Unit
My
weekend
plan
Part
Story
time
一、教学材料
授课年级:小学六年级
授课教材:PEP人教版(三年级起点)教育部审定2013年
授课课型:
阅读课
二、教学内容分析???
本节课是PEP教材小学英语六年级上册Unit
3的第六课时,Part
Story
time。这节课旨在复习复习巩固一般将来时be
going
to句型询问未来某个时间段内的计划安排,通过阅读故事,使学生能够树立在活动前要做好合理计划的意识,引导学生要细心生活,相互帮助,大胆尝试,鼓励自己学会在“做中学”。通过多媒体课件、实物、图片、影像视频等信息技术更好理解文本,学
三、学情分析?
?
?
?
本课的教学对象是六年级学生,会用be
going
to/will?句型表达自己及别人的活动计划。
他们有了一定的英语学习基础,积累一定的词汇和文化知识,且具有较强的模仿能力和阅读能力。大部分已养成良好的阅读习惯,教师在课堂上要充分发挥学生的主体作用,为学生创设良好的学习小组氛围,让他们积极参与课堂活动,敢于展示自己,绽放出彩人生。
四、教学目标
(一)语言能力
1.能够听、说、认读单词和词组:
disturb,without,practise,come
on,just
try。
2.能够用正确的语音语调朗读故事,理解故事大意。
(二)文化意识
引导学生在进行某项活动前要做好合理的计划,养成细心生活、相互帮助的良好习惯和大胆尝试、勇于实践的优秀品质。
(三)思维品质
1.
培养自主思考,促进思维品质的发展。
2.
通过小组合作和交流,培养小组合作意识。
(四)学习能力
1.
掌握基本的阅读策略,能利用所学阅读策略如快读获取文章主要情节信息,细读获取文章深层信息等。
2.
能在教师的帮助下对文章的主要情节进行表演和复述。
五、教学重点、难点
教学重点:能够读懂整个故事,并完成相应的任务要求。
教学难点:能够运用所学语言熟练地复述故事。
六、教学设计理念?
?
?
?
本节课以培养学生的兴趣为出发点,以学生活动为中心,通过一系列的教学活动,如多媒体演示,师生共唱chant,猜动作,小组合作,表演情节,复述故事等,来达成本节课的学习目标。引领学生积极参与到学习中,感知体验知识获得的过程,激发他们的学习兴趣,丰富学生的英语知识,发展学生的语言技能,让学生在合作中感受学习的快乐。
七、教辅手段??
PPT课件和板书图片。
八、板书设计
九、教学过程
Teaching
stages
Teacher’s
activities
Students’
activities
Purpose
Pre-reading
1.
Greetings2.Guessing
game:
Do
the
action
and
get
students
to
guess.3.Brainstorm:
How
can
we
learn
to
swim?4.Guessing:What
are
they
talking
about?
1.Greetings2.Guessing
game(chant--asking
together)3.Brainstorm(discuss
and
answer)4.Look
and
guessing
课前师生互动小游戏不仅活跃课堂气氛,还巧妙地引出本节课主题词swim,头脑风暴促进学生对如何学会游泳进行思考,谈论图片有助于训练的学生的发散性思维。
While-reading
Fast
reading.Task
1:
Ask
students
to
listen
and
answer:What
are
they
talking
about?
What’s
Zoom’s
plan?
Task
2:
Ask
students
to
watch
the
video
and
answer:
Does
Zip
teach
Zoom
how
to
swim?
Does
Zoom
learn
to
swim
at
last?
Check
the
answers
together.
1.Listen
to
the
tape
carefully
and
find
out
the
answer.2.Watch
the
video
and
find
out
the
answers
3.Check
the
answers
together
快读环节是通过听第一幅图片内容,引出本节课话题,然后再通过观看故事视频,整体感知故事主要情节,获得故事主要信息。
2.
Careful
reading.
Task
1:
Ask
students
to
watch
and
answer:
How
does
Zoom
learn
to
swim
at
first?
Does
Zip
agree
with
Zoom?
Why
not?
Check
the
answers
together.Task
2:
Get
students
to
make
sentences
with
the
pattern:
How
can
you
learn
to…without…Task
3:
Teamwork.
Students
read
the
four
pictures
in
groups,
discuss
and
number
them
from
to
6.Check
the
answers
together.Task
4:
Ask
students
to
look
and
match
the
pictures
with
the
feeling
words
below.
1.Watch
the
short
videoabout
Picture
and
find
out
the
answers.2.Practise
making
a
full
sentence
with
the
pattern:
How
can
you
learn
to…without…3.Open
the
envelope,read
the
pictures,discuss,and
order
the
pictures.
Then
check
the
answers.
4.Look
at
Zoom’s
face
carefully
in
each
picture
and
match
the
pictures
with
the
feeling
words.
Then
check
the
answer
在细读环节中,通过视听第二幅图片小视频,有效训练学生对故事的深层理解,用How
can
you
learn
to…without…句型造句有效训练学生对该句式的掌握,Jigsaw
reading有效促进学生对故事发展前后逻辑的理解,图词连线使学生对Zoom的心理变化有了更深的体会。
3.Detail
reading.Task
1:Get
students
to
followthe
tape
and
read
the
picturesfrom
to
one
by
one,
especially
pay
attention
tothe
rising
tones.
Task
2:
Ask
series
ofDivergent
questions
like:
In
the
life,
what
are
you
afraidof?
Why
does
Zip
push
Zoom
intothe
pool?
What
will
happen
t
to
Zoomin
the
water?
What
Will
Zoom
Say
to
Zip
atlast?
1.Follow
the
tape
to
improve
their
spoken
English.
2.Try
to
think
hard
and
answer
the
series
of
questions.3.Check
the
answers
together.
在该环节中,首先注重引导学生跟读模仿语音语调,然后通过一系列发散性问题激活了学生的大脑,使学生及时联系自己的生活实际,敞开心扉,相互交流,并很自然地感受到朋友间要真诚相待,互帮互助。
4.Thinking
reading.Task
1:
Choose
one
pictureand
try
to
act
it
out
in
pairs.
Task
2:
Read
the
story
againand
underlined
your
favoritesentence.Task
3:
Chant
the
keysentences
of
the
story.
1.Role
play
the
story.2.Read
and
find
theBest
sentences.3.Chant
together
tohave
fun
in
learning
the
major
idea
of
the
story.
表演让学生深入体会到主人公的情感,找出最喜欢的句子进一步促进学生对故事的深层理解,chant将本节课核心句子变化朗朗上口的说唱,使学生体会到学习英语的快乐。
Post-reading
Task
1:Think
of
a
title
for
thestory.Task
2:
Retell
the
story
withthe
mind
map
on
theblackboard.Task
3:Get
students
to
talkabout
Zip
and
Zoom
and
sumup
what
the
students
can
learnfrom
the
story
1.Try
to
name
the
story.2.Retell
the
story
together
with
the
help
of
the
teacher
and
the
mind
map
on
the
blackboard.3.Try
to
give
comments
on
Zip
and
Zoom
and
draw
a
conclusion
of
the
story.
为故事起标题有效训练学生对文本主旨的概括能力,思维导图有效帮助学生掌握故事梗概,对故事人物的谈论和从故事中的获取的启发有效促进学生对故事背后人文精神的思考和理性成长。
Homework
Retell
the
story
to
your
best
friend.
Find
more
sayings,
like
Practice
makes
perfect
and
share
them
next
class.Try
to
learn
a
new
skill,
like
doing
push-ups,
ghost
step,
cooking
…(共21张PPT)
PEP(六、上)
Unit
My
weekend
plan
Story
time
Ss:
Ben,
Ben,
what
are
you
going
to
do?
T:
I’m
going
to
…
教练
Coach?
How
can
we
learn
to
swim
Look
and
guess
What
are
they
talking
about?
Homework
Food
Film
…
Listen
and
answer
What
are
they
talking
about?
A.
Tomorrow
plan(计划)
Zoom
is
going
to
learn
how
to
swim.
What’s
Zoom’s
plan?
B.
Sports
meet.
Fast
reading
2.Does
Zoom
learn
to
swim
at
last?
Yes,
he
does.
1.Does
Zip
teach
Zoom
how
to
swim?
Yes,
he
does.
Careful
reading
2.Does
Zip
agree
with
Zoom?
How
can
you
learn
to
swim
without
going
to
a
pool?
No,
he
doesn’t.
1.At
first,
Zoom
learns
to
swim
from
______?
B.
no
A.
book.
同意
Why
not?
Careful
reading
How
can
you
learn
to
…
without
…?
…
no
A,b,c…
Jigsaw
reading
Teamwork
for
you,
read
these
pictures,
discuss
and
order
them
with
number
to
6.
每小组信封内有四幅图片,请根据图片内容和文字信息的线索,将图片按故事发展顺序用3--6标号。
Observe
and
say
How
does
Zoom
feel
in
each
picture?
afraid
scared
puzzled
happy
(困惑的)
(害怕的)
Observe
and
say
afraid
Zip:
Come
on.
Let’s
go
to
the
swimming
pool.
Zoom:
No!
I’m
afraid
of
water.
来吧,快点儿
In
the
life,what
are
you
afraid
of?
Observe
and
say
scared
Zip:
Just
jump
in!
Catch
this.
Practise
and
you
will
learn.
Zoom:
Help!
Help!
抓住这个
1.Why
does
Zip
push(推)
Zoom
into
the
pool?
2.What
happens(发生)
to
Zoom
in
the
water?
(害怕的)
Observe
and
say
puzzled
Zip:
Just
try.
This
way
...
This
way
...
now
can
you
do
it?
(困惑的)
Observe
and
say
happy
Zoom:
Oh,
it’s
easy.
Zip:
We
should
always
remember:
"Learn
by
doing".
Zoom:____________
What
will
Zoom
say
to
Zip?
(做中学)
Read
and
underline
回读故事,找出你最喜欢的一句话并划线。
Read
and
underline
Learn
by
doing
every
day.
Don’t
be
afraid.
This
way.
Just
try.
Practise.
You
will
learn.
It’s
easy.
You
will
learn.
It’s
easy.
Enjoy
the
story
Role
play
Pair
work.
Choose
one
picture,
read
aloud
and
act
it
out.
两人一组,自选一幅图画,练习故事,然后表演。
流利地朗读。
熟练地表演。
有所创新,
有感情地表演。
大声朗读
准备表演。
Retell
takes
pushes
teaches
to
into
in
Read
and
think
What
can
we
learn
from
the
story?
When
we
want
to
do
something,
just
try
to
learn
by
doing.
Practice
makes
perfect.
Believe
in
ourselves.
Never
give
up
until
we
make
it!
Good
luck!
Come
on!
当我们想做一件事情时,努力在做中学。熟能生巧,相信自己,永不言弃,直至成功!祝你好运!加油!
What
do
you
think
of
Zoom?
What
do
you
think
of
Zip?
我们从这个故事中学到了什么呢?
你认为Zip怎么样呢?
你认为Zoom怎么样呢?
Homework
1.Retell
the
story
to
our
best
friend.
2.Find
more
sayings,
like
Practice
makes
perfect
and
share
them
next
class.
3.Try
to
learn
a
new
skill,
like
doing
push-ups,
ghost
step,
cooking
…
If
you
like,
please
send
Homework
and
to
my
WeChat
18264751897.
俯卧撑
鬼步舞