高中英语人教版(2019)必修一 Unit 4 Natural Disasters学案


名称 高中英语人教版(2019)必修一 Unit 4 Natural Disasters学案
格式 docx
文件大小 313.9KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-02-06 12:37:23



Unit 4 Natural Disasters
1. 学习与自然灾害相关的词汇,掌握发音和拼写;
2. 了解并掌握定语从句不同关系词的用法;
3. 掌握写概要的关键点,并能够完成相应题材的写作题目。
Reading and thinking
Q1: What happened after the earthquake? What sort of help did the government provide?
A: Soon after the quakes, the army sent 150,000 soldiers to Tangshan to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead. Slowly, the city began to breathe again.
Q2: What kind of disasters can you think of? Do you know any disaster safety measures?
A: Earthquake; tornado; wildfire. If you hear tornado warning, get under a sturdy table if you can. If you’re in bed, pull pillows or a bedspread—anything—over the top of you. Don’t get on an elevator. You could be trapped if the power goes out. So you’d better take the stairs.
B: Drought; landslide; tsunami; flood. Don’t drive or walk through rising water. In fact, a high percentage of flood deaths happen in vehicles. Instead, turn around and drive to higher ground, or leave the car and run to higher ground if the road is blocked.
C: Severe thunderstorm, hurricane, volcano eruption. If you are outdoors and hear thunder, squat down to be at the lowest point, and balance on the balls of your feet to have as little connecting you to the ground as possible.
Soon after the quakes, the army sent 150,000 soldiers to Tangshan to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead.
(1) the dead: “死者;逝者”
the +形容词转化而来的名词(表示“一类人”或“一类物”)
如:the young 年轻人;the rich 富人; the sick 病人
① deadly adj. 极端的;致命的
A?deadly?disease affected dolphins several years ago.
adv. 极其;非常
Broadcast news was accurate and reliable but?deadly?boring.
② dying adj. 垂死的;临终的
It'll stay in my mind till my?dying?day.?
①先行词是anyone, those, all, one, ones等指人时:
One who does not work hard will never succeed.
Anyone who breaks the law should be punished.
Those who learn not only from books but also through practice will make progress.
②在there be…句型中,先行词为人时:
There is a boy outside who wants to see you.
Correct the sentences.
1. I’m using the pen which he bought it yesterday.
2. Is that factory which your father once worked in?
3. The man whom I spoke is from Canada.
4. July 1,1999 is the day when we’ll never forget.
5. I still remember the holidays I stayed with them.
6. I’m going to work in the hospital where needs me.
7. Those that haven’t been to the West Lake will gather at the school gate.
8. Soon they came to a farm house, and in front of which sat a small boy.
1. 将it去掉。
2. 在factory后加上 the one。
解析:这是个疑问句,首先转换成陈述句:That factory is which your father once worked in。很显然,该句缺乏先行词,我们添加代词the one。其次the one在从句中充当in的宾语,所以关系词用which没问题。
3. 在spoke后加上to。
解析:因为speak是不及物动词,正确表达为:speak to sb.
4. 将when改为which/that/省略。
5. 在holidays后面加上when。
6. 将where改成which/ that。
解析:先行词为hospital,在从句中充当主语,故填which/ that。句意为“我将前往需要我的那家医院工作”。
7. 将that改为who。
8. 将which改为it或是将and去掉。
Reading for writing
Q1: What was Chandra Theeravit doing when the tsunami happened?
A: She was having breakfast with her three children when water started filling her home. They had to leave everything and ran to safety.
Q2: This is a news report, which has some features. Can you list some of them?
A: The first paragraph will cover the basic information of the news, including the place, time, people, what happened etc.
B: News report usually employs the statistics to describe the situation. For instance, …killing more than 6,500 people;…reached a magnitude of 9.0; … at least 1870 people were killed. These numbers could convey how dangerous the condition is. People are very poor and helpless at that time.
C: The title of the news report usually tells us the main content of the passages, and it’s usually released soon after the disaster.
I was having breakfast with my three children when water started filling my home. We had to leave everything and run to safety
Somebody was doing something when … 解释为“某人正在做某事的时候突然……”
Somebody was about to do something when … 某人正要做某事的时候突然……
I was about to leave home when the telephone rang. 我正要离开家时突然电话铃声响了。
How to write a summary?
1. Be clear, brief and objective.
2. Include all the main points following the same order of the original information, without specific facts like numbers or statistics.
3. Have the topic sentence with title, author or speaker.
4. Paraphrase.

In the article, _____ (author's last name) (year) argues (claims / reports / contends / maintains / states) that ______ (main idea/argument; S + V + C).
Example: In his article, Serwer (1997) describes how Michael Dell founded Dell Computers and claims that Dell’s low-cost, direct-sales strategy and high quality standards accounted for Dell’s enormous success.
Write a summary of the following news.
How China’s influencer market could be a model elsewhere.
By Chris Stokel-Walker
23rd July 2019
Until last year, Zhang “BB” Xi was just another 20-something with a dream of making it big. The 23-year-old from Chongqing had around 300,000 fans across all her social media platforms who watched her vlogs. It was a large number, given her youth.
Survival of the fittest
From the 800 amateurs Ruhnn identifies every month, between five and 10 are offered a contract. This gives Ruhnn exclusive portrait rights and the right to operate the influencer’s social media accounts and e-commerce stores. Influencers work closely with Ruhnn to decide which products to market.
The model isn’t unique to China: grew quickly in other countries in the early 2010s as YouTube became a major media platform and some of its early stars celebrities. But it failed because many early adopters took a fee for managing their talent while providing very little in return.
The first influencer that Ruhnn invested in was Dayi Zhang, who Zhou calls “the queen of e-commerce.” She’s sold $145m worth of products online (Credit: Ruhnn Holding)
China’s influencer industry has accelerated far more quickly and provides more lucrative careers for its creators – David Craig. David Craig, a co-author of Social Media Entertainment, says that while the industry may arguably be newer than its Western-based counterpart, China’s industry “has accelerated far more quickly and provides more lucrative careers for its creators”.
The same is the case in China. “It’s almost like you can’t be an independent influencer anymore,” says Hallanan. “Social networks really are encouraging these influencers to work with the MCNs.” Working with large companies reassures advertisers and social networks that influencers have been vetted and will act responsibly – while also ensuring they are dependable in their posts.
The system does mean that independent influencers can get left behind, and that those who are represented must hand over a fair cut of their income – though Ruhnn wouldn’t disclose how much. But the pros may outweigh the cons. “You’re part of a community of influencers and you can typically create a lot more professional content because you’re provided with resources,” says Hallanan.
In the article, Walker (2019) claims that China’s influencer market could be a model elsewhere and it developed so quickly and successfully because they closely worked with Ruhnn to decide which products to market.
The whole school was talking about the coming trip at a winter camp. And everyone was 1 , except me.
“I’ll hate it,” I told my parents. “I’ll get homesick (想家的). I’ll look stupid at winter sports, and everyone will 2 me.”
“You might be surprised, Bree,” said Mom. “The only way to find out is to 3 .”
“It’s what growing up is all about,” Dad added. When 4 the camp, we were asked to share one 5 .
“I’m afraid I’ll be homesick,” someone said.
I wasn’t the only one! I began to 6 . After lunch, we were asked to ski (滑雪)down to the field. I skied 7 ,but I still hit a piece of ice and 8 .
“Ha! Ha!” Behind me, somebody started laughing. I 9 to see who was making fun of me. To my10 , I saw a girl in the same awkward (尴尬的) position I was in. “I thought I’d be bad at this,11 I’m worse than I expected!” she said.
12 , I started laughing too. After being so13 of falling, it was a comfort not to fear it anymore.
At dinnertime, I was so happy to be talking about interesting things that I14 to feel homesick.
The next day, I was15 to try ski jumping first, even though I didn't want to. But when my feet left the ground, I felt I was16 and it was wonderful.
Maybe Dad was right when he said “You might17 it if you give it a chance!”
Maybe the kind of18 Mom and Dad were talking about had more to do with my outlook (态度)than my looks. We all19 fitting in and failing when we try20 things. Sometimes you’re got to fall on your face to discover how much you’ve got in common.
1. A. strange B. sad C. nervous D. excited
2. A. speak to B. wait for C. laugh at D. talk about
3. A. try B. dream C. change D. move
4. A. searching for B. returning to C. making up D. arriving at
5. A. story B. fear C. purpose D. fact
6. A. eat B. ask C. relax D. sleep
7. A. carefully B. interestingly C. finally D. quickly
8. A. went out B. gave up C. ran away D. fell down
9. A. walked around B. stood up C. looked back D. stepped over
10. A. shame B. surprise C. pleasure D. regret
11. A. but B. so C. because D. or
12. A. Quietly B. Hopefully C. Unhappily D. Suddenly
13. A. tired B. proud C. certain D. afraid
14. A. failed B. refused C forgot D. stopped
15. A. prepared B. chosen C. protected D. allowed
16. A. flying B. crying C. learning D. dying
17. A. prevent B. trust C. discover D. enjoy
18. A. winning back B. showing off C. growing up D. working out
19. A. catch up B. worry about C. believe in D. point out
20. A. new B. easy C. right D. popular

I climbed Kilimanjaro with Lava Expeditions during the rainy season.
I 1__________ (fly) to Nairobi in Kenya and spent several days there. At my hotel in Nairobi I met the rest of the group with whom I would spend the next week. We all travelled on the bus together for 2__________ 8-hour journey into Tanzania and then Arusha, a quiet town.
After we arrived at our hotel in Arusha, we had dinner and a few drinks. Then we 3__________ (introduce) to more members including TaddeusMinja, the main guide,4__________ was very experienced—climbing Kilimanjaro runs through the generations of 5__________ (he) family.
The next day the Lava Expeditions members checked if we had the correct and enough clothing for our expedition on Kilimanjaro. Only one person needed to bring 6__________ (many) clothes.
After that we set off, 7__________ (walk) in the rain through the beauty of the rainforest, all the way to the first camp. I was happy the next few days as the view was so wonderful and changed every day. I suffered a little during the trip and I felt so tired. But the members of Lava Expeditions provided me with lots of encouragement, which was one of the best 8__________ (memory). Finally we reached the top of Kilimanjaro in bright blue skies.
I felt excited about climbing Kilimanjaro and the feeling didn’t change during my trip. The fellow members of Lava Expeditions looked 9__________ me so well that I was 10__________ (deep) thankful for their help.

假设你是校学生会主席李华,学校将举办一次主题为“How to stay safe during an earthquake”的讲座。请你根据以下提示用英语写一份书面通知。
1. 背景:去年此时该地发生地震,给当地人民造成了一定的损失:部分房屋倒塌,人员被困;部分道路受阻,供水供电中断;死伤人数超过50。
2. 讲座地点:校体育馆
1. 词数80左右;
2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;
3. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
A lecture on how to stay safe during an earthquake is around the comer.
The Students’ Union

1. D 根据该空后的except me和I’ll hate it可知,作者不想去冬令营,然而其他人都很“兴奋(excited)”。故选D。
2. C 根据前半句 I’ll look stupid at winter sports 可知,由于不擅长冬季运动项目,作者害怕别人会“笑话(laugh at)”她。故选C。
3. A 作者的妈妈鼓励作者自己去“尝试(try)”。故选A。
4. D 根据文章首句中的 the coming trip at a winter camp 可知,此处指“到达(arriving at)”营地。故选D。
5. B 根据下一句中的I’m afraid I’ll be homesick可知,大家分享一件“害怕的事(fear)”。故选B。
6. C 作者一开始担心自己会想家,担心会被别人笑话,因此听到别人说想家时,她开始“放心(relax)”了。故选C。
7. A 根据上文中的 I’ll look stupid at winter sports 可知,由于作者不擅长冬季体育运动,因此她“小心翼翼地(carefully)”滑雪。故选 A。
8. D 根据该空前的I still hit a piece of ice可知,作者撞到一块冰上,“摔倒了(fell down)”。故选D。
9. C 根据上一句 Behind me, somebody started laughing 可知,有人在作者身后发出笑声,因此作者“朝身后看去(looked back)”,想知道究竟是谁在笑。故选C。
10. B 根据该空后的 I saw a girl in the same awkward position I was in可知,作者原本以为有人在笑她,然而令她“诧异(surprise)”的是,有一个女孩也摔倒了。故选B。
11. A I thought I’d be bad at this 与 I’m worse than I expected之间为转折关系,故选A。
12. D 女孩所说的话让作者也“突然(Suddenly)”笑了起来。故选D。
13. D 根据上文的描述可知,作者一直“害怕(afraid)”摔倒。故选D。
14. C 根据该空前的 happy to be talking about interesting things可知,作者在晚饭时和别人聊得很开心,以至于“忘了(forgot)”想家。故选 C。
15. B 根据后半句 even though I didn’t want to 可知,作者在第二天被“选中(chosen)”第一个尝试跳台滑雪。故选 B。
16. A 根据该空前的my feet left the ground和该空后的it was wonderful可知,作者感觉自己在“飞翔(flying)”。故选A。
17. D 作者在此体会到跳台滑雪给她带来的乐趣,因此,她认同爸爸说的“你尝试后或许会“喜欢(enjoy)”上它的”。故选D。
18. C 根据上文中的“It’s what growing up is all about,” Dad added可知,作者在此发出关于“成长(growing up)”的感慨。故选C。
19. B 联系全文的语境可知,在成长过程中,当我们尝试“新(new)”事物时,我们都会“担心(worry about)”不适应或是失败,故选B。
20. A 联系全文的语境可知,在成长过程中,当我们尝试“新(new)”事物时,我们都会“担心(worry about)”不适应或是失败。故选A。
1. flew 考查时态。and为并列连词, and后面用了过去式,故此处也用过去式。
2. an 考查冠词。8-hour的读音以元音音素开头,故用an。an 8-hour journey 一次8小时的旅程。
3. were introduced 考查时态和语态。we与introduce之间是被动关系,用被动语态,且表示过去发生的情况,故用were introduced。
4. who 考查定语从句的引导词。分析句子结构可知,此处是定语从句,先行词是TaddeusMinja,从句中缺少主语,故用who。
5. his 考查代词。修饰名词family,用形容词性物主代词。
6. more 考查形容词比较级。句意:只有一个人需要带更多的衣服。
7. walking 考查现在分词作状语。句子的主干是we set off,__________ (walk) in the rain...在句中作状语,此处用现在分词形式。
8. memories 考查名词复数。“one of the+形容词最髙级+可数名词复数”表示“最……的……之一”。
9. after 考查介词。look after意为“照顾”,是固定搭配。
10. deeply 考查形容词变为副词。空格处需用副词修饰形容词 thankful。
One possible version:
A lecture on how to stay safe during an earthquake is around the comer.
A strong earthquake hit our city at this time last year, which caused a big loss. Some houses fell down and some people were trapped under the ruins. Some roads were blocked by stones and bricks. Water and electricity were cut off. The number of people who were killed or seriously injured reached over 50.
In order to improve the ability to protect ourselves in an earthquake, Mr. Li Hui will give us a lecture in the gym of our school on Saturday. The lecture will start at 2 pm and last 2 hours. Everyone in our school is requested to be present on time and listen attentively.
The Students’ Union