Lesson 19 Family
教学简析:本课中主要内容为介绍家庭成员的英文说法,用到的句型为This is...该句型在Lesson 3中已学过,学会家庭成员的说法也对日后职业、年龄的学习打基础。
学情简析:学生对This is句型掌握熟练,对mother、father等有大概的了解以及模仿出发音。
学生能理解并口头运用This is ...
学生能唱歌曲:The family in our house
能对爸爸妈妈说出Father and mother,I love you.
教学流程:Step 1:Greeting and Warming up
1、 Greeting:
Ss: Hello, Miss?Zhao.??????????????
T: How?are?you???????????????
Ss:Fine, thanks. And?you???????????????
T: I'm?fine, too.?Nice?to?meet?you.
Ss: Nice?to?meet?you, too.
T:Today,we’ll learn a new lesson.Lesson 19:Family.There’s a secret about ‘Family’.关于family有个小秘密,这节课你就知道啦。
Step 2:Presentation
T: (展示李明家庭手指李明)Who is he? Who 谁
Ss:This is Li Ming.
T:Yes,this is Li Ming.This is Li Ming’s family.(切换Jenny家庭)And this?Who is she?
Ss:This is Jenny.
T:Yes.This is Jenny.This is Jenny’s family.(这句学生可能会说来)
T:(出示Jenny爸)Look at the man,he is Jenny’s father.F-a-th-er.
Ss:F-a-th-er.(齐读组读one by one)
T:And now,if you were Jenny.You’ll say,This is my father.
Ss:This is my father.(齐读组读one by one)
T:(Jenny妈)And this is Jenny’s mother.M-o-th-er.
Ss:M-o-th-er.(齐读组读one by one)
T:This is my mother.
Ss:This is my mother.(齐读组读one by one)
T:Look at the boy(Jenny哥),who’s he?
Ss:Bro-th-er.(齐读组读one by one)
T:Jenny says ‘This is my brother.’
Ss:This is my brother.(齐读组读one by one)
T:Father,mother,brother,they all have ‘ther’.(纠正读音,th咬舌)
T:There also has a girl(Jenny妹).Who’s she?
Ss:This is my sister.
Ss:Sis-ter.(齐读组读one by one)
T:Jenny says ‘This is my sister.’
Ss:This is my sister.(齐读组读one by one)
T:And this is me.(自然拼读读并板书)Me.
Ss:Me.(齐读组读one by one)
T:This is me.
Ss:This is me.(齐读组读one by one)
3、Game(单词操练环节 high and low 先单词再句子)
4、T:Now listen to the tape.Open the book,turn to page 50.And read after the tape loudly.
6、Introduce your family.(pairwork)
教师出示自己family照片用?This?is?my______.整体介绍自己的家庭。Look,this is my family. This is my father.This?is?my mother.This is my brother.This?is?me.(清楚地一遍) Say your family.Talk in two.(打手势同桌俩)Ok,start!
Show?time:四个volunteer到讲台拿用This is...句型展示自己的家庭
Let’s sing a song.(开心地)First,let’s listen.Just listen.(一听 二教唱一段并简单教授find、daughter、alone 三大声跟唱)
8、Ok,above all,we know that’s our family.There’s father、mother、brother、sister and I.We’ve learned a lesson of family.Let’s watch a video.
Step?3: Conclusion??
T:According to the video,we know that the word ‘family’,every letter has its meaning. F means father. A means and. M means mother. I is I. L means love. Y is you.Family means father and mother I love you.You should always say love to your father and mother and you should always show your love to your father and?mother.Follow?me. Father?and?mother?I?love?you.?
Ss:Father and mother I love you.
39890701806575Lesson 19 Family
704215330835father mother
brother sister me
father mother
brother sister me
反思:本课的教学目标基本达成,学生可以自己用英语介绍自己的家庭。比较大的不足是上课热情不是很高涨,语音语调不是很生动。这节课的内容对孩子们来说并不难,用的句型This is...之前就已经学过了,只是有的孩子还会习惯性地加上a,比如This is a my father.有的孩子也会说成This is my me.这种情况上课时当场纠正了,课下还要多听录音不能养成习惯。本课中忽略了family这个单词也是要求四会的单词,只是着重于去讲了father、mother、brother和sister这四个单词。Show Time部分比较真实,目的是锻炼孩子能够用英语介绍自己的家庭,真正的把英语运用到生活中,学以致用。歌曲部分学生预习工作做得很不错,基本可以唱出来,除了house、daughter、finds、alone这四个生词,学生会一带而过,课上忘了给孩子们解释意思,只是教读了几遍。歌曲部分如果能加上动作可能会更好,学生参与度也高。结尾应该首尾呼应跟孩子们说一下That’s the secret.习题第一第二题有点仓促,没有给大家足够的时间去看题和想答案,应该多给孩子们一些留白时间,不然有些反应慢的或者接受能力慢的学生还没想好答案就出了甚至是过了。第三题题干:Look.My name is Wang Fang.This is my family.此处有语病,应该把“Look.”放到My name is Wang Fang.之后。这样可能会误导学生养成说什么都先说Look的习惯。课后拓展部分公益小视频真正发挥出了想营造的气氛,也发挥了想要的作用,相信孩子们能够对爸爸妈妈说出Father and mother ,I love you.