(共28张PPT)
Unit
What
do
you
collect?
剑桥(join
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五年级上
第四课时
Part
Let's
watch
New
words
hat
collect
hats.
Where
is
my
hat?
New
words
thief
He
is
a
thief.
New
words
gone
My
money
is
gone.
New
words
take
We
will
take
it.
gone
thief
hat
take
Let's
play
Listen
and
talk
1.
What
does
the
man
collect?
2.
What
color
is
the
man's
favorite
hat?
3.
Who
take
the
hat?
Why?
He
collects
hats.
His
favorite
hat
is
black.
The
man's
wife
takes
it
because
she
needs
money
for
a
new
dress.
Listen
and
repeat
need
a
new
dress.
Sorry,Sarah.
We
haven't
got
the
money.
Listen
and
repeat
Oh
no!Where's
my
black
hat?
Listen
and
repeat
thief,a
thief!My
black
hat
is
gone!
Stop
crying.
stop
doing
sth.
停止做某事
sth.
is/are
gone
某物丢了
Listen
and
repeat
My
beautiful
hat.
What
can
do?
I've
got
an
idea.
Listen
and
repeat
Stop
crying.
Give
me
the
pen.
Listen
and
repeat
hundred
silver
dollars
for
my
black
hat.
How
much
does
the
man
pay
for
the
hat?
Listen
and
repeat
hundred
dollars
for
a
hat?!That's
a
lot
of
money.
collect
hats.
It's
my
best
hat.
Listen
and
repeat
Sorry,
Brownie,
need
the
hat.
Listen
and
repeat
Here's
the
hat.
Wonderful!
Thanks,Sarah.
Listen
and
repeat
Give
it
to
me.
Give
me
the
hundred
dollars
first.
Listen
and
repeat
hundred
dollars?
Here
you
are.
Thank
you,daring.
Stop
crying.
Listen
and
repeat
It
looks
wonderful.
How
much
is
it?
Listen
and
repeat
$99.
OK,I'll
take
it.
can
retell
Try
to
tell
the
story
to
your
partners.
The
man's
wife
wants
a
new
dress
so
she
hides
her
husband's
favorite
black
hat.
Then
she
asks
her
husband
to
pay
the
thief
silver
dollars.
hat
贼
thief
接受
take
不见了
gone
帽子
Time
for
exercise
连线题。
1.
学习了P36~37的内容。
2.
学习了新单词:hat,
thief,
gone,
take
3.
学习了关于帽子的故事。
Make
a
summary
1、复述故事给组长听;
2、完成课后练习;
3、预习Unit
5。
Homework
Thank
you!
Goodbye!
谢谢
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剑桥(join
in)版英语五年级上册Unit
4第四课时试卷
一、英汉互译。
1.
hat
__________________
2.
小偷__________________
3.
不见了__________________
4.
take__________________
5.
漫画
__________________
?????
二、填空题。
1.
She
_______
(not
collect)
hats.
2.
They
_______
(not
collect)
postcards.
3.
---What
are
these?
---They
are
_______
(stick).
She
_______
(collect)
stickers,
comics,
books
or
postcards.
He
_______
(have
got)
a
big
box
full
of
stickers.
三、阅读短文,判断正误。
John
has
a
parrot.
It
is
a
nice
bird.
Everyday,
John
says
to
it,
can
see
“Hello!
can
see
you!
”
Soon
the
bird
can
say
Hello!
can
see
you!
“
”John
has
got
a
wonderful
collection.
He
collects
many
famous
football
stars
’
pictures
and
autographs.
One
day
John
is
at
school.
thief
comes
into
John
’s
room.
He
wants
to
steal
those
good
things.
voice
comes,
“Hello!
can
see
you!
The
thief
”puts
the
things
on
the
floor
and
runs
away.
John
asks
the
policeman
to
catch
the
thief.
John
has
some
birds.
The
thief
wants
to
take
some
things
away
from
the
room.
The
bird
can
say
some
Chinese.
The
thief
sees
John
and
goes
away.
剑桥(join
in)版英语五年级上册Unit
4第四课时参考答案
一、
【解析】本题考查单词的掌握。
【答案】1.
帽子
2.
thief
3.
gone
4.
接受
5.
comic
二、
【解析】本题考查句型的使用。
【答案】1.
doesn’t
collect
2.
don’t
collect
3.
stickers
4.
collect
5.
has
got
三、
【解析】本题考查单词定位的能力。
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剑桥(join
in)版英语五年级上册第四课时教学设计
课题
Unit
What
do
you
collect
单元
第四单元
学科
英语
年级
五年级
学习目标
一、语言技能1、能够掌握单词hat,
thief,
gone,
take。2、能够理解P36~37的故事并复述。二、语言知识1、能够结合理解完成故事的复述。三、情感态度1、积极参与各种课堂学习活动。2、在各项活动中能与其他同学积极配合和合作。3、遇到困难时能大胆求助。四、学习策略1、在课堂交流中,注意倾听,积极思考。2、积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流。五、文化意识1、在学习和日常交际中,能初步注意到中外语言文化的异同。
重点
1、能够掌握单词hat,
thief,
gone,
take。2、能够理解P36~37的故事并复述。
难点
能够结合理解完成故事的复述。
教学过程
教学环节
教师活动
学生活动
设计意图
Let’s
watch
教师播放课件,呈现任务要求和歌曲视频“Where
is
my
cap”,点击播放视频,要求学生看视频,沉浸在找东西的语境中。
学生看视频,理解内容。
(1)通过观看动画,激发学习兴趣。(2)在有趣的故事中,感受整理的重要性。
New
words
教师播放课件,学生根据图片提示学习新单词hat,
thief,
gone,
take.
学生看课件,看图,根据图片学习新单词。
新知学习,方便之后故事的理解.
Let's
play
教师播放课件,学生根据提示完成游戏,读出消失的单词,朗读完毕后,教师及时纠正读音。
学生看课件上的单词进行游戏。
复习单词,纠正读音。
Let's
readListen
and
repeat,
can
retell
教师播放课件,呈现任务要求、课本P36~37的内容,要求学生听音频先尝试思考回答问题,然后跟读,理解故事内容并进行模仿朗读、复述故事。
学生根据录音回答问题,接着重复所听到的内容并模仿进行对话、故事讲述。
口语训练,纠正发音。
Time
for
exercise
教师播放课件,呈现任务要求和练习题,要求学生朗读题目,根据提示进行连线,作答完毕,师生共同校对答案。
学生朗读题目,根据题目写出对应时间,作答完毕,师生共同校对答案。
在练习中巩固本节课的核心内容。
Make
a
summary
教师播放课件,围绕本课的故事,要求学生回顾本节课的核心内容。
学生回顾本节课的核心内容,举手回答。
小结本节课的核心内容,系统巩固本节课的核心知识。
Homework
教师播放课件,呈现任务。
学生登记任务,按时完成作业。
作业用于辅助学习。
板书
Unit
What
do
you
collect?hat,
thief,
gone,
take
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