《Unit
At
the
zoo
Start
to
read》教学设计
一、教学目标:
1.知识与技能:
①巩固本单元句型和单词在情景中的运用。
②能够在图片和语境的帮助下认读句子,完成连线,并且能够以文段中的句子为范本,和同伴一起尝试编造简单的谜语。
2.过程与方法:
由复习导入新课,通过任务型教学和活动性教学相结合、探究学习和合作学习相结合,把所学的目标语句操练活化为丰富的学习活动,在活动中针对不同的动物,运用重点句型描述其特征。
3.情感态度与价值观:
①发现动物的可爱之处,树立爱护动物、保护动物的意识。
②培养学生英语阅读的能力。
二、教学重难点:
本单元核心句型It’s...It
has...的实际运用。
三、教学方法:
情境教学法、任务教学法、合作探究法。
四、教学准备:
动物贴纸、谜语卡片、重点句子板贴、动物板贴
五、教学过程:
1.Warming
up:
Greetings.
Divide
students
into
two
groups.In
this
class
we
will
have
a
competition.The
winner
will
get
the
zoo
tickets.
(以小组竞争争夺动物园门票的形式,调动学生的积极性。)
Game:I
say
you
do.
First
say
a
sentence,the
students
repeat
it
and
do
the
action.Then
say
a
sentence,the
students
say
the
opposite
sentence
and
do
the
opposite
action.
(复习tall,short,fat,thin,long等形容词以及eye,arm等身体部位的名词,为下文的学习奠定基础。)
2.Presentation:
T:Today
many
animals
will
study
with
us.Guess:What
animal
is
it?
(创设情境,利用猜猜看的游戏,吸引学生注意力,同时唤起学生知识储备。)
Look
at
the
picture
and
fill
in
the
blanks.
The
giraffe
is___.The
duck
is___.The
pig
is___.The
monkey
is___.
(利用图片对比,找到各种动物的特点并补全句子。)
Look
at
the
elephant.Try
to
describe
it,using“It
has...”
(通过观察大象,使用句型It
has...描述它的特点:长鼻子,大耳朵,短尾巴,小眼睛等。)
T:Other
animals
are
coming.Who
are
they?
S:Fish,mouse,dog
and
panda.
Listen
to
the
sentences
about
the
animals.Then
read
them
in
the
way
they
like
and
match
the
right
picture.
Listen
and
imitate.
Check
the
answer.Put
the
sentence
under
the
animal
and
try
to
say
more
sentences
about
this
animal.
(板贴呈现其他四种动物,先听音初步感知,再通过自读或小组合作的方式,把句子和相应的图片连线,然后观察动物再描述,并通过肢体语言表演出来,利用多种感官参与学习,提高学习的效率。)
3.Practice:
T:Children’s
Day
is
coming.Many
children
will
come
to
the
zoo.Do
you
want
to
be
a
zoo
guider?
Practise
with
your
partner,using“Look
at
the...
It’s...
It
has...”
Show
in
front.
(利用争当动物解说员的任务驱动,让学生敢于开口描述动物的特点。)
Go
to
the
zoo:watch
the
video
about
animals.
Emotional
education:Animals
are
our
good
friends.We
should
love
them
and
protect
them.
(欣赏可爱的动物图片,渗透情感教育,培养学生喜爱动物、保护动物的意识。)
4.Consolidation:
Guess
lantern
riddles.
First,I
make
a
model.Then
work
in
groups,make
a
riddle
and
let
others
guess.
Take
out
the
envelope,read
the
riddle
and
stick
the
right
picture.
Share
the
picture
card
and
check
with
each
other.
Enjoy
a
picture
book.
Recommend
some
picture
books
for
students
to
read.
(中西方文化相结合,采用中国传统的猜灯谜的活动,对本节课知识进行拓展巩固。引导学生动手制作绘本,推荐有关动物的绘本,养成热爱阅读的好习惯。)
5.Homework:
Draw
your
favourite
animals
and
try
to
make
a
picture
book.
六、板书设计: