高中英语人教版(2019)必修一 Unit 3 Sports and Fitness学案


名称 高中英语人教版(2019)必修一 Unit 3 Sports and Fitness学案
格式 docx
文件大小 70.9KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-02-06 12:36:34



Unit 3 Sports and fitness
1. 掌握体育精神,提升运动素养。
2. 掌握比较两者相似之处和不同之处的表达结构。
3. 能够介绍自己保持身体健康的一些经历。

Reading and thinking
Q1: What was the challenge that Lang Ping face when she was preparing for the 2015 World Cup? How did she react?
The team that Lang Ping had built was falling apart. One of the best players had been injured. And the team captain had to leave because of heart problems.
She didn’t lose heart. Instead, she knew that her young players could win if they worked together. Later they were the world champions!
Q2: What was the secret of Michael Jordan success? How did he say?
The secret of Michael Jordan success is learning from his failures. Jordan said, I can accept failure; everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying. Losing games taught him to practise harder and never give up.
Q3: Who is your favorite athlete? Why do you admire him or her?
A: My favorite athlete is Fu Yuanhui, a young and lovely athlete. She almost swims every day and has much strength. Most importantly she is very humorous and diligent when faced with challenges. I like her powerful and outgoing spirit.
B: My favorite athlete is Lin Dan, who is a Chinese badminton player. He is a two-time Olympic champion and a five-time World champion. Lin Dan brought honor and glory to China. The fans nicknamed him as ’Super Dan’. I admire him because his skills are so impressive.
C: I like Ai Fukuhara best. She is a retired Japanese table tennis player, who came to China to receive the training when she was only five years old. Whatever difficulty she met, she never lost heart or gave up. She sets a good example for me.
(1) As a player, Lang Ping brought honour and glory to her country.
honour n. 荣誉;尊敬;荣幸
He brought honour to his family. 他为家庭争了光。
It’s a great honour (for me) to receive the prize. 能获得这个奖是无上的荣耀。

in honour of 为庆祝……;向……表示敬意
We held a party in honour of his birthday. 为了庆祝他的生日,我们举行了聚会。
in front of 在……前面
in place of 代替;取代
in point of 就……来说/而言;关于……
in spite of 尽管;不管,不顾
in case of 万一;如果发生
in memory of 纪念
on need of = in want of 有……的需要;有……的必要
in favor of 支持;赞成
in charge of 负责;主管
in praise of 歌颂;赞扬
in search of 寻找
honour v. 尊敬,以……为荣
I feel honoured to have been invited to deliver a speech here. 能够被邀请在这里演讲我感到很荣幸。
honourable adj. 光荣的,尊敬的
It is honourable to earn a living with your hands. 靠双手劳动来养活自己是光荣的。
(2) Jordan says that the secret to his success is learning from his failures.
failure/ success n. [U] 成功/ 失败
[C] 具体的失败(成功)的人或事
He is a failure (success) in business. 他生意失败了。
one’s failure to do sth. 未能做某事
have?success?in?doing?sth 表示成功地做了某事
His failure to help us was disappointing. 他未能帮助我们真是令人失望。
Did you have any success in persuading her to come? 你说服了她来吗?
fail v. 失败,辜负,衰退
I feel I’ve failed my children by not spending more time with them. 我没有花更多的时间陪伴孩子们,让他们失望了。(fail sb.= let somebody down 使某人失望)
He failed maths but passed all his other subjects. 他数学没及格,但其他学科都及格了。(没通过)
Failing eyesight forced him to retire early. 视力下降迫使他提早退休。(衰退的)

翻译:1. 我觉得能赢得这个金牌是个很大的荣耀。
答案:I consider it a great honor to win the medal.
2. They gave a banquet (宴会) ________ the guests from Britain.
A. in honour of
B. in an honour
C. in honour to
D. in honour for
解析:句意:为了表达对来自英国的客人的敬意,他们举行了一个宴会。in honour of 为向……表示敬意;为纪念。
3. 改错:
答案:He failed his first attempt but succeeded in his second attempt.

Reading for writing
Q1: What problem did Kayla have in the past? What made her change her thinking?
A: She always wanted to look like the slim girls on TV and worried about her weight. She tried the unhealthy diet and went bananas.
Later she read an article that made her realize the importance of keeping fit.
Q2: Nowadays, many women tend to be on a diet or take weight-loss pills for a slim figure. Do you agree with this? How do you keep fit and what are the benefits of keeping fit?
A. That’s not right. I once went on a diet to keep slim, yet I usually felt weak and powerless. Later, rather than skipping meals, I chose to jog after meals and ate more vegetables and fruits, which made me feel happier and healthier.
B. Certainly, everyone has the right to pursue beauty. It’s OK to keep slim. However, we have to keep in mind that we shouldn’t take pills at the expense of health. We can work out to keep fit, which help us improve both our self-confidence and figure.
C. I’m sorry, but I disagree. Taking weight-loss pills does much harm to our body and even causes liver failure. Trying to eat healthy food will make a difference in the long term.
(1)I almost went bananas, too.
go bananas=become crazy 发疯,神经错乱
I speculated that maybe the old woman had gone bananas at last. 我猜测这个老妇人后来可能疯了。
big/ top banana 主要人物,大老板;最好的演员
He is the top banana in this company.
second banana 次要任务;配角;次要人物
I always play second banana to her.
banana oil 花言巧语;大话
Cut out the banana oil; flattery will get you nowhere.
I started thinking about fitness rather than weight.
Rather than cutting out the foods I enjoyed, I added healthy foods to my meals.
rather than用作连词,连接两个平行结构。解释为“而不是”。
She likes swimming rather than playing tennis .她喜欢游泳而不喜欢打网球。
I think I'll have a cold drink rather than coffee.我想我该要一杯冷饮,而不要咖啡。
He told a lie rather than got his friend into trouble.他宁愿说谎也不愿连累朋友。
These shoes are comfortable rather than good-looking.这些鞋子穿起来舒服而不是看起来好看。
“rather than” 经常用在两个结构中:“宁愿做……而不愿做……”。
I prefer to get up early rather than go to school without breakfast.我宁可早起也不愿意不吃饭上学。
I would die rather than disgrace myself.我宁死不屈。
Some words used to show similarities and differences:
like, so, too, still, similarly, similar to, the same (…as…)
in common (with), both…and…
differences: instead of (doing); instead, than, however/but/though, different from, rather than, the difference is...
Instead of saying “I want to lose three kilos”, I would say “I want to run two kilometres in eight minutes”.
①instead of:“代替”、“而不是”它后面一般接名词、代词、动名词或介词短语作它的宾语。
Give me the red box instead of the yellow one. 把那个红色的盒子给我,不是这个黄色的。
If I hadn't got a cold, I'd be working instead of lying here. 如果我没感冒,我就干活了,而不是在这里躺着。
②instead 是副词,单独使用意思是“代替”、“顶替”。
Last summer I went to Qingdao. This summer I'm going to Dalian instead. 去年夏天我去了青岛。今年夏天我将去大连。
Instead of going to Qingdao I'm going to Dalian this year. 今年我将去大连,而不去青岛。
以上两句意思虽然相同,但用instead这个副词时,句子中的动作是被“取”的,即要去做的,而用instead of时,of后面的动是被“舍”的,即不去做的。
1. They didn’t feel like going to the concert, so they stayed at home __________.
2. They stayed at home __________ going to the concert.?
A. instead of B. instead
答案:1. instead 2. instead of
解析:这道题考查的是instead和instead of的用法和区别。instead常位于句尾或句首(在句首时常用逗号和句子隔开),表示“代替”、“反而、却”的意思;例如They didn’t meet her, they met her cousin instead (他们没有遇到她,而是遇到了她的表姐). 而instead of后面常跟名词或动名词,表示“替代……”、“不是……而是……”;例如He drank some juice instead of beer (他没有喝啤酒,而是喝了一些果汁).
3. 翻译:People went bananas with boredom.
4. Writing:
Have you ever tried to lose weight? Are there any errors during the process? What will you do in the future?
Sample: I was very ashamed of my being overweight in the past. Some of my classmates usually laughed at my figure. I skipped meals yet later I suffered stomachache, which influenced my life a lot. From then on, I started to read a lot about how to keep fit. Now I came to realize the importance of keeping healthy, I began working out regularly instead of sitting for a long time. I have lost 5 kilos until now, which is so exciting for me. I will go on doing sports in the future.