中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台
冀教英语四年级下册
Lesson6
Little
Zeke
教学设计
教学目标:
学生能听懂和理解这个简单的故事。
学生能就故事进行提问和回答。
学生能够分角色用自己的语言分角色表演这个故事。
教学重难点
重点
学生能听懂和理解这个简单的故事,并能就故事进行提问和回答。
难点
学生能够用自己的语言分角色表演这个故事。
教学准备:
教学过程:
Step1:Warm-up
Greeting
T:Hello,boys
and
girls!
Welcome
to
English
Class
.
(大家好,欢迎大家来上英语课。)
Lead
in
Okay,class.
Today
,we
will
read
a
story
.
Today
we
will
meet
a
new
friend
,Little
Zeke.
He
is
a
good
little
boy.
let’s
read
the
story
and
find
something
about
him
.(好的,同学们,今天我们将要读一篇故事。今天我们会见到一个新朋友—小齐克。他是一个很好的小男孩。我们一起读故事来了解一下他的事情吧!)
Step2:presentation
1、Prepare
to
read
学生打开课本12页。做阅读前准备工作,先不着急读故事,认真看一下每幅图,了解故事的梗概,同桌间可以讨论。然后回答下列问题:
·How
many
people
can
you
see
in
the
story?
·Who
are
they?
2、Read
the
Story
(1)将故事从头到尾过一遍,帮助学生理解故事情节。
图一,让学生自己阅读,问辅助问题:What
do
you
see
in
the
picture
?
Who
is
Little
Zeke?
(可以让学生通过看图猜不认识的单词的意思,锻炼阅读能力)
图二,What
do
you
see
in
the
picture?问题:Is
Emma
in
front
of
the
boy?
Is
Emma
behind
the
boy
?
Where
is
Emma?(对回答不上来的同学,可以事先复习方位词)
图三,你看到小吉克了吗?辅助问题:Where
is
Zeke?
(学生用方位词回答)Why
do
you
think
Zeke
is
hiding
in
the
desk?
(讲述hide和only这两个词的含义,让学生体会出Zeke的孤独)
图四,我们看看小齐克都做些什么?辅助问题:What
is
Emma
looking
for?
Who
helps
her
find
the
pencil?
图五,咱们接着往下看。辅助问题:What
is
the
teacher
holding?
Who
gave
the
apple
to
her?
图六,班里来了新同学,咱们看看是谁?学生回答:What’s
the
name
of
the
new
girl?
Where
is
she
?
Why
do
you
think
she
is
hiding?
(学生能理解她刚来,没有朋友,很害羞、害怕)
图七,小齐克又做了什么?学生回答:What
is
Zeke
doing
now?
Can
you
guess
what
he
is
writing
on
the
paper?
图八,咱们接着往下看。学生回答:Where
is
Zeke?(重点强调一下in的意义及用法)
图九,咱们接着往下看。学生回答:How
many
friends
does
Zeke
have
now?
Who
are
they?Where
is
Zeke
standing?(重点强调一下between的意义及用法)
串完故事后,开始朗读。教师先慢速把整个故事给同学们读一遍,然后播放录音,让学生跟读,重点词句可反复听。最后再播放一次录音,让学生跟着大声朗读。
(3)分角色朗读:把学生分成小组(4人或5人一组),轮流朗读故事。给学生时间练习,期间教师走动,帮助有困难的同学。
After
Reading
(1)讨论故事并回答:What
does
Little
Zeke
do?
(2)Role
play:把全班分为4人一组(尽量两个男孩,两个女孩)。每个学生担当故事中的一个角色,表演对话。教师可以先找几个同学做示范。给学生足够时间准备,最后各小组可以互相展示他们的故事。
Step3:Consolidation
and
Homework
告诉学生老师喜欢他们的表演。家庭作业是试着用英语把故事读给家长听。
板书设计
Lesson6
Little
Zeke
Who
is
Little
Zeke?
What
does
Little
Zeke
do?
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Prepare
to
read
认真看一下每幅图,了解故事的
梗概,同桌间可以讨论。然后回
答下列问题:
1.
How
many
people
can
you
see
in
the
story?
2.
Who
are
they?
Read
the
Story
What
do
you
see
in
the
picture
?
Who
is
Little
Zeke?
Read
the
Story
Is
Emma
in
front
of
the
boy?
Is
Emma
behind
the
boy
?
Where
is
Emma?
behind
表示“在……后面”,
指外部的后面。
in
front
of
表示在物体范围外的前面,
意为“在……前面”。
beside
表示“在……旁边”,
指外部的旁边。
Read
the
Story
Where
is
Zeke?
hide
:v.藏;
隐蔽;
躲避;
only:adj.仅有的;
唯一的;
Why
do
you
think
Zeke
is
hiding
in
the
desk?
Read
the
Story
What
is
Emma
looking
for?
Who
helps
her
find
the
pencil?
Read
the
Story
What
is
the
teacher
holding?
Who
gave
the
apple
to
her?
Read
the
Story
What’s
the
name
of
the
new
girl?
Where
is
she
?
Why
do
you
think
she
is
hiding?
Read
the
Story
What
is
Zeke
doing
now?
Can
you
guess
what
he
is
writing
on
the
paper?
Read
the
Story
Where
is
Zeke?
in
表示在一个空间的内部,
意为“在……里面”
Read
the
Story
How
many
friends
does
Zeke
have
now?
Who
are
they?
Where
is
Zeke
standing?
between
(介词)在……中间
强调在两者中间。
Read
the
Story
After
Reading
What
does
Little
Zeke
do?
Read
and
talk
每个学生担当故事中的一个角色,
表演对话和动作。
Role
play
After
Reading
谢谢
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