Lesson W One Foot and Two Feet
Period 1
I. Teaching content: Revision Lesson V & LessonW Magic box .
II. Knowledge points:
New words : eye眼睛 hand 手 foot 脚
ear耳朵 mouth 嘴 nose 鼻子
Grammer: 单数,复数。 eye ___eyes hand ___hands
ear__ ears foot ___feet
III. Difficult points: 新单词的正确发音。foot ___feet .
IV. Teaching aims:
Knowledge aims: 学生能够正确,大胆地读出56页中关于人体部位的单词。能有节奏的读出Let’s chant 部分。能分清单,复数。
Skill aims:能指着自己的身体部位,说出英语单词。能单词与图片 配对 。
3. Emotion aims: 认识自己的身体部位, 并爱护自己的眼睛等。
V. Teaching Steps:
Step 1:Warm up
Greeting.(Nice to meet you again .)
(1)Who’s on duty? ( I am )
(2) Let’s sing two songs : We Wish Y ou a Merry Chirstams !
Happy New Year!
Revision : 检查复习: Lesson V (Time :6 minutes)
.1. Read P54 in groups.
2. Do exercises. 一、二、三题。(各组讨论完成)
Step 2:Lead in
Boys and girls ,please look at this beautiful picture.
T: What’s this?
S1: It's a toy.
T:Yes, it’s a toy .we can see a body .
T:So today we will learn a new lesson .It is about our body.
Point to our eye , nose. mouth .ear hand foot .
Step 3:New lesson
1.出示目标:Task 1:
由各小组长汇报。老师点评,加。减分等。(Time :5 minutes)
2.Task 2: 合作探究
eye眼睛 hand 手 foot 脚 ear耳朵 mouth 嘴 nose 鼻子
老师巡视,不会读的,举手。(Time :10 minutes)
T:Ask : 我们的人体部位, 有哪些只有单数, 哪些才有复数?
ear ____ eye ____ hand ____ foot ____ 的复数形式及读音?
老师强调:foot ___feet 变oo 为ee.是名词单数变复数的特殊情况。
3. 展学点评:
T:Who can read these new words :
eye hand ear foot mouth?
And then , read in groups . (Time :10 minutes)
Read group by group . 老师点评,加分。
Step4: Summery(课堂小结) : (Time :1 minute)
这节课我们复习了Lesson V, 学了Lesson W 的单词。
Step 5 :情感渗透 :Play a game (玩游戏) Piont to “指着”
教孩子们爱护自己的眼睛等。(Time :2 minutes)
Step6 :随堂练习:(Time :5 minutes)
ear ____ eye ____ hand ____ foot ____ mouse_____
1. 2. 4 3. 4 5.
A. B. C. D. E.
Lesson V
1.toy 2. balloon 3. pencil-box 4. schoolbag 5. present
( ) 1. 你祝别人新年快乐! , 应说:
A. Happy new Year ! B. Merry Christmas!
( ) 2. 圣诞节,别人对你说:Merry Christmas! 你应回答:
A. Same to you ! B. Thank you .
( )3. 当别人送给你礼物时, 你应该说:
Thank you very much. B. Here you are .
( ) 4. 别人对你说: Thank you very much, 你应回答:
A. No thank . B. You’re welcome.
( ) 5.你想祝别人生日快乐,应说:
A.Happy birthday to you ! B. Happy new Year !
三. 单选:
( )1. A schoolbag ______ you. A. for B. to
( )2. Happy birthday____- you ! A. for B. to
( )3. The same___ you ! A. for B. to