My Favourite Toy
What toy can you see?
What toy is it?
Listen and choose
2.What colour can you hear ?( )
A.yellow and blue B.red and green
C.yellow and red
1.What toy are they talking about ?( )
A.toy bear B.toy car C.toy lion
Do you have
a toy car?
Yes,I do.
What colour is it ?
Guess ,please .
It‘s yellow.
No.Please try again.
It‘s red .
You‘re right .
Red is my ________ colour .
True(√) or false(×)
1.The boy has a toy dog.( )
2. The toy car is yellow. ( )
3.Red is his favourite colour . ( )
Listen and read
Do you have a ___________?
Yes, I do.
No, I don't.
toy car
toy taxi
toy bus
toy ship
toy train
toy plane
A: Do you have a ____?
B: Yes, I do.
A: What colour is it?
B: Guess, please.
A: It's _____.
B: No, please try again.
A: It's red.
B: You're right.
_____ is my favourite colour.
Role Play
1.Read picture1 .
2.Read picture1
and picture2.
Thank you!