(共29张PPT)
Part
Read
and
write
PEP·六年级上册
Unit
How
tall
are
you?
头脑大风暴:
说说你所知道的比较级单词?
Let’s
review
bigger
bigger
smaller
taller
shorter
longer
younger
older
thinner
Spring
is
coming!
Lead
in
Spring
is
coming!
The
sky
is
clearer
and
the
sun
is
brighter.
Can
you
think
of
any
other
changes?
Look
and
tick.
√
√
Read
and
write
Wu
Yifan
and
his
family
are
going
on
a
trip
to
the
countryside.
Wu
Yifan
has
a
story
to
tell
Robin.
Wu
Yifan
and
his
family
are
going
on
a
trip
to
the
countryside.
Wu
Yifan
has
a
story
to
tell
Robin.
countryside
What
will
happen
between
them?
?
?
?
Before-reading
(
)
Choose
a
title
for
the
test.
标题
A.
Little
Duck’s
shadow
B.
Old
Tree’s
shadow
Task
(快速读)
__________(Title)
Little
Duck
is
watching
the
sun
go
down.
It
is
getting
lower
and
lower,
but
his
shadow
is
getting
longer
and
longer.
“Why
is
that?”
Little
Duck
asks
his
friend
Old
Tree.
“You
are
older
and
smarter
than
me.
Tell
me—why
is
my
shadow
longer
when
the
sun
gets
lower?”
Old
Tree
says,
“That’s
easy,
Little
Duck.
The
sun
goes
down
every
day,
and
we
grow
older
every
day.
Your
shadow
grows
longer
because
you
are
growing
taller.
You
are
becoming
a
big
beautiful
bird!”
(
)
Choose
a
title
for
the
test.
标题
A.
Little
Duck’s
shadow
B.
Old
Tree’s
shadow
Task
(快速读)
Task
2:精读
The
sun
is
getting
_____________.
The
duck’s
shadow
is
getting
______________.
__________(Title)
Little
Duck
is
watching
the
sun
go
down.
It
is
getting
lower
and
lower,
but
his
shadow
is
getting
longer
and
longer.
“Why
is
that?”
Little
Duck
asks
his
friend
Old
Tree.
“You
are
older
and
smarter
than
me.
Tell
me—why
is
my
shadow
longer
when
the
sun
gets
lower?”
比较级+and+比较级,越来越……
下降,下沉,落下
be
doing
现在进行时,表示正在做……
Task
2:精读
The
sun
is
getting
_____________.
The
duck’s
shadow
is
getting
______________.
lower
and
lower
longer
and
longer
Who
is
younger?
_______________.
What
is
Little
Duck
doing?
______________.
Task
3:(精读)
Old
Tree
says,
“That’s
easy,
Little
Duck.
The
sun
goes
down
every
day,
and
we
grow
older
every
day.
Your
shadow
grows
longer
because
you
are
growing
taller.
You
are
becoming
a
big
beautiful
bird!”
成长,grow
up:长大
变成,成为;后面接名词或形容词
Who
is
younger?
_______________.
What
is
Little
Duck
doing?
______________.
Task
3:(精读)
The
duck
He
is
watching
the
sun
go
down.
lower
and
lower
longer
and
longer
说出被挡的部分:
Little
Duck
is
watching
the
sun
go
down.
It
is
getting
lower
and
lower,
but
his
shadow
is
getting
longer
and
longer.
“Why
is
that?”
Little
Duck
asks
his
friend
Old
Tree.
“You
are
older
and
smarter
than
me.
Tell
me—why
is
my
shadow
longer
when
the
sun
gets
lower?”
Old
Tree
says,
“That’s
easy,
Little
Duck.
The
sun
goes
down
every
day,
and
we
grow
older
every
day.
Your
shadow
grows
longer
because
you
are
growing
taller.
You
are
becoming
a
big
beautiful
bird!”
填空:
同意
Why
同学们同意老树说的吗
Post-reading(读后)
Task
1:
不同意
Why
What
will
happen
next?
小小作家
One
day
The
duck_________________.
我来考考你
一.单项选择。
(
)
1.They
are
going
on
a
trip
A.
他们打算去旅行。
B.
他们正在去乡村。
(
)
2.You
are
becoming
a
big
beautiful
bird!
A.
你将成为一只美丽的大鸟。
B.你将会变成鸟。
Hold
fast
to
dreams.They
will
come
ture
one
day!紧紧抓住梦想,总有一天它会成真!
Homework:
1.读英语绘本《I
Want
to
Be
a
Doctor》
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Unit
How
tall
are
you
?
【概
述】
本课是PEP教材六年级下册
Unit
How
tall
are
you
?本单元共6课时,本课是第5课时,
【设计理念】
在跨越式为指导,以言语交际为中心,借助现代信息技术,努力为学生创设理想的英语学习环境,渗透任务型教学,能让学生把所学的内容联系实际,在生活中运用,提供丰富的网络资源,倡导体验、实践、参与、交流与合作的学习方式。
【教学目标】
1.能听、说、认读countryside,lower,shadow,smarter,become等单词。
2.能够了解课文大意,并能完成相应的练习。
3.学生能在完成任务的过程中体会新语言的意义。
4.树立学生保护环境的意识。
【教学重点和难点】
教学重点:能理解文章主体内容。
教学难点:能理解影子变化的真正原因,在完成任务的过程中体会新语言的意义。
【教学过程】
Step?1.热身(Warm
up)
Greeting
the
students。
头脑大风暴:说说你所知道的比较级单词?
(设计意图:通过游戏复习旧知同时进入新课。)
Step2.新课展示(Presentation)Look
and
say
1.Lead
in:Spring
is
coming!
2.Read
and
write
Spring
is
coming!
The
sky
is
clearer
and
the
sun
is
brighter.
Can
you
think
of
any
other
changes?
Look
and
tick.
(1)What
do
Wu
Yifan
and
Mike
want
to
do
first?
(2)What
are
they
going
to
buy?
3.短文导入:
4.Wu
Yifan
and
his
family
are
going
on
a
trip
to
the
countryside.
Wu
Yifan
has
a
story
to
tell
Robin.
5.Before-reading
(1)Task
(快速读)
(2)Task
2:精读
(3)Task
3:(精读)
说出被挡的部分:
Post-reading(读后)
Step3.Extending
:
1:单项选择。
2:Hold
fast
to
dreams.They
will
come
ture
one
day!紧紧抓住梦想,总有一天它会成真!
(设计意图:通过练习。让学生做与本课相关知识点的题,巩固所学知识,丰富学生的语言知识)
Step5:
Step
4:课堂小结
What
did
you
learn?
(设计意图:让学生固所学知识。)
Step6:
Homework:
(设计意图:通过学生感兴趣的事物来巩固新知。)
【教学反思】
作为英语老师绝不能轻视学生在英语语言学习中的创造潜能,这就需要正确的学习方法,让学生自主地去探究知识。学生的学习动机,求知欲以及创新意识不会自然涌现,它取决于教师所创设的教学情境,因此本课时设计旨在鼓舞学生自主参与到阅读活动中来,并进行交流总结,为学生的个性发展提供了广阔的舞台。