(共26张PPT)
Lesson
Apple
,apple
,I
like
apples
let's
have
a
fruit
party(水果聚会),
许多小动物(monkey,dog,cat,pig)都会来参加哦!
an
apples
apple
an
orange
oranges
a
pear
pears
a
banana
bananas
游戏大闯关
Are
you
ready?
你准备好了吗?
如果你猜出来它是什么,请大声用英文说出来!
banana
Guess:
What's
this?
apple
Guess:
What's
this?
pear
Guess:
What's
this?
orange
Guess:
What's
this?
偷水果啦!
什么水果不见了呢?请大声说出来!
要注意单复数哦!
What's
missing?
What's
missing?
What
are
missing?
apple
pears
apple
banana
oranges
pear
pear
apples
banana
orange
bananas
orange
apples
跟电脑比速度!
再来一次!
apple
pears
apple
banana
oranges
pear
pear
apples
banana
orange
bananas
orange
apples
Let's
talk!
---Do
you
like…s?
你喜欢…吗?
---Yes
,
do
.
是的,我喜欢。
---No
,
don’t
.
不,我不喜欢。
apples
oranges
bananas
pears
Yummy.
Do
you
like
pears?
Do
you
like
pears?
Yes,
do.
Yes,
do.
Do
you
like
apples?
Do
you
like
apples?
No,
don’t.
No,
don’t.
Let's
chant
Sarah和Mum去买水果准备派对!
What
fruit
are
they
talking
about?对话中讨论了哪些水果?仔细听并给出答案!
oranges
apples
pears
Let's
talk
about
the
picture.
Honey,
let’s
buy
some
fruit.
Do
you
like
oranges?
No,
don’t.
like
apples.
Do
you
like
pears?
Yes,
do.
let's
buy
some
fruit
at
the
shop
一起去这个店买水果吧!
你可以运用下面这些句子。
Here
you
are.
Yes,
do.
Thanks.
Do
you
like
oranges?
Do
you
like
apples?
No
don't.
An
apple
a
day
keeps
the
doctor
away.
一天一苹果,医生远离我
Eating
more
fruits
is
good
for
your
health.(多吃水果有益健康)
Homework:
Draw
your
favourite
fruit
and
talk
about
in
English.
画出你喜欢的水果,并用英语说一说。
Winner
?
Which
team
is
the
winner?
哪个组最棒?
Goodbye!Lesson:
Apple,
apple,
like
you
教材分析
:本课是PEP小学英语三年级上册的Lesson:
R部分的第一课时.主要学习四种水果,要求学生能听,说,认读。Let‘s
talk部分是根据实际情境问答是否喜欢这些水果,为了能让学生更好地用英语表达自己的喜好,我创设了真是情境让他们学以致用。
学情分析
1、三年级的小学生,意志力不强、注意力不集中、上课好动。本课案例我以图片,游戏等形式展开,并配以丰富色彩从而增强学生的兴趣和注意力。
2、小学三年级是学生系统接受英语教学的开始,所以要强调语言的运用,注重能力的培养,突出兴趣激发,重视双向交流。
3.本节课是本单元的第一课时,要先引起学生对本单元的兴趣,运用图片教学能让学生更快地进入本单元的学习,。?
教学目标
1.能听、说、认、读单词:banana、pear、apple、orange,并运用名词复数形式。
2.
运用句型“Do
you
like
pears?”
“Yes,
do.
“/
“No,
don’t.”
来询问和表达自己的喜好
3.能运用本节课词汇与句型解决生活中的实际问题
教学重难点
1.
掌握apple、orange,banana和pear的发音以及复数形式的发音
2.
运用“Do
you
like
pears?”
“Yes,
do.
“/
“No,
don’t.”
来询问他人和表达自己的喜好
教学工具
ppt课件,水果实物和果篮,水果卡片,单词卡片,句型卡片。
教学过程
Step
one:
Warm-up
1.
Greeting
2.
Let’s
do
some
actions.
Show
me
red,
show
me
yellow.
Show
me
green,
show
me
black.
(上学期的let’s
do
环节简单有趣,一方面消除学生紧张感,另一方面利用颜色的复习导入今天的新课)
Step
two
:Presentation
1.Lead
in
T:Today
we
will
learn
some
colourful
things.
What
are
they?
They
are
fruit.
Let’s
have
a
fruit
party!
出示水果派对的图片,许多小动物都会来参加派对,激起学生学习的热情!
想要去水果参加派对就要先认识水果哦!
2.
Presentation
Guess
the
fruit,
what
are
they?
A.
The
first
one
,it
is
red
and
round,
what’s
it?
It’s
an
apple,
apple
apple
,I
like
apples.
B.The
second
one,it
is
also
round,but
its
colour
is
orange,what’s
it?
It’s
an
orange,
orange,orange,I
like
oranges.
C.The
third
one,it
is
round
and
yellow,if
I’m
thirty,I
want
to
eat
it.
It’s
a
pear
,pear,pear,I
like
pears.
D.The
last
one,the
monkey
like
it
very
much,and
it
is
a
little
long.
It’s
a
banana,banana
banana
like
bananas.
(引导学生注意an
apple,an
orange,和这些单词复数的发音)
2.Practice
A.
play
a
game”hide
and
seek”
Let
one
student
hide
the
cards,the
other
student
find
it
out.If
he
comes
close
to
the
card
,we
should
read
the
word
louder
and
louder.
B.Guessing
game
If
you
know
it
,please
say
it
out
as
quickly
as
you
can
!
C.
What’s
missing?
The
grey
wolf
is
coming,he
often
does
some
bad
things.If
you
know
it,please
say
out
as
quickly
as
you
can!
三个有趣的单词操练游戏,让孩子们轻松愉快的接受新知识,让他们在做中学,在学中玩。
D.
Ask
and
answer
We
have
learned
so
many
fruit,they
are
very
tasty.I
want
to
know
if
you
like
it,so
will
ask
you
some
questions.
T:
Do
you
like.....?
Ss:
Yes,I
do./No
,I
don’t.
学以致用,让单词自然的融入句型。首先引导学生回答老师的问题,然后利用卡片让学生组与组之间进行问答,最后同桌之间问答,请几组同学展示对话。
E.
Let’s
chant
Do
you
like
pears?
Do
you
like
pears?
Yes,
do.
Yes,
do.
Do
you
like
apples?Do
you
like
apples?
No,
don’t.No,
don’t.
Yummy!
轻松的旋律加动作,朗朗上口的句型让孩子们轻松的学习与巩固!
Stept
three:consolidation
Sarah
and
her
mother
will
buy
some
fruit
for
us.They
are
in
a
fruit
shop.
A.What
fruit
are
they
talking
about?
Listen
carefully
and
tell
me
the
answer.
B.Listen
again,then
answer
the
twoquestions.
Do
you
like
oranges?
Do
you
like
pears?
C.
Read
the
conversation
follow
the
tape.
Then
read
after
me.
Role
play
the
conversations
in
groups.
D.Let’s
go
shopping
at
the
shop”
运用所学水果实物创设真是情境,提供可能运用到的句子卡片给予提示!
Do
you
want
to
buy
some
fruit?鼓励学生大胆开口学以致用。
几组过后,鼓励学生当小boss帮水果店卖水果!
Step
four:
情感教育
An
apple
a
day
keeps
the
doctor
away.
Eating
more
fruits
is
good
for
your
health.(多吃水果有益健康)
Step
five:
Homework
Draw
your
favourite
fruits
and
talk
about
in
English.
画出你喜欢的水果,并用英语说一说。