Lesson 4 What's for Your Breakfast教案


名称 Lesson 4 What's for Your Breakfast教案
格式 doc
文件大小 915.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 川教版
科目 英语
更新时间 2020-12-29 08:49:33




课题 Unit2 Lesson4
What’s for your breakfast?
总课时 两课时 分课时 第一课时

教学背景分析 教学内容分析 本课是四年级上册的第二单元第四课,单元话题是谈论我们周围的事物,本课话题是谈论膳食即一日三餐中的早餐和午餐。功能句是What’s for your breakfast/lunch?及其回答。An egg ,milk and some fruit./I like...

学生情况分析 四年级的同学已经学了一年多的英语,初步养成了学习英语的习惯。对食物类词汇掌握较好。前一单元学过What’s for dinner? 故对本课学习的句子理解较容易。但对字母书写,特别是词汇书写掌握不是很好。
教 学

标 知识
目标 1、能够熟读课文。
2、通过课文学习,能够认知新词汇 meals ,
talk about 。
目标 1能够合理运用句子What’s for your breakfast/lunch?
I like .....进行问答。
2 会根据食物金字塔原理合理搭配食物。
目标 1、培养学生大胆自信地运用英语进行交流。
3、教育学生要有健康的饮食习惯。Have a balanced diet .
重点 理解认知本课对话,词汇及句子。
难点 了解饮食文化,合理进行饮食。
教学 辅助 PPT,多媒体,食物图片,人物头像,四线格磁性书写条,单词条
教学 方法 情景教学法,任务教学法,533课堂教学法
steps 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
Step 1 Warmer Greet with the students.
Good morning.
How are you?
Play ppt,get pupils sing a song with the ppt. Greet with the teacher.
2.Sing a song with ppt and do the actions. 由问好拉近师生距离。
Step2 Lead in Introduce the characters of the dialogue and get pupils to know maybe the they are talking about meals or other things. Look at ppt and answer the teacher’s question:Who is this?
Listen and guess what the characters are talking about. 由对话中四个人物图片引入到所学话题,引起学生思考将要听到什么。
Step3 Learn:
Picture 1 1 Get pupils listen and say what Miss Yang says,then say the missing word meals.
Play ppt,show three pictures to pupils and help pupils understand talk about.
Play ppt ,get pupils listen and say what Miss Yang’s question is.
Write and get pupils read words letter by letter:
What’s for your
Get pupils guess,listen and say what Rose says.
Write on the blackboard what Rose say and get pupils read the sentence letter by letter.
Get pupils choose food pictures and put on Rose’s breakfast table according to Rose’s answer.
1、Listen and say what Miss Yang says,then say the missing word: meals.
2、Look at PPT and learn what talk
about means.
Listen and say what Miss Yang’s question is, then say the missing word : breakfast.
4、Read words letter by letter,then read the sentences.
5、Guess,listen and say what Rose says.
Look teacher writing and read the sentence letter by letter.
7、Some look,and some choose food pictures and put on Rose’s breakfast table according to Rose’s answer. 训练学生听音说句子,通过口头填空,强调学习本课生词meals。
通过认识图片,理解talk about,建构学科知识,避免翻译法。

Picture 2
1Get pupils guess, listen and say what Miss Yang says.
Get pupils guess, listen and say what Lele says.
3、Get pupils choose food pictures and put on Lele’s breakfast table according to Lele’s answer. 1、Guess ,listen and say what Miss Yang says.
2、Guess, listen and say what Lele says.
3、 Choose food pictures and put on Lele’s breakfast table according to Lele’s answer.
Summarize picture1 and picture 2 Get pupils retell picture1 and picture2 with pictures and sentences on the blackboard Retell picture1 and picture2 with pictures and sentences on the blackboard 利用板书小结图一和图二的内容,训练学生口头表达能力
Talk about breakfast Talk about teacher’s own breakfast and ask about a pupil’s breakfast, then get
Pupils do drill practice . Do drill practice :
Pupil 1 What’s for your breakfast?
Pupil2 ______.
What’s for your breakfast?
... 结合所学知识,联系到自己的生活,训练学生学以致用。
Let’s talk
Picture3 Say how about lunch? Stick the word card lunch on right of the blackboard.
Get pupils guess and say what Miss Yang say about lunch to Peter and Tingting.
Write lunch under breakfast on the blackboard and get pupils read one letter by one letter and the sentence
Play ppt and get pupils say
Write and stick the word card s on the blackboard and get pupils read the sentence word by word.
Stick the food card of Peter抯 lunch on the blackboard and get
pupils read
I like...
7、Get pupils talk about Tingting’s lunch with ppt ,then play ppt and get pupils say . 1、Listen ,look and think.
Guess and say what Miss Yang say about lunch to Peter and Tingting
Read one letter by one letter.
4、Look at ppt and say
Look and read the sentence word by word.

Look and read
I like...
7、Talk about Tingting’s lunch with ppt , then listen and say.
通过前面的输入训练,引导学生利用What’s for your breakfast ? 说出What's for your lunch?
Listen and fill in the blanks Play ppt and get pupils listen and fill in the blanks on the answer sheet.
Get pupils check the answers with a pupil’s sheet.
Play ppt and get pupils read the answer sheet. Listen and fill in the blanks on the answer sheet.
Look and check the answer.
3.Read the answer sheet. 训练学生听音捕捉关键信息的能力,训练学生在四线格中书写。
Learn Food Pyramid 1 Play ppt and explain what food pyramid means and tell pupils we should keep our meals balance. Look, listen and think 让学生了解食物金字塔原理,并做到均衡营养膳食。
Step4 Talk about a menu Play ppt and get pupils comment if the menu is right and correct it. Comment if the menu is right and correct it. 培养学生健康饮食的概念
Play a game Play ppt and get pupils look and say:What can you remember? Look and say 激活学生关于食品的旧知,为下面的菜单设计做准备
Learn about some Chinese food Play ppt and get pupils learn about some new food words for Chinese breakfast Look and learn about some new food words for Chinese breakfast 学习生活中经常遇到的早餐食品,扩大词汇,为下面的菜单设计做准备
Step6 Design
your menu Get pupils design their menu for their meals.
Play ppt and explain what they should do and how they should do to design their menu.
Get pupils talk about their menu with other group .
Get two groups pupils show their menu and ask and answer.
Get pupils put their menu on the black board.
1.Work in four ,design their with some sticker in the envelope and talk in English.
2.Listen and look
3.Talk about their menu with other group .
--What’s for your _____?
--I like ______.
4.Two groups pupils show their menu Together, then ask and answer.
---This is our___-.
What’s for your __.
----I like _____.
5. put their menu on the black board.
Step7 Summary Get pupils retell the dialogue with pictures and sentences on the blackboard retell the dialogue with pictures and sentences on the blackboard 总结本课知识,让学生巩固所学
Step 8 Set homework
Play ppt and explain how the pupils can complete the homework. Look ,listen and think 布置课后作业,帮助学生巩固所学。
Blackboard writing designing

Sheet 1
Sheet 2 Design your menu in four(四人小组设计菜单)
Design your menu for dinner (or lunch or breakfast),pay attention to healthy food.Put the food picture on the table and write down the word in the blanks.
1、表达I like...将信封中的食物图片放在图片中的桌子上。2、将缺失的单词写在空格内,小组合作完成自己组的表格。3、小组间练习以下对话。
A: This is our .
B: What’s for your .
B: I like .