冀教版《小学英语》Book 1 Lesson 7: My Friend 教学设计
1.能认读、书写字母Aa Bb Cc Dd,了解他们在单词中的发音。
2.听懂、会说和认读单词he, she, friend.
3.能够理解并口头运用句型This is_____. He/She is my friend.
1. 通过创设情境激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生珍惜朋友之间的友谊,互相帮助。
2. 关注学生的情感,营造宽松、民主、和谐的课堂氛围。通过多样性的活动和教学评价,激励学生学习英语的兴趣和积极性,使学生在英语课堂中不断体验进步与成功,认识自我,建立自信,促进学生综合语言运用能力的发展。
二、教学重点、难点 教学重点
1. 能认读、书写字母Aa Bb Cc Dd, 了解他们在单词中的发音。
2. 能够理解并口头运用句型This is_____. He/She is my friend.
1.区分she ,he 的用法。
Lesson 7: My Friend She is my friend.
This is ____. He is my friend.
四、教学过程 Part1:Revision(复习阶段)
1. Greeting
T: Hello, boys and girls!
Ss: Hello, teacher.
T: How are you today?
Ss: I抦 fine, thanks. How are you?
T: I抦 pretty good, thank you. Nice to meet you!
Ss: Nice to meet you, too! Let me introduce myself. My family name is Liu, so you can call me Miss Liu. I抦 glad to be here and to be your new English teacher.
2. Revision(情景导入)
T: Before the class, let’s enjoy some nice pictures, ok? (PPT)
T: I have many friends and I like making friends. Would you like to make friend with me? If you want to make friends with me, please introduce yourself.
T: What’s your name?
S (boy): My name is…
T:(问全体学生)What’s his name?
Ss: His name is…
T: Hello! Nice to meet you.
S (girl): Nice to meet you, too.
T: What’s your name?
S (girl): My name is…
T:(问全体学生)What’s her name?
Ss: Her name is
T: Well done! I think all of you want to be my friends, yes? Now I have a good idea. Look, it抯 me. It抯 my picture. I put my picture on the blackboard and there is some information behind the picture. Let抯 have a match. T1 starts from here and T2 start from that way. If you do a good job, you can go ahead and get my picture.
Part2: New Concepts
1. he, she, friend.
(1) 教师手中拿着he, she, friend的卡片。指着在复习环节叫过的学生说:
T: Oh, what’s his name?
Ss: His name is…
T: Yes! This is …He is a boy. He is my friend.
T: What’s her name?
Ss: Her name is….
T: Good! This is … She is a girl. She is my friend.
教师边说边将she和friend的贴片靠近该学生,让同学们明白she和girl是相匹配的(将he, she, friend贴在黑板上)He is my friend. She is my friend.
(2) Text T:
What’s his name?
Ss: His name is Li Ming.
T: What’s his name?
Ss: His name is Danny.
T: What’s her name?
Ss: Her name is Jenny.
T: What’s her name?
T: Today we will meet a new friend. Listen to the tape, let’s find the answer.
T: What’s her name?
Ss: Her name is Wang Hong.
(3) Introduce friends to students
T: Now I want to introduce my friends to you. Have a look. This is Miss Tian. She is my friend. (PPT) This is Jin Zheng. He is my friend. (PPT)
(4) Performance to introduce friends
T: Can you introduce your friend to me?
Ss: This is ... She/He is my friend.
2.Aa, Bb, Cc ,Dd (教师在上课之前画好四线三格)
(1) Listen to a song
T: Today I bring 26 friends to you. Wow, here they come.
(2) Learn Aa,Bb,Cc,Dd
T: What is the first friend?
Ss: A
T: This is letter “Aa”, look carefully.(板书字母 “Aa”)a↗ a↘
T: What‘s this? (教师出示卡片)
Ss: Apple.
T: “a” sounds/?/, apple.
This is letter ”Bb” (板书字母 “Bb”)b↗ b↘
This is a book, “b” sounds /b/, book.
This is letter “Cc” (板书字母 “Cc”)c↗ c↘
This is a cat, “c” sounds /k/, cat.
This is letter “Dd” (板书字母 “Dd”)d↗ d↘
This is a door, “d” sounds /d/, door.
(3) play games
Game 1带领学生做动作练习字母在单词中的发音。
T: A A A /? //?//?/, B B B /b//b//b/,C C C/k//k//k/,D D D/d//d//d/
【设计意图】:此游戏意在让学生练习字母a, b, c ,d在单词中的正确发音。教师带领学生通过做动作加深对字母发音的记忆。
Game 2 Hit the bubble.
T: There is a line. Later, a lot of bubbles will come out. What should we do? Don’t let the bubble cross the line. If you say the letters before it crossing the line, you win.
(4) Write letters
(5) Letters in our daily life
T: We can see many letters in our life, look at these pictures. Which letter can you see?
Ss: I can see C…
T: Letters are useful in our life. Do you know what do the letters stand for?
Part3:Class closing
T: Let’ see which team can get my picture. Wow, T1 is the Winner, congratulations! If you want, you can share my picture and the information with T2, because I want to make friends with all of you.
1. 找出生活中的英文字母。
2. 向自己的家人介绍你的一位好朋友。