Unit
Canada
—
“The
True
North”
《新课标英语词汇3500+1500
高中版》链接表
multicultural
?
P288
quiz
?
P358
Canadian
?
P64
Vancouver
?
Toronto
?
Calgary
?
Ottawa
?
beaver
?
grizzly
?
polar
?
P336
penguin
?
P327
prime
?
P346
minister
?
P280
prime
minister
?
governor
?
rather
than
?
P361
continent
?
P95
baggage
?
P38
chat
?
P73
scenery
?
P391
eastward
?
P139
westward
?
P492
upward
?
P478
surround
?
P441
the
Rocky
Mountains
?
harbour
?
P207
measure
?
P275
aboard
?
P2
settle
down
P401
manage
to
do
?
P270
catch
sight
of
?
P409
eagle
?
P138
stampede
?
cowboy
?
P102
have
a
gift
for
?
within
?
P498
border
?
P52
slight
?
P414
slightly
?
P414
acre
?
P7
urban
?
P478
Thunder
Bay
Lake
Superior
?
location
?
P261
the
Vatican
City
State
?
topic
?
P462
mix
?
P282
mixture
?
P282
bush
?
P60
maple
?
P270
frost
?
P186
confirm
?
P90
wealthy
?
P490
distance
?
P128
in
the
distance
?
P128
mist
?
P282
misty
?
P282
Niagara
?
schoolmate
?
P392
booth
?
P52
downtown
P132
pearl
?
P326
Cantonese
?
approximately
?
P27
dawn
?
P110
workplace
?
P500
buffet
?
P58
broad
?
P58
St
Lawrence
?
nearby
?
P293
tradition
?
P464
terrify
?
P451
terrified
?
P451
pleased
?
P334
impress
?
P226
impressive
?
P226
Unit
词汇同步练习
一、根据汉语提示写单词或词组
1.
测验
2.
海港
3.
在船、飞机上
4.
鹰
5.
英亩
6.
灌木(丛)
7.
枫树
8.
霜
9.
薄雾
10.
市区的
11.
宽阔的
12.
首相;丞相
.
二、将下列单词与其相应的释义连起来
1.
scenery
a.
the
time
at
the
beginning
of
the
day
when
light
first
appears
2.
schoolmate
b.
a
meal
set
out
on
a
table
at
which
guests
help
themselves
3.
booth
c.
a
view
that
you
can
see
in
a
picture
or
from
the
place
where
you
are
4.
approximately
d.
someone
who
goes
to
the
same
school
as
you
5.
dawn
e.
a
small
area
set
off
by
walls
for
special
use
6.
buffet
f.
not
far
away
7.
nearby
g.
nearly
8.
downtown
h.
in
or
near
the
business
or
shopping
center
of
a
city
三、根据首字母提示和句意写出单词的正确形式
1.
There
are
seven?c
in
the
world.
2.
Most
passengers
had
already
checked
in
their?b
.
3.
The
house
is?s
by
trees.
4.
Soldiers?had?closed?the?b
?between?the?two?countries.?
(?javascript:void(0);?)
5.
Oil
and
water
don’t?m
.
6.
The
weather
is
a
common?t
?of
conversation
in
Britain.?
7.
It’s?too?noisy?here;?let’s?find?a?quieter?place?to?c
.?
8.
X-rays
have?c
?that
he
has
not
broken
any?bones.
9.
w
businessman
came
to
our
rescue
with
a
generous
donation.
10.
The
children
rushed
out
of
school
gate;
some
wandered
e____________
and
some
w____________.
11.
She
gave
him
a
quick,
u____________
look,
then
lowered
her
eyes.
四、在空白处填入括号内单词的正确形式
1.
The
world
seems
smaller
and?
(distant)?doesn’t
matter.?
2.
This
one
is?
(slight)?easier.?
3.
was
really?
(please)?to
see
her
again
after
all
this
time.
4.
Mary
has
carried
on
the
family?
(traditional)?of
giving
away
plants.
5.
It
is
a?
(mix)?of
water
and
sugar
and
salt.
6.
The
film’s
special
effects
are
particularly?
(impress).?
7.
He
was?
(terrify)?of
heights.?
8.
We
started
in
the
_________________
(mist)
early
morning,
dressed
in
layers,
carrying
light
packs
and
plenty
of
water.
五、根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子
1.
It’s
hard
to
(静下心来工作)
after
a
nice
holiday.
2.
Keep
looking
up,
and
you
may
____________________________
(看到)
some
unexpected
creatures.
3.
Caroline
doesn’t
(没有音乐天赋)
,
but
she
makes
up
for
it
with
hard
work.
4.
can
see
the
bus
coming
(在远处).
六、汉译英
1.
公园离我家只有几步之遥。(within
walking
distance)
_______________________________________________?
2.
这些鞋谈不上漂亮,但穿起来很舒服。(rather
than)?
_______________________________________________?
3.
需要采取强有力的措施来降低成本。(measure)
_______________________________________________?
4.
我们终于赶上了末班公交车。(manage)
_______________________________________________?
参考答案
一、
1.
quiz
2.
harbour
3.
aboard
4.
eagle
5.
acre
6.
bush
7.
maple
8.
frost
9.
mist
10.
downtown
11.
broad
12.
prime
minister
二、
1.
c
2.
d
3.
e
4.
g
5.
a
6.
b
7.
f
8.
h
三、
1.
continents
2.
baggage
3.
surrounded
4.
border
?5.
mix
6.
topic?
7.
chat
8.
confirmed?
9.
wealthy
10.
eastward;
westward
11.
upward
四、
1.
distance?
2.
slightly?
3.
pleased?
4.
tradition?
5.
mixture?
6.
impressive
7.
terrified?
8.
misty
五、
1.
settle
down
to
work
2.
catch?sight?of?
3.
have
a
gift
for
music
4.
in
the
distance
六、
1.
The
park
is
within
walking
distance
of
my
house.
2.
These
shoes
are
comfortable
rather
than
pretty.?
3.
Stronger
measures
need
to
be
taken
to
decrease
the
cost.?
4.
We
managed
to
catch
the
last
bus.?