课时教学设计
课题
Unit2
My
family
Main
scene
Part?A
?Let's?learn
Let’s
chant
Let’s
spell
课型
新授课
授课时间
教学
目标
1.学生能够听说认读单词:father,
dad,
mother,
mum,
woman,
man.
2.学生能够听懂会说句子并回答问题:Who’s
that
woman/man?
She/
He
is
...
3.学生能够听懂会说“Let’s
chant”.
4.学生能够正确的发音e
/e/并读写单词
ten,
pen,
leg,
red.
重点难点
1.家庭成员单词的认读。
2.指代woman/man的人称主语分别为she/he.
3.会拼读含有/e/
的单词。
关键
交流及活动中练习巩固
课前
准备
教学音频,单词卡片,家庭成员的照片
教
学
活
动
过
程
设
计
教学环节
活动预设
方法意图
二次备课
Let’s
learn
Step
1:Warm
up
1.Sing
a
song:
Boy
and
girl
2.T:Look
at
the
picture.
Who
are
they?(指着主情境图)
Ss:ZhangPeng,
Sarah,
Sarah’s
father…
T:Where
are
they?
Ss:…
T:
What
are
they
doing?
Ss:...(教师可提示)They
are
looking
for
eggs.
Why?
It
is
Easter.
T:
Look,
Zoom
is
the
Easter
Bunny.
Do
you
know
Easter
Bunny?(教师介绍复活节及复活节兔子)
T:
Because
it’s
the
Easter.
So
they
are
in
the
zoo.(翻到15页)
Step
2:Presentation:
T:Look,
who’s
that
girl?
S:
She’s
...
T:
Who’s
that
boy?
S:
He’s
...
T:
Who’s
that
woman?
S:
She’s
...
T:
Who’s
that
man?
S:
He’s
...
Show
the
video
of
the
“Let’s
learn”
.Read
it
together.
Step3:
Practice:
Pair
work:
Teacher
shows
the
pictures
of
famous
actors.
And
ask
some
students.
Then
show
the
family
photos.
And
teacher
ask
one
student.
T:
Who’s
that
...
S:
He’s/She’s
...
Practice
with
your
partner,
and
show
it.
Let’s
chant.
Listen
and
do
together.
Let’s
spell
Step1:Presentation
1.Show
the
pictures
of
:
ten,
pen,
leg,
red.
One
student
read
it
and
find
the
feature
of
the
words.
2.
Play
the
“listen
repeat
and
chant”
and
students
read
after
it.
3.Student
spell
the
words
and
reduce
the
sound
of
letter
“e”/e/.(引导学生总结发音)
Step2:
Practice&consolidation
1.Finish
the
“read,
listen
and
circle.”
2.
Game
in
the
group:
Make
more
words
with:
“e”
/e/(给每组发字母卡片)
3.Finish
“Listen
and
write
引导学生说出他们是谁他们在哪在做什么,从而引出复活节,给学生讲讲复活节的相关知识。
由主情景图过度到本节课主要部分,引出重点句及重点单词。
讲读单词woman,
mother,
man,
father.
通过重复跟读,指读的形式去练读。
教师展示学生熟悉的明星来询问,巩固新学的句子,然后让学生拿出带来的全家福照片,老师来引导学生同桌之间互相问答,并展示。
最后通过let’s
chant来巩固。
本身是学过的单词,可以一名同学都读出来。
通过跟读可以发现读音的相同之处。
如果组出了错误的发音,老师要纠正过来。
歌曲热身,营造活跃气氛。
情景教学法,通过书中创设的情境去引出重复活节和本节的重点。
通过学生带来的自己的全家福照片来操练,让学生更加深对单词和句子的记忆。
自己动手拼单词,更加深理解了e的读音
作业
设计
Draw
the
picture
of
your
friends
and
introduce
them
to
your
parents.
Write
the
words:
pen,
ten,
leg,
red.
板书
设计
Unit2
My
family
Who’s
that
man/woman?
He’s/
She’s
....father/mother.
教学反思
中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台