教学课题:Unit 2 The Olympic Games第一课时Warming up and reading教案
教材分析 人教新课标必修二第二单元第一课时的教案。本单元的中心话题是“奥运会”——世界上最重要的体育盛会。通过本单元的学习,使学生了解奥运会的起源、宗旨以及比赛项目。通过对阅读课“An Interview”的学习,让学生了解古代和现代奥运会的一些基本情况。使学生进一步了解奥运精神、更加关注奥运,让学生进一步熟悉、掌握一些阅读技巧,帮助学生在时态和语态变化的情况下学习并理解一般将来时的被动语态的用法,让学生在阅读中注意到本课的重点词汇和表达方式,并能用英语解释其意义或用近义词替换原词。教学重点:让学生熟悉奥运会,能用英语就奥运会的基本知识进行互相问答,并能简述奥运会的基本知识。教学难点:指导学生归纳整理有关体育和奥运会的词汇,让学生会有效的记忆和运用英语词汇。
教学目标 1.Ability aims: (能力目标) Enable the students to compare the ancient Olympics with the modern ones and try to answer the questions correctly.2. Learning ability aims: (学习技能目标) Help the students learn how to generalize and compare the similarities and differences. 3.Emotion aims:(情感目标)Let sudents learn the spirits of the Olypic Games and the meaning of hosting the 29th Olypic games in Beijing
教学方法 a. Task-based method. (任务型)在热身部分设计若干问题,通过小测验的形式考察学生对古代和现代奥运会基本知识的了解。目的是为了激活学生已有的背景知识,并使他们积极主动地参与本单元中心话题的思考与讨论。b. Co-operation.(合作型)本课阅读是一篇访谈一类的文体,针对这一文体特点可以让学生分成若干小组,组内再分成不同角色——记着和被采访对象。c. Discussing.(探讨式)组织学生两人一组讨论书中的问题,如果学生对某些问题的答案有疑问,可以建议学生把他们的疑问或猜测的答案写下来然后进行全班讨论,在老师的帮助下,找到所有的答案。
教学思路 利用课件,展示一些2008年奥运会的激动人心的画面,让学生产生对本课学习的兴趣,激活学生的背景知识,让他们积极主动的参与课堂。并创建问题让学生思考,并逐步引入课堂。本课的设计内容分为以下几个部分:1、创设情境,设置问题,导入新课。2、快速阅读课文,掌握文章大意;3、细读课文,抓住文章细节;4、讲解重点知识;5、巩固练习,复述课文;6、合作探究,知识升华。7、课后作业布置说明。
教学过程 warming up:(热身) Before class I let students listen to the topic music of Beijing Olympic Games.At the beginning of the class.Good morning, everyone! Do you know the name of the music listened befor class. “you and me” “very good!” Today we are going to learn about THE OLYMPIC GAMES. But first, I’d like to know how much you know about the Olympics held in Beijing. Anything about it is ok. Oh, Li Lei, do you want a try …Right. You know so much about the Olympics. Then I give students some pictures of Beijing Olympics.Toady, we’ll learn more about it in ancient Greece. Please finish Warming Up on page 9.1.Where did the ancient Olympics begin 2. Who could not take part in the ancient Olympic Games 3. When and where did the modern Olympics begin 4.What do the five rings on the Olympic flag stand for 5. Who was China’s first gold medal winner and for what event 6. What is the slogan of the Olympic Games of 2008 7. What are the official mascots for the Beijing Olympics 8. What are the famous buildings built for the Beijing Olympic Games 9. What is the motto of the Olympic Games Swifter, Higher and StrongerT: Do you know all the facts Let's find the answers together. The first one is 776 BC in Greece. If you are right, you can get 2 marks. Now I will show you the answers. If your marks are above 20, you are very familiar with the Olympic Games. If you get more than 10 marks, you know a lot about the Olympic Games. If your marks are between 5 and 10, you know some about it. But if your marks are less than 5, it shows that you don't care about the Olympic Games. So you need to learn a lot in this unit. Today we will learn more about it.2. Reading: Task1: Skimming for main idea.I give students several minites to read the reading-text “An Interview” silently and quickly to get the main idea of the text. The passage is an interview between Pausanias, a Greek writer and Li Yan, a volunteer for the 2008 Olympic Games. The interview is mainly about the similarities and differences about the ancient and modern Olympics.Task2:Read carefully and choose the best answer:1). Winter Olympic Games refers to Olympics Games____________ A. that are held in winter B. that are held in cold weather C. that are held on ice or snow D. that are held in fall2). Athletes are admitted to take part in the Olympics when they____________ A. can reach the agreed standard for their event B. pass an exam C. are strong enough to compete in the games D. won champions in their own countries3). A special village is for the athletes____________ A. to stay in and compete in B. to live in and have games in C. to practice in D. to stay in during the games4). Every county wants to host the Olympics for it will____________ A. bring honor and pride B. bring money C. be easier to win medals D. be more convenient for players5). How does Pausanias feel when he hears the Olympic Games are also about being able to ran faster, jump higher and throw further A. serprised B. happy C. sad D. embarrassedTask3:San the passage to find out the differences and similarities between the ancient and modern Olypics.Differences:Item The ancient OlympicsThe modern OlympicsTypesOnly Summer Olympic Games Summer and 3 Olympic GamesEventsfewerMore events like 4 5 AthletesOnly men from 6 City.From 7 Including 8 PlacesGreece9 Prize10 11 Similarities:Both are held every ___________.The athletes compete not for ______but for_______.The motto remains the same-_________________________________________Some events are the same, such as _________.Task5: Fill in the blanks and retell the passage.Pausanias , a __________ writer about 2000 years ago, has __________Li Yan, a ____________for the 2008 Olympic Games. He found out that there were many differences. There are _____ main sets of Games-the_______ and the Summer Olympics and both are held every four years on a _______ basis. Only ___________ who have reached the agreed standard will be ________ as competitors. ________ are not only allowed, but also play a very important_______ in a lot of events. The Olive wreath has been _________ with medals. Every country wants to _______ the Olympics. However, he was happy to find that some things remained the same. The motto is still ________________________.We compete for _______not for money.3.Important language points:1). I lived in what you call “Ancient Greece”. 我生活在你们称之为“古希腊”的地方。 What you call “Ancient Greece”在句中作live in 的宾语从句。What既可以在动词后引导宾语从句,又可以在介词后引导宾语从句,其本身作主语或宾语。请根据提示将下面的句子补充完整: After may day’s voyage, they arrived in ______ is called America now. The old man took out ________ seemed to be pipe and began to smoke.2). There’s as much competition among countries to host the Olympics as to win Olympic medals.国与国之间争取奥运会承办权的竞争,就跟争夺奥运奖牌一样激烈。As…… as 为同级比较,中间用形容词或副词原级。高考点击:Peter’s jacket looked just the same sa Jack’s, but it cost_______ his.(2009辽宁)A.as much as B. twice as much as C. much as twice as D. as twice much as4.Discussion:The 2008 Olympic Games were successfully held in Beijing. What benefits do you think the 2008 Olympic Games have brought to you and China 5.Homework:Writing: 假如你是李燕,在北京奥运会举办之后,Pausanias向你发送邮件并询问举办情况,你回信并介绍了相关情况。内容需包括:1.北京奥运会的基本情况2.北京奥运会的重要意义参考词汇:opening ceremony(开幕式) honor economy(经济) tourism(旅游) New sport facilities(设施) new investment(投资)host slogan mascot take part stadium
教学反思 本课是一节阅读课,主题是奥运会,该话题与学生的生活密切相关,尤其是在北京刚刚成功举办第29届奥运会之后不久。因此,可以让学生了解古代和现代奥运会的一些基本情况,帮助学生理解奥运精神,使学生更加关注奥运会,这就为本单元后面的教学活动打下了良好的基础。概括起来,本节课有以下特点:一、 本节课充分体现了阅读课的特点,以学生阅读理解语篇为主(课上学生有充足的时间进行阅读、理解, 并针对本课语篇材料的特点—对话型, 对学生的阅读形式加以调整, 第一遍,泛读,通过该环节掌握课文大意; 第二遍的精读,提高学生阅读的兴趣, 并且使学生在朗读对话的过程中,充分体会记者在采访过程中为了获取相关信息所使用的问题,使学生能在朗读的过程中准确地找到这些问题,从而完成此步的阅读任务)。二、 本节课采用启发式教学,有效地突破了教学难点。此篇课文篇幅长,难度较大,为使学生在有限的时间内分析出采访过程中记者和被采访人所谈论的主要内容,通过问题设置,以引起学生对记者所提问题及李燕对该问题的答复的主意,在教师的引导和帮助下,通过分析这些信息,明确二人在采访过程中谈论的六个方面的内容,并通过板书展示在黑板上,为下一步的总结古代奥运会与现代奥运会的相同与不同做好铺垫。三、 教学重点突出,整节课围绕着古代奥运会与现代奥运会的相同与不同展开,有难点的突破,有教学重点引导和巩固性练习。口语部分的巩固性练习任务的设置符合新课标的要求,设置了两个任务供学生选择练习,同时,针对本班学生特点,在练习时为学生提供了可供借鉴的句型,降低了学生练习的难度。复习导入部分适当拓展了与本单元话题有关的词汇,体现了高中新课程的特点,加大了本节课的密度和厚度,同时也为本单元后面课程内容的学习奠定了词汇基础。本节课是一节真实的课堂实录。真实反映了学生的学习情况。缺点:1. 应该帮助学生简单分析一下采访对话文体的特点,应让学生分成若干小组,组内再分成不同角色——记着和被采访对象。2. 课堂气氛略显沉闷,可以增加小组活动来讨论古代与现代奥运会的相同与不同之处,不仅可以活跃课堂气氛,同时可以提高阅读理解的质量,缩短阅读时间。(这又与学生需独立理解课文的要求相矛盾,这一点有待探讨)
3. 应重视组织课堂教学(起立、问候)
教师个人介绍省份: 山东省 学校: 潍坊滨海中学 姓名: 单曰坤职称: 二级教师 通讯地址:山东省潍坊市潍坊滨海中学英语组 邮编:262737我从教8年来,我积极参加教育教学科研,努力探索实践,严谨治学,孜孜不倦,2009年获得潍坊市滨海区优质课。在接触到 “百度文库”后,感觉找到了教学的助手,为我的教学工作插上腾飞的翅膀。使我的工作更加轻松,生活更加愉快。让我们永远相伴,共同为教育事业贡献力量。