Unit 1 Lesson 6 Baby Becky at Home教案


名称 Unit 1 Lesson 6 Baby Becky at Home教案
格式 doc
文件大小 43.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 冀教版(三年级起点)
科目 英语
更新时间 2020-12-18 18:02:18



Lesson 6 Baby Becky at Home
一、课例名称:Lesson 6 Baby Becky at Home
三、教材:冀教版(三年级起点) 六年级上册
(一) 教材分析
(二) 学情分析
2. 情感态度目标:
3. 学习策略目标:
Step Ⅰ. Warming-up Greeting: Hello, boys and girls.
Step Ⅱ. Story
1. Free talk and Lead-in
Do you like story? Let’s look at the picture.(出示切西红柿的图片)。Where is he? Do you often helps your mother? In our story, there is a baby. She also helps her mother. But what will happen?
2. While-reading activities
T: This time, please open your books and read the story silently, and then answer my questions.(出示课件中的问题,学生默读后回答。)
1.What’s the baby’s name ?2.At home, where does the baby go?
S1:Baby Bakey. S2:Kitchen,bathroom,living room.(板书)
T: What does Baby Bakey do? Can you guess?(学生猜想)
Please read this part from picture1 to tpicture2.Read loudy, then answer my questions. (出示问题)
1.What can the baby say? 2.What does the baby do with the dishes? 3.What does the baby’s mother say? (读后回答问题)
T:Now , can you read this sentences with emotion and action?
In the kitchen
1.T:In the kitchen, what will happen?(出示图三)T: What does Baby Bakey wants to do? Look at this picture,(出示图四)What’s she dong now?
2. Please read this part from picture3 to picture4.Then read and judge. (出示课件判断题)
(Y)1.I like to cook. ( Y)2.I open the fridge.
(N )3.I make lunch. ( N)4.I cook tomatoes for dinner.
3.T: What does her mother say? What does Baby Bakey say?
T: Now, what does her mother feel now?(Sad and angry.)Next, where do they go? Ss: Bathroom.(边说边板书)
In the bathroom
1.T:They go to the bathroom. Now what does Baby Bakey do?
Ss: She put her toy in the toilet…….
2.(出示课件图五) T:What can you see in this picture?
Ss: A toilet, a toy and a bathtub and this is Baby Bakey.
3.T:This time, what’s she doing now?
Ss: She is taking a shower.
4.T: Please read this part from picture5 to picture6 and then circle” What does Baby Bakey do?” and answer “What does Baby Bakey say?
5. Find 3 students to make a role-play.
6.T:There’s everywhere in the bathroom, how does her mother feel now?(sad)
In the living room
1.(出示图七)T: Look at the picture. How does her mother feel now?(Tired)She is sitting in a house. They are in the living room.
2.Please read this part from picture7 to picture 8 ,please read loudy and then underline “What does her mother say?”(出示幻灯片)
3.T:It’s time to make dinner.so they go back to the kitchen.
In the kitchen
1.T:In the kitchen, her mother says: “It’s yours now.” Why, now this time, let’s make a discussion. OK?
2. 师边复述故事边板书,并画简笔画。
(设计意图: 复述活动的设计旨在让学生进一步熟悉故事内容,巩固所学的语言形式,并学会创造性地运用本课所掌握的语言形式。)
3.T:At home you should do some housework to help your mother. OK? Do you like this story?
Step III.Homework:
1.Ask your parents to tell you one of the stories when
you were a small baby.
2.Help your parents do some housework.
(设计意图: 通过老师的引导,帮助学生树立从小孝敬父母的观念。写一写的过程,也是对所学内容的巩固过程。)
Lesson 6 Baby Becky at Home

bathroom living room
[设计思路] 观察插图,展开想象,进行看图说话,能很快帮助学生去了解故事的主要内容,弄懂语篇中所蕴涵着的主要意思。