中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台
Unit2
Changes
in
our
life
第二课时导学案
模块
Module1Listen
and
say
单元
Unit2
Changes
in
our
life
年级
学习目标
知识与技能目标:①能听、说、认读单词wife
gold
poor
wish
②掌握句型I’d
like
to
give
you
three
wishes.
wish
you
a
happy
life.
2.过程与方法目标:学会介绍区别以前现在,然后会用英文表达。3.情感态度与价值观目标:激发和培养学习英语的兴趣,用所学英语进行交际的意识和勇气
学习重难点
①能听、说、认读单词wife
gold
poor
wish
②掌握句型I’d
like
to
give
you
three
wishes.
wish
you
a
happy
life.
学法指导
尝试模仿
小组合作交流
练习法
课前准备
录音机
多媒体
【复习回顾】
1.Review用游戏复习单词.2.新词预习wife
gold
poor
wish听录音,感知新知识,熟悉所学单词的发音。
【课堂探究】
Free
talk复习对话What
does
your
father/mother
do?
My
father/mother
is
a/an…?
2..略读对话,圈出生词:
______
________
________
________
_______
__________3.学习新单词
wife
gold
poor
wish4.听读课文,角色扮演读课文,并掌握句型:
I’d
like
to
give
you
three
wishe
wish
you
a
happy
life.
的用法.5.能够根据课文内容补全句子;并根据课文内容回答问题。There’s?a?poor?farmer?called?Fred.?He?and?his
wife?Doris
in?a?small,?old?house.One?day
,a?fairy
.
6.掌握句型I’d
like
to
give
you
three
wishes
wish
you
a
happy
life.
【展示交流】(巩固训练活动)
1.小组中两个成员之间进行对话练习,以复习巩固所学句型2.PracticeI’d
like
to
give
you
three
wishes
wish
you
a
happy
life.
【当堂检测】
一、
选出不同类单词。(
)1.
A.
take
B.
fairy
C.
cook(
)2.
A.
car
B.
poor
C.
building(
)3.
A.
said
B.
work
C.
give(
)4.
A.
tall
B.
short
C.
gold(
)5.
A.
smile
B.
spring
C.
summer选择填空I’d
like
give
you
three
wishes.
to
will
do2
am
_____
,
but
I’m
happy.A.
happy
B.
poor
C.
good3.He
______
he
was
a
doctor.A.
saying
B.
said
C,
say4.
___
house
is
small
and
old.A,
Our
B,
We
C.Us5.
People
go
to
work
car.
A.by
B.
is
C.
was三.按要求写出下列各词1.
life(中文)
_________
2.
did(否定形式)__________
3.
一些黄金(英文)
__________4.
was
(复数)
__________5.
happy(名词)
__________参考答案:
一.1.B
2.
3.A
4.C
5.A二.1.A
2.B
3.B
4.A
5.A三
.1.生活
2.didn’t
3.some
gold
4.were
5.happiness
课后反思
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牛津深圳版小学英语六年级下册Unit2第二课时教学设计
课题
Changes
in
our
life
单元
学科
英语
年级
六年级下
学习目标
1.知识与技能目标:①能听、说、认读单词wife
gold
poor
wish
②掌握句型I’d
like
to
give
you
three
wishes.
wish
you
a
happy
life.
2.过程与方法目标:学会问对方身高体重。然后会正确回答。3.情感态度与价值观目标:激发和培养学习英语的兴趣,用所学英语进行交际的意识和勇气
重点
能听、说、认读单词wife
gold
poor
wish
掌握句型I’d
like
to
give
you
three
wishes.I
wish
you
a
happy
life.
难点
掌握句型I’d
like
to
give
you
three
wishes.I
wish
you
a
happy
life.
教学过程
教学环节
教师活动
学生活动
设计意图
导入新课
Review.老师用游戏复习单词role
play
角色扮演复习旧知Lead
inWhat
does
your
father/mother
do?
My
father/mother
is
a/an…?
复习单词会用所学句型对人物职业进行介绍
在交流的过程中老师将话题自然引入本单元教学内容。
二、Let’s
review.
教师呈现图片,学生进行问答三、Look
and
learn1.
老师出示图片,让学生根据图片跟老师读单词2.
游戏巩固练习四、Look
and
readLook
and
answer
the
questions.1.
How
many
wishes
did
the
fairy
give
?
2.
What
did
the
fairy
give
to
the
farmer?五、
Listen
and
judge.1.Doris?lived?in?a?big,?new?house.
(
)2.The?farmers?need?some?wishes.
(
)
3.The?fairy?wanted?to?give?them
some?gold.
(
)
4.The?farmers?were?poor,?but?they
were?very?happy.
(
)
六Read
and
answer.
Read
again
and
answer
some
questions.七、Read
and
repeat1.Read
and
act.表演我最棒!小组合作:1.三人一小组2.根据剧本分角色练习复述3.适当加上一些动作辅助表演。4.根据课文内容将句子补充完整。八、知识讲解There?was
a
poor
farmer
called
Fred.?
called
过去分词作后置定语,相当于There
was
a
poor
farmer
who
is
called
Fred.九、总结重点句型:1.
I’d
like
to
give
you
three
wishes.2.
wish
you
a
happy
life.
七、Practice按要求改写句子五、Summary1.词汇:
wife
gold
poor
wish2.
句型:①I’d
like
to
give
you
three
wishes.
②I
wish
you
a
happy
life.
六、Homework1.将下列单词抄写五遍:
wife
gold
poor
wish
2.
孰读短文,并掌握句型:
I’d
like
to
give
you
three
wishes.I
wish
you
a
happy
life.
能配合老师进行对话,流利表达自己的想法。会跟读单词通过游戏方式复习巩固所学单词。听音判断正误能回答问题分角色朗读课文,并上台表演对话。掌握本课重点句型。积极配合老师完成练习。
通过反复对话加强语言训练;学习形式生动多样化,使学生集中注意力,同时保持学习的积极性。引导学生用各种形式,变化各种声调朗读课文对话,不断深入学习,加深印象。提高学生英语口语表达的水平。巩固所学新句型。让学生能够掌握本课重点句型。巩固本课所学新知识。
课堂小结
本节课的教学任务是激发学生学习英语的兴趣,通过英语故事,让学生懂得互敬互爱有礼貌,寓教于乐,让学生感受轻松愉悦的英语课堂。
板书
Unit2
Changes
in
our
life1.词汇:
wife
gold
poor
wish2.
句型:①I’d
like
to
give
you
three
wishes.
②I
wish
you
a
happy
life.
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牛津深圳版小学英语六年级下册
Unit
Changes
in
our
lives
(2)
past
photographer
street
cleaner
photo
farmer
digital
camera
writer
Review
Role
play
Lead
in
What
does
your
father/mother
do?
My
father/mother
is
a/an…?
Lead
in
Let’s
review.
He
writes
books.
He
is
a
writer.
Lead
in
Let’s
review.
He
takes
photos.
He
is
a
photographer.
Lead
in
Let’s
review.
He
cleans
the
street.
He
is
a
street
cleaner.
Let’s
learn
wife
His
wife
is
a
teacher.
Let’s
learn
gold
She
wore
a
heavy
gold
chain
around
her
neck.
Let’s
learn
poor
He
is
a
poor
boy.
Let’s
learn
wish
wish
you
have
a
happy
day.
poor
wife
wish
gold
street
digital
camera
Play
games
摘苹果
camera
photographer
gold
wish
digital
wife
writer
Play
games
Look
and
read
Look
and
answer
the
questions.
Once?upon?a?time,?there?was?a?poor
farmer?called?Fred.?
He?and?his?wife.
Doris?lived?in?a?small,?old?house.
One?day.?a?fairy?visited?them.
Read
a
story
Read
and
answer
the
questions.
"Fred,?I’d?like?to?give?you?three
wishes,"?said?the?fairy.
Fred?and?Doris?smiled?at?each?other
and?said,
"Thank?you,?
but?we?don’t
need?any?wishes."
“I?can?give
you
some
gold.
Then
you?won’t?have?to?work,"?
said
the
fairy.
"Thank?you.?We’re?poor,?but?we’re
happy."?said?Doris.
Read
a
story
Read
and
answer
the
questions.
"I?can?give?you?a?big,?new?house.”
said?the?fairy.
"Thank?you.?Our?house?is?small
and?old,?but?
it’s?warm?and?nice.”
answered?Fred.
"I?wish?you?a?
happy?life."?said?the
fairy.
Questions
1.
How
many
wishes
did
the
fairy
give
?
2.
What
did
the
fairy
give
to
the
farmer?
Three.
happy
life.
Practice
Listen
and
judge.
1.Doris?lived?in?a?big,?new?house.
(
)
2.The?farmers?need?some?wishes.
(
)
3.The?fairy?wanted?to?give?them
some?gold.
(
)
4.The?farmers?were?poor,?but?they
were?very?happy.
(
)
√
√
×
×
Practice
Read
and
answer.
There’s?a?poor?farmer?called?Fred.?He?and?his
wife?Doris
in?a?small,?old?house.One?day
,a?fairy
.
Fred
,
‘d
like
to
give
you
.
Thank
you
very
much,
but
we
don’t
.
lived
visited
them
three
wishes
need
any
wishes
Practice
Read
and
answer.
You
are
poor.
can
give
you
.
.
Your
house
is
small
and
old.
.
some
gold
Thank
you.
We’re
poor,
but
we’re
happy.
can
give
you
a
big,
new
house.
Practice
Read
and
answer.
.
wish
you
.
That’s
the
end
of
the
story.
Thank
you.
Our
house
is
small
and
old,
but
it’s
warm
and
nice
a
happy
life.
Read
and
repeat
Read
and
act朗读表演
小组合作:
1.三人一小组
2.根据剧本分角色练习复述
3.适当加上一些动作辅助表演。
Recite
and
act脱稿表演
表演我最棒!
Look
and
read
知识讲解
There?was
a
poor
farmer
called
Fred.?
called
过去分词作后置定语,相当于There
was
a
poor
farmer
who
is
called
Fred.
Think
and
say.
重点句型
1.
I’d
like
to
give
you
three
wishes.
2.
wish
you
a
happy
life.
Practice
按要求写单词
life(中文)
_________
2.
did(否定形式)__________
3.
一些黄金(英文)
__________
4.
was
(复数)
__________
5.
happy(名词)
__________
生活
didn’t
some
gold
were
happiness
Practice
按要求改写句子
I?live?in?the?countryside.
(就划线部分提问)
___________________________
2.
We’re?poor.(改为否定句)
_________________________
3.
l’d?like?to?give?you?three
wishes.
(改为一般疑问句)
_____________________________
Where
did
you
live?
We’re
not?poor.
Would
you
like
to
give
me
three
wishes?
Summary.
1.词汇:
wife
gold
poor
wish
2.
句型:①I’d
like
to
give
you
three
wishes.
②I
wish
you
a
happy
life.
Homework.
1.将下列单词抄写五遍:
wife
gold
poor
wish
2.
孰读短文,并掌握句型:
①I’d
like
to
give
you
three
wishes.
②I
wish
you
a
happy
life.
谢谢
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