(共22张PPT)
Lesson
The
Great
Wall
the
Great
Wall
Lead
in
How
do
they
go
to
the
Great
Wall?
Read
part
and
answer.
读第一部分,画出答案。
1.
How
old
is
the
Great
Wall?
2.
How
long
is
the
Great
Wall?
Presentation
1.
How
old
is
the
Great
Wall?
2.
How
long
is
the
Great
Wall?
It
is
about
years
old.
It
is
about
kilometres.
Let's
check
Can
you
read
these
numbers?
the
Yangtze
River
the
Yellow
River
How
long
is
_____?
It
is
_____
kilometres.
Extension
How
does
Danny
feel
on
the
way
back?
What
does
Danny
do?
Is
Danny
afraid
of
the
cars
and
buses?
Listen
to
Part
and
answer
the
question.
How
does
Danny
feel
on
the
way
back?
What
does
Danny
do?
Is
Danny
afraid
of
the
cars
and
buses?
Listen
to
Part
and
answer
the
question.
Danny
feels
tired
and
hungry.
Yes,
he
is.
Danny
runs
to
the
restaurant.
Let's
check
How
do
they
feel?
Let's
think
How
does
it
feel?
It
feels
.
tired
Pair
work
angry
How
do
you
feel?
feel
____________.
afraid
happy
sad
How
does
the
boy
feel?
He
feels
_______.
Danny
can’t
swim.
He
is
______
of
falling
into
the
water.
tired
afraid
be
afraid
of
sth.
害怕做某事
What
does
Jenny
say?
No,
Danny!
Stop!
Don’t
go!
Please
wait!
Be
careful!
Need
to
know
The
light
is
red.
Please
stop!
The
light
is
green.
Please
go!
The
light
is
yellow.
Please
wait!
We
should
obey
the
traffic
rules.
我们应遵守交通规则。
Need
to
know
Happy
reading
time!
各小组任选一种方式进行朗读。
小组齐读
一人一句读
分角色读
Role
play
Bird's
Nest
Water
Cube
Summer
Palace
Beihai
Park
Fragrant
Hill