中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台
(
阅读理解和概要写作
)
(一)阅读理解考点
命题特点
考察题型
题型标志
做题技巧
体裁:应用文、记叙文、说明文和议论文。
题材:涉及自然科学、社会科学和人文科学。包括日常生活、古代传说、人物、社会、文化、史地、科技、政治、环保和经济等。
材料:改革后新高考阅读材料基本上是
篇,篇幅一般在500
词左右;在语言文化上,以美国英语和文化为主,多为以母语为英语的人写的原汁原味的反映外国生活内容的文章,很少涉及国内题材,符合中学生学习英语的目的和实践。题材的文章选择多源自欧美英语社会主流媒体;体现了"贴近时代、贴近生活、贴近学生"的原则。
阅读时间和速度:三篇阅读参考的阅读时间是20分钟,要求的阅读速度是每分钟55词左右。
细节事实题
①题干中明确提到时间、地点、人物等细节信息;
②针对文章中的一句或几句发问;
③题干和选项之间是因果关系。
文章中可找到答案,但是不可能一模一样,选项会用不同的词语或句型表达相同的意思。做题的关键在于返回原文,方式有:
①根据题干中的时间、地点、人物返回原文;
②根据出题顺序返回原文(60%的准度);
③根据题干中的重点词或其同义词返回原文(如名词、动词、形容词,70%的准度);
词汇题
在题干中明确指出原文中某处的单词或词组,要求辨别其意思
该单词本身并不重要,重要的是该单词的上下文,如果该单词认识,并不超出大纲,则其字面意思必然不是正确答案,其正确答案是根据上下文推测的一个更加深刻的含义。要找到正确的词义,关键在于在上下文中寻找同词性的词或词组。
句子理解题
在题干中明确指出原文中的一句话,要求理解其意思
返回原文对出题的句子进行上下文分析,要精确理解其涵义;正确答案与原句之间是一种同义关系,可以通过推理得出正确答案。
指代题
在题干中明确指出原文中某处的指代词,要求辨别其指代关系。常考的指代词有:it,
that
,this,one,these,those
等
首先返回原文定位该指代词,并且
90%向上、10%向下搜索其指代的词、词组或句子。然后在四个选项中找出与所找到的词、词组或句子意思接近的一个作为答案。
推理题
题干一般含有关键词
infer,imply
等。
推理题干扰项的特点为只是原文的简单复述,而非推断出来的结论,把直接表达当作间接推理;或者看似从原文推断出来的结论,然而实际上与原文不符,如因果关系变目的等
作者态度题
题干一般都含有
according
to
the
writer,attitude,believe
,consider,
regard
等词和短语。
作者态度只分为三大类:支持、赞同、乐观;客观、中立;反对、批评、怀疑、悲观;识别作者态度有以下方法:找文中带有感彩的名词、动词、形容词、副词;根据作者举的例子判断等。
判断题
Which
of
the
following
statement
is
not
ture/correct/
mentioned?
All
of
the
following
statements
are
ture
/correct/
mentioned
except....?
首先应判断是三错一对还是三对一错,所谓“对”是指符合原文,所谓“错”是指和原文有矛盾,或原文未提及;接着每一个选项都应力争返回原文,不能通过印象进行判断。
主旨题
题干有main
idea,
conclude,
best
title,
main
problem,
conclusion
等
扫读文章,注意文章的首末段和每一段的首末句;注意反复出现的高频词以及带有明显概括性或作者主观态度的句子表达。
(二)概要写作考点
命题特点
考察体裁
写作技巧
注意
根据题目要求,考生需要在阅读
字左右的文章的基础上写一篇不多于
词的梗概。概要必须涵盖文章所有主要信息,但又不能添加任何无关信息,也不需要对文章内容作出评价。不超过60个字。
记叙文
找出时间(when),地点(where),什么人(who),做了什么事(what),为什么做(why),结果怎么样(how)六要素。其中,最重要的要点是某人(who)做了何事(what)。若是夹叙夹议的文章,还要加上作者的看法、观点、经验或感悟。
结构:故事的写作目的/主题(1句)+故事大意,突出冲突以及故事背后的
深意(2-3句)
1、找关键词和主题句,归纳段落大意。
2、各要点的表达要相对独立。
3、多使用概括性词语,少用具体描述性词语。
4、句型力求简单。可用同义转换或句子重构
5、要点之间要有适当的衔接,而且使用较短的连接词。
6、不要照抄原文,尽量用自己的话概括,连续5个词以上照抄要扣1分。
说明文
抓住关键句:文章第一段和各段第一句。说明文一般有三种:描写某事物的性质功能;针对某个问题提出解决方法或措施;介绍某现象及其原因、结果。
结构:说明的对象/观点/现象(1句)+解释/分述(2-3句)
议论文
找出议论文的三要素,即论点、论据和结论。其关键是找出主题句或结论句。而这种文章的整体结构多数为总分结构、分总结构、平行结构等。
结构:文章论点(1句)+文章论据(2-3句)
Reading
Comprehension
Directions:
Read
the
following
three
passages.
Each
passage
is
followed
by
several
questions
or
unfinished
statements.
For
each
of
them
there
are
four
choices
marked
A,
B,
and
D.
Choose
the
one
that
fits
best
according
to
the
information
given
in
the
passage
you
have
just
read.
(A)
John
and
Mary
had
a
nice
home
and
two
lovely
children,
a
boy
and
a
girl.
They
had
been
asked
to
go
on
a
business
trip
to
another
city
and
would
be
gone
for
several
days.
They
hired
a
woman
to
care
for
the
children.
But
they
returned
home
a
little
earlier
than
they
had
planned.
As
they
drove
into
their
hometown
feeling
glad
to
be
back,
they
noticed
smoke,
and
they
went
off
their
usual
route
to
see
what
it
was.
They
found
a
home
in
flames.
John
drove
closer
and
exclaimed:
“That
home
belongs
to
Fred
Jones,
my
co-worker
at
the
plant!
He
wouldn’t
be
off
work
yet.
Maybe
there
is
something
we
can
do.”
John
drove
up
and
stopped.
They
were
both
horror-stricken
to
see
the
whole
house
in
flames.
woman
on
the
lawn
was
in
hysteric
(歇斯底里的)
screaming:
“The
children!
Get
the
children!”
In
spite
of
Mary’s
protests,
John
grabbed
the
water
hose
(水龙带)
and
soaked
(浸湿)
his
clothes,
put
his
wet
handkerchief
on
his
head
and
ran
for
the
house,
which
was
full
of
smoke
and
incredibly
hot.
He
found
the
door
and
grabbed
two
children,
holding
one
under
each
arm.
As
he
left
he
could
hear
some
more
kids
crying.
He
delivered
the
two
frightened
children
into
waiting
arms
and
filled
his
lungs
with
fresh
air.
Then
he
started
back,
asking
how
many
more
children
were
down
there.
They
told
him
two
more,
and
Mary
grabbed
his
arm
and
screamed:
“John!
Don’t
go
back!
It’s
suicide!”
But
he
shook
her
off
and
went
back,
feeling
his
way
down
the
smoke-filled
hallway
and
into
the
room.
It
seemed
an
eternity
before
he
found
both
children
and
started
back.
They
were
all
coughing,
and
he
stooped
(弯腰)
low
to
get
what
available
air
he
could.
As
he
stumbled
up
the
endless
steps
the
thought
went
through
his
mind
that
there
was
something
strangely
familiar
about
the
little
bodies
hanging
on
to
him,
and
at
last
when
they
came
out
into
the
sunlight
and
fresh
air,
he
found
that
he
had
just
rescued
his
own
children.
The
babysitter
had
left
them
at
this
home
while
she
went
out
to
do
some
shopping.
56.Which
of
the
following
mainly
contributed
to
John’s
success
in
saving
all
the
children?
A.
His
sympathy
toward
the
crying
woman.
B.
The
encouraging
words
of
his
wife.
C.
His
years
of
experience
working
at
the
plant.
D.
His
knowledge
of
fire
rescues.
57.The
underlined
word
“eternity”
probably
means
__________.
A.
a
very
long
time
B.
a
rare
opportunity
C.
an
awkward
situation
D.
great
luck
Which
of
the
following
statements
is
according
to
the
article?
A.
Although
he
wasn’t
familiar
with
the
house
owner,
John
helped
put
out
the
fire.
B.
The
screaming
of
the
woman
led
John
and
Mary
to
check
out
the
house.
C.
John
realized
right
away
that
his
children
were
trapped
upstairs
in
the
house
on
fire.
D.
John
rushed
into
the
burning
house
twice
to
rescue
the
children.
We
can
infer
from
the
article
that
__________.
A.
the
fire
broke
out
because
of
the
carelessness
of
the
owner
B.
John
never
expected
to
save
his
own
children
from
the
fire
accident
C.
the
children
were
too
frightened
to
get
out
of
the
house
on
fire
by
themselves
D.
John
and
Mary
regretted
putting
their
children
under
the
care
of
that
babysitter
56-59.
(B)
If
you
have
an
allergy
to
some
food,
even
a
very
tiny
bit
of
food
can
make
you
sick.
Lots
of
kids
have
food
allergies
--
about
three
million
in
the
United
States
alone.
The
foods
that
cause
the
most
food
allergies
include
peanuts
and
other
nuts;
seafood,
such
as
shrimp;
milk,
particularly
cow's
milk;
eggs;
wheat.
What
Is
a
Food
Allergy?
Food
allergies
occur
when
your
immune
system
makes
a
mistake.
Usually,
your
immune
system
protects
you
from
germs
and
disease.
It
does
this
by
making
antibodies
that
help
you
fight
off
bacteria,
viruses,
and
other
tiny
organisms
that
can
make
you
sick.
But
if
you
have
a
food
allergy,
your
immune
system
mistakenly
treats
something
in
a
certain
food
as
if
it's
really
dangerous
to
you.
What's
a
Reaction
Like?
In
the
most
serious
cases,
a
food
allergy
can
cause
a
sudden,
severe
allergic
reaction,
in
which
several
problems
occur
all
at
once
and
can
involve
the
skin,
breathing,
digestion,
the
heart
and
others.
person's
blood
pressure
can
drop,
breathing
tubes
can
narrow
and
the
tongue
can
swell.
People
at
risk
for
this
kind
of
reaction
have
to
be
very
careful
and
need
a
plan
for
handling
emergencies,
when
they
might
need
to
get
special
medicine
to
stop
these
symptoms
from
getting
worse.
What
Will
the
Doctor
Do?
If
you
think
you
may
be
allergic
to
a
certain
food,
let
your
parents
know.
They
will
take
you
to
the
doctor
to
get
it
checked
out.
If
your
doctor
thinks
you
might
have
a
food
allergy,
he
or
she
will
probably
send
you
to
see
a
doctor
who
specializes
in
allergies.
The
allergy
specialist
will
ask
you
about
past
reactions
and
how
long
it
takes
between
eating
the
food
and
getting
the
symptom,
such
as
hives.
The
allergist
also
may
ask
about
whether
anyone
else
in
your
family
has
allergies
or
other
allergyrelated
conditions.
The
allergist
may
also
want
to
do
a
skin
test.
This
is
a
way
of
seeing
how
your
body
reacts
to
a
very
small
amount
of
the
food
that
is
giving
you
trouble.
60.According
to
the
passage,
you
will
have
a
food
allergy
when
your
immune
system
________.
A.
recognizes
tiny
organisms
in
a
certain
food
B.
mistakenly
makes
antibodies
to
help
fight
off
something
in
a
certain
food
C.
prevents
something
harmful
in
the
food
from
entering
your
digestive
system
D.
releases
chemicals
to
remove
harmful
things
in
a
certain
food
61.Which
of
the
following
suggestions
is
given
to
those
at
risk
of
a
severe
allergic
reaction?
A.
Taking
medicine
as
soon
as
an
allergic
reaction
appears.
B.
Avoiding
eating
any
food
when
going
outside.
C.
Always
carrying
with
special
medicine
for
possible
symptoms.
D.
Preparing
a
plan
for
dealing
with
emergencies
ahead
of
time.
62.What
will
an
allergist
do
to
check
your
food
allergy
out?
A.Ask
you
about
past
reactions
and
other
allergy-related
conditions.??????????????????????????
B.
Give
you
a
test
to
see
whether
you
have
breathing
difficulty
or
not.
C.
Enquire
about
your
present
feeling
towards
the
food.
D.
Give
you
a
shot
in
the
arm
to
see
how
soon
your
body
will
react
to
a
certain
food.
06-62
Summary
Writing
Directions:
Read
the
following
passage.
Summarize
the
main
idea
and
the
main
point(s)
of
the
passage
in
no
more
than
words.
Use
your
own
words
as
far
as
possible.
My
neighbor’s
children
love
playing
hide-and-seek
as
all
children
do,
but
no
one
imagines
that
a
game
they
played
last
week
would
be
reported
in
the
local
newspaper.
One
afternoon,
they
were
playing
in
the
vacant
lot
down
by
the
corner.
Young
Paul,
who
is
only
five
years
old,
found
the
perfect
place
to
hide.
His
sister,
Natalie,
had
shut
her
eyes
and
was
counting
to
ten
when
Paul
noticed
the
mail
box
at
the
corner
and
that
the
metal
door
was
standing
open.
The
mailman
had
just
taken
several
bags
of
mail
and
had
carried
them
to
his
truck
which
was
standing
a
few
feet
away.
Paul
climbed
into
the
mail
box
and
pulled
the
door
closed
so
hard
that
it
locked.
Soon
realizing
what
he
had
done,
he
became
frightened
and
started
crying.
At
that
time,
Natalie
was
looking
for
him
everywhere
but
could
not
find
him.
It
was
lucky
that
she
happened
to
stand
at
the
comer
for
a
minute
and
heard
her
brother’s
cries.
She
immediately
ran
to
tell
the
mailman
who
hurried
back
from
his
truck
to
unlock
the
metal
door.
Paul
was
now
free,
but
he
had
such
a
bad
fright
that
he
could
not
stop
crying.
The
mailman,
however,
soon
found
a
way
of
making
him
laugh
again.
He
told
him
that
the
next
time
he
wanted
to
hide
in
a
mail
box,
he
should
remember
to
put
a
stamp
on
himself!
【Keys】
The
children
were
playing
hide-and-seek
one
afternoon
(1).
Finding
a
mailbox
open(2),
Paul
hid
and
accidentally
locked
himself
in(3).
Not
until
his
sister
heard
his
cries
did
she
ask
the
mailman
to
release
him,
but
he
couldn’t
stop
crying(4).
However,
the
mailman
made
him
laugh
by
telling
him
to
put
a
stamp
on
herself
next
time
he
hid
in
a
mailbox(5).
Reading
Comprehension
Directions:
Read
the
following
three
passages.
Each
passage
is
followed
by
several
questions
or
unfinished
statements.
For
each
of
them
there
are
four
choices
marked
A,
B,
and
D.
Choose
the
one
that
fits
best
according
to
the
information
given
in
the
passage
you
have
just
read.
(A)
Research
shows
that
the
average
high
school
student
will
study
four
hours
per
week
for
any
major
test.
The
outcome
of
this
four
hours
of
study
varies
from
an
to
an
F,
which
means
that
in
high
school
grades
are
strongly
determined
by
intelligence
since
everyone
studies
the
same
amount
of
time.
But
college
is
different.
Most
of
the
students
are
highly
intelligent
and
each
has
plenty
of
time
for
self-study.
To
score
high
on
any
test,
a
college
student
has
to
work
hard
and,
probably
more
importantly,
know
how
to
use
his
or
her
time
most
efficiently.
The
problem
is
that
your
study
habits
formed
in
high
school
may
make
you
unable
to
study
well
in
college
because
you
have
never
experienced
what
it
takes
to
perform
at
the
college
level.
That
is
why
the
freshman
year
is
the
hardest
year
for
all
college
students.
Based
on
my
extensive
observation
of
student
performances
on
college
tests,
recommend
the
following
study
time
per
test:
hours
per
week
for
an
A,
hours
for
a
B,
3.5
hours
for
a
C,
2.5
hours
for
a
and
hours
for
an
F.
An
hour
of
study
is
defined
as
studying
for
minutes
and
a
break
of
minutes.
Ten
hours
of
continuous
study
without
a
break
is
defined
as
one
hour
of
study.
The
brain
does
not
process
and
store
information
the
way
students
prefer
studying.
Occasionally,
some
succeed
by
studying
at
the
last
minute,
but
they
are
exceptions
to
the
rule.
Research
also
suggests
that
the
slowest
percent
of
the
students
may
need
to
times
as
much
time
to
learn
the
same
material
as
the
fastest
percent.
Each
person
is
very
likely
to
have
strengths
and
weaknesses.
Overcoming
your
weakness
increases
your
strength.
56.
According
to
the
writer,
the
reason
why
high
school
students
get
different
test
results
is
that
________.
A.
some
students
have
good
study
habits
while
others
do
not
B.
some
students
work
harder
than
the
rest
of
them
C.
their
intelligence
varies
from
person
to
person
D.
their
teachers
teach
them
in
different
ways
57.
The
freshman
year
is
considered
the
hardest
for
all
college
students
because
________.
A.
they
feel
worried
among
so
many
intelligent
people
B.
they
are
too
anxious
to
score
high
on
all
tests
C.
they
don’t
know
yet
how
to
study
at
the
college
level
D.
they
have
to
take
a
lot
of
courses
at
the
same
time
58.
What
takes
the
fastest
students
to
learn
in
one
hour
may
take
the
slowest
students
________.
A.
hours
B.
hours
C.
hours
D.
hours
59.
From
the
way
this
passage
is
written,
it
can
be
concluded
that
the
writer
is
most
probably
________.
A.
a
high
school
teacher
B.
a
college
student
C.
a
high
school
student
D.
a
college
teacher
56-59
(B)
The
Best
Way
to
See
Singapore.
See
More
for
Less!
City
Sightseeing
$33/A,
$23/C,
hrs
of
Unlimited
Touring
—
am
to
pm
Duration:
Day
(unlimited
rides)
Attractions:
Civic
District,
Orchard
Road,
Botanic
Gardens,
Little
India,
Chinatown
&
more
along
the
City
&
Heritage
routes
It
is
easy
to
enjoy
Singapore
with
the
City
Sightseeing
open-top
touring
system.
Spot
an
interesting
place
or
sight?
Simply
hop
off
and
walk
around
and
you
can
continue
the
tour
later
by
hopping
on
the
next
bus.?With
bus
arriving
every
minutes,
the?City
Sightseeing
system?links
you
to
major
sights,
attractions
and
hotels!
Guests
Helpline:
6338-6877
$33/A,
$23/C,
$2/T
Daily:
9:30
am
—
5:30
pm
Duration:
minutes
Ride
the
original
Hop
on
this
amphibious(两栖的)
craft
for
a
sightseeing
tour
which
covers
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land
and
sea!
Free
bus
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most
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tour;
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and
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unique
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&
sea
adventure
For
More
Information,
call
6338-6859
Night
Safari(旅行)
$49/A,
$33/C,
Tour
Time:
6:00
pm
—
10:00
pm
Duration:
hours
Observe
the
night
activities
of
the
1,000
over
nocturnal(夜行的)
animals
in
the
Night
Safari
–
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night
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you’ll
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Free
&
Easy
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bus
transfer
For
More
Information,
call
6338-6826
Flyer
$53/A,
$37/C,
Open
HoursoursHou:
Daily
9:00
am
—
9:00
pm
Duration:
minutes
Feast
your
eyes
on
Singapore’s
magnificent
cityscape
from
a
height
of
165m
on
the
world’s
largest
observation
wheel.
Get
your
cameras
ready
as
you
experience
a
360-degree
panoramic
view
of
the
city
and
the
Marina
Bay
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Free
bus
transfer;
free
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transfer
For
More
Information,
call
6338-3311
☆
—
adult,
—
children
(3-12),
—
toddler
(2
&
below)
59.
Which
way
is
most
suitable
for
Mary,
who
can
just
spare
one
day
to
travel
around
Singapore?
A.
Night
Safari.
B.
C.
City
Sightseeing.
D.
Flyer.
60.
If
David
and
his
9-year-old
son
are
both
animal
lovers,
they
had
better
dial
___________
for
more
information
before
their
tour.
A.
6338-6877
B.
6338-6859
C.
6338-3311
D.
6338-6826
61.
Mr.
Smith
is
going
to
take
his
wife,
his
13-year-old
daughter
and
his
1-year-old
son
to
visit
Singapore
at
their
own
leisurely
pace,
he
should
get
at
least
___________
ready.
A.
$89
B.
$99
C.
$91
D.
$101
62.
Which
organization
in
Singapore
is
most
likely
to
issue
the
information
above?
A.
Education
Commission.
B.
Health
Department.
C.
Transportation
Bureau.
D.
Tourism
Bureau.
59----62
Summary
Writing
Directions:
Read
the
following
passage.
Summarize
the
main
idea
and
the
main
point(s)
of
the
passage
in
no
more
than
words.
Use
your
own
words
as
far
as
possible.
The
best
things
in
life
Best
Magazine
has
done
some
research
about
some
of
the
best
things
in
life...
and
you
might
be
surprised
at
the
results.
First
of
all,
jobs.
Our
research
showed
that
the
best
job
you
can
have
is
being
a
firefighter.
job
as
a
firefighter
gives
plenty
of
job
satisfaction.
You’re
workind
in
a
team,
you
are
doing
phsical
work
and
you’re
responsible
for
other
people’s
health
and
safety.
Secondly,
hobbies.
Working
with
other
people
is
also
important
when
it
comes
to
hobbies,
and
our
research
showed
that
the
best
hoobby
is
belonging
to
a
choir.
Singing
in
a
choir
is
also
creative
and
it
is
very
satisfying
to
take
part
in
a
public
performance.
Finally,
sports
and
exercise.
Our
resarch
revealed
that
the
best
all-round
exercise
is
swimming.
People
of
all
ages
can
enjoy
swimming
and
it
provides
exercise
for
all
the
major
muscle
groups
in
the
body.
It
is
also
suitable
for
people
suffering
from
injuries.
Peole
of
all
ages
can
also
benefit
from
owning
a
pet,
and
dogs
came
top
of
the
pet
category.
Owning
a
dog
can
reduce
stress,
bllod
pressure
and
the
risk
of
heart
disease.
The
research
showed
that
dog
owners
were
generally
happier,
more
sociable
and
less
likely
to
visit
the
doctor.
So
if
you
are
a
firefighter,
who
belongs
to
a
choir,
goes
swimming
and
owns
a
dog,
you
will
probably
be
very
happy.
But
it
might
also
depend
on
how
old
you
are.
Our
research
also
looked
at
when
people
said
they
were
the
happiest.
However,
the
results
were
unclear.
The
best
age
is
either
17--
people
at
this
age
have
finally
got
the
freedom
they
always
wanted
as
a
child.
Or,
the
best
age
could
be
74--
people
are
free
of
responsibilities
of
adulthood,
and
ready
to
enjoy
themselves
without
feeling
worried
about
what
other
people
think
of
them.
【Keys】
Research
shows
the
best
job
is
being
firefighters
because
of
satisfaction
and
the
best
hobby
is
belogning
to
a
choir
for
its
creativity
and
satisfaction.
In
addition,
the
best
sport
and
exercise
is
swimming
because
it’s
good
for
muscle
and
owning
a
dog
because
it’s
good
for
both
mental
and
physical
health.
Finally,
the
best
age
is
or
74.
(60
words)
21世纪教育网
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精品试卷·第
页
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页)
21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台
(
阅读理解和概要写作
)
(一)阅读理解考点
命题特点
考察题型
题型标志
做题技巧
体裁:应用文、记叙文、说明文和议论文。
题材:涉及自然科学、社会科学和人文科学。包括日常生活、古代传说、人物、社会、文化、史地、科技、政治、环保和经济等。
材料:改革后新高考阅读材料基本上是
篇,篇幅一般在500
词左右;在语言文化上,以美国英语和文化为主,多为以母语为英语的人写的原汁原味的反映外国生活内容的文章,很少涉及国内题材,符合中学生学习英语的目的和实践。题材的文章选择多源自欧美英语社会主流媒体;体现了"贴近时代、贴近生活、贴近学生"的原则。
阅读时间和速度:三篇阅读参考的阅读时间是20分钟,要求的阅读速度是每分钟55词左右。
细节事实题
①题干中明确提到时间、地点、人物等细节信息;
②针对文章中的一句或几句发问;
③题干和选项之间是因果关系。
文章中可找到答案,但是不可能一模一样,选项会用不同的词语或句型表达相同的意思。做题的关键在于返回原文,方式有:
①根据题干中的时间、地点、人物返回原文;
②根据出题顺序返回原文(60%的准度);
③根据题干中的重点词或其同义词返回原文(如名词、动词、形容词,70%的准度);
词汇题
在题干中明确指出原文中某处的单词或词组,要求辨别其意思
该单词本身并不重要,重要的是该单词的上下文,如果该单词认识,并不超出大纲,则其字面意思必然不是正确答案,其正确答案是根据上下文推测的一个更加深刻的含义。要找到正确的词义,关键在于在上下文中寻找同词性的词或词组。
句子理解题
在题干中明确指出原文中的一句话,要求理解其意思
返回原文对出题的句子进行上下文分析,要精确理解其涵义;正确答案与原句之间是一种同义关系,可以通过推理得出正确答案。
指代题
在题干中明确指出原文中某处的指代词,要求辨别其指代关系。常考的指代词有:it,
that
,this,one,these,those
等
首先返回原文定位该指代词,并且
90%向上、10%向下搜索其指代的词、词组或句子。然后在四个选项中找出与所找到的词、词组或句子意思接近的一个作为答案。
推理题
题干一般含有关键词
infer,imply
等。
推理题干扰项的特点为只是原文的简单复述,而非推断出来的结论,把直接表达当作间接推理;或者看似从原文推断出来的结论,然而实际上与原文不符,如因果关系变目的等
作者态度题
题干一般都含有
according
to
the
writer,attitude,believe
,consider,
regard
等词和短语。
作者态度只分为三大类:支持、赞同、乐观;客观、中立;反对、批评、怀疑、悲观;识别作者态度有以下方法:找文中带有感彩的名词、动词、形容词、副词;根据作者举的例子判断等。
判断题
Which
of
the
following
statement
is
not
ture/correct/
mentioned?
All
of
the
following
statements
are
ture
/correct/
mentioned
except....?
首先应判断是三错一对还是三对一错,所谓“对”是指符合原文,所谓“错”是指和原文有矛盾,或原文未提及;接着每一个选项都应力争返回原文,不能通过印象进行判断。
主旨题
题干有main
idea,
conclude,
best
title,
main
problem,
conclusion
等
扫读文章,注意文章的首末段和每一段的首末句;注意反复出现的高频词以及带有明显概括性或作者主观态度的句子表达。
(二)概要写作考点
命题特点
考察体裁
写作技巧
注意
根据题目要求,考生需要在阅读
字左右的文章的基础上写一篇不多于
词的梗概。概要必须涵盖文章所有主要信息,但又不能添加任何无关信息,也不需要对文章内容作出评价。不超过60个字。
记叙文
找出时间(when),地点(where),什么人(who),做了什么事(what),为什么做(why),结果怎么样(how)六要素。其中,最重要的要点是某人(who)做了何事(what)。若是夹叙夹议的文章,还要加上作者的看法、观点、经验或感悟。
结构:故事的写作目的/主题(1句)+故事大意,突出冲突以及故事背后的
深意(2-3句)
1、找关键词和主题句,归纳段落大意。
2、各要点的表达要相对独立。
3、多使用概括性词语,少用具体描述性词语。
4、句型力求简单。可用同义转换或句子重构
5、要点之间要有适当的衔接,而且使用较短的连接词。
6、不要照抄原文,尽量用自己的话概括,连续5个词以上照抄要扣1分。
说明文
抓住关键句:文章第一段和各段第一句。说明文一般有三种:描写某事物的性质功能;针对某个问题提出解决方法或措施;介绍某现象及其原因、结果。
结构:说明的对象/观点/现象(1句)+解释/分述(2-3句)
议论文
找出议论文的三要素,即论点、论据和结论。其关键是找出主题句或结论句。而这种文章的整体结构多数为总分结构、分总结构、平行结构等。
结构:文章论点(1句)+文章论据(2-3句)
Reading
Comprehension
Directions:
Read
the
following
three
passages.
Each
passage
is
followed
by
several
questions
or
unfinished
statements.
For
each
of
them
there
are
four
choices
marked
A,
B,
and
D.
Choose
the
one
that
fits
best
according
to
the
information
given
in
the
passage
you
have
just
read.
(A)
John
and
Mary
had
a
nice
home
and
two
lovely
children,
a
boy
and
a
girl.
They
had
been
asked
to
go
on
a
business
trip
to
another
city
and
would
be
gone
for
several
days.
They
hired
a
woman
to
care
for
the
children.
But
they
returned
home
a
little
earlier
than
they
had
planned.
As
they
drove
into
their
hometown
feeling
glad
to
be
back,
they
noticed
smoke,
and
they
went
off
their
usual
route
to
see
what
it
was.
They
found
a
home
in
flames.
John
drove
closer
and
exclaimed:
“That
home
belongs
to
Fred
Jones,
my
co-worker
at
the
plant!
He
wouldn’t
be
off
work
yet.
Maybe
there
is
something
we
can
do.”
John
drove
up
and
stopped.
They
were
both
horror-stricken
to
see
the
whole
house
in
flames.
woman
on
the
lawn
was
in
hysteric
(歇斯底里的)
screaming:
“The
children!
Get
the
children!”
In
spite
of
Mary’s
protests,
John
grabbed
the
water
hose
(水龙带)
and
soaked
(浸湿)
his
clothes,
put
his
wet
handkerchief
on
his
head
and
ran
for
the
house,
which
was
full
of
smoke
and
incredibly
hot.
He
found
the
door
and
grabbed
two
children,
holding
one
under
each
arm.
As
he
left
he
could
hear
some
more
kids
crying.
He
delivered
the
two
frightened
children
into
waiting
arms
and
filled
his
lungs
with
fresh
air.
Then
he
started
back,
asking
how
many
more
children
were
down
there.
They
told
him
two
more,
and
Mary
grabbed
his
arm
and
screamed:
“John!
Don’t
go
back!
It’s
suicide!”
But
he
shook
her
off
and
went
back,
feeling
his
way
down
the
smoke-filled
hallway
and
into
the
room.
It
seemed
an
eternity
before
he
found
both
children
and
started
back.
They
were
all
coughing,
and
he
stooped
(弯腰)
low
to
get
what
available
air
he
could.
As
he
stumbled
up
the
endless
steps
the
thought
went
through
his
mind
that
there
was
something
strangely
familiar
about
the
little
bodies
hanging
on
to
him,
and
at
last
when
they
came
out
into
the
sunlight
and
fresh
air,
he
found
that
he
had
just
rescued
his
own
children.
The
babysitter
had
left
them
at
this
home
while
she
went
out
to
do
some
shopping.
56.Which
of
the
following
mainly
contributed
to
John’s
success
in
saving
all
the
children?
A.
His
sympathy
toward
the
crying
woman.
B.
The
encouraging
words
of
his
wife.
C.
His
years
of
experience
working
at
the
plant.
D.
His
knowledge
of
fire
rescues.
57.The
underlined
word
“eternity”
probably
means
__________.
A.
a
very
long
time
B.
a
rare
opportunity
C.
an
awkward
situation
D.
great
luck
Which
of
the
following
statements
is
according
to
the
article?
A.
Although
he
wasn’t
familiar
with
the
house
owner,
John
helped
put
out
the
fire.
B.
The
screaming
of
the
woman
led
John
and
Mary
to
check
out
the
house.
C.
John
realized
right
away
that
his
children
were
trapped
upstairs
in
the
house
on
fire.
D.
John
rushed
into
the
burning
house
twice
to
rescue
the
children.
We
can
infer
from
the
article
that
__________.
A.
the
fire
broke
out
because
of
the
carelessness
of
the
owner
B.
John
never
expected
to
save
his
own
children
from
the
fire
accident
C.
the
children
were
too
frightened
to
get
out
of
the
house
on
fire
by
themselves
D.
John
and
Mary
regretted
putting
their
children
under
the
care
of
that
babysitter
56-59.
(B)
If
you
have
an
allergy
to
some
food,
even
a
very
tiny
bit
of
food
can
make
you
sick.
Lots
of
kids
have
food
allergies
--
about
three
million
in
the
United
States
alone.
The
foods
that
cause
the
most
food
allergies
include
peanuts
and
other
nuts;
seafood,
such
as
shrimp;
milk,
particularly
cow's
milk;
eggs;
wheat.
What
Is
a
Food
Allergy?
Food
allergies
occur
when
your
immune
system
makes
a
mistake.
Usually,
your
immune
system
protects
you
from
germs
and
disease.
It
does
this
by
making
antibodies
that
help
you
fight
off
bacteria,
viruses,
and
other
tiny
organisms
that
can
make
you
sick.
But
if
you
have
a
food
allergy,
your
immune
system
mistakenly
treats
something
in
a
certain
food
as
if
it's
really
dangerous
to
you.
What's
a
Reaction
Like?
In
the
most
serious
cases,
a
food
allergy
can
cause
a
sudden,
severe
allergic
reaction,
in
which
several
problems
occur
all
at
once
and
can
involve
the
skin,
breathing,
digestion,
the
heart
and
others.
person's
blood
pressure
can
drop,
breathing
tubes
can
narrow
and
the
tongue
can
swell.
People
at
risk
for
this
kind
of
reaction
have
to
be
very
careful
and
need
a
plan
for
handling
emergencies,
when
they
might
need
to
get
special
medicine
to
stop
these
symptoms
from
getting
worse.
What
Will
the
Doctor
Do?
If
you
think
you
may
be
allergic
to
a
certain
food,
let
your
parents
know.
They
will
take
you
to
the
doctor
to
get
it
checked
out.
If
your
doctor
thinks
you
might
have
a
food
allergy,
he
or
she
will
probably
send
you
to
see
a
doctor
who
specializes
in
allergies.
The
allergy
specialist
will
ask
you
about
past
reactions
and
how
long
it
takes
between
eating
the
food
and
getting
the
symptom,
such
as
hives.
The
allergist
also
may
ask
about
whether
anyone
else
in
your
family
has
allergies
or
other
allergyrelated
conditions.
The
allergist
may
also
want
to
do
a
skin
test.
This
is
a
way
of
seeing
how
your
body
reacts
to
a
very
small
amount
of
the
food
that
is
giving
you
trouble.
60.According
to
the
passage,
you
will
have
a
food
allergy
when
your
immune
system
________.
A.
recognizes
tiny
organisms
in
a
certain
food
B.
mistakenly
makes
antibodies
to
help
fight
off
something
in
a
certain
food
C.
prevents
something
harmful
in
the
food
from
entering
your
digestive
system
D.
releases
chemicals
to
remove
harmful
things
in
a
certain
food
61.Which
of
the
following
suggestions
is
given
to
those
at
risk
of
a
severe
allergic
reaction?
A.
Taking
medicine
as
soon
as
an
allergic
reaction
appears.
B.
Avoiding
eating
any
food
when
going
outside.
C.
Always
carrying
with
special
medicine
for
possible
symptoms.
D.
Preparing
a
plan
for
dealing
with
emergencies
ahead
of
time.
62.What
will
an
allergist
do
to
check
your
food
allergy
out?
A.Ask
you
about
past
reactions
and
other
allergy-related
conditions.??????????????????????????
B.
Give
you
a
test
to
see
whether
you
have
breathing
difficulty
or
not.
C.
Enquire
about
your
present
feeling
towards
the
food.
D.
Give
you
a
shot
in
the
arm
to
see
how
soon
your
body
will
react
to
a
certain
food.
06-62
Summary
Writing
Directions:
Read
the
following
passage.
Summarize
the
main
idea
and
the
main
point(s)
of
the
passage
in
no
more
than
words.
Use
your
own
words
as
far
as
possible.
My
neighbor’s
children
love
playing
hide-and-seek
as
all
children
do,
but
no
one
imagines
that
a
game
they
played
last
week
would
be
reported
in
the
local
newspaper.
One
afternoon,
they
were
playing
in
the
vacant
lot
down
by
the
corner.
Young
Paul,
who
is
only
five
years
old,
found
the
perfect
place
to
hide.
His
sister,
Natalie,
had
shut
her
eyes
and
was
counting
to
ten
when
Paul
noticed
the
mail
box
at
the
corner
and
that
the
metal
door
was
standing
open.
The
mailman
had
just
taken
several
bags
of
mail
and
had
carried
them
to
his
truck
which
was
standing
a
few
feet
away.
Paul
climbed
into
the
mail
box
and
pulled
the
door
closed
so
hard
that
it
locked.
Soon
realizing
what
he
had
done,
he
became
frightened
and
started
crying.
At
that
time,
Natalie
was
looking
for
him
everywhere
but
could
not
find
him.
It
was
lucky
that
she
happened
to
stand
at
the
comer
for
a
minute
and
heard
her
brother’s
cries.
She
immediately
ran
to
tell
the
mailman
who
hurried
back
from
his
truck
to
unlock
the
metal
door.
Paul
was
now
free,
but
he
had
such
a
bad
fright
that
he
could
not
stop
crying.
The
mailman,
however,
soon
found
a
way
of
making
him
laugh
again.
He
told
him
that
the
next
time
he
wanted
to
hide
in
a
mail
box,
he
should
remember
to
put
a
stamp
on
himself!
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Reading
Comprehension
Directions:
Read
the
following
three
passages.
Each
passage
is
followed
by
several
questions
or
unfinished
statements.
For
each
of
them
there
are
four
choices
marked
A,
B,
and
D.
Choose
the
one
that
fits
best
according
to
the
information
given
in
the
passage
you
have
just
read.
(A)
Research
shows
that
the
average
high
school
student
will
study
four
hours
per
week
for
any
major
test.
The
outcome
of
this
four
hours
of
study
varies
from
an
to
an
F,
which
means
that
in
high
school
grades
are
strongly
determined
by
intelligence
since
everyone
studies
the
same
amount
of
time.
But
college
is
different.
Most
of
the
students
are
highly
intelligent
and
each
has
plenty
of
time
for
self-study.
To
score
high
on
any
test,
a
college
student
has
to
work
hard
and,
probably
more
importantly,
know
how
to
use
his
or
her
time
most
efficiently.
The
problem
is
that
your
study
habits
formed
in
high
school
may
make
you
unable
to
study
well
in
college
because
you
have
never
experienced
what
it
takes
to
perform
at
the
college
level.
That
is
why
the
freshman
year
is
the
hardest
year
for
all
college
students.
Based
on
my
extensive
observation
of
student
performances
on
college
tests,
recommend
the
following
study
time
per
test:
hours
per
week
for
an
A,
hours
for
a
B,
3.5
hours
for
a
C,
2.5
hours
for
a
and
hours
for
an
F.
An
hour
of
study
is
defined
as
studying
for
minutes
and
a
break
of
minutes.
Ten
hours
of
continuous
study
without
a
break
is
defined
as
one
hour
of
study.
The
brain
does
not
process
and
store
information
the
way
students
prefer
studying.
Occasionally,
some
succeed
by
studying
at
the
last
minute,
but
they
are
exceptions
to
the
rule.
Research
also
suggests
that
the
slowest
percent
of
the
students
may
need
to
times
as
much
time
to
learn
the
same
material
as
the
fastest
percent.
Each
person
is
very
likely
to
have
strengths
and
weaknesses.
Overcoming
your
weakness
increases
your
strength.
56.
According
to
the
writer,
the
reason
why
high
school
students
get
different
test
results
is
that
________.
A.
some
students
have
good
study
habits
while
others
do
not
B.
some
students
work
harder
than
the
rest
of
them
C.
their
intelligence
varies
from
person
to
person
D.
their
teachers
teach
them
in
different
ways
57.
The
freshman
year
is
considered
the
hardest
for
all
college
students
because
________.
A.
they
feel
worried
among
so
many
intelligent
people
B.
they
are
too
anxious
to
score
high
on
all
tests
C.
they
don’t
know
yet
how
to
study
at
the
college
level
D.
they
have
to
take
a
lot
of
courses
at
the
same
time
58.
What
takes
the
fastest
students
to
learn
in
one
hour
may
take
the
slowest
students
________.
A.
hours
B.
hours
C.
hours
D.
hours
59.
From
the
way
this
passage
is
written,
it
can
be
concluded
that
the
writer
is
most
probably
________.
A.
a
high
school
teacher
B.
a
college
student
C.
a
high
school
student
D.
a
college
teacher
56-59
(B)
The
Best
Way
to
See
Singapore.
See
More
for
Less!
City
Sightseeing
$33/A,
$23/C,
hrs
of
Unlimited
Touring
—
am
to
pm
Duration:
Day
(unlimited
rides)
Attractions:
Civic
District,
Orchard
Road,
Botanic
Gardens,
Little
India,
Chinatown
&
more
along
the
City
&
Heritage
routes
It
is
easy
to
enjoy
Singapore
with
the
City
Sightseeing
open-top
touring
system.
Spot
an
interesting
place
or
sight?
Simply
hop
off
and
walk
around
and
you
can
continue
the
tour
later
by
hopping
on
the
next
bus.?With
bus
arriving
every
minutes,
the?City
Sightseeing
system?links
you
to
major
sights,
attractions
and
hotels!
Guests
Helpline:
6338-6877
$33/A,
$23/C,
$2/T
Daily:
9:30
am
—
5:30
pm
Duration:
minutes
Ride
the
original
Hop
on
this
amphibious(两栖的)
craft
for
a
sightseeing
tour
which
covers
both
land
and
sea!
Free
bus
transfer;
most
popular
tour;
1st
and
original
unique
land
&
sea
adventure
For
More
Information,
call
6338-6859
Night
Safari(旅行)
$49/A,
$33/C,
Tour
Time:
6:00
pm
—
10:00
pm
Duration:
hours
Observe
the
night
activities
of
the
1,000
over
nocturnal(夜行的)
animals
in
the
Night
Safari
–
the
world’s
first
wildlife
night
park,
for
an
adventure
you’ll
never
forget.
Free
&
Easy
with
2-way
bus
transfer
For
More
Information,
call
6338-6826
Flyer
$53/A,
$37/C,
Open
HoursoursHou:
Daily
9:00
am
—
9:00
pm
Duration:
minutes
Feast
your
eyes
on
Singapore’s
magnificent
cityscape
from
a
height
of
165m
on
the
world’s
largest
observation
wheel.
Get
your
cameras
ready
as
you
experience
a
360-degree
panoramic
view
of
the
city
and
the
Marina
Bay
area.
Free
bus
transfer;
free
river
transfer
For
More
Information,
call
6338-3311
☆
—
adult,
—
children
(3-12),
—
toddler
(2
&
below)
59.
Which
way
is
most
suitable
for
Mary,
who
can
just
spare
one
day
to
travel
around
Singapore?
A.
Night
Safari.
B.
C.
City
Sightseeing.
D.
Flyer.
60.
If
David
and
his
9-year-old
son
are
both
animal
lovers,
they
had
better
dial
___________
for
more
information
before
their
tour.
A.
6338-6877
B.
6338-6859
C.
6338-3311
D.
6338-6826
61.
Mr.
Smith
is
going
to
take
his
wife,
his
13-year-old
daughter
and
his
1-year-old
son
to
visit
Singapore
at
their
own
leisurely
pace,
he
should
get
at
least
___________
ready.
A.
$89
B.
$99
C.
$91
D.
$101
62.
Which
organization
in
Singapore
is
most
likely
to
issue
the
information
above?
A.
Education
Commission.
B.
Health
Department.
C.
Transportation
Bureau.
D.
Tourism
Bureau.
59----62
Summary
Writing
Directions:
Read
the
following
passage.
Summarize
the
main
idea
and
the
main
point(s)
of
the
passage
in
no
more
than
words.
Use
your
own
words
as
far
as
possible.
The
best
things
in
life
Best
Magazine
has
done
some
research
about
some
of
the
best
things
in
life...
and
you
might
be
surprised
at
the
results.
First
of
all,
jobs.
Our
research
showed
that
the
best
job
you
can
have
is
being
a
firefighter.
job
as
a
firefighter
gives
plenty
of
job
satisfaction.
You’re
workind
in
a
team,
you
are
doing
phsical
work
and
you’re
responsible
for
other
people’s
health
and
safety.
Secondly,
hobbies.
Working
with
other
people
is
also
important
when
it
comes
to
hobbies,
and
our
research
showed
that
the
best
hoobby
is
belonging
to
a
choir.
Singing
in
a
choir
is
also
creative
and
it
is
very
satisfying
to
take
part
in
a
public
performance.
Finally,
sports
and
exercise.
Our
resarch
revealed
that
the
best
all-round
exercise
is
swimming.
People
of
all
ages
can
enjoy
swimming
and
it
provides
exercise
for
all
the
major
muscle
groups
in
the
body.
It
is
also
suitable
for
people
suffering
from
injuries.
Peole
of
all
ages
can
also
benefit
from
owning
a
pet,
and
dogs
came
top
of
the
pet
category.
Owning
a
dog
can
reduce
stress,
bllod
pressure
and
the
risk
of
heart
disease.
The
research
showed
that
dog
owners
were
generally
happier,
more
sociable
and
less
likely
to
visit
the
doctor.
So
if
you
are
a
firefighter,
who
belongs
to
a
choir,
goes
swimming
and
owns
a
dog,
you
will
probably
be
very
happy.
But
it
might
also
depend
on
how
old
you
are.
Our
research
also
looked
at
when
people
said
they
were
the
happiest.
However,
the
results
were
unclear.
The
best
age
is
either
17--
people
at
this
age
have
finally
got
the
freedom
they
always
wanted
as
a
child.
Or,
the
best
age
could
be
74--
people
are
free
of
responsibilities
of
adulthood,
and
ready
to
enjoy
themselves
without
feeling
worried
about
what
other
people
think
of
them.
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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