(共15张PPT)
Unit
Did
You
Have
a
Nice
Trip?
Lesson
Gift
for
Little
Zeke
Let’s
listen.
Where
does
Little
Zeke
live?
Where
does
Little
Zeke
sleep?
He
lives
in
Emma’s
desk.
He
sleeps
in
Emma’s
sock
Who
gives
Little
Zeke
breakfast?
What
are
they?
Tess.
hamburger
and
some
milk.
In
the
evening,
Little
Zeke
feels
sad.
Why?
Emma’s
class
had
a
party.
Mrs.
Jones
had
gifts
for
everyone.
But
there
was
no
gifts
for
Little
Zeke.
What
are
Mrs.
Jones’
gifts?
Tom
Emma
Tess
a
red
ball
crayons
a
book
What
did
Little
Zeke
do?
Why?
Why
didn’t
Mrs.
Jones
give
him
a
gift?
He
watched
Mrs.
Jones.
Because
he
wanted
a
gift,
too.
Because
Mrs.
Jones
didn’t
know
him.
He
didn’t
talk
to
Mrs.
Jones.
How
did
Little
Zeke
make
Mrs.
Jones
know
him?
What
did
he
write?
He
wrote
a
letter
to
Mrs.
Jones.
Hi!
I’m
Little
Zeke.
live
in
Emma’s
desk.
Did
Little
Zeke
get
a
gift?
What
is
it?
Yes,
he
did.
It
is
a
little
bed.
How
does
Little
Zeke
feel?
Will
he
say
time
for
sock?
He
feels
very
happy.
No,
he
won’t.
He
will
say
“Time
for
bed”.
What
will
happen
the
next
day?
Let’s
imitate.
Retell
this
story.
Friendship
is
love
with
understanding.
友谊是爱加上理解。
谢谢
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