中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台
Unit
Great
people
Comic
strip
&
Welcome
to
the
unit
设计说明
首先让学生自由说出自己知道的历史伟人的名字,并简要介绍,迅速导入新课。通过呈现六位伟人的照片,并对伟人进行介绍,使学生了解更多关于伟人的情况;然后通过在图片下方写出单词、信息匹配等活动进一步加深学生对伟人们的了解。接着让学生运用已学的知识谈论自己钦佩的伟人,并对学生进行适当的引导,使其思想得到一定的升华。最后对Comic
strip部分进行处理,在比较轻松的氛围中结束本节课的学习。
教学目标
通过本课节的教学,让学生达成以下目标:
1.知识目标
掌握词汇:inventor,
invent,
South
African,
fighter,
invention,
European,
Russian
掌握本课节重点句子:
(1)
Who
do
you
think
is
the
greatest
person
in
history?
(2)
I’ve
never
heard
of
him.
2.能力目标
(1)
认识并了解一些有关伟人的词汇;
(2)
能够谈论历史上的伟人。
3.情感目标
激励学生以伟人为榜样,努力学习,立志为国家和世界做出贡献。
重点难点
1.重点:用恰当的词汇和表达描述伟人。
2.难点:区分辨识六位伟人所具有的品质。
教学准备
授课时数
1课时
教学过程
Step
Lead-in
Ask
students
to
have
a
free
talk.
Great
people
have
made
great
contributions
(贡献)
to
society
and
have
changed
the
way
we
live.
Question:
Who
do
you
think
is
the
greatest
person?
Step
Presentation
Show
the
pictures
of
the
six
great
people.
Introduce
the
names
and
something
about
them.
1.William
Shakespeare
a
writer
English,
a
great
writer
of
English
literature
威廉·莎士比亚(William
Shakespeare,
1564—1616)
是欧洲文艺复兴时期英国最重要的作家之一,也是杰出的戏剧家和诗人,他创作了大量脍炙人口的文学作品,在欧洲文学史上占有特殊的地位,被喻为“人类文学奥林匹斯山上的宙斯”。他亦跟“古希腊三大悲剧家”埃斯
库罗斯(Aeschylus)、索福克里斯
(Sophocles)及欧里庇得斯(Euripides)合称为“戏剧史上四大悲剧家”。
2.Christopher
Columbus
an
explorer
Italian,
one
of
the
first
Europeans
to
discover
America
克里斯托弗·哥伦布(1452.9.22—1506.
5.20),意大利航海家、探险家。出生于中世纪的热那亚共和国(今意大利西北部),卒于西班牙巴利亚多利德。一生从事航海活动。他相信“大地球形说”,认为从欧洲向西航行可到达东方的印度。在西班牙女王的鼎力支持下,先后4次出海远航。开辟了横渡大西洋
到美洲的航路。
explorer
n.
探险者;考察者
Italian
n.
意大利人
European
n.
欧洲人
3.Qian
Xuesen
a
scientist
Chinese,
the
pioneer
of
China’s
space
technology
programme
钱学森(1911.12.11—2009.10.31),汉族,生于上海,祖籍浙江省杭州市。世界著名科学家,空气动力学家,中国载人航天奠基人,中国科学院及中国工程院院士,中国两弹一星功勋奖章获得者,被誉为“中国航天之父”“中国导弹之父”“中国自动化控制之父”和“火箭之王”。由于钱学森回国效力,中
国导弹、原子弹的发射向前推进了至少
20年。
4.Thomas
Edison
an
inventor
American,
created
over
1,000
inventions
托马斯·阿尔瓦·爱迪生(Thomas
Alva
Edison),1847年2月11日出生于美国俄亥俄州米兰镇,是著名的发明家、物理学家和企业家。爱迪生创造了一千多项发明。他是人类历史上第一个利用大量生产原则和电气工程研究的实验室来进行发明从而对世界产生深远影响的人。爱迪生是技术历
史上著名的天才之一。其中爱迪生最伟
大的四大发明是留声机、电灯、电力系统和有声电影,它们丰富和改善了人类的文明生活。
invent
vt.
发明
inventor
n.
发明者;
发明家
invention
n.
发明;创意
动词变名词(人)常见的有:
①+er:runner,
swimmer,
shopper,
②+or:visitor,
survivor,
actor,
director,
collector
③+ist:artist,
pianist,
scientist
5.Nelson
Mandela
a
president
South
African,
a
fighter
for
the
rights
of
black
Africans
all
his
life
纳尔逊·罗利赫拉赫拉·曼德拉(Nelson
Rolihlahla
Mandela)
1918年7月18日出生于南非特兰斯凯,于1994年至1999年间任南非总统,是南非首位黑人总统,被尊称为“南非国父”。曼德拉获得了一百多项奖项,其中最著名的是1993年的诺贝尔和平奖。2004年,其被选为“最伟大的南非人”。
6.Peter
Tchaikovsky
a
composer
Russian,
a
composer
of
classical
music
柴可夫斯基(Peter
Lynch
Tchaikovsky,
1840—1893),十九世纪伟大的俄罗斯作曲家、音乐教育家,被誉为伟大的“俄罗斯音乐大师”。他的作品反映了沙皇专制统治下的俄罗斯广大知识阶层的苦闷心理和对幸福美满生活的深切渴望,着力揭示人们的内心矛盾,充满强烈的戏剧冲突和炽热的感
彩。代表作品有:第四、第五、第六(悲怆)交响曲,歌剧《叶甫根尼·奥涅金》、《黑桃皇后》,舞剧《天鹅湖》、《睡美人》、《胡桃夹子》等。
Step
Practice
1.
Ask
students
to
write
the
correct
word
under
each
picture.
Then,
check
the
answers
together.
Mr
Wu
is
showing
the
Class
1,
Grade
students
the
pictures
of
some
famous
people.
Help
the
students
write
the
correct
word
under
each
picture.
Answers:
inventor
explorer
writer
president
scientist
composer
2.
Ask
students
to
match
the
names
with
the
information.
Mr.
Wu
is
telling
the
students
about
the
famous
people
in
Part
A.
Help
the
students
match
the
names
on
the
left
with
the
correct
information
on
the
right.
Write
the
letters
in
the
blanks.
Christopher
Columbus
______
a
Chinese,
the
pioneer
of
China’s
space
technology
programme
William
Shakespeare
______
b
South
African,
a
fighter
for
the
rights
of
black
Africans
all
his
life
Qian
Xuesen
______
c
American,
created
over
1,000
inventions
Thomas
Edison
______
d
Italian,
one
of
the
first
Europeans
to
discover
America
Nelson
Mandela
______
e
Russian,
a
composer
of
classical
music
Peter
Tchaikovsky
______
f
English,
a
great
writer
of
English
literature
Answers:
d
f
a
c
b
e
3.
Ask
students
to
introduce
these
six
famous
people
with
the
information
in
Part
B.
Model:
Christopher
Columbus
was
an
Italian
explorer.
He
was
one
of
the
first
Europeans
to
discover
America.
Or:
Christopher
Columbus
was
an
Italian
explorer
who
was
one
of
the
first
Europeans
to
discover
America.
Ask
students
to
talk
about
the
great
people
with
partners.
A:
Who
do
you
think
is
the
greatest
person?
B:
_________!
admire
_________
most.
A:
What
is
he/she?
B:
_________.
A:
Why
do
you
admire
him/her?
B:
Because
__________.
What
about
you?
Do
you
admire
anybody?
A:
...
Step
Presentation
1.
Ask
students
to
listen
to
Eddie
and
Hobo’s
conversation
quickly
and
try
to
answer
the
following
questions:
(1)
Who
does
Eddie
think
is
the
greatest
person
in
the
world?
(2)
Does
Hobo
know
who
Paul
Yum
is?
(3)
Who
is
Paul
Yum?
Answers:
(1)
Paul
Yum.
(2)
No,
he
doesn’t.
(3)
He
is
an
inventor.
He
invented
Eddie’s
favourite
food.
2.
Ask
students
to
listen
to
the
tape
and
read
after
it.
Then
act
out
the
dialogue.
Step
Drills
1.
Ask
students
to
read
the
comic
carefully
and
fill
in
the
blanks.
It
is
a
nice
day.
Eddie
and
Hobo
are
l________
on
the
grass,
talking
about
who
is
the
greatest
person
in
h________.
Eddie
thinks
Paul
Yum
is
much
g_______
than
anyone
else
in
the
world.
Hobo
is
puzzled
because
he
has
never
h________
of
this
man.
Eddie
says
Paul
Yum
is
an
i________.
He
invented
Eddie’s
f________
food.
To
Eddie,
it
is
the
greatest
i________
in
the
world
.
Hobo
feels
helpless
because
Eddie
never
misses
a
c________
to
talk
about
food.
Answers:
lying,
history;
greater;
heard;
inventor;
favourite;
invention;
chance
2.
Encourage
students
to
have
a
discussion
to
talk
about
great
men.
?
Is
Paul
Yum
really
a
great
man?
?
What
kind
of
people
are
great?
3.
Ask
some
students
to
share
their
ideas
with
the
class.
Step
Language
points
1.
I’ve
never
heard
of
him.
我从没听说过他。
hear
of
=hear
about
听说
hear
from
收到……的来信
Did
you
hear
of/about
the
famous
scientist?你听说过那位著名的科学家吗?
heard
of/about
the
news
yesterday.
我昨天听说了那个消息。
【拓展】①
hear表示“听到,听说”,强调听的结果,listen则表示“听”,强调听的动作。类似的还有:
look“看”,see“看到”;look
for“寻找”,find“找到”。
listened
carefully
but
couldn’t
hear
what
he
said.
我仔细听了,但是听不到他说的话。
hear
sb
doing
sth
听到某人正在做某事
Can
you
hear
the
girl
singing
in
the
next
room?
你能听到那个女孩正在隔壁房间唱歌吗?
hear
sb
do
sth
听到某人做某事的全过程或听到某事经常发生
often
hear
the
girl
sing
in
the
next
room.
我经常听到那个女孩在隔壁房间唱歌。
2.
South
African,
a
fighter
for
the
rights
of
black
Africans
all
his
life
南非人,一位终生为非洲黑人权利而奋斗的战士
(1)
South
African
名词,“南非人”。
South
African还可作形容词,
意为“南非的”;South
Africa名词,“南非”。
Three
South
Africans
visited
our
school
yesterday.
昨天三位南非人参观了我们的学校。
一些表示国家或地区的名词,可加后缀
-(a)n,
构成形容词/名词,
意为“……的/人”如:
Africa非洲——African非洲的;非洲人
Italy意大利——Italian意大利的;意大利人
Europe欧洲——European欧洲的;欧洲人
Russia
俄罗斯——Russian俄罗斯的;俄罗斯人
(2)
fighter可数名词,“战士”。由动词fight加后缀
-er构成。
He
was
a
fighter
for
racial
equality.
他是一个为种族平等而奋斗的战士。
fight不及物动词,“与……作斗争”。
常与介词against或with连用。
She
always
fights
with
her
neighbours
.
她总是和她的邻居们争吵。
fight
名词,“打架”。
have
a
fight
with
sb
与某人打了一架
3.
Italian,
one
of
the
first
Europeans
to
discover
America
意大利人,首批发现美洲大陆的欧洲人之一
the
first
(one)
to
do
sth
第一个做某事的人
动词不定式常用作定语修饰序数词或由序数词修饰的名词。
Li
Ming
is
always
the
first
one
to
get
to
the
classroom.
李明总是第一个到教室。
Step
Homework
1.
Recite
Comic
strip
and
new
words.
2.
Preview
the
Reading
on
pages
22—25.
当堂达标
Ⅰ.
根据所给提示完成句子
1.
The
novel
portrays
the
growth
of
a
___________
(战士).
2.
want
to
____________
(发明)
something
that
would
make
me
invisible.
3.“To
joyfully
explore”means
to
be
an
___________
(探险者).
4.
The
machine
is
named
after
its
____________
(发明者).
5.
We
must
not
let
news
about
this
secret
___________
(发明物)
get
out.
Ⅱ.
根据汉语意思完成句子
1.
我认为周总理是历史上最伟大的人。
think
Premier
Zhou
__________________________________.
2.
你有没有听说过一个叫Paul的电影演员?
_________________________
an
actor
called
Paul?
3.
你知道谁发明了第一部照相机吗?
Do
you
know
________________________________________?
4.
曼德拉是一位终生为非洲黑人权利而奋斗的战士。
Mandela
____________________________________________.
5.
贝多芬也是历史上最伟大的古典乐作曲家之一。
Beethoven
__________________________________________.
6.
19世纪时,在加利福尼亚发现了金子。
In
the
19th
century,
________________________
in
California.
答案:
Ⅰ.
1.
fighter
2.
invent
3.
explorer
4.
inventor
5.
invention
Ⅱ.
1.
is
the
greatest
person
in
history
2.
Have
you
ever
heard
of
3.
who
invented
the
first
camera
4.
was
a
fighter
for
the
rights
of
black
Africans
all
his
life
5.
was
also
one
of
the
greatest
composers
of
classical
music
in
history
6.
gold
was
discovered
板书设计
Unit
Great
people
Comic
strip
&
Welcome
to
the
unitChristopher
Columbus
William
Shakespeare
Qian
Xuesen
Thomas
Edison
Nelson
Mandela
Peter
Tchaikovsky
an
explorer
a
writer
a
scientist
an
inventor
a
president
a
composer
教学反思
21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)(共41张PPT)
Unit
Great
people
Comic
strip&Welcome
to
the
unit
2021年春牛津译林版英语九年级下册精品课件
学
习
目
标
掌握本课时新单词及短语:
inventor,
invent,
South
African,
fighter,
invention,
European,
Russian
了解一些名人的基本信息。
掌握本课节重点句子:
Who
do
you
think
is
the
greatest
person
in
history?
I've
never
heard
of
him.
Great
people
made
great
contributions
(贡献)
to
society
and
have
changed
the
way
we
live.
Who
do
you
think
is
the
greatest
person?
课
堂
导
入
Have
a
talk
Guess
what
these
famous
people
were.
writer
课
堂
学
习
威廉·莎士比亚(William
Shakespeare,
1564-1616)
是欧洲文艺复兴时期英国最
重要的作
家,杰出的戏剧家和诗人,他创作了大量脍炙人口的文学作品,在欧洲文学史上占有特殊的地位,被喻为“人类文学奥林匹斯山上的宙斯”。
他亦跟古希腊三大悲剧家埃斯库罗斯(Aeschylus)、索福克里斯(Sophocles)及欧里庇得斯(Euripides)合称戏剧史上四大悲剧家。
writer
William
Shakespeare
威廉.
莎士比亚
a
writer
English
a
great
writer
of
English
literature
英国文学的一个伟大作家
explorer
克里斯托弗·哥伦布,意大利航海家、探险家。出生于意大利热那亚,卒于西班牙巴利亚多利德。一生从事航海活动。他相信大地球形说,认为从欧洲西航可达东方的印度。在西班牙女皇鼎力支持下,先后4次出海远航。开辟了横渡大西洋到美洲的航路。
explorer
Christopher
Columbus
克里斯托弗.哥伦布
an
explorer
一个探险家
Italian
one
of
the
first
Europeans
to
discover
America
意大利人
第一批发现美洲的欧洲人之一
explorer
n.
Italian
n.
European
n.
探险者;考察者
意大利人
欧洲人
scientist
钱学森(1911.12.11-
2009.10.31),汉族,生于
上海,祖籍浙江省杭州市
临安。世界著名科学家,空气动力学家,中国载人航天奠基人,中国科学院及中国工程院院士,中国两弹一星功勋奖章获得者,被誉为“中国航天之父”、“中国导弹之父”、“中国自动化控制之父”和“火箭之王”。由于钱学森回国效力,中国导弹、原子弹的发射向前推进了至少20年。
scientist
Qian
Xuesen
a
scientist
Chinese
the
pioneer
of
China’s
space
technology
programe
中国航空技术项目的先驱
inventor
托马斯·阿尔瓦·爱迪生
(Thomas
Alva
Edison),1847
年2月11日出生于美国俄亥俄州米兰镇,发明家、物理学家、企业家。
爱迪生创造了一千多项发明。他是人类历史上第一个利用大量生产原则和电气工程研究的实验室来进行从事发明专利而对世界产生重大深远影响的人。
爱迪生是技术历史中著名的天才之一。其中爱迪生的四大发明是留声机、电灯、电力系统和有声电影,丰富和改善了人类的文明生活。
inventor
Thomos
Edison
an
inventor
一个发明家
American
invented
over
1,000
inventions
发明
v.
发明
n.
发明了一千多种发明
inventor
n.
发明者
invent
v.
发明
invention
n.
发明物;创意
动词变名词(人):
常见+er:runner,
swimmer,
shopper,
②+or:visitor,
survivor,
actor,
director,
collector
③+ist:artist,
pianist,
scientist
president
纳尔逊·罗利赫拉赫
拉·曼德拉(Nelson
Rolihlahla
Mandela)
1918年7月18日出生于南非特兰斯凯,于1994年至1999年间任南非总统,是首位黑人总统,被尊称为“南非国父“。曼德拉获得了超过一百项奖项,其中最显著的是1993年的诺贝尔和平奖。2004年,其被选为最伟大的南非人。
president
Nelson
Mandela
a
president
South
African
a
fighter
for
the
rights
of
black
Africans
all
his
life
斗士
一生为争取非洲黑人权利而奋斗的斗士
composer
柴科夫斯基(Peter
Lynch
Tchaikovsky,
1840-1893),十九世纪
伟大的俄罗斯作曲家、音乐教育家
被誉为伟大的俄罗斯音乐大师。
他的作品反映了沙皇专制统治下的俄国广大知识阶层的苦闷心理和对幸福美满生活的深切渴望,着力揭示人们的内心矛盾,充满强烈的戏剧冲突和炽热的感彩。
代表作品有:第四、第五、第六(悲怆)交响曲,歌剧《叶甫根尼·奥涅金》、《黑桃皇后》,舞剧《天鹅湖》、《睡美人》、《胡桃夹子》等。
composer
Peter
Tchaikovsky
彼得.柴可夫斯基
a
composer
Russian
a
composer
of
classical
music
一位古典音乐的作曲家
Write
correct
names
under
the
pictures.
Famous
people
composer
explorer
inventor
president
scientist
writer
inventor
explorer
writer
president
scientist
composer
Mr
Wu
is
telling
the
students
about
the
famous
people
in
Part
A.
Help
the
students
match
the
names
on
the
left
with
the
correct
information
on
the
right.
Write
the
letters
in
the
blanks.
(P
21)
Famous
people
Christopher
Columbus
______
2.
William
Shakespeare
______
3.
Qian
Xuesen
______
4.
Thomas
Edison
______
5.
Nelson
Mandela
______
6.
Peter
Tchaikovsky
______
Chinese,
the
pioneer
of
China’s
space
technology
programme
b.
South
African,
a
fighter
for
the
rights
of
black
Africans
all
his
life
c.
American,
created
over
1,000
inventions
d.
Italian,
one
of
the
first
Europeans
to
discover
America
e.
Russian,
a
composer
of
classical
music
f.
English,
a
great
writer
of
English
literature
d
f
a
c
b
e
Talk
about
the
famous
people
with
your
partners.
—
Who
do
you
think
is
the
greatest
person?
—
______!
admire___
the
most.
—
What
was
he/she
?
—
______________________.
—
Why
do
you
admire
him/her?
—
Because
____________.
What
about
you?
Do
you
admire
anybody?
—
……..
Practice
1.
Who
does
Eddie
think
is
the
greatest
person
in
the
world?
2.
Does
Hobo
know
who
Paul
Yum
is?
3.
Who
is
Paul
Yum?
Paul
Yum.
[p?:l
‘j?m]
No,
he
doesn’t.
He
invented
Eddie’s
favourite
food.
Listen
and
answer
Read
in
pairs
Who
do
you
think
is
the
greatest
person
in
history,
Eddie
?
think
it’s
Paul
Yum.
Paul
Yum
?
I’ve
never
heard
of
him.
Who
is
he
?
He’s
an
inventor.
He
invented
my
favourite
food
.
1.
Use
different
tones
(语气).
2.
Add
your
own
actions
to
make
the
dialogue
more
interesting.
It
is
a
nice
day.
Eddie
and
Hobo
are
l______
on
the
grass,
talking
about
who
the
greatest
person
is
in
h______
.
Eddie
thinks
Paul
Yum
is
much
g_____
than
anyone
else
in
the
world
.
Hobo
is
puzzled
because
he
has
never
h_____
of
this
man
.
Eddie
says
Paul
Yum
is
an
i________
.
He
made
Eddie’s
f________
food
.
To
Eddie
,
it
is
the
greatest
i________
in
the
world
.
Hobo
feels
helpless
because
Eddie
never
misses
a
c______
to
talk
about
food.
ying
istory
reater
eard
nventor
avourite
nvention
hance
Read
and
fill
in
the
blanks:
Is
Paul
Yum
really
a
great
man?
What
kind
of
people
are
great?
People
with
contributions
to
the
world
People
who
changed
the
world
Discussion
1.I’ve
never
heard
of
him.
我从没听说过他。
hear
of
=hear
about
听说
hear
from
收到……的来信
Did
you
hear
of/about
the
famous
scentist?
heard
of/about
the
news
the
day
before
yesterday.
Language
points
【拓展】
hear表示“听到、听说”,强调听的结果,
listen则表示“听”,强调听的动作。
类似的还有:
look“看”,see“看到”;look
for“寻找”,find“找到”。
listened
carefully
but
couldn’t
hear
what
he
said.
hear
sb.
doing
sth.“听到某人正在做某事”
Can
you
hear
the
girl
singing
in
the
next
room?
hear
sb.
do
sth.“听到某人做某事的全过程”
often
hear
the
girl
sing
in
the
next
room.
3.
South
African,
a
fighter
for
the
rights
of
black
Africans
all
his
life
南非人,一位终生为非洲黑人权利而奋斗的战士
(1)
South
African
名词,“南非人”。
South
African形容词,“南非的”。
“南非”South
Africa。
Three
South
Africans
visited
our
school
yesterday.
昨天三位南非人参观了我们的学校。
一些表示国家或地区的名词,
可加后缀-(a)n,构成形容词/名词,“……的/人”
Africa非洲——African非洲的;非洲人
Italy
意大利——ltalian意大利的;意大利人
Europe欧洲——European欧洲的;欧洲人
Russia
俄罗斯——Russian俄罗斯的;俄罗斯人
(2)
fighter可数名词,“战士”。动词fight加后缀-er构成。
He
was
a
fighter
for
racial
equality.
他是一个为种族平等而奋斗的战士。
fight不及物动词,“与.……作斗争”。
常与介词against或with连用。
She
was
always
fighting
with
her
neighbors
.
她和她的邻居总是争吵。
fight
n.
打架
have
a
fight
with
sb
与某人打了一架
4.Italian,
one
of
the
first
Europeans
to
discover
America.
意大利人,首批发现美洲大陆的欧洲人之一
the
first
(one)
to
do
sth.“第一个做某事的人”。
动词不定式常用作定语修饰序数词或者序数词修饰
的名词。
Li
Ming
is
always
the
first
one
to
get
to
the
classroom.
discover
vt.发现
discovery
n.发现
The
novel?portrays?the?growth?of?
a?___________
(战士).?
2.
I?want
to?______________
(发明)?something
that?would?make?me?invisible.
3.
“To?joyfully?explore”?means?to
be
an
___________
(探险者).?
4.
The
machine?is
named?after?its?_____________
(发明者).?
5.
We?must
not?let?news?about?this?secret?____________
(发明物)?
get
out.?
根据所给提示完成句子
fighter
invent
explorer
inventor
invention
课
堂
达
标
1.
我认为周总理是历史上最伟大的人。
think
Premier
Zhou
________________________________.
2.
你有没有听说过一个叫Paul的电影演员?
_________________________
an
actor
called
Paul?
3.
你知道谁发明了第一部照相机吗?
Do
you
know
________________________________?
4.
曼德拉是一位终生为非洲黑人争取权利的斗士。
Mandela
_________________________________________.
is
the
greatest
person
in
history
Have
you
ever
heard
of
根据汉语提示完成句子:
who
invented
the
first
camera
was
a
fighter
for
the
rights
of
black
Africans
all
his
life
5.
贝多芬也是历史上最伟大的古典乐作曲家之一。
Beethoven
_________________________________
___________________________________________.
6.
世纪时,在加利福尼亚发现了金子。
In
the
19th
century,
______________________
in
California.
was
also
one
of
the
greatest
composers
of
classical
music
in
history
gold
was
discovered
1.Recite
Comic
strips
and
new
words.
2.
Preview
the
Reading.
Homework
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