Unit?3?
A?healthy?life
Lead
in
(2分钟)
Watch
a
short
video
and
answer
the
following
question.
Question:
What
harmful
effects
can
you
find
in
the
video?
Reading
Task
1:
Read
for
the
main
idea
of
each
paragragh
(quickly
and
silently)
(3分钟)
_________
The
reason
for
writing
the
letter.
_________
The
harmful
effects
of
smoking.
_________
Grandad’s
healthy
life.
_________
Three
ways
one
becomes
addicted
to
cigarettes.
Task
2:
Read
for
details(carefully
and
loudly)
(10分钟)
people
can
be
addicted
to
cigarettes
in___different
ways
1._________
addicted,
which
means
your
body
becomes
accustomed
to
______.When
you
quit
smoking,
you
feel
bad-tempered
and
even
_______.2.
addicted
through
_____.
3.___________addicted.You
feel
happier
and______________after
smoking.
Harmful
effects
for
smokers
1.do
terrible________
to
your
heart
and
lungs.2.make
you
breathless
and
don't
like
_____
as
much.
Effects
on
others
make
you
smell
______
and
affect
the
health
of
_________.
Task
3:
Let
red
packets
fly!
(5分钟)
What
does
“it”
refer
to
in
the
sentence
“now
you
are
finding
it
difficult
to
give
smoking
up
”?(5points)
A.
smoking.
B.
to
give
smoking
up.
C.
begin
smoking
2.From
the
passage,we
can
learn
James’
grandfather
has
the
following
characteristics
being
________.
(4points)
A.determined
B.energetic
C.responsible
D.out
of
date
Task
4.
Discussion
(22分钟)
Imagine
you
are
James’
grandfather.
Discuss
what
advice
you
will
give
him
in
the
last
paragraph.
Then
write
them
down.
Task
5.Summarize
what
we
have
learned
in
this
class.
(2分钟)
Task
6.Homework(1分钟)
Correct
and
rewrite
your
advice
according
to
others'
suggestions.(共13张PPT)
Unit
Healthy
Life
Lead-in
Watch
a
short
video
and
answer
the
following
question.
What
harmful
effects
can
you
find
in
the
video?
Reading
Advice
from
Grandad
Grandad’s
healthy
life.
The
reason
for
writing
the
letter.
Three
ways
one
becomes
addicted
to
cigarettes.
The
harmful
effects
of
smoking.
Task1:
Read
for
the
main
idea
of
each
paragragh
(quickly
and
silently)
Read
the
first
and
the
last
sentence
for
main
idea
people
can
be
addicted
to
cigarettes
in___different
ways
1._________
addicted,
which
means
your
body
becomes
accustomed
to
______.
When
you
quit
smoking,
you
feel
bad-tempered
and
even
_______.
2.
addicted
through
_____.
3.___________addicted.You
feel
happier
and______________after
smoking.
Harmful
effects
for
smokers
1.do
terrible________
to
your
heart
and
lungs.
2.make
you
breathless
and
don't
like
_____
as
much.
Effects
on
others
make
you
smell
______
and
affect
the
health
of
_________.
physically
habit
non-smokers
terrible
mentally
damage
sport
Task
2:
Read
for
details(carefully
and
loudly)
nicotine
in
pain
more
relaxed
Task
first
second
1.
What
does
“it”
refer
to
in
the
sentence
“now
you
are
finding
it
difficult
to
give
smoking
up
”
?(5points)
A.
smoking.
B.
to
give
smoking
up.
C.
begin
smoking
2.From
the
passage,we
can
learn
James’
grandfather
has
the
following
characteristics
being
________.(4points)
A.determined
B.energetic
C.responsible
D.out
of
date
Task
4.
Discussion
Imagine
you
are
James’
grandfather.
Discuss
what
advice
you
will
give
him
in
the
last
paragraph.
Then
write
them
down.
If
you
wanna
stop
smoking,
make
a
list
of
all
the
benefits.
If
you
wanna
stop
smoking,
you
should
have
a
strong
will.
When
you
feel
eager
to
smoke,
you
think
about
the
damage
of
smoking.
If
you
wanna
stop
smoking,
you
can
develop
new
habits
like
listening
to
music,
reading
novels.
Hope
you
succeed
in
the
end!
Task
5.Summarize
what
we
have
learned
in
this
class.
Task
6.Homework
Correct
and
rewrite
your
advice
according
to
others'
suggestions.
May
everyone
here
have
a
healthy
life!Unit
Advice
from
Grandad
(reading)
教学内容与解析
本课以Healthy
Life为主题,课文主要通过爷爷分享他自己保持健康的奥秘,并分析了他孙子染上抽烟陋习的原因等,说明抽烟的危害性,告诫他孙子如何摒弃恶习、怎样成为健康的孩子。其中涉及许多社会热点话题,如抽烟
、吸毒,学习与工作压力等影响健康的棘手问题。
本课阅读结合学生实际,主要让学生展开对健康生活话题的深刻认识和进一步讨论,激发他们要让自己的生活过得更健康和多姿多彩的强烈愿望,引导他们今后该如何充实每一天。以多媒体教学系统、互联网搜索的应用为辅助手段,使学生接受更深刻的教育,并坚定自己过好健康生活的决心。
二、教学目标
学生通过本节课的学习,最后做到以下几点:
掌握与吸烟有关的词汇;(知识)
学到相应的阅读和写作技巧:skimming,
scanning,
read
for
details,
read
for
the
main
idea;如何写建议信(能力与方法)
坚信戒烟的必要性以及健康生活的重要性。(情感与价值观)
三、教学方法
本节课的教学主要采用任务型教学法(The
Task-based
Teaching
Method)。例如,学生带着问题去看导入视频,带着问题去阅读课文,等等。
四、学情分析
学生对本节课话题-戒烟比较熟悉,也已经学习了一部分相关的词汇;但他们还不太了解如何劝别人放弃吸烟,这也是本节课的重点知识。
教学重难点
教学重点:培养学生的阅读技巧:skimming,
scanning,
read
for
details,
read
for
the
main
idea.
教学难点:教师引导学生学会给别人写建议,并且形成书面文字。
六、教学过程设计
Lead
in
(2分钟)
Watch
a
short
video
and
answer
the
following
question.
This
step
is
to
lead
the
students
to
the
topic
of
this
passage
――
Advice
from
Grandad
Question:
What
harmful
effects
can
you
find
in
the
video?
双边活动:
老师:播放视频,引导学生回答问题并对学生的回答做出反馈。
学生:观看视频并在视频结束后回答问题。
Task
1:
Read
for
the
main
idea
of
each
paragragh
(quickly
and
silently)
(3分钟)
_________
The
reason
for
writing
the
letter.
_________
The
harmful
effects
of
smoking.
_________
Grandad’s
healthy
life.
_________
Three
ways
one
becomes
addicted
to
cigarettes.
双边活动:
老师:说阅读指令,若学生不明白给与相应示范;向学生展示阅读技巧;对学生的回答做出反馈,并在学生大声朗读时将段落大意的关键词写到黑板上。
学生:默读课文,然后将主旨大意进行排序;最后大声朗读段落大意来加深印象。
Task
2:
Read
for
details(carefully
and
loudly)
(10分钟)
people
can
be
addicted
to
cigarettes
in___different
ways
1._________
addicted,
which
means
your
body
becomes
accustomed
to
______.When
you
quit
smoking,
you
feel
bad-tempered
and
even
_______.2.
addicted
through
_____.
3.___________addicted.You
feel
happier
and______________after
smoking.
Harmful
effects
for
smokers
1.do
terrible________
to
your
heart
and
lungs.2.make
you
breathless
and
don't
like
_____
as
much.
Effects
on
others
make
you
smell
______
and
affect
the
health
of
_________.
双边活动:
老师:说阅读指令,引导学生回答问题并对学生的回答做出反馈;提问问题,引导学生思考如何戒烟并将要点板书到黑板上,为后面的写作做好准备。
学生:大声朗读课文并回答问题;在教师的引导下思考如何戒烟。
Task
3:
Let
red
packets
fly!
(5分钟)
What
does
“it”
refer
to
in
the
sentence
“now
you
are
finding
it
difficult
to
give
smoking
up
”?(5points)
A.
smoking.
B.
to
give
smoking
up.
C.
begin
smoking
2.From
the
passage,we
can
learn
James’
grandfather
has
the
following
characteristics
being
________.
(4points)
A.determined
B.energetic
C.responsible
D.out
of
date
双边活动:
老师:说指令,引导学生回答问题并对学生的回答做出反馈;并将重点句型板书到黑板上。
学生:选择红包,思考然后回答问题。
Task
4.
Discussion
(22分钟)
Imagine
you
are
James’
grandfather.
Discuss
what
advice
you
will
give
him
in
the
last
paragraph.
Then
write
them
down.
双边活动:
老师:说讨论环节的指令与要求。在学生小组讨论时,来回巡视,给学生提供及时的帮助;在成果展示环节,对学生作品给与相应的反馈与评价。最后教师以唱歌的形式展示个人对戒烟的建议。
学生:积极参与小组讨论,并选择一人将讨论内容形成书面文字。在老师唱歌时给老师打拍子,最后和老师一起唱歌。
戒烟歌:(2分钟)
If
you
wanna
stop
smoking,
make
a
list
of
all
the
benefits.
If
you
wanna
stop
smoking,
you
should
have
a
strong
will.
When
you
feel
eager
to
smoke,
you
think
about
the
damage
of
smoking.
If
you
wanna
stop
smoking,
you
can
develop
new
habits
like
listening
to
music,
reading
novels.
Hope
you
succeed
in
the
end!
Task
5.Summarize
what
we
have
learned
in
this
class.
(2分钟)
双边活动:
老师:引导学生一步步地回忆本节课内容,并将关键词板书到黑板上,最后生成思维导图。
学生:在教师引导下积极回忆本节课内容。
Task
6.Homework(1分钟)
Correct
and
rewrite
your
advice
according
to
others'
suggestions.
七、板书设计