag
?
a
the
can
has
a
the
can
has
in
and
of
her
get
in
and
of
her
get
in
and
of
her
get
have
a
schoolbag\pencilcase
…
.
can
fit
a
…
in
my
….
can
fit
a
…and
…
in
my
….
can
fit
a
…\
...
and
…
in
my
….
can
fit
a
…\
...\...
and
…
in
my
….
have
a
hole
in
my
….
The
…get
wet/
broken.
Make
a
Story
big
bag
bug
pot
pat
pen
fan
bun
fit
Practise
(读一读,写一写)
Homework
1.Practise
the
phonics
of
letters.
2.Retell
the
story
to
your
parents.