人教版必修一Uniit 3 Sports&Fitness reading 课件(共48张PPT)


名称 人教版必修一Uniit 3 Sports&Fitness reading 课件(共48张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 4.2MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2020-11-15 17:37:47



Unit 3 Sports & Fitness
Book 1
New Senior English for China
{5C22544A-7EE6-4342-B048-85BDC9FD1C3A}Listening & Speaking
Reading & Thinking
Discovering useful structures
Listening & Talking
Reading & Writing
Assessing Your Progress
Project: Design a travel brochure
Video Time
All sports for all people.
--Pierre de Coubertin
皮埃尔·德·顾拜旦(Le baron Pierre De Coubertin,1863~1937),是法国著名教育家、国际体育活动家、教育学家和历史学家、现代奥林匹克运动的发起人。1863年1月1日出生于法国巴黎的一个非常富有的贵族家庭。1896年至1925年,他曾任国际奥林匹克委员会主席,并设计了奥运会会徽 、奥运会会旗?。由于他对奥林匹克不朽的功绩,被国际上誉为“奥林匹克之父”。
Look and discuss
1. Do you jog often? What sports and exercise do you like?
I don’t jog but I often do fast-walking on the school playground or in the Yinzhou Park. I also like table tennis.
2. What do you think sports and exercise can do for you?
Sports and exercise can help us stay fit, healthy and happy. They also teach us how to work as a team towards shared goals.
Listening & Speaking
Get to know new people
Look at the posters. What sports events do you like to watch? Which sport would you like to try?
Listen to Conversation 1. What is Shen Qi’s main purpose for talking to Amy?
Listening & Speaking
A. To invite Amy to an e-sports event
B. To invite Amy to a soccer match.
C. to explain an e-sports even.
Listen for main ideas
Try to catch the main ideas instead of trying to remember and translate each word you hear.

Listen again and circle the words that the speaker stresses.
Listening & Speaking
1. Did you hear that there’s an e-sports event this weekend?
2. Would you like to come along?
3. Really? I’d love to!
4. Why don’t you join us this Saturday afternoon?
5. Oh, sorry. I can’t.
Adam is inviting Julie to a sports event. Listen to conversation 2 and answer the questions.
Listening & Speaking
1. When will the event happen?
The event will happen __________________________.
2. What’s a “Blue Paint” run?
A “Blue Paint” run is a fun run that _______________.
3. Why is it called a “Blue Paint” run?
Because people can buy water balloons filled with _____ _______ and ____________ the runners.
4. If 200 people take part in the run and 400 balloons are sold, how much money will they collect?
on Saturday afternoon
helps the community
throw them at
What event or activity would you like to invite your friend to? Make a conversation with a partner.
Listening & Speaking
A: Hey, B, it's A. What are you up to today? Would you like to come to …?
B: Hi, A. Sure, I don't have any plans. What time does it start?
A: At …. It's at the ….
B: OK, but do I need to pay for …?
A: No, it's free today. They are giving free … to help people improve their health!
B: That's great! See you there just before ….
Listening & Speaking
Reading and Thinking
The Charm of Sports
Choose your favourite athlete
Who is your favourite athlete?
Reading and Thinking
Choose your favourite athlete
Who is your favourite athlete?
She’s a living legend!
Reading and Thinking
Choose your favourite athlete
Who is your favourite athlete?
As a player, Lang Ping _____________________________.
As a coach, Lang Ping _____________________________.
As a person, Lang Ping _____________________________.
1. How was Lang Ping’s determination tested in the 2015 World Cup?
Her determination was tested because the team lost two important players. First, …; Second, …
2. What examples does the writer use to describe Lang Ping?
The writer uses examples of Lang Ping's determination to describe her. When her team had problems at the World Cup, she still managed to lead them to become world champions.
brought … to …
led … to … at … and …
is loved by fans at … and …
Reading and Thinking
Choose your favourite athlete
Who is your favourite athlete?
He’s a living legend!
Reading and Thinking
Choose your favourite athlete
Who is your favourite athlete?
3. What does the first sentence in the paragraph introducing Michael Jordan mean?
It means when Michael Jordan jumped in the air, it felt like time had slowed down, because his amazing skills were almost like magic.
4. What made Michael Jordan unique?
graceful moves and jumps;
impressive skills;
the mental strength he showed
5. What is his attitude to failure?
regard failure as his secret to success
accept his failure
learning from …
6. Why does the writer mention “the final seconds of a game”?
Because in basketball this is an important time where one team could win with a few points at the last moment.
Reading and Thinking
Choose your favourite athlete
Work in groups. Discuss the questions.
1. What reasons does the writer give for choosing Lang Ping and Michael Jordan? Who would you choose as another “living legend”? Give your reasons.
2. What can we learn from successful athletes?
From successful athletes, we learn that strong determination to never give up can help achieve goals. They also teach us to practise a lot, and not to be put off by failures but learn from them.
The author chose Lang Ping and Michael Jordan because they are masters of their sports and like to help others.
My favourite athlete is …. He/She is widely considered the greatest …. He/She grew up …, but his/her skill and determination led him to play for his/her country and win the World Cup … times, After stopping playing, he/she has had important international roles in promoting sports and ….
Reading and Thinking
Choose your favourite athlete
Use the words and phrases below to talk about Lang Ping, Michael Jordan, and the athlete that you admire..
athlete champion determination captain bring glory and honour
injured impressive medal unique set a good example
give up strength graceful failure lose heart
Lang Ping:
Michael Jordan:
The athlete I admire:
She brought glory and honour to the country as both a player and a coach. She always showed great determination and never lost heart, proving she is a true champion.
He played basketball in a graceful way, but also showed great strength. He never let failure stop him and never gave up his dreams.
Pelé was a unique player. Even after many years, watching him is still impressive. He had a great talent and is a true champion.
Reading and Thinking
Choose your favourite athlete
Decide what is stated in the text (S), what can be inferred (I), and what you know to be true from experience (E).
Lang Ping won several championships before she became a coach.
Lang Ping believed that her young players could win.
People in China and the US love Coach Lang.
Michael Jordan is loved by basketball fans around the world.
Before people saw Michael Jordan play, they did not know that basketball could be played that way.
Michael Jordan believes that it is important to help others.
Discovering Useful Structures
Make small conversations
1 Underline the tag questions and their answers. What functions do the tag questions have?
1. Amy: It’s not a real sport, is it?
Shen Qi: Yes, it is.
2. Adam: That sounds interesting, doesn’t it?
Julie: Sure, it does.
3. Lin Tao: Hi! It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?
Han Jing: Yes, it is. I’m going to play soccer. Come along and join us, will you?
Lin Tao: Sorry, I can’t. I’ve got to meet my adviser. By the way, our school soccer team won at last, didn’t they?
Han Jing: No, they didn’t. It’s too bad.
The tag questions above are used for confirmation.
Discovering Useful Structures
Make small conversations
2 Complete the conversations with appropriate tag questions or correct answers. Then act them out.
1. A: It’s not going to rain, is it?
B. . It’s a good day for sports.
A: Then we can play football, ?
B: . We don’t have a ball.
2. A: It’s Sports Day next Thursday, ?
B: You’re right, it is. Let’s ask Xia Lei if she wants to join a team.
A: She likes soccer, ?
B: . But she loves volleyball. She could be in the volleyball team.
3. A: It’s time for badminton class. Where is the coach? He’s late,
B: It’s been 10 minutes already. He isn’t coming, ?
A: Cool! We can have a good time. That’s great!
B: Shh!
A: Oh no, he’s right behind me, ?
C: Yes, I am!
No, it isn’t
can’t we
No, we can’t
isn’t it
doesn’t she
No, she doesn’t
isn’t he
is he
isn’t he
Discovering Useful Structures
Rules and practice
1.附加疑问句由两部分组成:前一部分是 句式,后一部分是 句式,两者用逗号隔开。
2.附加疑问句一般是前 后否定或前 后肯定。
3.附加疑问句又称为反意疑问句。附加疑问部分的句式是:___________________ +主语。其中的主语必须用 。
Discovering Useful Structures
Rules and practice
1. Somebody phoned while I was out,________?
2. Everything seems all right now,__________?
3. This is important,_________?
4. One can’t be too careful,_______________?
5. Learning how to repair motors takes a long time,_______?
6. There’s something wrong,___________?
7. I told them not everybody could do it,_________?
8. I suppose that he’s serious, _________?
9. It is five years since he joined the army,________?
10. Give me some cigarettes,__________________?
didn’t they
doesn’t it
isn’t it
can one/can you
doesn’t it
isn’t there
didn’t I
isn’t he
isn’t it
will you/won’t you
Discovering Useful Structures
Rules and practice
You are asleep,aren’t you?
You aren’t asleep,are you?
Yes,I’m not.
Yes,I am.
It is a beautiful flower,isn’t it?
It isn’t a beautiful flower,is it?
No,I’m not.
No,I’m not.
Yes,it is.
No,it isn’t.
Yes,it is.
No,it isn’t.
Discovering Useful Structures
Rules and practice
I find English very interesting,________?
I don’t like that film,________?
2.当陈述部分的主语是everybody,everyone,someone,nobody,no one,somebody,anybody,anyone等合成代词时,附加疑问部分的主语通常用they。但亦可用he,尤其是nobody,no one等作主语,具有否定概念时。如:
Anyone can do it,________?
Everyone enjoyed the party,didn’t ________?
Nobody wants to go there,does ________?
don’t you
do you
can’t he
Discovering Useful Structures
Rules and practice
1、陈述部分有否定词或半否定词如few,hardly,little,neither,never,no,nobody, nothing,nowhere,rarely,scarcely,seldom等时,附加部分用肯定形式。但陈述部分的谓语含有带否定前缀的词时,如disagree,dislike,impolite,impossible,unfair,unfit等,附加部分不用肯定形式而应用否定形式。如:
It hardly matters,_____?
He hardly speaks English,________?
She seldom lends her money to others,________?
Mr. Black was unfair,___________?
It is impossible to work out this maths problem in five minutes,_________?
Tom disliked it,________?
does it
does he
does she
wasn't he
isn't it
didn't he
Discovering Useful Structures
Rules and practice
2、当陈述部分带有宾语从句时,反意疑问部分的主语与助动词常和主句的主语和谓语保持一致。但如果主句部分的主语和谓语是I think (believe,expect,imagine,suppose等)并跟有宾语从句时,附加部分的主语和谓语应要针对疑问点所在,分别就主句或从句构成反意疑问句。如:
I don't think he was right,_________?
I have told him many times he should hand in his homework in time,
_____ ______?
We believe she will catch up with us,_________?
Tom doesn't believe it is true,___________?
〖注〗上述例句中,第一句的主句是否定式,应该注意否定含义向从句转移的现象。这时附加问句除了与从句的主语相一致外,还须注意用肯定形式,所以用was he。同样在第四个例句中,主句的否定含义向从句转移,因此附加部分用doesn't he。
was he
have not I
won‘t she
doesn't he
Discovering Useful Structures
Rules and practice
3、当陈述部分是由I’m sure that; I’m afraid that; We are sure that; We are afraid that; I feel sure that; We feel sure that构成时,反意疑问句与主要信息的宾语从句一致。如:
I’m afraid that he is afraid of being punished,_______?
isn’t he
Discovering Useful Structures
Rules and practice
4、陈述部分含有must当“必须”讲时,其反意疑问部分用needn’t/ mustn’t;当含有mustn’t(不允许、禁止)时,其反意疑问部分用must / may。当must表示“准是、一定是”等推测意义时,其反意疑问部分不用must,而要根据前部分的主动词来采用相同的助动词或主动词。如:
You must go now,___________________?
I must answer the letter,__________________?
You must go home right now,____________________?
You mustn’t speak to your mother like that,__________?
The old man must be over eighty,________?
You must be hungry,__________?
Mr Yang must have gone to Hong Kong yesterday,________?
He must have lived in London for many years,__________?
mustn’t/needn’t you
mustn’t/needn’t I
mustn’t/needn’t you
may you
isn't he
aren't you
didn't he
hasn't he
Discovering Useful Structures
Rules and practice
5、当陈述部分的谓语中含有have to,used to,ought to ,had better,would rather时,附加部分分别用do,did(或used),should(ought),had,would。如果陈述部分的主谓是I wish,后部分则用may I。如:
They have to work hard,___________?
She used to work in a factory,______________________?
They ought to go there by water,______________________?
You'd better ask the doctor,____________?
You would rather ask him,______________?
I wish to go home now,__________?
didn't (或used not)she
shouldn't(oughtn‘t) they
hadn't you
wouldn't you
may I
don’t they
Discovering Useful Structures
Rules and practice
6、祈使句开头的反意问句,附加部分用will you 或won't you。但will you 表示请求或建议,won't you表示提醒。陈述部分为否定祈使句时,疑问部分只能用will you。如果陈述部分用Let’s开头,附加部分用shall we来反问;若以Let us开头,用will you。如:
Go to bed early,______________?
Be sure to write to us,_____________________?
Don’t smoke in the bedroom,_________?
Let me sit here with you,__________?
Let's sing in English,___________?
You take your coffee back,________________?
won't you
will you/won’t you
will you
will you
shall we
right/will you
Discovering Useful Structures
Rules and practice
7、陈述部分主语是不定式、动名词、从句、this/ that,疑问部分用it。如:
Smoking is harmful to health,_____________?
What he said at the meeting is very important,_______?
To master a foreign language isn’t easy,_______?
What a lovely day,_______?
What a lovely boy he is,_________?
How hard she works,___________?
isn't it
isn't it
is it
isn't it
isn’t he
isn’t she
Discovering Useful Structures
Make small conversations
3 Work in pairs. Use tag questions to role-play one of the situations below.
Listening & Talking
1 Three students are talking about sportsmanship. Listen to the conversation and match each opinion with the right speaker. Who do you agree with? Why?
Cao Jing Lily Max ____
A An athlete should do his/her best to win.
B The girl should stop and help the other girl. Good sportsmanship is more important than winning!
C an athlete should think about honour and his/her fans if he/she is competing for his/her country.

Voice your opinion!
Listening & Talking
2 Listen again and circle the expressions that you hear in the conversation.
Voice your opinion!
I agree.
So do I.
All right.
Good idea.
Yes, I think so.
Me too.
Sure./Certainly./Of course.
You’re right/correct.
I guess so.
I’m sorry, but I disagree/don’t agree.
I don’t think so.
That’s not right.
That doesn’t make any sense!
That’s not how I see it.
I see what you mean, but …
A soccer player should not pretend to fall down even if it helps his/her team.
In school teams, everyone should get a chance to play, not only the best players.
It is wrong to pay people millions of yuan to play sports.
Athletes should play only for their own country.
Listening & Talking
3 Work in groups. Choose one of the situations below and make a conversation.
Voice your opinion!
A: I agree with the idea that a soccer player should never pretend to fall down even if it helps his or her team. You should never cheat.
B: Exactly! It’s important to do the right thing.
C: Well I don’t think so. Many players do it, and they think it helps the team to win.
A: That doesn’t make any sense!
B: I see what you mean, but the audience wants fair play.
C: …
Reading for Writing
Write a page in a wellness book
1 Read the passage and answer the questions.
1. What problem did Kayla have in the past?
She was worried about her weight and appearance.
2. What does the sentence “I almost went bananas” mean?
It means she nearly went crazy because she was so worried, and tried various methods.
3. What made her change her thinking?
An article that said instead of asking "Am I fat?" people should be asking "Am I fit?"
Reading for Writing
Write a page in a wellness book
1 Study the organization and language features.
1. Complete the outline with the words and phrases from the text.
{5C22544A-7EE6-4342-B048-85BDC9FD1C3A}The past
The present
worried about __________ and tried ______________________
think about ___________________ ____________
compared myself with _________________________
my weight
every new diet
fitness rather than
actresses and models
made a list of things I liked about myself
2. Underline the words and phrases used in the text to show similarities and differences.
look like; instead of; rather than; comparing ... with; Instead
Reading for Writing
Write a page in a wellness book
3 Write a page for a class wellness book.
1. Work in groups. Discuss the questions below.
Reading for Writing
Write a page in a wellness book
2. Use the ideas from your discussion to list some positive changes.
Reading for Writing
Write a page in a wellness book
3. Write a short paragraph to describe and explain your changes.
* Start with a general statement about the topic and your situation.
* Tell the reader about how and why you changed or want to change.
* Describe the changes and compare the (possible) results.
* Tell the reader how the changes have improved or will improve your life.
I am a high school student. I want to feel better about myself and be healthier because sometimes I get down, have no energy and worry about things too much. I decided to change my diet to make it healthier. For example, I stopped eating fast food so often, and introduced fruit and vegetables into my diet every day. I also do my exercises regularly to keep fit. Now, because I became healthier, I became much happier and better about myself too. This has made me more confident to make new friends and try new things.
Reading for Writing
Write a page in a wellness book
4. Exchange drafts. Use the checklist to give feedback on your partner’s draft.
√ Does the writer explain why he/she changed/wants to change?
√ Does the writer tell how the changes have improved or will improve his/her life?
√ Is the text well-organised?
√ Does the writer use words and expressions to show similarities and differences?
√ Are there any grammar or spelling errors?
√ Does the writer use correct punctuation?
5. Get your draft back and revise it.
Assessing Your Progress
1 Read the passage and find suitable words for the blanks.
compete; cheating; master; pretending; events; failure; audience; stress
Sports play a very valuable role in children’s lives. Children who in a sport will learn how to deal with , because even though they work hard to _________ the skills needed for a sport, it does not mean they will always win. Sports also help children see that ________ is foolish. In sports, there is no use to fall down or be hurt, because in the end, the will see through it. Taking part in sports is fun but not always easy, so it helps children learn how to deal with , something that everyone must learn to face in life.
Assessing Your Progress
2 Complete the conversation with appropriate tag questions or answers.
A: There’s a basketball game at our school this Saturday, __________?
B: Yeah, our school is playing against No. 2 Senior High School.
A: Oh, good! I really want to see our team play. I missed the last game. You went, didn’t you?
B: Oh yes, ! It was a great game. So you’re planning to go this Saturday, ____________? Do you want to go together?
A: Sure! I’d love to. What time shall we meet?
B: Well, the game starts at 1:00 pm, so I can come to your home at 12:30 and we can walk to school together. You’ll be coming from home, won’t you?
A: No, . I’ll be at the library all morning studying for that big test on Monday.
B: Oh, then why don’t I meet you outside the library at 12:15?
A: I’ll need to stop at the noodle restaurant and get something to eat before the game. You wouldn’t mind, ?
B: Not at all. I’ve never said no to food, ________? How about meeting at 12:00, going there for lunch together, and then heading to the game?
A: Sounds great!
isn’t there
I did
aren’t you
I won’t
would you
have I
Project: Make a survey on sports interests and needs
Your school wants to start some new sports clubs. Which clubs would best fit students’ interests and needs? Do a survey and write up the survey results.
1 Work in groups of five. Read the questions below and then add one more that you would like to ask your classmates.
1. What is your favourite sports?
2. At what time of day do you like to do sports?
3. How often do you every week?
4. How long ?
5. __________________________________ ___________________________?
do you exercise for
Do you prefer to exercise by yourself or play sports with others
Project: Make a survey on sports interests and needs
2 Each group member chooses three classmates and asks the questions from the list above.
Question 1 2 3 4 5
Student 1
Student 2
Student 3
Project: Make a survey on sports interests and needs
3 Use the data to write up the survey results. Be sure to include the following points.
* The questions you asked
* The results of the survey
* Your suggestions to the school, based on the survey results
We asked each student five questions:
1 What is your favourite sport?
2 At what time of day do you like to do sports?
3 How often do you exercise every week?
4 How long do you exercise for each time?
5 Do you prefer to exercise by yourself or play sports with others?
Video Time
Read the introduction of karsts and discuss the questions below:
The Karsts of China: A Vertical Journey
Karsts are rock formations made of limestone. They have been sculpted by wind and water and millions of years of erosion into these beautiful natural sculptures. One of the most famous places in the world for karsts is Guilin. The karsts there provide a lot of exciting opportunities to rock climbers.
1. Would you like to have a go at karst climbing? Why or why not?
I wouldn't like to have a go at karst climbing because it looks very dangerous and I don't like heights!
2. What can rock climbing bring to climbers?
Rock climbing can bring climbers a great sense of achievement when they reach their goal. It can also bring them closer to nature and will bring them strength and good health.
Complete the sentences below with the adjectives in the box.
Video Time
The Karsts of China: A Vertical Journey
amazing; natural; adventurous; spectacular; unexplored; gymnastic
1. For me, it’s important not just to go and see these ____________ landscapes but to interact with them, too.
2. The stone here offers up __________, athletic movement, but it can also be very __________, sometimes dangerous, but always beautiful.
3. This is what we love to do––to come to these beautiful ________ areas and climb and explore and push ourselves mentally and physically.
4. China is relatively ___________ and new to climbers and to adventurers who want to go out and see something new and ___________.
Work in groups. Discuss the questions.
Video Time
The Karsts of China: A Vertical Journey
1. Describe your feelings after watching the video. How are they the same as or different from the feelings the climber describes when he talks about climbing the karsts?
I feel very inspired and proud of our beautiful country while watching the video, but I also feel quite scared. I have the same feeling of wonder at the spectacular natural environment, but my feelings about climbing on them are probably very different!
2. What is your opinion of extreme sports such as rock climbing? Is it something worthwhile to do? Why or why not?
I think extreme sports are good, but not as good as traditional sports. They can be worthwhile because they teach people how to deal with extreme situations. However, I think they do not fit for most people. In my opinion, traditional team sports are the most worthwhile.