科普版《小学英语》5A
Lesson
7课件使用说明
第一课时
第1页
封面
第2页
复习上节课的歌曲Do
you
like
music?教师播放歌曲的而录音,学生跟唱。
第3页
复习上节课的重点句型,课件中的动画设置采用了经典游戏Simon
says的方式,教师可操作PPT,让学生自主完成句子。
第4-6页
复习上节课Revision
Exercises中的第七部分,让学生根据图片说出图上的人物都正在做什么。注意时态表达是否正确。
第7页
复习之前学过的like
doing的肯定,否定,和一般疑问句的简短回答。让学生主动说出相关的正确句型,此部分要迅速进行。
第8页
复习之前学过的like
doing相关的特殊疑问句和一般疑问句及简短回答。可以采用击掌的方式来接连说出相关的正确的句型。
第9-19页
复习1-6课的单词,因为单词量较多,教师可采用接龙的方式,让班里的学生一个接一个的说出单词的发音和意思。
第20页
学习本课Lesson
7的生词,教师可以按照课件中的动画设置,让学生快速读出生词的发音和理解单词的中文含义。
第21页
本课生词再次呈现,教师可带领学生大声朗读单词。熟悉生词的发音,注意查缺补漏。
第22页
用图片和学生比较熟悉的交际用语,导入本课的Let’s
talk部分。
第23-24页
本课的Let’s
talk
对话部分。教师可根据课件中的动画设置,逐句呈现对话内容。同时播放对话内容的录音。让学生初步理解对话内容。
第25-26页
再次呈现对话内容,并对对话中的重点词句进行讲解,让学生更好的理解对话内容。
第27-28页
复现对话全部内容,教师可带领学生大声朗读对话内容,让学生基本能够流利地朗读对话的全部内容。
第一课时结束
第二课时
第30页
复习本课生词,教师可以找一些对学生们有难度的单词重点复习,或是找一些在记忆单词方面稍弱的学生来重复生词。
第31-32页
复习上节课学过的Let’s
talk部分的对话内容,教师可让学生分组按照角色进行集体复习。
第33页
总结归纳would
like的肯定,否定和一般疑问句及简短回答。并导入本课Let’s
learn的重点句型讲解部分。
第34-36页
根据图片和所给信息提示,使用本课重点句型would
like完成句子,教师可带领学生一起来完成句子,以增强学生的信心。
第37页
把刚刚练习过的句型和图片信息汇总到一起,此时教师要鼓励学生自主表达出句子,增强学生的英文表达能力。
第38页
Let’s
sing部分,本课的英文歌曲是Would
you
like
a
cup
of
tea?教师可带领学生先熟悉歌词,然后再跟随录音材料学习歌曲。
第二课时结束
第三课时
第40页
复习本课生词,教师可让学生快速说出本课生词的英文发音和中文释义。
第41页
复习本课的英文歌曲Would
you
like
a
cup
of
tea?
第42页
用食物的图片和单词及固定表达导入本课的A
game
的练习部分。
第43-46页
依次呈现A
game部分的句型和相关图片信息,教师可带领学生一起根据所给信息完成句子,充分练习本课的重点句型would
like的相关句型。
第47页
把刚刚练习过的句型和相关信息汇总到一起,此时教师应鼓励学生主动表达出正确的句子,来增强英文的表达能力。
第48页
Listen
and
choose本课的听力训练。教师可根据本班情况播放听力的录音材料,达到大多数学生能够听懂为宜。最后教师公布练习题的正确答案。
第49页
Listen
and
say部分,把之前学过的对话,重点句型和生词综合到一起进行运用。教师可按照课件中的动画设置,逐句呈现会话内容。并播放录音。让学生初步理解会话内容。
第50页
再次呈现会话的全部内容,并解释会话中的重点词句。教师可根据本班情况,适当增减重点词句的解释。用来帮助学生更好的理解会话内容。
第51页
复现会话内容,并把会话中学生熟悉的单词用图片代替。鼓励学生大声朗读会话内容,使英文朗读能力得到提高。
第三课时结束
第四课时
第53页
复习本课生词,教师可采取学生之间互相提问的方式进行复习,加快复习速度,帮助学生记忆生词。
第54页
使用A
game部分来复习本课的重点句型,学生需根据句型结构和图片信息的提示,自主表达出正确的句型,为了加快速度可采用该分组计分的方式。鼓励学生自主表达。
第55页
使用刚刚练习过的图片和信息导入阅读Read部分。并预习即将在阅读部分出现的短语和表达方式。
第56-60页
呈现Read部分的全部内容,教师可根据课件中的动画设置逐句呈现文章的内容,同时播放文章录音,或是带领学生朗读文章内容。再给学生1-3分钟的时间,自由朗读文章,初步理解文章大意。
第61页
根据文章内容回答问题。教师可将学生分组,每组完成不同的问题,再把答案汇总到一起,更好的理解文章含义。
第62-66页
再次呈现文章内容,并讲解文章中的重点词句。教师可根据本班情况,适当增减讲解的内容,以便学生能够理解文章的含义。
第67-71页
复现文章内容,教师可让学生尝试朗读文章内容,并在旁辅助学生完成。可先集体朗读再分组,分角色朗读。让学生充分练习英文朗读能力。
第72页
复习本课生词,教师可采取抢答等测试方式,帮助学生记忆生词。
第73页
复习本课Let’s
learn部分的重点句型。可让学生以接龙的模式表达正确句型。
第四课时结束
Lesson
7结束。(共74张PPT)
Lesson
What
would
you
like?
Warm
up
Review
Sit
down.
Don’t
stand
up.
Close
the
door.
Don’t
close
the
window.
Listen
to
me.
Don’t
talk.
Look
at
the
blackboard.
Don’t
look
at
your
book.
Simon
says
Simon
says
Simon
says
Simon
says
7.
Look
at
the
picture.
Then
ask
and
answer.
What’s
Number
doing?
He
is
drawing.
What’s
Number
doing?
She
is
reading.
What’s
Number
doing?
He
is
riding
a
bike.
What’s
Number
doing?
He
is
flying
a
kite.
7.
Look
at
the
picture.
Then
ask
and
answer.
What’s
Number
doing?
He
is
playing
football.
What’s
Number
doing?
He
is
crying.
What’s
Number
doing?
He
is
playing
football.
7.
Look
at
the
picture.
Then
ask
and
answer.
What’s
Number
doing?
She
is
reading.
What’s
Number
doing?
He
is
swimming.
What’s
Number
doing?
He
is
flying
a
kite.
Review
Does
…
like
…?
Yes,
he/she
does.
No,
he/she
doesn’t.
…
doesn’t
like
…
…
likes
…
Review
What
does
…
like?
He/She
likes
…
Does
he/she
like
…?
No,
he/she
doesn’t.
?
?
?
?
?
?
Review
She’s
singing.
playground
sing
classroom
run
Some
are
running.
play
football
Some
are
playing
football.
Review
play
ping-pong
play
basketball
play
football
play
tennis
have
a
match
sport
运动
centre
中心
sport
centre
运动中心
love
grandfather
grandmother
比赛
next
下一个
week
星期
Review
Go
to
your
seat
and
sit
down,
please.
回到你的座位上,请坐。
may
May
come
in?
seat
see.
next
time
That’s
all
right.
可以
我可以进来吗?
座位
下次
我知道了。
没关系。
I’m
sorry.
I’m
late.
对不起,我迟到了。
Why
are
you
late?
你为什么迟到了?
Because
the
bus
was
late.
因为公交车来晚了。
Don’t
be
late
next
time!
下次别迟到了。
Review
a
fine
day
Keep
off
the
grass!
Don’t
run
on
the
grass.
very
happy
butterfly
park
公园
grass
草
Don’t
litter.
litter
别乱丢垃圾。
thing
Ted在做正确的事情。
Ted
is
doing
the
right
thing.
请勿踩踏草坪!
东西,事情
乱丢垃圾
别在草坪上跑!
Review
But
a
computer
has
a
keyboard.
但是电脑有键盘。
You
have
a
nice
keyboard
电视
你有一台很好的电视机。
键盘
No,
it
doesn’t.
不,
它没有。
Does
a
have
a
mouse,
too?
电视有鼠标吗?
mouse
鼠标
Review
tall
mouth
eye
ear
Is
he
…?
Yes,
he
is.
Does
he
have
big
…?
Yes,
he
does.
Review
play
with
him
every
day.
Does
he
have
hands?
every
每一个
hand
手
The
letters
are
emails.
email
这些信都是电子邮件。
write
但是他会写信。
But
he
can
write
letters.
我每天都和他玩儿。
写
电子邮件
他有手吗?
Review
card
sometimes
often
well
skate
play
basketball
go
fishing
有时
经常
健康的;好
Review
He
likes
seeing
films.
他喜欢看电影。
listen
She’s
listening
to
music.
music
听
她正在听音乐。
音乐
see
看电视
like
watching
too.
我也喜欢看电视。
film
电影
watch
films
to
listen
music
see
Review
always
My
mother
and
father
always
see
plays
in
the
evening.
only
总是
我的爸爸妈妈总是晚上看电视剧。
仅仅,只
喜欢,享受
Everyone
in
our
family
enjoys
watching
我们家每个人都喜欢看电视。
everyone
每一个
enjoy
But
we
only
have
one
但是我们只有一个电视机。
Review
take
拿
take
a
look
Let’s
go
and
take
a
look.
看一看
让我们去看一看。
over
there
在那边
make
a
kite
做风筝
fly
kites
放风筝
Let’s
go.
让我们去。
New
words
shop
something
某事(物)
would
将要
bottle
carrot
buy
买
drink
tea
juice
feel
感觉
much
多,非常多
would
like
想要
a
cup
of
一杯
a
bottle
of
一瓶
New
words
shop
something
某事(物)
would
将要
bottle
carrot
buy
买
drink
tea
juice
feel
感觉
much
多,非常多
would
like
想要
a
cup
of
一杯
a
bottle
of
一瓶
Lead-in
Can
help
you?
Let’s
talk
(L
=
Lulu,
=
Tom,
=
Woman)
T:
Yes.
Let’s
buy
something
to
drink.
L:
I’d
like
some
tea.
What
would
you
like?
L:
Look!
It’s
a
shop.
T:
I’d
like
a
cold
drink.
Let’s
talk
W:
Can
help
you?
L:
Yes,
I’d
like
a
cup
of
tea
and
a
bottle
of
coke.
W:
Sorry,
we
don’t
have
coke.
Would
you
like
a
bottle
of
orange
juice?
T:
a
bottle
of
orange
juice
and
a
cup
of
tea,
please.
W:
Here
you
are.
Let’s
talk
(L
=
Lulu,
=
Tom,
=
Woman)
T:
Yes.
Let’s
buy
something
to
drink.
L:
I’d
like
some
tea.
What
would
you
like?
L:
Look!
It’s
a
shop.
T:
I’d
like
a
cold
drink.
Let’s
something
to
drink
I’d
like
What
would
you
like?
a
cold
drink
让我们
一些喝的东西
我想要
你想要什么?
一杯冷饮
Let’s
talk
W:
Can
help
you?
L:
Yes,
I’d
like
a
cup
of
tea
and
a
bottle
of
coke.
W:
Sorry,
we
don’t
have
coke.
Would
you
like
a
bottle
of
orange
juice?
T:
a
bottle
of
orange
juice
and
a
cup
of
tea,
please.
W:
Here
you
are.
Can
help
you?
a
cup
of
tea
a
bottle
of
coke
a
bottle
of
orange
juice
Would
you
like…?
我能帮您吗?
一杯茶
一瓶可乐
你想要……吗?
一瓶橙汁
Here
you
are.
给你。
Let’s
talk
(L
=
Lulu,
=
Tom,
=
Woman)
T:
Yes.
Let’s
buy
something
to
drink.
L:
I’d
like
some
tea.
What
would
you
like?
L:
Look!
It’s
a
shop.
T:
I’d
like
a
cold
drink.
Let’s
talk
W:
Can
help
you?
L:
Yes,
I’d
like
a
cup
of
tea
and
a
bottle
of
coke.
W:
Sorry,
we
don’t
have
coke.
Would
you
like
a
bottle
of
orange
juice?
T:
a
bottle
of
orange
juice
and
a
cup
of
tea,
please.
W:
Here
you
are.
Have
a
rest,
please!
New
words
shop
something
某事(物)
would
将要
bottle
carrot
buy
买
drink
tea
juice
feel
感觉
much
多,非常多
would
like
想要
a
cup
of
一杯
a
bottle
of
一瓶
Let’s
talk
(L
=
Lulu,
=
Tom,
=
Woman)
T:
Yes.
Let’s
buy
something
to
drink.
L:
I’d
like
some
tea.
What
would
you
like?
L:
Look!
It’s
a
shop.
T:
I’d
like
a
cold
drink.
Let’s
talk
W:
Can
help
you?
L:
Yes,
I’d
like
a
cup
of
tea
and
a
bottle
of
coke.
W:
Sorry,
we
don’t
have
coke.
Would
you
like
a
bottle
of
orange
juice?
T:
a
bottle
of
orange
juice
and
a
cup
of
tea,
please.
W:
Here
you
are.
Lead-in
would
like
a
bottle
of
coke.
I’d
like
some
tea.
陈述句
wouldn’t
like
a
cold
drink.
Would
you
like
a
bottle
of
juice?
would
like
想要
Yes,
please.
No,
thanks.
What
would
you
like?
否定句
一般疑问句&简答
特殊疑问句
Let’s
learn
What
would
you
like?
What
would
you
like?
I’d
like
a
bottle
of
coke.
I’d
like
a
cup
of
tea.
Let’s
learn
What
would
you
like?
What
would
you
like?
I’d
like
some
candy.
I’d
like
an
ice
cream.
Let’s
learn
What
would
you
like?
What
would
you
like?
I’d
like
some
juice.
I’d
like
a
glass
of
water.
Let’s
learn
What
would
you
like?
I’d
like
…
Let’s
sing
Have
a
rest,
please!
New
words
shop
something
某事(物)
would
将要
bottle
carrot
buy
买
drink
tea
juice
feel
感觉
much
多,非常多
would
like
想要
a
cup
of
一杯
a
bottle
of
一瓶
Let’s
sing
game
hot
dog
hamburger
bun
cake
a
glass
of
milk
a
bottle
of
milk
a
cup
of
tea
a
cup
of
coffee
game
What
would
you
like?
I’d
like
a
bun.
Would
you
like
a
bottle
of
milk?
Yes,
please.
a
bottle
of
milk
bun
Here
you
are.
game
What
would
you
like?
I’d
like
a
hot
dog.
Would
you
like
a
cup
of
coffee?
Yes,
please.
Here
you
are.
hot
dog
a
cup
of
coffee
game
What
would
you
like?
I’d
like
a
cake.
Would
you
like
a
glass
of
milk?
Yes,
please.
Here
you
are.
cake
a
glass
of
milk
game
What
would
you
like?
I’d
like
a
cake.
Would
you
like
a
cup
of
tea?
Yes,
please.
Here
you
are.
hamburger
a
cup
of
tea
game
What
would
you
like?
I’d
like
a
…
Would
you
like
…?
Yes,
please.
Here
you
are.
hamburger
a
cup
of
tea
hot
dog
bun
cake
a
glass
of
milk
a
bottle
of
milk
a
cup
of
coffee
Listen
and
choose
Listen
and
say
(Z
=
Zhuangzhuang,
=
Jane,
=
Man)
M:
Can
help
you?
J:
Yes,
I’d
like
a
hamburger
and
a
bag
of
chips.
M:
What
would
you
like?
Z:
I’d
like
a
hot
dog.
M:
Would
you
like
something
to
drink?
J:
Yes,
a
glass
of
orange
juice.
Z:
I’d
like
a
coke.
M:
Twenty-eight
yuan.
J:
Oh,
no!
only
have
twenty
yuan.
Z:
That’s
Let’s
go
Dutch.
Listen
and
say
(Z
=
Zhuangzhuang,
=
Jane,
=
Man)
M:
Can
help
you?
J:
Yes,
I’d
like
a
hamburger
and
a
bag
of
chips.
M:
What
would
you
like?
Z:
I’d
like
a
hot
dog.
M:
Would
you
like
something
to
drink?
J:
Yes,
a
glass
of
orange
juice.
Z:
I’d
like
a
coke.
M:
Twenty-eight
yuan.
something
to
drink
go
Dutch
一些喝的东西
J:
Oh,
no!
only
have
twenty
yuan.
Z:
That’s
Let’s
go
Dutch.
Listen
and
say
(Z
=
Zhuangzhuang,
=
Jane,
=
Man)
M:
Can
help
you?
J:
Yes,
I’d
like
a
hamburger
and
a
bag
of
chips.
M:
What
would
you
like?
Z:
I’d
like
a
hot
dog.
M:
Would
you
like
something
to
drink?
J:
Yes,
a
glass
of
orange
juice.
Z:
I’d
like
a
coke.
M:
Twenty-eight
yuan.
J:
Oh,
no!
only
have
twenty
yuan.
Z:
That’s
Let’s
go
Dutch.
Have
a
rest,
please!
New
words
shop
something
某事(物)
would
将要
bottle
carrot
buy
买
drink
tea
juice
feel
感觉
much
多,非常多
would
like
想要
a
cup
of
一杯
a
bottle
of
一瓶
game
What
would
you
like?
I’d
like
a
…
Would
you
like
…?
Yes,
please.
Here
you
are.
hamburger
a
cup
of
tea
hot
dog
bun
cake
a
glass
of
milk
a
bottle
of
milk
a
cup
of
coffee
Lead-in
hamburger
a
cup
of
tea
hot
dog
bun
cake
a
glass
of
milk
a
bottle
of
milk
a
cup
of
coffee
What
would
you
like?
But
I’d
like
it,
too.
Would
you
like
to
share
it
with
me?
Let’s
share
it.
Then
feel
much
better.
与
……分享
分享
好多了
Read
Look!
What’s
this?
Aha!
carrot.
big
carrot.
I’m
hungry.
Let’s
share
it.
Read
Miss
Sheep
is
not
well
today.
She’s
hungry,
too.
Then
let’s
share
it
with
her.
Read
Miss
Sheep!
How
are
you
feeling?
I’m
not
feeling
well.
Read
Do
you
like
carrots?
Yes,
do.
Look!
We
have
a
big
carrot.
Let’s
eat
it
together.
Thank
you.
Read
Would
you
like
something
to
drink?
Yes,
please.
What
would
you
like?
Some
water,
please.
Thank
you.
Oh,
I’m
feeling
much
better
now.
Here
you
are.
Read
Who
is
not
well
today?
Do
they
want
to
share
the
carrot
with
Miss
Sheep?
How
is
Miss
Sheep
feeling?
Do
they
eat
the
carrot
together?
What
would
Miss
Sheep
like
to
drink?
Is
Miss
Sheep
feeling
much
better
now?
Read
Look!
What’s
this?
Aha!
carrot.
big
carrot.
I’m
hungry.
Let’s
share
it.
carrot
hungry
Let’s
share
it.
让我们分享它。
Read
Miss
Sheep
is
not
well
today.
She’s
hungry,
too.
Then
let’s
share
it
with
her.
not
well
Let’s
share
it
with
her.
(身体)不舒服
让我们和她分享吧。
share
…
with
…
与……分享……
Read
Miss
Sheep!
How
are
you
feeling?
I’m
not
feeling
well.
How
are
you
feeling?
I’m
not
feeling
well.
你觉得怎么样?
我觉得不舒服。
Read
Do
you
like
carrots?
Yes,
do.
Look!
We
have
a
big
carrot.
Let’s
eat
it
together.
Thank
you.
Read
Would
you
like
something
to
drink?
Yes,
please.
What
would
you
like?
Some
water,
please.
Thank
you.
Oh,
I’m
feeling
much
better
now.
Here
you
are.
much
better
好多了
Read
Look!
What’s
this?
Aha!
carrot.
big
carrot.
I’m
hungry.
Let’s
share
it.
Read
Miss
Sheep
is
not
well
today.
She’s
hungry,
too.
Then
let’s
share
it
with
her.
Read
Miss
Sheep!
How
are
you
feeling?
I’m
not
feeling
well.
Read
Do
you
like
carrots?
Yes,
do.
Look!
We
have
a
big
carrot.
Let’s
eat
it
together.
Thank
you.
Read
Would
you
like
something
to
drink?
Yes,
please.
What
would
you
like?
Some
water,
please.
Thank
you.
Oh,
I’m
feeling
much
better
now.
Here
you
are.
New
words
shop
something
某事(物)
would
将要
bottle
carrot
buy
买
drink
tea
juice
feel
感觉
much
多,非常多
would
like
想要
a
cup
of
一杯
a
bottle
of
一瓶
Let’s
learn
What
would
you
like?
I’d
like
…
See
you!