中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台
剑桥(join
in)版英语五年级上册Unit
6第四课时试卷
一、英汉互译。
1.
path
__________________
2.
动画片__________________
3.
电影__________________
4.
dust__________________
5.
快点!
__________________
?????
二、选择题。
1.
He
______
fast
asleep.(
)
A.am
B.Are
C.is
2.
There
_______
a
path
over
there.(
)
A.am
B.are
C.is
3.
It
______
like
a
castle.(
)
A.look
B.looks
C.looking
4.
_____
you
often
have
dreams?(
)
A.are
B.Do
C.Haves
5.
Throw
the
key
_______
the
pond.
(
)
A.
in
B.
on
C.
under
三、阅读理解。
"Dream
may
be
more
important
than
sleep.
We
all
need
dream.
"
some
scientists
say.
Dreams
take
up
(占据)
about
one
quarter
of
our
sleeping
time.
People
have
several
dreams
each
night.
Dreams
are
short
films.
They
are
usually
in
colour.
Some
dreams
are
like
old
films.
They
come
to
us
over
and
over
again.
That
may
he
because
the
dreamer
in
worrying
about
something.
Dreaming
may
be
a
way
of
trying
to
find
an
answer.
Some
people
get
new
ideas
about
their
work
all
day,
these
thoughts
can
carry
over
into
dreams.
Sometimes
we
wake
up
with
a
good
feeling
from
a
dream.
But
often
we
can't
remember
the
dream.
Dream
can
disappear
quickly
from
memory.
Too
much
dreaming
can
be
harmful
(有害的).?
The
more
we
sleep,
the
longer
we
dream.?
The
mind
is
hard
at
work
when
we
dream.
That
is
why
we
have
a
long
sleep
and
still
wake
up
tired.
根据短文内容,选择正确答案。
1.
Dream
is??___________??everybody.
????
A.
needed
by??????????
?????????
????B.
less
important
to
C.
asleep
to?????????????????
?????
D.
harmful
to
2.
Dreams
take
up
almost
___________
of
our
sleeping
time.
A.
three-fourths???????????????
???
B.
one-fourth
????
C.
half?????????????
????????????
???
?D.
all????
3.
Dreams
are
usually
like
films??___________.??
????
A.
about
work??????????????
??????
B.
in
colour
????
C.
we
know??????????????????
???
D.
shown
many
times
4.
Why
do
people
often
dream
about
their
work?
A.
Because
they
worry
about
losing
it.
B.
Because
they
are
very
tired
in
the
daytime.
C.
Because
they
have
a
lot
of
work
to
do.
D.
Because
they
may
be
thinking
about
the
work
all
day.
5.
The
main
idea
of
this
passage
is
about????
????
A.
dreams
can
disappear
quickly
B.
too
much
dreaming
is
harmful
C.
people
should
have
a
long
sleep
D.
what
dream
is
.
剑桥(join
in)版英语五年级上册Unit
6第四课时参考答案
一、
【考点】本题考查单词的掌握。
【答案】1.
小路
2.
cartoon
3.
film
4.
灰尘
5.
Hurry
up!
二、
【考点】本题考查句型的使用。
三、
【考点】本题考查单词定位的能力。
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Unit
Dreams
剑桥(join
in)版
五年级上
第四课时
Part
Let's
watch
Think
and
say
Do
you
love
cartoons?
What's
your
favorite
cartoon
film?
New
words
cartoon
love
cartoons.
New
words
collect
New
words
film
She
has
got
many
cartoon
films
on
New
words
funny
The
dream
is
funny.
New
words
dust
Dust
is
everywhere.
New
words
castle
It
looks
like
a
castle.
New
words
path
There’s
a
path
over
there.
New
words
Where
is
my
key?
key
New
words
lock
The
key
is
in
the
lock.
New
words
prince
He
is
a
prince.
New
words
-hurry
up!
-Just
a
minute!
New
words
pond
Throw
the
key
in
the
pond.
hurry
up
film
funny
dust
castle
key
lock
prince
pond
path
Let's
play
按单词消失的先后顺序读出单词。
funny
path
dust
prince
castle
DVD→castle→funny→path→dust
→prince
(一分钟记忆单词)然后开始游戏
Let's
play
Think
and
say
What's
your
favorite
cartoon
film?
Do
you
know
what
is
it?
The
Sleeping
Beauty
Read
and
answer
1.
What's?that?down
there?
2.
What's?in?the
lock?
3.
Who?is
in?the
bed?
4.
What?does
the?sleeping?prince?want?
5.
Where?is?the?key?now?
Listen
and
read
Jenny
loves
cartoons.
She
has
got
many
cartoon
films
on
She
often
watches
them,
and
she
has
many
dreams
about
the
stories.
“The
sleeping
prince”
is
one
of
her
dreams.
It
is
funny.
Listen
and
read
It
looks
like
a
castle.
What’s
that
down
there?
Look,
there’s
a
path
over
there.
Listen
and
read
let’s
go
in.
The
key
is
in
the
lock.
There’s
a
man
in
the
bed.
Dust,
dust,
dust
everywhere.
Listen
and
read
He’s
fast
asleep.
Oh,
it’s
a
prince.
Me?
No.
You
kiss
him.
Kiss
him,
Jenny.
Listen
and
read
Alright.
No,
never.
You
kiss
him,
Jenny.
Listen
and
read
Who
are
you?
I’m
Jenny
and
this
is
Claudia.
I’m
Prince
Rupert.
I’m
hungry.
Get
me
a
sandwich
and
some
orange
juice.
Hurry
up.
Listen
and
read
And
now
get
me
my
shoes
and
socks.
Quickly.
Here
you
are.
And
need
my
white
shirt,
my
red
tie
and
my
blue
blazer.
Just
a
minute,
prince.
Listen
and
read
Throw
the
key
,
Claudia.
Come
back.
Right
now.
Goodbye,
Price
Rupert.
Listen
and
answer
1.
What's?that?down
there?
2.
What's?in?the
lock?
3.
Who?is
in?the
bed?
4.
What?does
the?sleeping?prince?want?
5.
Where?is?the?key?now?
It
looks
like
a
castle.
The
key.
prince.
He
wants
a
sandwich
and
some
orange
juice.
It's
in
the
pond.
Listen
and
answer
1.
What
does
Jenny
love?
2.
What's
Jenny's
dream
about?
3.
Do
you
like
the
prince?
Why?
She
loves
cartoons.
Her
dream
is
about
a
sleeping
prince.
No,
don't.
He
is
rude.
can
retell
Try
to
tell
the
story
to
your
partners.
Jenny
and
Claudia
find
out
_________
in
the
________,
but
the
prince
is
not
like
they
thought,
so
they
run
from
the
castle
and
throw
__________________.
the
key
in
the
pond
a
prince
castle
Let’s
act
out.
要求:
选择你喜欢的的1-2副图表演或选择你喜欢的任意一部分表演:
任意方式表演。
创意改编故事。
If
the
prince
is
polite,
what
will
happen?(如果王子非常有礼貌,故事的结局又会如何呢?请大家画出来并用英语写下来。)
Learn
more
Don’t
be
the
rude
prince
or
the
princess(公主)
in
your
family.
We
should
be
friendly(友好)
and
polite(礼貌)
to
others.
Learn
more
Time
for
exercise
根据图片回答问题。
What’s
that
down
there?
_________________________________
Where
is
my
key?
_________________________________
It
looks
like
a
castle.
The
key
is
in
the
lock.
Time
for
exercise
翻译句子。
到处都是灰尘。
_________________________________
把DVD扔到水塘里。快点!
_________________________________
Dust
is
everywhere.
Throw
the
in
the
pond.
Hurry
up!
1.
学习了P48~49的内容。
2.
学习了新单词:cartoon,
film,
funny,
dust,
castle,
path,
key,
lock,
prince,
hurry
up,
just
a
minute,
pond.
3.
学习了《睡着的王子》的故事。
Make
a
summary
1、复述故事给组长听;
2、完成课后练习;
3、复习后半本书。
Homework
Thank
you!
Goodbye!
谢谢
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剑桥(join
in)版英语五年级上册第四课时教学设计
课题
Unit
Dreams
单元
第六单元
学科
英语
年级
五年级
学习目标
一、语言技能1、学习单词cartoon,
film,
funny,
dust等。2、学习了《睡王子》的故事。二、语言知识进行了有关卡通的梦的发散性想象表达。三、情感态度1、积极参与各种课堂学习活动。2、在各项活动中能与其他同学积极配合和合作。3、遇到困难时能大胆求助。四、学习策略1、在课堂交流中,注意倾听,积极思考。2、积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流。五、文化意识1、在学习和日常交际中,能初步注意到中外语言文化的异同。
重点
1、学习单词cartoon,
film,
funny,
dust等。2、学习了《睡王子》的故事。
难点
进行了有关卡通的梦的发散性想象表达。
教学过程
教学环节
教师活动
学生活动
设计意图
Let’s
watch,
Think
and
say
教师播放课件,呈现任务要求和动画剪辑视频,点击播放视频,要求学生看视频,思考问题。
学生看视频并回答有关最喜欢动画的提问。
(1)通过歌曲,激发学习兴趣。(2)在美妙的歌曲中,愉快地开始本节课。
New
words
教师播放课件,学生根据图片提示学习新单词cartoon,
film,
funny,
dust等.
学生看课件,看图,根据图片学习新单词。
新知学习,为Toby梦的具体学习打基础.
Let's
play
教师播放课件,呈现单词,要求学生快速大声朗读。
学生根据游戏显示的单词顺序大声朗读。
朗读单词,锻炼口语能力。
Think
and
say,Read
and
answer
教师播放课件,让学生根据图片猜猜是什么动画。然后让学生学习课文之前设置几个问题让学生思考。
学生根据图片说出动画名字并思考课文学习之前的几个问题。
引入对于故事的学习,初步了解文章内容。
Listen
and
read
教师播放课件,呈现P48~49内容,要求学生根据录音重复听到的内容。
学生根据录音复读句子。
口语训练,朗读正音。
Read
and
answer;Listen
and
answer
教师播放课件,呈现之前设置的问题,让学生回答;并再设置几个课后问题,让学生听课文录音回答问题。
学生根据课文学习的内容回答课前设置的问题;根据课文录音回答课文问题
故事的大意的巩固讯息,更加深入学习理解这个睡王子故事的内容。
Let's
retell,
Let’s
act
out,
learn
more
教师播放课件,呈现任务要求,要求学生根据学习理解完成文章内容的概括性填空并表演。之后,让学生思考如果王子有礼貌故事会如何。
学生讲述故事并表演,之后结合提示理解文章内涵。
口语表达训练,理解与人为善的意义。
Time
for
exercise
教师播放课件,呈现任务要求和练习题,要求学生朗读题目,根据图片回答问题、根据汉语意思完成翻译,作答完毕,师生共同校对答案。
学生朗读题目,根据提示完成回答、翻译,作答完毕,师生共同校对答案。
在练习中巩固本节课的核心内容。
Make
a
summary
教师播放课件,要求学生围绕《睡着的王子》这个故事回顾本节课的核心内容。
学生回顾本节课的核心内容,举手回答。
小结本节课的核心内容,系统巩固本节课的核心知识。
Homework
教师播放课件,呈现任务。
学生登记任务,按时完成作业。
作业用于辅助学习。
板书
Unit
Dreamscartoon,
film,
funny,
dust,
castle,
path,
key,
lock,
prince,
hurry
up,
just
a
minute,
pond
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