(共33张PPT)
read
and
write
Unit1
How
tall
are
you?
人教PEP六年级下册
>>Let's
enjoy
taller
longer
stronger
young
thin
old
small
funnier
thinner
funny
heavy
bigger
younger
long
heavier
tall
older
big
smaller
strong
消消乐:只能消除同一单词的比较级和原形,点击单词。
___is
taller/heavier...
than___
>>PK看谁造句多
We
have
many
from
the
baby
to
grow
older.
taller
and
taller
heavier
and
heavier
stronger
and
stronger
changes
changes
改变
grow
成长
+
+
=
形容词
比较级
形容词
比较级
and
越来越……
The
sun
is
brighter.
晴朗的
灿烂的
>>Spring
is
coming.
There
are
many
changes,
too.
The
sky
is
clearer.
>>Lead
in
>>Look
and
tick
Spring
is
coming!
The
sky
is
clearer
and
the
sun
is
brighter.
Can
you
think
of
any
other
changes?
The
trees
are
greener.
The
weather
is
warmer.
Spring
is
a
good
time
to
go
on
a
trip.
Wu
Yifan
and
his
family
are
going
on
a
trip
to
the
countryside.
去旅行
乡下
Tips:
go
on
a
trip——旅行、进行一次旅行
countryside——乡村
Can
you
find
shadows
around
you
?
Whose
shadows
are
these
?
>>Guess
Today
,we’ll
enjoy
a
story
about
shadow
,guess,
whose
shadow
is
it
?
A.
Little
duck’s
shadow
B.
Old
tree’s
shadow.
Wu
Yifan
has
a
story
to
tell
Robin.
Read
this
story
quickly
and
try
to
find
“whose
shadow
is
it?”
The
story
is
about
…
A.
Little
duck’s
shadow
B.
Old
tree’s
shadow.
What's
little
duck
doing
?
>>Read
para.1
When
is
the
duck's
shadow
longer?
A.In
the
morning
B.In
the
afternoon
go
down
下降
afternoon
(
)1.
The
duck’s
shadow
is
getting
lower
and
lower
.
(
)2.The
sun
is
going
up.
True
or
false
longer
longer
down
Read
para.2
What’s
little
duck’s
question
?
小鸭子的问题是什么?
Who
did
little
duck
ask
?
它请教谁这个问题?
Who
is
younger
?
???
smarter
更聪明的
Who
is
younger?
A.The
tree
B.The
duck
Who
question
What's
old
tree's
answer
?
Read
para.3
easy
容易的
Can
you
answer
the
little
Duck's
question,
Robin?
Do
you
agree
with
old
tree
?
Why
?
>>Let's
do
!
The
sun
angle
is
getting
smaller
and
smaller
,the
shadow
is
getting
longer
and
longer
.
sun
angle
Little
Duck’s
shadow
>>Watch
and
imitate
Please
circle
the
words
with
“er”.
Little
Duck’s
shadow
Read
the
story
again
and
finish
the
dialogue.
Little
Duck:
Old
tree,
the
sun
gets
,
but
my
shadow
gets
.
Why
?
Old
Tree:
That’s
easy.
Your
shadow
gets
longer
because
you
are
getting
and
growing
every
day.
Little
Duck:
So
what
will
happen
to
me
?
Old
Tree:
Well,…
longer
and
longer
older
taller
lower
and
lower
I'm
getting___________(because__________).
I'm
becoming
________________.
...
I'm
___________________
because_____________.
I'm
becoming
________________.
...
better
and
better
stronger
and
stronger
more
and
more
beautiful/
handsome
...
Talk
about
yourself.(谈论一下你自己吧!)
>>
Practice
>>
Practice
Zhang
Peng
is
heavier
now.
Mike’s
hair
is
longer
now.
An
elephant
is
usually
taller
than
a
bus.
Let’s
check
>>
Practice
>>Summary
lower
and
lower
shadow
影子
easy
容易的
go
down
下降
越来越低
smarter
更聪明
longer
and
longer
越来越长
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Pep六下Unit1
How
tall
are
you?
read
and
write教学设计
课题
read
and
write
单元
Unit6
In
a
nature
park
学科
English
年级
六
学习目标
1.能听、说、认读单词:countryside,lower,shadow,smarter,become。2.能读懂小短文,并能完成相应的练习。
重点
能理解小短文内容的意思。
难点
能了解影子变化的真正原因。
教学过程
教学环节
教师活动
学生活动
设计意图
导入新课
1.Let’s
chant:My
small
cat.2.Game:消消乐。复习形容词比较级tall/taller...3.PK看谁造句多___is
taller/heavier...
than___
边听边唱做游戏说句子
复习旧知,为学生学习新知及语言的输出做铺垫。
讲授新课
Lead
inWe
have
many
changes
from
the
baby
to
grow
older.Spring
is
coming.
There
are
many
changes,
too.The
sun
is
brighter.
The
sky
is
clearer.1.Look
and
tick.Wu
Yifan
and
his
family
are
going
on
a
trip
to
the
countryside.
Guess2.Wu
Yifan
has
a
story
to
tell
Robin.Today
,we’ll
enjoy
a
story
about
shadow
,guess,
whose
shadow
is
it
?A.
Little
duck’s
shadow
B.
Old
tree’s
shadow.Read
this
story
quickly
and
try
to
find
“whose
shadow
is
it?”3.Read
para.1①What's
little
duck
doing
?It’s
watching
the
sun
go
down.②When
is
the
duck's
shadow
longer?A.In
the
morning
B.In
the
afternoonTrue
or
false
4.Read
para.2①What’s
little
duck’s
question
?小鸭子的问题是什么?②Who
did
little
duck
ask
?它请教谁这个问题?③Who
is
younger
?5.Read
para.3:What's
old
tree's
answer
?6.Let’s
do.7.Watch
and
imitate.
看图看文本圈出答案看文本选择答案读文本回答问题看文本选择说一说看视频
学生带着问题,进行了分步的有意义的视听,并在情景中对核心句型进行了认读、练习、和迁移的练习,让学生真正能够理解、学习、操练运用此语言点。
1.Please
circle
the
words
with
“er”.2.Read
the
story
again
and
finish
the
dialogue.3.Talk
about
yourself.(谈论一下你自己吧!)4.Let’s
check.5.Let’s
wrap
it
up.
圈出单词完成对话说一说听音选择总结
训练学生的听,让学生去听地道的英语发音。在听与模仿这个输入过程后,让学生去自己读,查漏补缺,正确输出。
Unit
How
tall
are
you?Part
Read
and
write++=When
the
sun
gets
higher,
the
shadow
gets
shorter.
When
the
sun
gets
lower,
the
shadow
gets
longer.
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Pep六下Unit1
How
tall
are
you?B
read
and
write同步练习
一、听内容与图片是否一致。一致填“T”。不一致的填“F”。
(
)
(
)
(
)
(
)
(
)
二、单项选择。
(
??)1.I’m
two
years
_______
than
you.
A.young
B.shorter
C.younger
(
??)2.My
hair
is
________
yours.
A.short
than
???B.shorter
than
?????C.than
shorter
(
??)3.How
big
_______
your
feet?
A.is
B.are
C.it
(
??)4.My
sister
is
________,
but
she
is
_______
than
my
father.
?
A.tall,
short
????????B.taller,
shorter
??????C.tall,
shorter.
(
??)5.
—_________
is
it?—It’s
five
tons.
A.How
heavy
??????B.How
tall
????????C.How
old
二、填空。
1.The
red
ruler
is
cm.
The
yellow
ruler
is
cm.
The
yellow
ruler
is____than
the
red
ruler.
2.I
am
1.6
m
tall.
He
is
1.7
m
tall.
He
is
____than
me.
3.Zhang
Peng
is
years
old.
Amy
is
years
old.
Amy
is____
than
Zhang
Peng.
4.Sarah’s
mother
is
years
old.
John’s
father
is
years
old.
Sarah’s
mother
is
____than
John’s
father.
5.Lucy
is
kg.
Lily
is
kg.
Lily
is
____than
Lucy.
参考答案
一、
1.F
2.T
3.F
4.F
5.T
二、
1.C
2.B
3.B
4.C
5.A
三、
1.shorter
2.taller
3.older
4.younger
5.heavier
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