(共41张PPT)
新起点小学英语二年级上册第四单元
Unit
In
the
community
Lesson
I'm
going
to
_____.
1.
What
does
Lily
ask?
going
Where
I'm
going
to
2.
What
does
he
say?
going
Where
I'm
going
to
the
supermarket
the
school
the
park
the
zoo
the
hospital
the
bookshop
Where
are
you
going?
I'm
going
to
_____.
Let’s
chant!
Where
are
you
going?
I’m
going
to_____.
Hooray!
Let’s
chant!
Where
are
you
going?
I’m
going
to_____.
Hooray!
Qian:
Hi,
_____.
How
are
you?
Wai:
Hello,
_____.
I'm_____.
Qian:
Where
are
you
going?
Wai:
I’m
going
to______.
Xiao
Qian
Xiao
Wai
Woof!
Woof!
Biscuit
Woof!
Woof!
Stay
here,
Biscuit!
Where
are
you
going,
Biscuit?
I'm
going
to
________.
the
park
Where
___________,
Biscuit?
I'm
going
to
_________.
are
you
going
the
school
_________________,
Biscuit?
I'm
going
to
______.
Where
are
you
going
the
gym
_________________,
Biscuit?
I'm
going
to
_________.
Where
are
you
going
the
library
______,
Biscuit!
Everyone
likes
Biscuit!
Woof!
Woof!
Stay
here,
Biscuit!
Where
are
you
going,
Biscuit?
I'm
going
to
________.
the
park
Where
___________,
Biscuit?
I'm
going
to
_________.
are
you
going
the
school
_________________,
Biscuit?
I'm
going
to
______.
Where
are
you
going
the
gym
_________________,
Biscuit?
I'm
going
to
_________.
Where
are
you
going
the
library
______,
Biscuit!
Everyone
likes
Biscuit!
Woof!
Woof!
Stay
here,
Biscuit!
Where
are
you
going,
Biscuit?
I'm
going
to
________.
the
park
Where
___________,
Biscuit?
I'm
going
to
_________.
are
you
going
the
school
_________________,
Biscuit?
I'm
going
to
______.
Where
are
you
going
the
gym
_________________,
Biscuit?
I'm
going
to
_________.
Where
are
you
going
the
library
______,
Biscuit!
Everyone
likes
Biscuit!Unit
In
the
Community
lesson
教案
课题
In
the
community
课型
对话课
课时
第二课时
教材分析
课本教材取自新起点二上第四单元:
话题:In
the
community
词汇:school,
supermarket,
bookshop,
hospital,
park,
zoo
句型结构:-Where
are
you
going?
-I’m
going
to
...
课型:对话课
学生个体情况分析
前测分析
学生已经在本单元的第一课时学习了词汇
school,
supermarket,
bookshop,
hospital,
park以及zoo。同时,部分
学生也有其他地点词汇的一些前期相关积累。如:library和gym等。此外,在第一课时的学习时,句型结构-Where
are
you
going?
-I’m
going
to
...已经得到了初步的渗透。
教学策略
1.
Pair
work
2.
Group
work
3.
Whole
class
work
教学目标
总目标
Be
able
to
ask
others’
destinations
with
the
key
structure:
-Where
are
you
going?
2.
Be
able
to
tell
others
one’s
destination
with
the
key
structure:
-I’m
going
to
...
with
the
vocabulary
learned
in
Lesson
1.
基础目标
Be
able
to
listen,
say
and
read
the
sentences.
发展目标
Use
the
key
structures
to
ask
and
tell
one’s
destination.
教学重点
Be
able
to
listen,
say
and
read
the
sentences:
-Where
are
you
going?
-I’m
going
to
...
难点
The
intonation
of
the
sentences:
-Where
are
you
going?
-I’m
going
to
...
Be
able
to
ask
and
tell
one’s
destination
in
English
correctly.
教学环境
课桌椅摆放
四人为一小组的桌椅摆放形式。
媒体
学习材料
歌曲视频
课件
软件
教学板块
板块目标
教师活动
学生活动
设计意图
热身复习
Warmer
and
Revision
Greeting.
Instruct
Ss
to
play
a
game:
say
‘park’,
you
say
‘park,
yeah’
and
you
jump.
3.
Play
a
song:
Where
are
you
going?
4.
Demonstrate
with
gestures
and
postures.
1.
Greeting.
2.
Follow
T’s
instruction
and
play
the
game.
3.
Listen
to
the
song.
Jump
and
say
‘XX,
yeah’
when
hear
the
names
of
the
places.
4.
Guess
the
names
of
the
places
that
demonstrates.
活跃气氛,导入
话题。通过游戏
和歌曲的操练激
活相关知识。
以游戏的形式引
出本课的答句-I’m
going
to...让学生提
前熟悉新知。
新授操练
Presentation
and
Practice
Step
Presentation
Show
main
scene.
Elicit
the
questions
for
Bill
from
Ss.
Play
the
video.
T:
What
does
Lily
ask?
Play
the
video.
T:
Where
is
Bill
going?
What
does
he
say?
Play
the
video
again.
Role
play
with
Ss.
Step
Practice
1.
Game:
Bus
Driver
Act
like
a
bus
driver
and
invite
Ss
to
be
the
passengers.
T:
Where
are
you
going?
2.
Demonstrate
and
chant.
‘Where
are
you
going?
Where
are
you
going?
I’m
going
to
the
park.
I’m
going
to
the
park.’
3.
Show
the
image
of
Xiao
Qian
and
Xiao
Wai
at
the
bus
stop.
Step
Presentation
Greet
to
Bill
and
ask
him
some
questions.
Catch
the
information
and
practice
to
read
the
sentence
‘Where
are
you
going?’
Catch
the
information
and
practice
to
read
the
sentence
‘I’m
going
to
the
park.’
Repeat
after
the
video.
Role
play
with
T.
Step
Practice
Get
on
the
bus
and
say
‘I’m
going
to…’Get
off
the
bus
when
it
arrives
at
one’s
destination.
Clap
hands
with
partners
and
chant.
3.
Observe
and
role
play
the
conversation.
导入,感知新授
课中涉及的句
型。
模拟真实的公车
情景,培养学生
上车排队、及时
下站的意识。
用朗朗上口的歌
谣巩固句型。
代入角色,提升趣味。
巩固拓展
Consolidation
and
Extension
Show
the
picture
book.
T:
Who’s
this?
boy
or
a
girl?
His
name
is
Biscuit.
What’s
on
his
back?
Can
a
dog
go
to
school?
2.
Guide
Ss
to
fill
in
the
blanks
according
to
the
hints
on
the
picture.
3.
Invite
one
to
be
Biscuit.
Guide
the
class
to
show
the
story
in
a
cooperative
way.
1.
Observe
the
pictures
and
answer
T’s
questions.
2.
Deliver
an
aside
and
fill
in
the
blanks.
3.
One
tries
to
be
Biscuit
while
others
deliver
an
aside.
以绘本促学,加深巩固学生对本课问句答句的灵
活使用。同时侧面拓展学生的词汇,如library和
gym。
板书设计
In
the
community
-Where
are
you
going?
-I’m
going
to
the
park.