教学 指导
础 《义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》中明确指出,基础教育阶段英语课程的总目标是:通过英语学习使学生形成初步的综合语言运用能力,促进心智发展,提高综合人文素养。因此在我认为,小学英语教学不仅仅是关注小学生知识有所得,能力有所提高,更重要的是要使小学生能够认识自我,建立自信,拥有学习英语的兴趣。同时,要引导小学生在英语学习的过程中,养成良好的学习习惯,形成适合自己的学习策略。创设符合学生年龄特征并且贴近生活实际的语言情境,使语言学习的过程为学生形成积极的情感态度、主动思维和大胆实践、提高跨文化意识和形成自主学习能力的过程。在本节课的设计上,我以阅读教学作为这堂课的主线,贯穿课堂始终。一切教学活动都围绕这一主线展开。创设各种真实语境,并配合积极有效的评价方式,激发了学生的学习兴趣,确保每个学生都能参与活泼有趣的英语课堂中。
教学 内容 本节课是北师大版小学英语四年级下册Unit 10 Mocky’s store中Lesson One Can I help you?本单元的话题是“购物”,是《义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》中提出的一个话题项目。购物的话题是小学阶段常见和重点学习的内容之一,在四年级的’Shopping”单元中学生已经初步接触这一话题,并重点学习了询问和说明物品价格的表达方式。本单元的语言学习内容主要是在购物过程中表达想要什么,询问是否有某物等,侧重在购物时意愿的表达。而本节课Lesson1Can I help you?分成三个部分:Listen and Read. Learn to Say Listen and Number.
教学 对象 宁德市古田县 湖滨中心小学 四年级 学生 40人
教学 项目 new words: new store clock football
basic sentences: Can I help you?
I want a...... Do you have one?
Here you are . Thank you!
教学 方法 全身反应教学法、任务型教学法、情境教学法
目标 知识
目标 ⒈词汇:能指认、说出hat,clock,watch,football等生 活用品的名称。能运用old,blue,new等形容词描述物品特征。能在语境中理解store,them的含义。
⒉句型:能够运用“Can I help you? Here you are.”等购物用语;能够运用“I want...I like...”说明自己想要什么、想买什么;能够运用“Do you have...?”询问别人是否有某物。
目标 ⒈能指认日常生活用品并说出名称。
目标 通过Mocky开店铺当老板的故事,引导学生认识“顾客至上”的成功经营学,并通过故事中“please”的多次出现,培养学生“有理走遍天下”的礼貌礼仪。
教学 重难点 ⒈能听懂、会说、会熟练运用本课以及学过的相关购物句型。
⒊故事中三个one 的理解。
教具 准备 卡片、多媒体的运用、闹钟、手表、足球、包、腰包、草帽、假钱、卡纸。
本节课的教学对象是四年级的学生,四年级是小学生学习英语的基础阶段,这一阶段的重要任务在于激发并保持学生学习英语的兴趣。他们从三年级开始接触英语,通过一年多的学习,已经积累了一定的词汇量,具备一定的听说能力,但在学习方法和学习策略上和从一年级开始学英语的大城市学生还有很大差距,因此本学期在实施英语教学的过程中,我在教授学生新知的同时更重视对学生学习方法的培养。同时,培养学生养成良好的听、说、读、写等学习习惯,提高课堂教学效率。 为了调动学生参与课堂,我设计了多种评价方式,有个人评价,也有小组评价,并针对学生在课堂上的表现,及时进行表扬,创造机会,让他们尝试成功的喜悦。
三、Teaching process
Teachers Activity Students’ Activity Purpose of Design
Step1:greeting and introduce the competition rules. T:Good morning,boys and girls ,as the same , we will have a PK. I will divide you into two groups, boy’s group, and girl’s group.
Ask:do you like apples?
Come on, climb this ladder ,
One point one step forward, when you arrive the tree, you can choose an apple using the sentence: "I want the blue/red/black/yellow one."
the more apple, the winner!
Step 2: Warm-up:
TPR teaching
Invite students to do some actions with teacher,
and review the old.
T:kids, are you a bit tired now? Let’s do some actions, ok?
T: when I ask “can you walk”, if you can ,do the action and answer “walk walk walk”, ok?
T:can you walk?
Can you jump?
Can you run?
Can you run very fast?
Can you run very slow?
Can you read?
Can you swim?
Can you make yourself tall?
Can you make yourself short?
Can you make your eyes big?
Can you make your eyes small?
1)T: you can do so many things, that’s cool. But can you help Mocky?
Show the picture of a crying Mocky
T: What’s the matter with Mocky? No? Let’s enjoy a chant first.
Show the chant:《Mocky’s selling》
T: oh, that’s it,we get the truth. Mocky just open a new store, but, look, nobody.So Mocky is crying.
Can you say something to comfort Mocky?
T:Can you help Mocky?
2)Show the title of this unit and present the story of lesson 1.
T:All of you are helpful and Mocky also has an good idea, let’s enjoy the story together.
PPT:Learning tip 1
Look: Please look at pictures on page 38 in about 10 seconds to predict the story.
Q1: Who are in the story? Q2: Where are they?
PPT:Learning tip 2
Listen:Please listen to the story and skim the story in 1 minute, try to answer the following question.
Q3: What idea does Mocky think to attract customers?
Show picture 1 of the story.
Explain 10 yuan each
Learning tip 3
Circle: skim the story to get the main information. try to answer these questions, and circle them.
Q4:What does Lulu want?
Q5:What does Danny Deer want?
You can say : She/he wants a …
3)Watch and repeat.
Watch and repeat the story together and explain some key points.
Picture 1:
T: To be a good boss, Mocky
is polite with a smiling face.
Ask:Can you say 揼ood morning, can I help you with a smile?
Ask:whats 揙ne ?
So 揹o you have one? we can also say 揹o you have a camera?
S: that抯 great=that抯 good=that抯 wonderful
Explain the meaning of new
T: When we ask for help, in English, we say Please
In Chinese, we say 请”.
We should always remember: A polite person can travel the world.
T: Here “one” stands for
a clock. we can also say?
Compare the two phrase structure: “an old one” and “a new one”
Show two pencils as an example.
Ask: can you show me some examples?
1)Finish: listen and number
2)Yes or No time
Learning tip 4
带着关键词在文中寻找所需信息,然后仔细判断是否与文中信息一致,如一致则正确,反之错误。切忌凭着自己对阅读文章的大致印象判断 。
3)Reading time
T: It’s time for you to read loudly, work in groups, I hope you can help each other, if you need my help, just put up your hands.
4)Let抯 retell the story.
Learn to say.
T: Now, Mocky抯 store is famous now, he doesn抰 need to go outside. So he is back to his store. Look, here抯 Ann.
Ask: what does Ann want?
Role play
Teacher VS.students
② Students VS.students
T:Mocky has a store, Miss
Chen also has a store(9 yuan each),put on the hat and bag to be a real boss.
Show the store and products likes watch, bag,ball,clock,pencil and so on.
Invite a student to be the customer.
T:Before it, let’s review some key sentence about shopping .as follows:
Can I help you?
I want.... I like.... Do you like.....
Do you have one?
Yes, I do. No, I don't ,but I have .....
How much is it?
How much are they?
It's ....yuan.
They are....yuan.
Here' s your.... Here you are!
Here's the money.
Thank you!
T:oh, I’m hungry and thirsty(with gestures),now I want to eat something. Who can come here to help me?
Invite a student to be the boss and the other to be customer.
T:Mocky is a good boss,and I think you are good boss too.
Now let’s think :
what it takes to be a good boss?
T:In a word,please remember:customers first!
Set homework:
☆Listen to the story for 3times. ☆☆Retell the story to your parents. ☆☆☆To complete the dialog of the story.
Ss: I am ready!
Ss: Yes!
Listen and do the actions with the teacher.
Ss: Walk walk walk
Jump jump jump
Run run run
Fast fast fast
Slow slow slow
Read read read
Swim swim swim
Tall tall tall
Short short short
Big big big
Small small small
Look at the pictures.
S1:Don't cry ,Mocky.
S2:Don’t be afraid, I
can help you.
S3:Are you OK?
Read the title together.
Students look at the pictures on page 38 in about 10 seconds to predict the story.and answer the questions.
S1:There are Mocky、Lulu、Danny deer.
S2:They are at Mocky’s store.
Students listen to the story and skim the story in 1 minute.
S1:a bargain sale
S2:10 yuan each.
Students skim the story to get the main information. try to answer questions and circle them.
S1:He wants a camera.
S2:She wants a clock.
Students watch and repeat the story.
Students try to say it with a smile and some gestures.
S1:one stands for a camera.
Students read the Chinese meaning together: 有理走遍天下,无理寸步难行。
Ss: Do you have a clock?
S1: This is a new one.
S2: This is an old one.
S3: This is a new book.
This is an old one.
Students listen and finish the exercise.
Students judge and correct.
Four students in a group to read the story loudly
Students retell the story with teacher together.
S1:She wants a pencil.
Teacher acts as Mocky and students act as Ann to practice the dialog.
Invite a student to be a customer to practice the dialog with teacher.
One student to be boss and the other to be customer to role play.
S3:Selling skills
S4:Selling language
Students read the chinese meaning:顾客至上
小学英语课堂的竞争加分机制除了能调动学生的课堂学习积极性外,还能有效地服务于教师的课堂教学,提高学生的学习效果。因此本节课,我设计男女分组,画两个张大嘴巴的小朋友,旁边立两个梯子,一棵苹果树上结满各种颜色苹果。复习颜色英语单词的同时,还可以运用本节课重点句型,在学生通过梯子得到苹果时运用句型:I want the blue/red/black/yellow one.
TPR活泼生动的导入引领学生进入英语学习状态,同时复习第八单元fast slow big small tall short 等形容词,导入自然有效
知名度打响,Mocky 无需再摆摊,他的店铺迎来了Ann.
Blackboard Designing
Unit 10: Lesson 1 Unit10 Mocky’s store
Lesson2 Can I help you?
Can I help you?
I want a ...
Do you have one?
a new ... an old ...
评价方式 本节课我采用了多种评价方式,激发学生的学习兴趣,有效地提高了课堂效率。
⒈口头表扬。当学生表现出色,老师会给予及时的表扬,如:Very good! excellent! That’s cool! You are smart! Wonderful! Well done! 等等,当学生遇到困难,回答不上时,老师也给予鼓励:Never mind, try again! Big hands for your first try。
Competition rule
<<义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)>>实施建议中要求教师在教学中要结合实际教学需要,创造性地使用教材,对教材加以适当的取舍与调整,替换和删减。有据可依,因此本节课,我做了大胆的变动。详细如下: 本单元故事讲述的是Mocky利用收集来的一些日用品,在路边摆了个售货摊,吸引Danny, Lulu等人前来选购。这种售卖废旧物品的方式在西方比较常见。引导学生关注Mocky 售卖废旧物品,最后却发现这些是Uncle Booky的物品等内容,而问明原因才知道Mocky是为救助大熊猫筹款,引导学生认识到做好事要注意方法,培养学生保护动物,参加社会公益活动的责任和意识。而我认为对于乡下的孩子来说,本节主题不够贴近学生的生活实际和生活经验。所以我把原来主题全部推到第二课时呈现,而第一课时我紧紧抓住Mocky是一名出色的老板这一主线,创设尽可能真实的语境引导学生角色扮演,引导学生思考“What it takes to be a good boss”.并伴随着“有礼走遍天下”和“顾客至上”的情感渗透。保证学生不仅能用英语买东西,而且学会用英语当老板!与课标中以学生“能用英语做事情”的要求不谋而合。
同时,本单元的话题要“购物”,是<<标准(2011)年版>>中提出的一个重要话题项目,在四年级的“shopping”单元中学生已经初步接触这一话题,并重点学习了询问和说明物品价格的表达方式。本单元的语言学习内容主要是在购物过程中表达想要什么、询问是否有某物等,侧重在购物时意愿的表达。上一单元学生已经学习了想要某物、询问和说明是否有某物的表达法。本单元在购物情景中进一步学习,巩固“I want...Do you have...?”等句型。因此,改主题为怎样当老板为小学阶段购物这个话题画了个完美句号。所以我在教学中特别注意复习,引导学生在新的情景中迁移、巩固、和运用。
此外,在本节课的教学过程中,我还特别注重对学生学法的指导,如:提供不同的Learning tip,让学生有目的、有针对性地进行阅读、练习、归纳,有效地提高了学习效率。