高中英语人教版(2019)必修三 Unit 4 Space Exploration学案


名称 高中英语人教版(2019)必修三 Unit 4 Space Exploration学案
格式 docx
文件大小 78.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-02-24 19:41:07



必修三 Unit 4 Space Exploration
1. 掌握并熟练运用本单元核心词汇和短语;
2. 掌握动词不定式的用法;
3. 运用本课的写作技巧完成应用文写作。
Reading and Thinking

determine vt. 查明;确定;决定
The investigation will determine what really happened.
I determined that I would ask him outright.
determinate 确定的
determined 有决心的;意志坚定的
terminal 终点;终端
termination 终止,结束
decide, determine, resolve, settle 这些动词都含"决定"之意。
decide : 侧重指经过思考、比较、讨论或询问之后做出的决定。
determine : 指经过深思熟虑,决心去做某事并坚持施行。
resolve : 语气较强,强调以坚定不移的信念去做或不做某事,暗含有远大抱负和坚强决心。
settle : 指排除犹豫、怀疑和争论之后作出明确的最终结论。
disappointed adj. 失望的;沮丧的
When things go wrong, all of us naturally feel disappointed and frustrated.
She will be disappointed if her feelings are not returned.
disappointing 令人失望的;令人扫兴的
disappointedly 失望地
disappointingly 令人失望地
disappointment 失望;沮丧
disappointing 令人失望
disappoint 使失望
carry on 继续做;坚持干
They will carry on their negotiations next week.
Her bravery has given him the will to carry on with his life and his work.
carry on, go on 和
In spite of so many problems, the engineers are going to carry on with the project.
Paul was calm and carried on working as if nothing had happened.
We’ll stop here for today and go on with the discussion tomorrow.
Let’s go on learning the lesson.
The company is going to keep on with its advertising campaign.
If you keep on studying hard, you’ll succeed.
(2)carry on和go on还可以作不及物动词短语单独使用,而keep on一般不这样用。
Please carry on as usual when I’m away.
The boys went on and the girls were left behind to wait for a bus.
(3)go on还可以接不定式,表示“接着做与原来不同的事情”,而carry on和keep on则没有这种用法。
After presenting the theory, the teacher went on to give the students some concrete examples.
independently adv. 独立地;自立地
The enquiry must be independently conducted.
You are able to find out a lot of information on your own, independently.
independent 独立的;单独的
independent 独立自主者;无党派者
independence 独立性;自主

However, some scientists were determined to help humans realise their dream to explore space.
Afterwards, the USSR focused on sending people into space, and on 12 April 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first person in the world to go into space.
More recently, China has sent Chang’e 4 to explore the surface of the far side of the moon to make measurements and observations.
1. 被修饰的词被first, last, only或最高级修饰;且与不定式有主动关系。
Jim is the only one to win a medal in horse shooting.
He was the first guest to arrive.
2. 动词不定式和被修饰词构成被动关系。如不定式中的动词为不及物动词,其后应加介词。
Maria is a pleasant person to work with.
Jazz is exciting music to listen to.
The Browns have a comfortable house to live in.
3. decision, wish, chance, promise, plan, time, attempt, effort, right, ability, patience后用不定式作定语,说明名词的内容。
He doesn’t have the ability to pay.
We made a plan to set up a club for car fans.
(1)so as to 不位于句首
only to do
so/such ... as to do sth. 如此……以至于做某事
enough to do sth. 足够……能做某事
too... to do sth. 太……而不能做某事
be +glad/sad/happy/sorry/pleased/surprised/disappointed/
delighted/shocked + to do sth.
to tell you the truth 说实话 to be honest 诚实地说
to be frank 坦诚地说 to sum up 总之
to begin with 首先 to start with 首先
to put it briefly 简言之 to be sure/certain 的确,毫无疑问
to make matters/things worse 更糟糕的是
to put it another way 换句话说 needless to say 不用说
to make a long story short 长话短说
To free ourselves from the physical and mental tension, we each need deep thought and inner quietness。
Simon made a big bamboo box to keep the little sick bird till it could fly.
She raised her voice so as to make herself heard.
We hurried to the station only to be told that the train had let.
The husband left his wife, never to return.
She was surprised to see George walk in.
I’m ashamed to have to trouble you.
I have never seen such a person, to tell you the truth.
To put it another way, she was sweet-tempered.
1. Bank was the first ________ (move) crops from one continent to another on a large scale, helping to develop local economies with these new imports.
2. Volunteering gives you a chance ________ (change) lives, including your own.
3. ________ (make) it easier to get in touch with us, you’d better keep this card at hand.
4. The old man sat in front of the television every evening, happy ________ (watch) anything that happened to be on.
5. Anxiously, she took the dress out of the package and tried it on, only ________ (find) it didn’t fit.
6. For 25 days, she never left her baby, not even to find something ________ (eat)!
7. ________ the early flight, we ordered a taxi in advance and got up very early.
A. Catching B. Caught C. To catch D. Catch
8. Sometimes I act as a listening ear for fellow students ________ what is bothering them.
A. to talk over B. talked over C. talk over D. having talked over
9. The idea “happiness”, ________, will not sit still for easy definition.
A. to be rigid B. to be sure C. to be perfect D. to be fair

1. to move 2. to change 3. To make 4. to watch
5. to find 6. to eat 7. C 8. A 9. B

Reading for writing
argue vt.&vi. 论证;争辩;争论
I don’t think many people would argue with that.
Do what you are told and don't argue with me.
argue, quarrel, debate, dispute, discuss这些动词均含"辩论,争论,说理"之意。
argue : 指提出理由或证据为自己或自己一方的看法或立场辩护,着重说理、论证和企图说服。
quarrel : 指两人之间或两个团体之间不友好的、吵吵嚷嚷地大声争论某事,尤指"吵嘴、吵架"。
debate : 侧重指意见等对立的双方之间正式或公开的争辩。
dispute: 侧重对分歧进行激烈或热烈的争论或争辩,带一定感彩,常隐含"各持已见"或"争论不休"意味。
discuss : 最常用词,指就某一或某些问题表明观点、看法等,以便统一认识,解决问题。
as a result 所以;结果(是)
As a result, the discussion was put off until the following week.
He fell off the bike and hurt his leg yesterday. As a result he had to be away from school for two or three months.
【辨析】as a result 和 as a result of
as a result为副词用法,意为“所以;结果(是)”,强调事情引起的结果。
as a result of短语介词,意为“由于;作为……的结果”,后跟名词、代词等,强调原因。
The train was delayed as a result of the heavy rain.
He got up very late today. As a result, he missed the first bus.
resource n. 资源;财力;物力
Water is becoming an increasingly precious resource.
There's a great shortage of resource materials in many schools.
human resource 人力资源
resource management 资源管理
water resource 水资源
resource allocation 资源分配
natural resource 自然资源
land resource 土地资源
resource utilization 资源利用,资源运用;资源运用性
energy resource n. 能源;动力资源
renewable resource 可再生资源
limited adj. 有限的
They displayed only a part of their products because space was limited.
How will you use the limited time you have?
limitless 无限制的;无界限的
limiting 限制的;限制性的
limit 限制;限度;界线
limit 限制;限定
Dear Tom,
Li Hua
have a discussion on, on the one hand, worthwhile, far away from, solve the problems, on the other hand, be worthy to be done, as well as, besides, energy shortages
① 最近,我们班的同学就太空是否值得探索进行了一次讨论。
(have a discussion on)
② 一方面,我们有30%的同学认为,太空探索不值得。
(on the one hand, worthwhile)
③ 他们认为,太空离我们和我们的生活太远。
(far away from)
④ 而且太空探索会耗费大量的金钱,这些钱可以用来解决像饥饿和污染之类的问题。
(solve the problems)
⑤ 而另一方面,70%的同学认为太空值得探索。
(on the other hand, be worthy to be done)
⑥ 我们都知道,卫星被用于通信,也被用于预报天气,这使得我们的生活更加便利。
(as well as)
⑦ 此外,如果在其他星球上发现资源,我们地球上能源短缺的问题就能得到解决。
(besides, energy shortages)
① Recently, students in our class have had a discussion on whether space is worth exploring.
② On the one hand, 30% of us think that space exploration is not worthwhile.
③ They think space is too far away from us and our daily life.
④ And space exploration will waste a lot of money, which can be used to solve the problems such as starvation and pollution.
⑤ On the other hand, 70 think space is worthy to be explored.
⑥ As we all know, satellites have been used for weather forecasts as well as communication, which makes our life more convenient.
⑦ Besides, if resources are found on other planets, the poblem of energy shortages on our earth can be solved.
Dear Tom,
How’s everything going? Recently, students in our class have had a discussion on whether space is worth exploring.
On the one hand, 30% of us think that space exploration is not worthwhile. They think space is too far away from us and our daily life. And space exploration will waste a lot of money, which can be used to solve the problems such as starvation and pollution. On the other hand, 70% think space is worthy to be explored. As we all know, satellites have been used for weather forecasts as well as communication, which makes our life more convenient. Besides, if resources are found on other planets, the problem of energy shortages on our earth can be solved.
What about your opinion? Looking forward to your early reply.
Li Hua