Lesson10 How Many Are There?
本课是冀教版小学六年级第七册第二单元 第10课。本学期我们采用了新版教材,本课内容为一个单词word及对句子How many are there的理解与运用,How many 的语句三年级就开始接触运用,在生活中实用性强,How many 后面加可数名词的复数形式,由此对小学阶段名词单数变复数进行归纳总结。与老版教材相比较,多了四会单词word及句子How many are there理解运用,展示的名词复数的例词由stamp变为了chair, dress, dish变为了box,增加了tomato, potato及photo. Man, woman和child的单、复数形式的对比展示更加实用,更加生活化。同时,书中介绍复数变化的语句更加简单易懂。本课中虽然介绍了一些特殊的复数变化,但不够全面,小学阶段学生学习中还会遇到以sh ,ch和Y结尾的词,我们还要给学生做一定的拓展。
语言技能目标:能够在语句中恰当使用用名词复数,能够认读、理解并灵活运用句子:How many are there?
情感态度目标:积极尝试使用本课的重点知识各种名词复数及句子How many are there,能够积极参与课堂的小组活动和游戏活动。
理解、掌握名词变复数的方法及对句子How many are there?的理解与灵活运用。
1, Greeting.
2, Free talk: How's the weather? What's the temperature?
3, Sing a song.
4, How do you feel?
二, 新授:
1, 随手拿起一支铅笔:What's this?
Oh! This is one pencil.(板书)
拿起多支铅笔,Look! These are many pencils.
How many are there?
How many pencils are there?
椅子以同样的方式学习。将chair, chairs板书到黑板上,请同学们再举更多的例子。Can you find the differences?简单总结。
2, 通过课件出示box, bus,与前一步的学习方式一样,改为由学生用How many的句式,简单列表请同学找一找你还知道哪些这样的词:
3, 学习以o结尾的词变复数。可多举几个例子,如hero, kangaroo。
Sometimes they have an es. Sometimes they have an s.
4, 学习man, woman, child这些特殊的名词复数,同样可以出示简单列表,请学生找出学过的特殊名词复数。
5, 儿歌:
Pencil, pencils. How many are there.
Box, boxes. How many are there.
Bus, buses. How many are there.
Tomato, tomatoes, How many are there.
Photo, photos, How many are there.
Woman, women, How many are there.
Child, children, How many are there.
6, 课堂小结。
Lesson 10 How Many Are There?
This is one pencil. / box / tomato …
These are many pencils./ boxes/ tomatoes …
How many are there?
How many pencils are there?
Can you see these_____?
A word B words C work
2, There are many______on the desk.
A tomatoes B potato C photo
3, She is a good________.
A teachers B teacher C boy
4,Some____are playing basketball on the playground.
A man B child C women
5,------What ____the_____doing?
---------They are flying kites.
A are; child B is; child C are; children
6, This is a _____.These are________.
A box ; buses B boxes ; bus C boxes ; buses
Examples: Those are desks . That is a desk.
Where is he? Where are they?
1,These are beautiful women . __________________.
2,Where are my dresses? ___________________?
3,What are they ? They,re buses. __________________.
4,I,m a good child. ____________________.
5,This is a pencil . ______________________.