Lesson 23 : Shopping Online
( Lesson Presentation )
Grade 4 Unit 4
课题 Lesson23 Shopping Online 课型 New 课时 1
教 学
标 知识目标 1.学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇:wash, face
2.学生能认读、理解并运用句型结构:What do you do in the_______?
能力目标 在日常生活中注意观察,并用简单的英语对话。养成听录音和跟读句子的习惯。
情感目标 在每天的生活中试着模仿和运用英语。
重点 1.学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇:wash, face
2.学生能认读、理解并运用句型结构:What do you do in the_______?
难点 运用下列短语和句子:I brush my teeth. I wash my face. I brush my hair. I put on my clothes.
教具 教学光盘,牙刷、梳子实物、brush my teeth,wash my face, brush my hair, put on my clothes的图片
教? 学? 过? 程 二次备课
I . Class opening and review 1. Greeting : What do you do in your bedroom?
2. Review :
(1) words about time:morning ,afternoon, evening .
(2)phrases about what to do at home in leson7—9 , appearance cards about bed , clean , listen to music and so on , students speak the word in English .
(3)Lesson hook:Let’s get up and prepare for the all day .
II . New concepts:
1. What do you do in the morning?
PPT appear pictures about brush my teeth,wash my face, brush my hair, put on my clothes
2 . T:What do you do in the morning?
Picture 1 : brush my teeth :lead reading phrase , then take out material objects about teeth brush and hair brush , then teaching brush、teeth。Teacher act how to brush teeth and brush hair , students speak : I brush my teeth ./ I brush my hair .
Other three pictures are the same for up : wash face and put on clothes . (lead reading)
3. listen to the tape , students look at the passage and read after the tape .
4. practice :Passing Words
四名志愿者到教室前站成一排,按照顺序,教师小声地把第一个短语brush my hair告诉第一名志愿者,让他做动作,其余三名志愿者说出英语。第一名志愿者将新的短语告诉下一个志愿者。重复游戏,把新学短语练完为止。
III . Lte’s do it !
(1)Pair work , Ask and answer.
----What do you do in the morning ?
----I… .
(2)Read and match : Read the sentences loudly then answer:What’s Jenny doing in picture1-11?
V . Check for understanding:活动手册page24
VI . Class closing
Good work today , class . Now we know how to say what do we do when we wake up in our bedroom every day.
教学反思 课堂氛围比较活跃,学生们热情较高。但是由于孩子们生活在农村,对于网上购物流程不太熟悉。不过,经过学习,也有了一定的了解。个别学生发音还是不准确,以后要继续加强训练。 板书设计 Lesson10 Brush and Wash
What do you do in the morning?
I brush my teeth.
I wash my face.
I brush my hair.
I put on my clothes.